Авторизация |
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Friedlander E.M. (ed.), Grayson D.R. (ed.) — Handbook of K-Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Equivariant K-theory 122
Equivariant KK-and E-theory 667
Equivariant mapping space 80
Eta-invariant 730 861
Etale K-theory 213 978 1082
Etale K-theory for fields 125
Euler characteristic 598
Euler class 583
Exact category 11
Exact functor of categories with cofibrations and weak equivalences 16
Excision 27 33
Excision for 846
Excision for 849
Excision for algebraic K-theory 857 861—862
Excision for mod pK-theory 862
Excision for topological K-theory 857
Exotic sphere 712
Ext 660
Extension Axiom 20
Extension of length n 681
Factorial algebraic group 948
Family of subgroups 738
Farrell — Jones Conjecture and subgroups of Lie groups 780
Farrell — Jones Conjecture for 750
Farrell — Jones Conjecture for for 749
Farrell — Jones Conjecture for low dimensional K-theory and torsion free groups 708
Farrell — Jones Conjecture for pseudoisotopies of aspherical spaces 769
Farrell — Jones Conjecture for torsion free groups and K-theory 714
Farrell — Jones Conjecture for torsion free groups and L-theory 719
Farrell — Jones Conjecture with coefficients 766
Farrell — Jones Conjecture, fibered version 771
Farrell — Jones Conjecture, implies the Borel Conjecture 723
Farrell — Jones Conjecture, status of the Farrell — Jones Conjecture for torsionfree groups 781
Farrell — Jones Conjecture, status of the fibered Farrell — Jones Conjecture 779
Farrell — Jones Conjecture, vanishing of low dimensional K-theory for torsionfree groups and integral coefficients 710
Fermat’s Last Theorem 144
Fiber functor 455
Field, 2-regular 177
Field, exceptional 148 165
Field, non-exceptional 148 154
Filtration of a space 46
Filtration, - 258
Filtration, Brown 268
Filtration, Brown, multiplicativity of 275
Filtration, codimension of supports 256
Filtration, coniveau 256
Filtration, coniveau, multiplicativity conjecture 257 259 277 281
Filtration, coniveau, on cohomology of presheaf of spectra 269
Filtration, hypercohomology 268
Filtration, weight filtration on K-cohomology 285
Filtrations, and coniveau compared 281
Finite correspondences 483
Finite correspondences, the category of 483
Finite fields 148
Finiteness obstruction 712
Fit set of primes 975
Flasque 25
Frechet algebra 861 862
Fredholm index 846
Fredholm module 861 863
Fredholm operator 121 846
Free L-groups 619
Freeness defect 962 984
Friedlander — Suslin cohomology 447
Friedlander — Suslin cohomology, comparison with higher Chow groups 447
Functional equations for the trilogarithm 303
Fundamental Theorem of Algebraic K-Theory 716
Fundamental Theorem of Hermitian K-Theory 132
Fundamental Theorem of K-Theory 868
G-CW-complex 79 738
G-CW-complex, finite 738
G-CW-complex, proper 739
G-morphism 928
G-spectra 77
G-stable category 77
G-variety 928
G-vector bundle on X 928
Gelfand transform 846
Generalized cross-ratio 324
Generalized cross-ratio of 6 points in 303
Generalized cycle map 912
Gersten complex 273
Gersten conjecture 276 279 1142
Gersten conjecture for Witt groups 567 569
Gersten conjecture, cycle complexes 264
Gersten resolution 199 201 205 211
Goncharov’s complexes 438
Goodwillie’s Theorem 862
Grassmannian polylogarithms 315
Greenberg conjecture 994 996
Gromov — Lawson — Rosenberg Conjecture, Homological Gromov — Lawson — Rosenberg Conjecture 762
Gromov — Lawson — Rosenberg Conjecture, Stable Gromov — Lawson — Rosenberg Conjecture 761
Gross conjecture 974 991 996
Gross — Sinnott kernel 983
Grothendieck group, direct sum 49
Grothendieck — Knebusch Conjecture for Witt groups 567
Grothendieck — Riemann — Rochtheorem 41
Grothendieck — Witt group 557
Group action 592 594
Group action, locally linear 595
Group, a-T-menable 774
Group, having property (RD) 776
Group, having property (T) 774
Group, having the Haagerup property 774
Group, K-amenable 764
Group, linear 777
Group, virtually cyclic 738
Group, virtually cyclic of the first kind 738
Group, virtually poly-cyclic 751
h-cobordism 588 615 624 640 710
h-cobordism theorem 588
h-cobordism, bounded 713
H-spaces 1056
H-unital 861
Handle decomposition, equivariant 595
Harris — Segal summand 149 153 159 181
Hattori — Stallings-rank 753
Heart 1049—1050
Hecke algebra 773
Hecke algebra, isomorphism conjecture for the Hecke algebra 773
Henselian pair 856
Hensel’s Lemma 856
Hermitian forms 617
Hermitian K-theory 129
Hermitian K-theory of the integers 134
Hermitian K-Theory Theorem 615
Higher Chow group sheaves 142
Higher Chow groups 196 433 440—442
Higher Chow groups, Arakelov Chow groups 312
Higher Chow groups, comparison with Friedlander — Suslin cohomology 447
Higher Chow groups, cycle classes for 508
Higher Chow groups, relative 508
Higher Hermitian K-theory 625
hilbert 90 116
Hochschild homology 74
Hodge conjecture 918
Hodge Conjecture, generalized 919
Hodge filtration 919
Homogeneous variety 936
Homology sphere 582
Homology theory, equivariant G-homology theory 791
