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Dickson L.E. — History of the Theory of Numbers, Volume ll: Diophantine Analysis |
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Koenigs, G. 256
Koennemann, W. 190
Koerbero, C.A. 167
Kojima, T. 699
Kokott, P. 774
Kommerell, K. 663 (196 660 665)
Konen, H. 342 (352 354 358)
Korkine, A. 750
Korn, W. 53
Korneck, G. 556 756
Korselt, A. 458 700 774 775)
Krafft, W.L. 567 569
Kraft, G.W. 12
Kramer, A.E. 628
Kramp, Chr. 106 368
Kraus, J. 52
Krey, H. 549
Kroll, G. [341]
Kronecker, L. 33 54 85 91 104 160 265 268 378 548 619 741 97 274 399 539)
Krumbiegel, B. 344
Kuehne, H. 558 696 697)
Kuerschak, J. 723
Kulik, J.B. 237
Kulik, J.P. 574
Kummer, E.E. 191 217 736 738 740—742 744—745 220 549 550 640 739 740—742 745 755 757—759 760—762 764—765 767—768 775)
Kunerth, A. 382—384
Kunze, C.L.A. 53 195 205 410 420 500
Kurushima 192
Kuschniriuk, M. 150
La Marca, G. 322
Labey, J. [104]
Labey, J.B. [687]
Lackerbauer, P. 703 (673 677—678)
Lacroix, S. 112
Lacroix, S.F. 53 714
Ladd, C. 54
Lagrange, J.L. 47—40 62 63 93 232 261 279—281 358—359 360—365 379 402 412—414 420 422 448 482 539 570—572 595 623—624 628 660 19 44 46 48 98 154 185 231—232 244 254 260 281—282 286 299 301 354 356—357 362 364 367 378 383 385 409 416 418 421 423 452 465 512 542—543 571 575 593 597 599 621 625 631—633 637 732 749 758)
Laguerre, E. 130 (70)
Laisant, C.A. 28 52 64 170 251 478 574 663 718]
Lambert, P. 170 255
Lame, G. 548 573 737 739 740 740 746—747 760)
Lampe, E. 220
Landau, E. 155 158 254—256 257 271—273 302 536 538 568 720 722—724 772 256—257 273 323 700)
Landen, J. 447 609
Landry, F. 540 743
Landsberg, O. 754
Laplace, P.S. 232
Laporte, E. 747
Laquiere, E.M. 66
Latin square 154
Lattice 51 52 66 68 87 95 98 160 162 168 236 241 245 257 724
Lauremberg, J.W. 79
Lavernede, J.E.T. 714 (715)
Le Cointe, J.L.A. 39
Le Heux, J.W.N. 161
Le Vavasseur, R. 327
Lebesgue, V.A. 22—24 53 64 70 72 74 83 86 237 239 264—266 293 305 306 325—326 338 531 534 540 583 619 622 625—626 637 662 680 728—729 737—739 282 325—327 585—586 621—622 626—627 630 639 735 737—739)
Lefebure A. 750 (750)
Legendre — Jacobi symbol (m/n) 248 253 263—264 305 308—309 312—314 325—327 370 372 386 431
Legendre, A.M. 17—19 88 113 233—234 261 282 285 364—365 405 409 416 421—422 508 510 517 530 534 540 546 548 570 573 589 615 618 628 636 639 673 688 734—736 15 23 25 29 116 147 152 237 240 262—263 283—284 291 298—299 357 359 369 370 374 386 391 394—395 398 400 406—408 423 425—426 430 509 550 574—576 588 591 737 743 755—758 760 763 766—767 775)
Lehmer, D.N. 76 88 172 199
Leibniz, G.W. 9 101 447 617 627 665 699 599 621)
Leiste, Chr. 342 (343—345)
Lejneek, E. 721
Lemaire, G. 487 691 726
Lemniscate 389 398
Lemoine, E. 32 127 309 310 314 389 681 686 719
Lenhart, Wm. 206 499 506 512 561 573 582 596 604 610 726 598 611 613)
Lentheric, P. 171
Leo Hebreus 731
Leonardo Pisano 59 77 105 166—167 226 402 419 460—462 509 527 615 62 110 175 226 420 451 460 462—466 468 470—472 476 500 689)
Lerch, M. 54 (67)
Leslie, J. 232 367 451 515 600
Lessing G.E. 342 (344)
Leudesdorf, C. 501
Levaenen, S. 755
Levi, B. 96 592 677)
Levy, A. 96 171 183 397 412 396 620 762]
Lewi ben Gerson 731
Lexell, A.J. 569 595 692 732
Leybourn, T. 17 448 62]
Leybourn, Th. 179 609 178]
Libri, G. 49 55 65 286 429 463—464 640 678 684 692—693 727—729 736 328 460 593 678 691 750 753 757 763 765 770)
Lieber, H. 190
Lietzmann 764
Ligowski, W. 196 219
