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Zeldovich Ya.B., Yaglom I.M. — Higher Math for Beginners |
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Leighton, R.B. 530
Leminscate of Bernoulli 231
Lerner, L.S. 530
Levy, P.P. 523
Lie group 527
Lie, S. 527 528
Lifetime of radioactive atom 282
Light absorption 406f
Light emission 406f
Light quanta 406
Light, electromagnetic theory of 453
Light, equilibrium intensity of 408
Light, spontaneous emission of 413
Light, stimulated emission of 413
Limits of integration 97
Linear approximation for functions 177
Linear density 337
Linear expansion coefficient 71
Linear function 30
Linear relationship 30
Linear-fractional function 51 57
Lines of force 511
Liquid state of matter 234
Lobachevsky, N. 521
Local maximum of function 44 87
Local minimum of function 87
Local rate of temperature variation 160
Locally monotonic function 50
Logarithm(s) 145f
Logarithm(s), base-10 146
Logarithm(s), binary 58
Logarithm(s), Briggs 146
Logarithm(s), common 146
Logarithm(s), modulus of base a with respect to base b 56
Logarithm(s), Napierian 146
Logarithm(s), natural 129
Logarithmic derivative 147
Logarithmic function 145 468
Lomonosov, M.V. 391
Loop oscillograph 445
Lorentz, H.A. 17
Luzin, N.N. 13
Mach number 350
Mach, E. 350
Maclaurin's series 182
Maclaurin, C. 209
Magnetic field 453 517
Mandelbrot, B. 15
Manin, Yu.I. 522
Marconi, M.G. 454
Marion, J.B. 530
Markushevich, A.I. 252
Marsden, J. 530
Maser 416
Mathematical analysis 101
Mathematical modeling 519
Maximum of function 38 83 214 215
Maximum of function, absolute 226
Maximum of function, at endpoint 222
Maximum of function, cuspidal 224
Maximum of function, local 44 87
Maximum of function, nonsmooth 224
Maximum of function, relative 44
Maximum of function, smooth 215
Maxwell, J.C. 394 453 454 518 525
Mean free path 391
Mean value of function 253
Mean, arithmetic 95 236
Mean, geometric 236
Mean, harmonic 236
Mendelevium 287
Mendeleyev, G. 287
Method, rectangular 96
Method, trapezoid 95
Mikusinski, J. 488
Minimum of function 83 214 215
Minimum of function, absolute 226
Minimum of function, at endpoint 222
Minimum of function, cuspidal 224
Minimum of function, local 87
Minimum of function, nonsmooth 224
Minimum of function, smooth 215
Modulus of base a with respect to base b 56 145
Modulus of complex number 459
Modulus, Young's 115
Moise, E.E. 13
Moivre formula 461
Moivre, A. de 474
Molar gas constant 233 388
Moment of inertia 339
Momentum 317
Monge, G. 212
Monotonic function 49
Monotonic function, locally 50
Mosteller, F. 523
Motion, law of 113
Motion, uniform 67f
Motion, uniformly accelerated 69 113
Multiple-valued function 49 152 159
Myskis, A.D. 530
Napier, J. 146
Napierian logarithms 146
Natanson, I.P. 530
Natural frequency 366
Natural frequency of circuit 444
Natural logarithm 146
Natural numbers, sum of powers of 245
negative numbers 458
Nernst, W. 17
Neutron 526
Neutron flux 297
Newman, M.H.A. 528
Newton and discovery of calculus 124
Newton and Leibniz, controversy over priority in discovery of calculus 125f
Newton — Leibniz theorem 101
Newton's first law 316
Newton's second law 316
Newton's Third Law 320
Newton, I. 10 16 113 122 123 130 209 321 484
Neyman, J. 523
Nikolsky, S.M. 530
Niven, I. 458 530
Nonsmooth maxima (minima) of a function 224
Novikov, S.P. 522
nth derivative 177
Number of disintegrations 284
Number(s), complex 459
Number(s), fractional (rational) 458
Number(s), irrational 458
Number(s), negative 458
Number(s), pure imaginary 459
Number(s), real 458
Odd function 56
Ohm's law 24 36
Order of differential equation 198
Order of increase of function 196
Order of smallness 80
Ordinate 26
Orear, J. 530
Origin of coordinates 26
Oscillation(s) 357
Oscillation(s), damped 466