Homology theory, G-homology theory 739
Homology theory, proper G-homology theory 791
Homotopy category of schemes 1126
Homotopy cofiber 62
Homotopy colimit problem 626
Homotopy coniveau filtration 64
Homotopy equivalence, controlled 592
Homotopy equivalence, simple 587 593
Homotopy fiber 59
| Homotopy fixed point space 32
Homotopy Fixed Spectrum 625
Homotopy groups of Diff(M) 724
Homotopy groups of Top(M) 724
Homotopy invariance of and 730
Homotopy invariance of the -Rho-invariant for torsionfree groups 730
Homotopy limit problem 626
Homotopy Orbit Spectrum 625
Homotopy-theoretic group completion 884
Homotopy-theoretic isomorphism conjecture for (G, E, F) 800
Hyper-cohomology spectrum 213
Hyperbolic functor 130 618
Hyperbolic space, H(M) 542
Hypercohomology spectrum 986 1007
Hyperenvelope 289
Idempotent conjecture 728
Igusa Stability Theorem 615
Index theorems 670
Index, secondary 861
Induction of equivariant spaces 791
Induction structure 791
Infinite loop space machine 6
Infinite loop spaces 1055—1057
Injectivity of the Baum-Connes assembly map 777
Integral -to- -conjecture 756
Integral operator, singular 844
Intersection product, commutativity for Cartier divisors 261
Intersection, multiplicity 250
Intersection, multiplicity, positivity conjecture 254
Intersection, multiplicity, Serre’s tor formula 253
Intersection, multiplicity, vanishing conjecture 254
Intersection, proper 249
Invertible spectrum 973
Irregular prime 144 145 180 182 183
Isometry 541
Isomorphism conjecture for NK-groups 772
Isomorphism conjecture for the Hecke-algebra 773
Iwasawa algebra 960
Iwasawa module 162
Iwasawa’ -invariant 993
Iwasawa’s Main Conjecture 995
K (compact operators) 661
K (smooth compact operators) 679
K- and L-theory Spectra over Groupoids 798
K-and L-theoretic Novikov conjecture and groups of finite asymptotic dimension 785
K-groups with coefficients 209
K-groups, algebraic K-groups of a ring 708
K-groups, negative 851 868
K-groups, reduced algebraic K-groups of a ring 709
K-groups, relative 860
K-groups, topological K-groups of a C*-algebra 725
K-groups, topological K-homology groups of a space 725
K-homology 660
K-regularity 865—868
K-theory mod n 124
K-theory of 107
K-theory of algebraically closed fields 124
K-theory of Number Fields 143
K-theory of Quadratic Forms 617
K-theory of stable C*-algebras 129
K-theory spectrum 121
K-theory spectrum of an exact category 270
K-theory spectrum over groupoids 798
K-theory spectrum, algebraic 851
K-theory spectrum, algebraic K-theory spectrum of a ring 714
K-theory spectrum, modn 853
K-theory spectrum, topological 851
K-theory spectrum, topological, connective 855
K-theory, negative 591
K-theory, product on 271
K-theory, Volodin 862
Kadison Conjecture 728
Kahnmap 153 155 161
Kaplansky conjecture 729
Karoubi Conjecture 859 862—865
Karoubi Conjecture, unstable 865
Karoubi Periodicity 619 628 632
Karoubi’s forgetful trick 629
Karoubi’s hyperbolic trick 630
Kasparov module 662
Kasparov product 804
Kato Conjecture 415
Kimura — O’Sullivan Conjecture 412
KK-theory 661
KK-theory, equivariant 804
Knot 590
Kobal’s Forgetful Theorem 629
Kobal’s Hyperbolic Theorem 630
KR-theory 121
Kummer — Vandiver Conjecture 999
L theory spectrum 637
l-adic completion 966
l-adicL-function 993
L-class 732
L-groups 719
L-theory of Quadratic Forms 619
L-theory spectrum over groupoids 798
L-theory spectrum, algebraic L-theory spectrum of a ring 719
Lagrangian 544 559
Laurent series 121
Lawson homology 896
Layer of a filtration 46
length function 775
Lens space 590
Leopoldt Conjecture 991 996
Leopoldt defect 980 985
Lichtenbaum conjecture 393 397
Lichtenbaum-Quillen Conjecture 125 215 358 986
Lichtenbaum-Quillen Conjecture forZ 999
Lichtenbaum-Quillen Conjecture, 2-adic 1004 1006
Lichtenbaum-Quillen Conjecture, generalized 996
Lie groups, made discrete 854
Liftable simplices 1049
Linear varieties 914
Linearization map 597
Local cyclic cohomology 692
Local cyclic homology 693
Local fields 150 980
Localisation 1013 1057—1059
localization 198 210 1087
Localization theorem 19
Locally convex algebra 679
Locally finite homology 29
Logarithmic de Rham — Witt sheaf 205
Long exact sequence in KK 664
Lower K-groups 23
Lower L-groups 620
m-algebra 679
Main Conjecture of Iwasawa Theory 157 170
Manifold parametrized over 713
Manifold structure 621 639
Manifold, parallelizable 583
Mapping cylinder neighborhood 595
Mayer — Vietoris 1087
Merkurjev — Suslin conjecture 365
Meta-Conjecture 735
Metabolic symmetric space 544 559
Metrically proper 774
Milnor conjecture 1108
Milnor K-groups 356
Milnor K-theory 201 1095 1107
Milnor K-theory of a field 261
Mixed Tate motives 450 458 488
Mixed Tate motives, -conjecture 502
Mixed Tate motives, Bloch — Kriz 500
Mixed Tate motives, Bloch — Tate 494
Mixed Tate motives, Kriz — May 500
Mixed Tate motives, Spitzweck representation theorem 501 502
Mixed Tate motives, triangluated category of 489
Mixed Tate motives, triangluated category of t-structure 491
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