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Siegfried T. — A Beautiful Math John Nash, Game Theory, and the Modern Quest for a Code of Nature
Siegfried T. — A Beautiful Math John Nash, Game Theory, and the Modern Quest for a Code of Nature

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Íàçâàíèå: A Beautiful Math John Nash, Game Theory, and the Modern Quest for a Code of Nature

Àâòîð: Siegfried T.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.06.2008

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Game theory, acceptance of      52—54
Game theory, and Code of Nature      38 49—50
Game theory, applications, generally      vi—viii 2—3 13 21 27 49 52 53 67 71—72 220 221—222;
Game theory, defined      vi
Game theory, minimax theorem      43—49 58
Game theory, modeling human interactions      68—69
Game theory, origin      2 26 27 28 30 185
Game theory, potential today      66—72 223—224
Game theory, principles      2—3 138
Game theory, probability theory and      140—142 199—202 208—214
Game theory, random factors      32 34 48
Game theory, rational behavior      21 67 69
Game theory, relevance to real life      67—68
Game theory, statistical physics and      vi 4—5 6 39—43 128 199—202 221
Game theory, strategy      30 32—34 42
Game theory, utility      22 30—31 37—38
Gases, kinetic theory of      127—128 201
Gauss, Carl Friedrich      131 244
Gaussian distribution      131 139 249
Gell-Mann, Murray      240
Genetics      See also Evolutionary psychology
Genetics and behavioral predispositions      102 112 122—123
Genetics and Code of Nature      113
Gibbs, J.Willard      142
Gintis, Herbert      2—3 4 72 90 91
Glimcher, Paul      99
Gnau (Papua New Guinea)      117
Goettingen Mathematical Society      33
Google      158
gossip      72 75 87 89
Gould, Stephen Jay      24—26
Graph theory      143 145 148.
Graunt, John      129
Gravity, law of      60 135
Greed      90
Greene, Joshua      224
Guare, John      146
Gusev, Dmitri      v
Hadza (Tanzania)      117
Haldane, J.B.S.      77 85
Hall, Monty      40
Harambee      118
Harper, David      73—74
Harsanyi, John      2
Harvard University      112
Hawk-dove game      79—83 228—229 246
Hebrew University of Jerusalem      71
Henrich, Joe      114—115
Herbie: Fully Loaded (film)      155
Herschel, John      137
History of Civilization in England (Buckle)      137
Hobbes, Thomas      20 129
Hogg, Tad      194
Holt, Charles      63
Hopper, Dennis      155 157 245
Houser, Daniel      66
HP Labs      194
human nature      See also Code of Nature
Human nature, fragmented view of      118—119
Human nature, nature of      112—113
Human nature, universality doctrine      120—121
Hume, David      14 31 106 219
Hurwicz, Leonid      53
Hutcheson, Francis      237
Ignorance      205—208 211—214
Impartial spectator      23
Incomplete information      66
Indirect reciprocity      86—88
Infinite series, summing      29
Information revolution      219
Information theory      8 200 201 212
Institute for Advanced Study      35 55
Intelligent design      6 24 25—26
International relations      70
Internet      146 149 158 160
Iqbal, Azhar      195
Irrationality      22 66
Irrationality, quantification of      212—214
Ising, Ernst      170 173
Jaynes, Edwin      201 204 206 207
Jealousy      120
Johns Hopkins University      11
Johnson, Neil F.      182
Johnstone, Rufus      82
Kakutani, Shizuo      58
Kenney, George      45—46
Kevin Bacon game      144—146 149
Kinetic theory of gases      127—128 168—169 175 210
Knockaround Guys (film)      155
Krueger, Alan      18
Kuang, Le-Man      192 193
Kuhn, Harold      60
Kurzban, Robert      66
La Rochefoucauld      110
Lamalera (Indonesia)      117
Landscape, evolutionary      83—85
Language      85—87
Lanzhou University      246
Laplace, Pierre Simon      130—131 139 204 248
Law of the jungle      19 72 75 83
Le Her      32
Lee, Chiu Fan      182
Lee, Christopher      155
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von      27
Let's Make a Deal (TV)      40—41
Leviathan (Hobbes)      129
Liars, Lovers, and Heroes (Sejnowski and Quartz)      122
Life sciences, merger with physical sciences      6 8
Logic      30 68 118
Lohan, Lindsay      155
Louis XV      16
MacArthur Foundation      115
Machiguenga (Peru)      114—115 116
Magnetic resonance imaging      98—99 192 242
Magnetism      169—173
Maine, Henry      19 236
Marx, Karl      20
Mass action, law of      57
Mass extinctions      171
Matching pennies game      61 141
