Авторизация |
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Friedlander E.M. (ed.), Grayson D.R. (ed.) — Handbook of K-Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Mixed Tate motives, triangluated category of vanishing conjectures 491
Mixed Tate motives, triangluated category of weight filtration 490
Mixed Tate motives, Voevodsky 501
Model categories 1015—1017
Modules over a cdga 496
Modules over a cdga, cell-modules 496
Modules over a cdga, derived category of 497
Modules over a cdga, structural results 499
Modules over a cdga, t-structure 498
Modules over a cdga, weight filtration 498
Moduli space of manifold structures 613
Moore’s Theorem 163
Morphic cohomology 897 898
Motive of a scheme 1090
Motives, effective geometric 484
Motives, geometric 484
Motives, mixed 453 456
Motives, mixed by compatible realizations 458—461
Motives, mixed by Tannakian formalism 462
Motives, mixed, Nori’s construction 462 468
Motives, triangulated categories of 469
Motives, triangulated categories of comparison results 488
Motives, triangulated categories of constructions 473
Motives, triangulated categories of duality in 472
Motives, triangulated categories of Hanamura’s construction 475
Motives, triangulated categories of Huber’s construction 474
Motives, triangulated categories of Levine’s construction 478
Motives, triangulated categories of structure of 470
Motives, triangulated categories of Voevodsky’s construction 483
Motivic cdga 493
Motivic cohomology 195 1094
Motivic complex 1093
Motivic complexes 433
Motivic Galois group 458
Motivic Lie algebra 493
Motivic spectral sequence 40 142 908
Motivic spectral sequence for fields 126
Moving Lemma 60 65
Moving lemma, Chow’s 250
Multi-relative K-theory 60
Multicategory 13
Multiple polylogarithms on curves 342
Multiplier algebra 857
Negative homotopy groups of pseudoisotopies 719
Negative K-theory 120
Neutral symmetric space 559
Nil-groups 105 716
Nisnevich sheaf 485
Nisnevich sheaf with transfer 485
Nisnevich topology 1086 1126
Norm fibration sequence 625
Normal cone, deformation to the 288
normalizer 816
Novikov conjecture 26 673 733
Novikov Conjecture for K and L-theory 732
Obstruction theory 580 586
Octahedra 1039
Operad 10
Operations, Landweber — Novikov 1138
Operations, motivic Steenrod 1131
Operator, determinant-class 848
Operator, essentially normal 847
Operator, trace-class 848 860
Operatorial homotopy 863
Orbit category 740
Orbit category, restricted 799
Orthogonal of a subobject 543
Orthogonal sum 542
P 686
p-chain 823
P-exact category 15
Periodic cyclic homology 688
Periodicity isomorphisms 143
Permutative category 10
Pfister neighbor 1120
Pfister quadric 1120
Pfisterform 1120
Pic-regularity 865
Picard group 143 182 183
Picard group of a curve 160
Picard group, narrow 174
Plus construction 208 582 597 598
Poincare Complexes 621
Poincare conjecture 711
Pointed monoid 81
Pointed monoid, algebra 81
Polylogarithmic motivic complexes 325
Polylogarithms on curves 341
Pontrjagin class 583
Presheaf with transfers 1088
Presheaves with transfer 485
Primes over l 977
Principal orbit 592
Principle separation of variables 715 819
Pro-abelian group 73
PRODUCT 662 683
Projective bundle formula 201 206
Projective L-Groups 619
Projective systems of C*-algebras 668
Propagation of group actions 595
Proper, G-C*-algebra 805
Proper, G-space 802
Proper, metric space 777
Properties of the finiteness obstruction 712
Pseudo-equivalence 974
Pseudo-isomorphism 961
Pseudo-isotopy 599
Pseudoisotopy 717
Purely infinite 677
Q-construction 11 208
qfh topology 1085
Quadratic chain complexes 635
Quasi-small object 968
Quasi-trivial torus 944
Quillen Conjecture 357
Quillen — Lichtenbaum Conjecture 917
Quillen — Lichtenbaum Conjecture, semi-topological 917
Ranicki periodicity 636
Rational -to- -Conjecture 754
Rational computation of Algebraic K-Theory for Infinite Groups 818 819
Rational computation of Topological K-Theory for Infinite Groups 817
Rational contribution of finite subgroups toWh(G) 784
Rational equivalence 246
Rational injectivity of the Baum — Connes Assembly Map 776
Rational injectivity of the Classical K-Theoretic Assembly Map 783
Rational injectivity of the Farrell — Jones Assembly Map for Connective K-Theory 783
Real algebraic equivalence 892
Real space 892
Real vector bundle 893
Realization functor 456
realizations 510
Realizations, Bloch — Kriz 514
Realizations, Huber’s method 513
Realizations, via cycle classes 510 512
Recognition principle 890
Refined cycle map 912
Regions in 1023—1025
Regions in , cosimplicial 1024—1025 1068
Regular prime 144 181 182
Regular section 243
Regulators 506
Reidemeister torsion 589
