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Bishop Y.M.M., Feinberg S.E., Holland P.W. — Discrete Multivariate Analysis, Theory and Practice |
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Rearranging data, relabeling 102—105
Regularity conditions see “Birch’s results for MLEs”
Reinfiirt, D. 284 306 537
Relatives, high order 34
Rho(p) measuring association 381—385
Ries, P.N. 142 143 540
Risk, expected squarred error 313—335
Risk, for comparing Bayesian estimators 406—408
Risk, ratios, limiting 414—416
Risk, relative 11 (see also “Cross-product ratio”)
Robbins, H 403 540
Romig, H.G 436 540
Roscoe, J.T. 410 540
Rosen, B. 368 540
Rourke, R.E.K. 331 332 436 538
Roy, S.N. 84 540
Rudolf, G J 64 344 455 540
Samejima, F. 344 540
Sampling design, constraints on models 36
Sampling design, stratified 29—30
Sampling distribution 62—64 185 212
Sampling distribution, effect on model selection 70—71 (see also “Binomial distribution” “Hypergeometric “Multinomial “Poisson
Sampling models, search for 315—317
Sanathanan, L. 237 255 540
Sandler, I 200 201 202 205 538
Saturated models 9
Savage, I.R. 178 186 540
Schoener, T.W. 164 540
Scoring categorical variables 360
Scott, W.A 369 540
Search procedures see “Stepwise model selection”
Sekar, C.C. 233 234 235 540
Selesnick, H.L. 107 108 109 540
Sensitivity 20—21 48
Separability, dealing with 184—187
Separability, in tables 182—183
Separability, in many dimensions 212—216
Separability, semi- 194
Shepard, R.N 298 540
SideLV. 230 542
Silvey, S.D. 370 531
Simplicity in model building 312—315
Skarin, A.T 124 125 248 540
Smith, A.F.M. 403 538
Smith, D.H 210 242 241 540
Smith, H. 142 141 540
Smoothed counts see “Cell values smoothing”
SMR (Standard Mortality Ratio) see “Rates standard
Smyllie, H.C. 400 511
Sonquist, J.A. 160 540
Spagnuolo, M. 116 111 111 541
Sparse multinomials 410—413
Specificity 20—22 48
Square tables 281—309 320—324 339—342 347
Standard deviation and stochastic order 476—477
Standardization see “Fitting iterative classical “Rates”
Star, S.A 117 118 160 541
Starmer, F 284 106 108 151 354 516
Stationarity, of transition probabilities 261—267 269
Stein, C. 403 404 409 541
Stephan, F.F. 84 533
Stepwise model selection 165—167
Steyn, H.S 144 451 454 541
Stochastic order, Chernoff — Pratt theory for 479—484
Stochastic order, definition of 475—476
Stochastic order, methods for determining 476—477
Stochastic order, of exponential variables 477—478
Stochastic order, of moments 485—486 (see also “Stochastic sequence”)
Stochastic sequence, Chernoff — Pratt theory for 479—480
Stochastic sequence, convergence of 463—475
Stochastic sequence, determining order of 476—478
Stochastic sequence, formal structure of 480—482 (see also “Stochastic order”)
Stouffer, S. 137 138 160 541
Structural models, definition of 9—10
Structural models, uses of 11
Stuart, A. 284 541
Suchman, E.A. 117 118 160 541
Sufficient statistics 64—67
Sufficient statistics, for three-dimensional models 66
Sufficient statistics, general derivation of 68—69
Sufficient statistics, minimal set of 66
Sufficient statistics, minimal set of, and direct estimates 78
Summary statistics see “Association measures “Chi “Frequency of “Rates” “Sufficient
Suppressing parameters 332—337
Sutherland, M 409 412 429 411 411 516 541
Svalastoga, K 100 209 210 228 120 427 541
Symmetry, exact 260
Symmetry, in association measures 376
Symmetry, in square tables 258 282—286 299—306 347—348
Symmetry, quasi- 286—292 303 296
| Symmetry, relative 260
Synergism see “Worcester model”
t see “Tschuprow’s measure of association”
Taback, M.A.M. 90 517
Tallis, G.M 288 541
Taranta, A 116 117 118 541
Taylor expansion 460—461
Testing, and fitting 317—324
Testing, simplifying structure before 150
Testing, use of asymptotic variances for 498—499 (see also “Interaction” “Partitioning
Tetrahedron, of reference 50
Thayer, D.T. 402 522
Theil, H 151 541
Thomas, G.B.Jr. 416 518
Thompson, V. 221 224 225
Transformations, variance-stabilizing 366—371 491—492 “Arcsine “Logit “Freeman “Probit
Transition probabilities 262—269
Transition probabilities, single sequence 270—273
tree structures 360
triangular arrays see “Incomplete arrays”
Trinomial distribution, for risk of pseudo-Bayesian estimators 417—419
Truett, J. 159 160 541
Trybula, S 407 541
Tschuprow, A.A. 385
Tschuprow’s measure of association, T 385—387
TSS (total sum of squares) 390
Tukey, J.W. 117 112 119 159 167 168 492 511 534 518 541
U, as collection of u-terms 62
U, as measure of association 389—392
u-terms, definition 17—18
u-terms, generalized notation 61—62
u-terms, interpretation of 29—30 32—34
u-terms, relationship to cross-product ratios 17—18
u-terms, standardized estimates of 141—146 153 156
u-terms, variance of 494—497 (see also “Log-linear model” “Linear
Unsaturated models 9
V, Cramer’s measure of association 386—387
Vandaele, W. 401 542
VanEeden, C. 412 541
Variance, asymptotic 498—499
Variance, asymptotic, for confidence intervals 499—500
Variance, asymptotic, for hypothesis testing 488—499
Variance, for capture-recapture problem 233 240—242 248—254
Variance, for distance measures 518—519
Variance, methods for computing 248—251 (see also “Delta method”)
Variance, stabilizing transformations 491—492 500—501
Variation, measures of 389—393
Varner, R.N 244 262 517
Vechio, T.J. 22 541
Vidmar, N. 201 206 541
Waite, H. 178 541
Waiting times 467—468
Wald, A. 352
Walker, S.H. 259 360 541
Wallace, D.L. 316 317 318 529
Watson, G.S 178 403 405 521 532 541
Weeks, D.L. 215 541
Werner, A 233 535
White, H.C. 191 192 541
Wilks, S.S. 405 541
Williams, D.R. 211 541
Williams, O.D. 353 536
Williams, R.M.Jr. 122 138 160 541
Willick, D.H. 386 387 388 391 541
Wilson, E.B. 527 541
Winsor, C.P. 225 226 541
Wittes, J.T. 230 240 247 252 253 541 542
Worcester model 111
Worcester, J. 96 111 112 141 542
WSS (within-group sum of squares) 390
Y see Association “Yule”
Yarnold, J. 140 542
Yates, F. 124 542
Yee, A.H. 275 542
Yerushalmy, J. 132 542
Youtz, C. 137 368 492 539
Yuasa, S. 102 103 538
Yule, G.U. 375 377 378 381 382 542
Yule’s Q as measure of association 378—380 501
Yule’s Y as measure of colligation 378—380
Zacks.S. 65 485 542
Zangwill, W.I. 251 225 542
Zelen, M. 365 366 452 542
Zellner, A 261 353 403 522 542
Zero entries, deviations in cells with 140
Zero entries, diagonals with, in square tables 296—299
Zero entries, invalidating model 72
Zero entries, random, defined 59 177
Zero entries, structural 31 59 93 177
Zero entries, unrepeated events in Markov chains 275—276 (see also “Configuration”)
Zorb, G. 245
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