Like powers, relations between 585 648 682—686 705—716
Lilawati 42
LIMIT 97 155 158 254 272 377 399 400 401 675 686 723
Lind, B. 764 766 769 753 755 774)
Lindemann, F. 759 762 762)
Linear congruence in one unknown 47 52 54—64 693
Linear congruence in one unknown, improper or imaginary solutions of 55
Linear congruence in several unknowns 86—88
Linear congruences in n unknowns 83 88—93 423—424 426
Linear difference equation 107—111 115 158 368
Linear differential equation 144 393
Linear equation in 2 unknowns 41—71 91
Linear equation in 2 unknowns, number of solutions 50—51 64—71 130
Linear equation in 3 unknowns 52 55 71—73
Linear equation in 3 unknowns, number of solutions 121 126 128 130 141 145 152 160
Linear equation in 3 unknowns, number of solutions (implicitly) 101—164
Linear equation in n unknowns 41 43 73—77 133 143 161
Linear equation in n unknowns, number of solutions 109 114 119 122 125—127 130—131 134 140 142 155—156 164
Linear equations, system of, in 2 unknowns 66—68
Linear equations, system of, in n unknowns 73 77—86 150 342
Linear equations, system of, in n unknowns, fundamental solution 75—76 83—84
Linear equations, system of, in n unknowns, irreducible solution 85
Linear equations, system of, in n unknowns, number of solutions 106 123 144 149
Linear form 93—99
Linear forms, sum of powers of 95 96
Linear forms, system of 84—86 90 93—98
Linear functions made squares 440 443—458
Linear functions, product of 677—679
Linear inequality 52 135 153 156 161
Lionett, E. 681
Lionnet, E. 24 27 34 293 384 489 670 738 267)
Liouville, J. 23 24 168 171 217 241 264—265 291—292 306—309 329—338 678—679 680 700 717 738—739 285 296 307 308 311 314 316 318 337 339 681 701 718 723 739 760 766 774)
Liouville, R. 749 (774)
Lipschitz, R. 248 297 257 326)
Lissencon, J. 670
Littlewood, J.E. 97 98 725
Logarithms 714—716 741 744—745
Longoni, G.A. 703
Lorentz 63
Lorenz, L. 243 380 403
Loria, G. 8 345 621 724
Lowry 511 600
Lucas, E. 25—27 29 68 87 176 181 244—245 250 272 319 386 468—469 476 480 487 534 566 572 574—576 580 587 590 621 626—627 630—631 636—637 643 662 670 681 685—686 694 718 729 731 754—755 246 257 320—323 398 467 477 488 542—543 575—576 588—589 592 597 599 631—632 634 643 660 685—686 698 720 757) 518]
Lucas, F. 758
Lucas’ , 542—643 698
Luce, J.B. 375 (540)
Ludwig, H.F.T. 22
Luedicke 62
Lukas, F. 748
Lynn, J. 526
MacMahon, P.A. 52 141 143—146 147 150—151 153—154 156—158 160—163 752 762 149)
Maennchen, Ph. 772
Maffett, R. 670
Magic square 6 118 134 154 156 163
Mahaviracarya 41 77
Mahler, E. 342
Mahnke, D. 101 665
Maillet, E. 30 599 674—675 677 695 717—719 720—721 758—759 761 774 594 675 717 720—721 723 758)
Malebranche, N. 229 353 731
Malezieux 179 447 602
Malfatti, G. (266)
Malfatti, G.F. 110—112 283
Malfatti’s circles 197
Mallock, R. 492
| Malvy 756
Mansion, P. 130 177 184 402 751 753
Mantel, W. 434 634 699 774
Manuscript 60 175—176 180
Marchand 26 64 255
Marcolongo, R. 418
Mariares, F. 35
Markoff, A. 694 (697)
Markoff, V. 757 (755)
Marpurg, F.W. 16
Marre, A. 354 480 485 441 463 545 667 731]
Marsano, G.B. 127 133
Martin, A. 174 182—183 190 197—200 205 215 302 318 320—322 368 380 382—383 438 440 456 485 500—502 504—505 512—513 530 557 563—564 584 606 649 650—651 653—654 658 667 682—683 706 198 322 323 368 388 500 565 606 650 652 708)
Martinus, I. 5
Martone, M. 186 753
Maser, H. [17]
Mason 139 160 666
Massoutie, G. 131
Mathews, G.B. 71 91 150 313 337 389 406 418 470 594 696 719 752 757
Mathieu, E. 594 679