Reidemeister torsion, higher 602
Relative assembly map 741
Relative K-theory 72
Representation ring 813
Residue homomorphism 327
Resolution of singularities 867 1086
Riemann — Roch theorem 40
Rigid tensor category 455
| Rigidity theorem 1088
Ring with involution 797
Ring, integral domain 728
Ring, Noetherian 708
Ring, regular 708
Rips complex 30
Rost motive 1140
Rothenberg sequence 614 620 632 720
s operation 905
s-cobordism 583 588
s-cobordism theorem 588 624 711
s-cobordism theorem, controlled 592
s-cobordism theorem, equivariant 595
s-cobordism theorem, proper 593
s-cobordism theorem, stratified 596
S.-construction of Waldhausen 209 270
Saturation axiom 20
Schatten ideals 860
Segre class, total 901
Semi-discrete module 962
Semi-discrete prime 962 975 988
Semi-s-cobordism 583
Semi-topological K-theory, groups 884
Semi-topological K-theory, real 891 892
Semi-topological K-theory, singular 888
Semi-topological K-theory, space 884
Semi-topological spectral sequence 908—909
Seminormal 865
Serre/Swan theorem 115
Sesquilinear forms 617
Shaneson product formula 614 620 633 637
Shaneson-splitting 722
Sheaves with transfer 485
Shift equivalence 603
Shift equivalence problem 603
Shift equivalencestrong 603
Shift, one-sided 602
Shift, two-sided 602
Sign map 174
Signature 732
Signature defect 174
Signature, higher 732
Singular semi-topological functor 890
Singular set 592
Slice filtration 64
Slope spectral sequence 205
Small object 967
Smash product 794
Smash product of a space with a spectrum 794
Soule conjecture 391
Soule’s theorem 990 996
Space, C-space 795
Space, compactly generated 578
Space, finitely dominated 579
Space, finitely dominated, epsilon 592
Space, Smith acyclic 594
Space, stratified 592 595
Space, stratified, Browder — Quinn 595—597
Specialization homomorphism 252
Spectra 1055—1057
Spectral sequence, associated to filtered spectrum 268
Spectral sequence, Atiyah — Hirzebruch 270 355
Spectral sequence, Bloch — Lichtenbaum et al. 360
Spectral sequence, Brown and Coniveau compared 275 277
Spectral sequence, Brown, multiplicativity of 275
Spectral sequence, equivariant Atiyah — Hirzebruch spectral sequence 823
Spectral sequence, motivic 142 143
Spectral sequence, p-chain spectral sequence 823
Spectral sequence, Quillen 272
Spectral sequence, Quillen and Coniveau compared 274
Spectrum 794
Spectrum, algebraic cobordism 1135
Spectrum, homotopy groups of a spectrum 794
Spectrum, map of spectra 794
Spectrum, motivic 63
Spectrum, motivic Eilenberg—Mac Lane 1129
Spectrum, motivic Thom 1135
Spectrum, structure maps of a spectrum 794
Spherical space form problem 580
Spivak fibration 621
Split metabolic 545
Splitting variety 1119
Stable homotopy groups 112
Stacks, intersection theory on 287
Standard conjecture 368
Sublagrangian 544
Sublagrangian, sublagrangian construction 559
Sublagrangian, sublagrangian reduction 548
Subshift of finite type 602
Surgery exact sequence 638
Surgery Theorem 622
Surgery theory 620
Suslin complex 446 447 486 1083 1091
Suslin homology 446
Suslin — Wodzicki Theorem 862
Suslin’s Conjecture 916
Suspension 660
Suspension extension 682
Suspension of a ring 120
Swan homomorphism 594
Symbolic dynamics 602
Symmetric complexes 634
Symmetric form or space 541
Symmetric monoidal category 9
Symmetric ring spectrum 74
Symmetric signature 635
Syntomic complex 207
T-spectra 1128
t-structures 1049—1050
Tame kernel 144
Tame symbol 144
Tannakian category 455
Tate conjecture 396
Tate module 164
Tate motive 1092
Tate primes 963
Tate primes, extended 963
Tate spectrum 626
Tate twist 963
Tate — Beilinson conjecture 400
Tensor algebra 680
Tensor product of pointed C-space with a C-spectrum 795
Thick subcategory 972 975
Thom isomorphism in K-theory 122
Toeplitz algebra 845 847
Toeplitz extension 682
Toeplitz matrix 844
Toeplitz operator 844
Toeplitz operator, symbol of 844 845
Topological cyclic homology 72 90 94 216 599
Topological filtration, K-theory 920
Topological filtration, singular cohomology 919
Topological Hochschild homology 74 76 88
Topological Hochschild spectrum 77 78
Topological K-theory 114 659
Topological realisation functor 1133
Toric T-variety 938
Total quotient rings, sheaf of 244
Totally real field 993
Trace Conjecture for Torsion Free Groups 728
Trace Conjecture, Modified Trace Conjecture 760
Trace, standard trace of 727
Trace, universal -trace 753
Transitivity Principle 742
Transport groupoid 796
Triangles, distinguished 1018 1035—1036
Triangles, virtual 1019—1020
Triangulated categories 669 1017—1018
Truncated polynomial algebra 72 92 94 98 103 106
Twists and dimension shifting 631
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