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Zeldovich Ya.B., Yaglom I.M. — Higher Math for Beginners |
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Abel groups 527
Abel, N.H. 527
Abscissa 26
Absolute maxima (minima) of function 226
Absolute space 321
Absolute time 321
Absolute value of complex number 459
Acceleration 69 89 113
Activation energy 395
Aleksandrov, V.V. 530
Algebra, fundamental theorem of 461
Algebraic equation of nth degree 461
Algebraic function 139
Alternating Current 444
Amplitude of complex number 460
Amplitude of oscillations 359
Analytic functions 477
Analytic functions of one complex variable 480
Analytic geometry 121
angle 27f 61f
Angle of departure 328
Antiderivative 106 198
Approximations of functions 178
Arc length 260
Archimedes 120
Archimedes spiral 120
Area bounded by curve 95
Area of triangle 62
Argand, J.R. 474
Argument of complex number 460
Argument of function 23
Arithmetic mean 95 236
Arithmetic progression 141
Arnold, V.I. 522
Arrhenius, S. 17 395 396
Astroid 61
Asymptote(s) of a hyperbola 36
Asymptote(s), horizontal 278
Asymptote(s), vertical 278
Atmospheric pressure 117
Average (or specific) curvature 265
Average velocity 68 149
Avogadro's law 388
Avogadro's number 389
Axis of abscissas 26
Axis of ordinates 26
Axis, polar 28
Ballistic pendulum 360
Barlow, V. 524
Barrow, I. 124
Base-10 logarithms 146
Basov, N.G. 416
Beats 374
Bell, E.T. 531
Bernoulli, D. 209 211 378 380 384 385 386 475 518
Bernoulli, Jacob 209 210 231
Bernoulli, Johann 209 210 211 483 484
Bers, K. 530
Bessel, F.W. 484
Binary logarithm 58
Bit 58
Bohr, N. 284 406
Boltzmann constant 389
Boltzmann, L. 394
Bolyai, J. 521
Bombelli, R. 474
Born, M. 528
Bose, S.N. 410
Boundary conditions for differential equations 376
Boundary value of independent variable 194
Boyle's law 388
Breakdown potential 427
Briggs logarithms 146
Briggs, H. 146
Bronsthein, I.N. 170
Brown, R. 393
Brownian movement 393
Bueche, F.J. 530
Buergi, J. 146
Bulk expansion coefficient 72
Burstein, S. 530
Calculus, differential and integral 101 120
Capacitance 117 419
Cardano formula 473
Cardano, G. 473 474
Cardioid 61
Cartesian coordinates 26
Cassini, G.D. 230
Catastrophe theory 522
Catenary curve 261
Catenary curve, length of 261
Cathode-ray oscillograph 445
Cauchy — Riemann equations 479
Cauchy, A.L. 125 212 484 520 527
Cavalieri's theorem 272
Cavalieri, B. 272 274
Center of curvature 267
Center of gravity 274 341
Center of symmetry 43
Centroid 238 274
Chain reaction 294ff
Chain rule 134
Characteristic curve 454
Chung, K.L. 523
Circle, involute of 270
Circle, length of circumference of 261 264
Circle, osculating 267
Circular frequency of oscillations 358
Clapeyron ideal gas law 388
Coefficient of linear expansion 71
Coefficient of volume expansion 72
Common logarithms 146
Commutative groups 527
Complex electric field strength 511
Complex number(s) 459
Complex number(s), absolute value of 459
Complex number(s), amplitude of 460
Complex number(s), argument of 460
Complex number(s), geometric representation of 460
Complex number(s), modulus of 459
Complex number(s), phase of 460
Complex number(s), trigonometric form of 460
Complex plane 460
Complex potential 510
Complex potential of electric field 511
Complex velocity of flow 510
Composite function 134
Composite function, derivative of 134
Concave curve 235
Concave downward curve 91 235
Concave function 235
Conductance 419
Cone, volume of 271f
Conformal transformations 483
Conjugate flows 511
Conjugate numbers 459
Conjugation of curves 225
Constant, Euler's 246
Continuous spectrum 386
Convective rate of temperature variation 160
Convergent Series 188
Convex curve 234
Convex function 234
Convex upward curve 91 234
Convexity 214
Convexity of curve 41
Convexity, point of 214
Cooper, L.N. 530
Coordinates, Cartesian 26
Coordinates, polar 28
| Corner point 222
Cosine line 420
Cosine, hyperbolic 168 261
Courant, R. 530
Crankgear 373
Critical mass 298ff
Critical point 88
Critical temperature 234
Cross section 399