Mathieu, H.B. 38 271—272 398 471 481 638 664 707—708 710
Matrix 82—86 90 91 95 134 139 153
Matrix, augmented 83 84 90
Matrix, rank of 84 90 91 95
Matrot, A. 251 299
Matsunago 167 192 229 260 420
Matteson, J. 438 491—492 501 528 530 561 584 605
Matthiessen, L. 53 58 64 380 584—585 588
Maupin, G. 227
Maurin, J. 206 471
Maurolycus, F. 5 6
Mayer, F.C. 9
McAtee, J.E. (327)
McClenon, R.B. 460
McDonald, J.H. 251
McKenzie, J.L. 197
Mean value 28 32 140 234 246 311 411 751
Mehmed-Nadir 544 659
Meissel, E. 127 143 594 678
Meissner, E. 339
Meissner, O. 156 172 314
Meissnier, W. 772
Mention, J. 739
Meray, Ch. 84
Mercier, F. 771
Merriman, M. 345
Mertens, F. 745
Metrod, G. 35 36 302 399 439 471 679 772
Meyer, A. 379 390 431—433 433)
Meyer, C.F. 344 703
Meyer, E. 170 (167)
Meyer, T. 190 322
Meyer, W.F. 75
Meyl, A. 25 (39 257)
Meyl, A.J.F. 168 747
Michelsen, J.A.C. [104]
Midy, E. 60
Mignosi, G. 156
Mikami, Y. [4 57 60 77 167 192 260 318 420 429 560]
Milborn, J.C. 170
Miller, T.H. 404
Miller, W.J. 437
Miller, W.J.C. 381
Minding, E.F.A. 409 423
Minding, F. 286
Minetola, S. 36 156—157 161
Minimum 94—99 288 364 374 408 540 673
Minkowski, H. 95 96 312 327 376 433 305 313 314 696 724)
Minnigerode, B. 381 (385—386)
Miot, E. 274 323 654 656 656 659 699 709 710 772
Mirimanoff, D. 558 755—756 760—761 764 766 768 770 767—768 771 775)
Misrachi, E. 60
Misrachi, Elis 347
Mitchell, H.H. 774
Mitchell, O.H. 136
Mobius’ function 701
Modul of Dedekind 92
Modular equation 389
modular system 85 91
Molk, J. 297 [248]
Mollweide, K.B. 343
Monck, H.S. 184 197 214 267 319
Monteiro, A.S. 38
Montel, P. 774 (774)
Montucla, J.E. 182
Morale, M. 53
Mordell, L.J. 274 303 317 318 538—539 571 592 643 581 593)
Moreau, C. 380 502 557 681 689
Morel, A. 596
Moret-Blanc 25 27 181 380 574 580 590 630 637 662 681 686 747 751 578 685—686)
Moriconi, C. 46
Moritz, R.E. 252 314 381
Mortara, E. 123
Moss, T. 73
Moulton, E.J. 687
Moureaux, M. 319
Muehle, G. 273
Mueller, J. 259 276 435
Mueller, R. 198
Muir, T. 155 183 244 381 748 358)
Muirhead, R.F. 489
Mukhopadhyay, A. 502
Mulder, P. 765
Muller, J. 714
Multipartite 123 145 147 150—152 160—162 163
Murent, J. 694
Musso, G. 29
Narumi, S. 680
Nash, A.M. 381
Nash, M. [403]
Nasimoff, P.S. 312 339 411 408)
Naude, P. (102)
Neiss, F. 220
Nejedli, J.J. 53 410
Nemeth, J. 765
Nesbitt, A.M. 687
Nesselmann, G.H.F. 344 346 441 443 463 480 485 516 518 526 3 441 545 667]
Netto, E. 134 150 154—155 360 750
Neuberg, J. 27 266—267 293 405—406 439 501 543 764 501 544)
Newton, I. 220 441
Nicholson [17]
Nicholson, J.W. 560 684 706 716)
Nicholson, P. 49
Nicholson, R. 451
Nicita, F. 183
Nicolaldes, N. 39
Nicolosi, G. 34
Nicomachus 2 58
Niewenglowski, B. 396
Niewenglowski, P. 688
Niewiadomski, R. 38 772
Nipsus, M.J. 165
Noble, M. 610
Node 139
Noether, M. 675—676
Norm 283 296 373 398 570 593—594 677—678 740
Norrie, R. 559 565 597 646 652 655 659 729 772 647 657)
Norton, H.T.J. 97
Number and its square sums of 2 consecutive squares 477 488—489 670
Number of divisors 67 129 139 142 162 235—236 238—239 242—243 248 250 265 297 313 403—404
Number of Fibonacci 439
Number of form 459
Number of form , quotient a square 474 494—495 661
Number of sets of k integers <x and prime to x 701
Number of solutions of 751
Number of solutions of 167 403 679
Numbers a sum of 2 cubic functions 578
Numbers a sum of 2 rational cubes 572—578 729
Numbers a sum of unlike powers 725—726
Nutzborn, F. 620
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