Oscillation(s), forced 366 497f
Oscillation(s), period of 358
Oscillatory circuit 439
Oscillograph, cathode-ray 445
Oscillograph, loop 445
Oscillograph, single-beam cathode-ray 447
Osculating circle 267
| Osculating parabola 131
overtones 385
Pappus Of Alexandria 274
Pappus theorem, first 274
Pappus theorem, second 275
Pappus — Guldin theorems 274
parabola 37
Parabola of order n 42
Parabola, arc length of 263
Parabola, osculating 131
Parabola, semicubical 45
Parabola, squaring of 120
Parallel lines 65
Parametric representation of curve 60
Parametric representation of function 136
Parent element 289
Partial derivative(s) 154
Partial derivative(s) of second order 156
Partial differential equations 453
Partial solutions to differential equations 204
Pascal, B. 126
Pasichenko, P.I. 530
Pendulum, ballistic 360
Pendulum, physical 362
Pendulum, simple 361
Perelman, Ya.I. 141
Period of function 55
Period of oscillations 358
Periodic function 55
Perpendicularity 62
Perrin, J.B. 393
Petrzhak, K.A. 294
Peynman, R.P. 530
Phase of complex number 460
Phase space 521
photons 406
Physical pendulum 362
pi (the number) 264
Planck's constant 406 410
Planck's radiation formula 410s
Planck, M. 410 523
Plane-parallel flow 509
Plunging fire 329
Poincare, H. 521
Point of convexity 214
Point of inflection 91 268
Poisson, S.-D. 527
Polar axis 28
Polar coordinates 28 460
Pole of function 505
Pole of polar system of coordinates 28
Polonium 283
Pontrjagin, L.S. 530
Pope, A. 124
Popov, A.S. 454
Positrons 487
Poston, T. 522
Potapov, M.K. 530
Potential difference 419
potential energy 309 354
potential flow 509
Power 303
Power function 46 138
Power output 428 435
Pressure, atmospheric 117
Primitive function 106
Principal value of Arc sin x 152'
Principle, Permat's 125 221
Probabilistic process 523
probability 519 522 523
Probability of disintegration 281 28&
Problem of vibrating string 375
Progression, arithmetic 141
Progression, geometric 141 188
Prokhorov, A.M. 416
Proportionality factor 34
Protons 526
Pure imaginary numbers 459
Quadratic equation 39
Quadratic function 37
Quantity of electricity 117 418
quantum mechanics 405 519-
Quaternions 525
Radian 148
Radiant flux 399
Radioactive atom(s), half-life of 282
Radioactive atom(s), lifetime of 282
Radioactive atom(s), rate of disintegration of 245
Radioactive decay, initial conditions for 281
Radioactive decay, law of 281
Radioactive family 289
Radium 283
Radius of curvature 265 267
Random event 405
Rate of change of function 177
Rate of disintegration 283
Rate of energy release 435
Rate of growth of function 86
Rates of temperature variation 160
Reaction (or jet) propulsion 334
Real axis 460
Real numbers 458
Rectangular method 96
Rectifier 423
Rectifying points of a curve 267
Reid, C. 528
Relationship, functional 23
Relationship, linear 30
Relative maximum 44
Remainder 180
Residue 505
Resistance 419
Resistance, leakage 437
Resnick, R. 530
Resonance 306 366 445 450 452 497 518
Reynolds number 346 350
Reynolds, O. 346
Riemann, G.P.B. 212 213 483 484 485 520 521
Robbins, H. 530
Robinson, A. 126
Roentgen, W.K. 454
Rogers, E.M. 530
Rolle's theorem 259
Rolle, M. 259
Root-mean-square 236
Rourke, R.E.K. 523
Ruffini, P. 527
Rule, L'Hospital's 196
Rutherford, E. 283
Ryzhik, I.M. 170
Safety parabola 330
Salient point 222
Sands, M.L. 530
Satellite (or orbital) velocity 331
Schoenflies, A.M. 524
Schwartz, L. 488
Seaborg, G. 287 288
Sears, F.W. 530
Secant line 80
Second derivative of function 89 176
Second differential 131
Second theorem of Pappus 275
Second-order partial derivatives 156
Semendyayew, K.A. 170
Semicubical parabola 45
Semyonov, N.N. 396
Series expansion 264
Series, convergent 188
Series, divergent 189
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