Cross section, effective 403
Cubic equation 44
Cubic function 57
Curie, M. 283
Curie, P. 283
Curvature at a point 265
Curvature of a curve 265
Curve(s) of constant curvature 268
Curve(s), average (or specific) curvature of 265
Curve(s), catenary 261
Curve(s), center of curvature of 267
Curve(s), concave 235
Curve(s), concave downward 91
Curve(s), convex downward 235
Curve(s), convex upward 91 234
Curve(s), convexity of 41
Curve(s), effective width of 243
Curve(s), equipotential 510
Curve(s), integral 201
Curve(s), parametric representation of 60
Curve(s), radius of curvature of 267
Curve(s), rectifying points of 267
Curve(s), shrinking along x axis 54
Curve(s), shrinking to x axis 54
Curve(s), smooth 215
Curve(s), Steiner 61
Curve(s), stretching along x axis 53
Curve(s), stretching away from x axis 53
Curve(s), translation of 50
Curve(s), vertices of 267
Curvilinear coordinates 520
Curvilinear trapezoid 99
Cusp 223
Cuspidal maxima (minima) of a function 224
Cycloid 61
Cycloid, length of 261f
D'Alembert, J. 211 212 352 379 380 384 385 386 474 475 483 518 521
Damped oscillations 441 466
Daughter element 289
Decay time 431
Decrease of function 85
Definite integral 96
Deformation 115
Delta function 487
Density, distribution-of-gas 516
Density, linear 337
Dependence, empirical 26
Derivative 73
Derivative of composite function 134
Derivative of implicit function 158f
Derivative of inverse function 136
Derivative of order n 177
Derivative, logarithmic 147
Derivative, on the left 224
Derivative, on the right 224
Derivative, partial 154
Derivative, second 89 176
Derivative, total 161
Descartes, R. 121
Deuterium 286
Diderot, D. 211 521
Dido's problem 218
dielectric constant 425
Differential 127
Differential equation(s) 116 198
Differential equation(s) with variables separable 199
Differential equation(s), general solution to 204
Differential equation(s), initial condition for 199
Differential equation(s), order of 198
Differential equation(s), partial 453
Differential equation(s), partial solution to 204
Differential equation(s), second 131
Differential equation(s), total 157
Differentiation of composite function 134
Differentiation, rules of 132—142
Diodes 454
Dirac's delta function 487
Dirac, P.A.M. 414 487 528
Direct proportionality 34
Direction of current 418
Directions, field of 201
Disintegration, probability of 281 289
Distance 27ff 67
Distance from point to straight line 63
Distribution, steady-state 160
Divergent series 189
Domain of integration 98
Downes, Jr., F.L. 13
Dubrovin, B.A. 521
Dummy variable 100
Dwight, H.W. 170
e (the number) 142
Effective altitude of figure 243
Effective cross section 403
Effective length of figure 243
Effective width of curve 243
Ehrenfest, P.S. 523
Ehrenfest-Afanasjewa, T.A. 523
Einstein — Smoluchowski equation 523
Einstein, A. 14 16 286 287 321 323 393 410 412 414 523
Einstenium 287
Eisberg, R.M. 530
Electric circuit(s) 418
Electric current 418
Electric field strength 517
Electric potential 418
Electricity, quantity of 117
Electromagnetic field theory 511
Electromagnetic theory of light 453
Electromotive force 420
Elementary function 169
ellipse 53
Ellipsoid of revolution, volume of 273
Emission of electrons 397
Empirical dependence 26
Empirical formula 26
Energy density 408
Energy flux (or irradiance) 399
Energy of inductance 435
Energy of radiation 409
Energy, activation 395
Energy, kinetic 115 320
Energy, law of conservation of 354
Energy, total 354
Epicycloid 61
Equation of state, Van der Waals 233
Equation(s) of mathematical physics 212 213 517
Equation(s) of straight line 31
Equation(s), algebraic of nth degree 461
Equation(s), Cauchy — Riemann 479
Equation(s), cubic 44
Equation(s), differential 116 198
Equation(s), Einstein — Smoluchowski 523
Equation(s), Fokker — Planck 523
Equation(s), Kolmogorov 523
Equation(s), quadratic 39
Equilateral hyperbola 35
Equilibrium intensity of light 408
Equilibrium, stable 313
Equilibrium, thermodynamic 407
Equilibrium, unstable 313
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