Maximum entropy principle      201—202 205—206 213—214
Maxwell, James Clerk      127—128 142 168—169 219
Maynard Smith, John      77—78 85
Mazlish, Bruce      13—14
McFee, Bruce      155
McGill University      123
Meyer, David      185—188 189 190
Mice, tail-test reaction      122—124
Microsoft      158 185 187 189
Milgram, Stanley      146
Minimax theorem      33 34 43—49 237 239
Minority game      175 176—177
Mogil, Jeffrey      123 124
Montague, Read      4 94—95 97—99 104 105 106
Moore, Demi      144
Moral philosophy      15
Morgenstern, Oskar      26 27 34—36 42 49—50 51 52—3 55 60 95 217 220
Motions, laws of      135
Multiple-person games      53—54 208
Myerson, Roger      51 52
NASA Ames Research Center      4 209
Nasar, Sylvia      vi 2 29 54 246
Nash equilibrium      111 142
Nash equilibrium and Code of Nature      52
Nash equilibrium and conflict strategy      70 104
Nash equilibrium in social interactions      175
Nash equilibrium, acceptance of      59 125
Nash equilibrium, assumptions and calculations      125 209 225—229
Nash equilibrium, bargaining problem      55—56 66
Nash equilibrium, dissertation      59—61
Nash equilibrium, economic game theory and      32 220 240
Nash equilibrium, evolutionary game theory and      74—75 80 83 89 124 223
Nash equilibrium, fixed-point theorems and      58—59
Nash equilibrium, gas laws and      140 201
Nash equilibrium, hawk-dove game      228—229
Nash equilibrium, Hobbes's social preferences as      129
Nash equilibrium, limitations      209
Nash equilibrium, network      163 166
Nash equilibrium, payoff matrix      62
Nash equilibrium, principle      57—58
Nash equilibrium, Prisoner's Dilemma      61—64
Nash equilibrium, probability theory and      199 200 212
Nash equilibrium, public goods game      61 64—66
Nash equilibrium, quantum mechanics and      187
Nash equilibrium, zero-sum game      225—227
Nash, John Forbes      vi 1 2 3 7 8 50 51—52 54—56 59—1 66 70 140 164 220
National Science Foundation      115
Natural law      19 128.
Natural selection      24—25 78.
Nature vs. nurture controversy      121—24
networks      See also Social networks
Networks and Code of Nature      145 163
Networks and power laws      156—157
Networks and quantum physics      235
Networks in nature      151 153 158 160—61
Networks, actors      144—145 153 154—155—56 157 245
Networks, airline      155
networks, applications      147—148 149 151 166
Networks, biochemical      151 160—161
Networks, clusters/clustering coefficient      149 152 153—154 157
Networks, commonalities      151
Networks, competitive interactions      160 166
Networks, degree coefficient      154
Networks, degrees of separation      145—146 154 155—156
Networks, evolution      151 157—158 159—63
Networks, game theory and      145 159—163 235
Networks, growth      151 157 163 167—168
networks, hubs      154 155 157 161
Networks, Internet      146 149 158 160
Networks, Kevin Bacon game      144—146
Networks, links      148—149 150 152 155 158—159
Networks, mathematical models      153—154
Networks, Nash equilibrium      163
Networks, neural      151 153 157
networks, nodes      148 150 151 152 154
Networks, origins      148 149—151
Networks, path length      153 154
Networks, power grids      157
Networks, preferential attachment      157 158 163
Networks, random connections      148 149 154 155—156
Networks, regular lattice      151—152 154
Networks, scale-free      156—157 159 163
Networks, self-organization      157
Networks, small-world (intermediate) model      149—153 154 156 157 158
Networks, statistical mechanics and      5 143 163 166 180
Networks, strategy      161—162
Networks, strongly connected components      159
Networks, ubiquitousness      146—147 153
Networks, World Wide Web      147 149—150 158—159 160
Neurobiology      See also Brain
Neurobiology, game theory applications      3 6 8
Neuroeconomics      174
Neuroeconomics and Code of Nature      92 102
Neuroeconomics, animal studies      99—100
Neuroeconomics, brain chemistry and processes      94—95 99—102 105
Neuroeconomics, hormone changes      105—106
Neuroeconomics, landmark research      99 106
Neuroeconomics, principles      3—4
Neuroeconomics, risk takers (matchers) vs. conservatives (optimizers)      101—102
Neuroeconomics, trust-related brain activity      103—106
Neuroeconomics, utility      99—100
New York University      99
Newton, Isaac      2 21 26 35 69
Newtonian determinism      130
Newtonian physics      12 21 128 130
Noncooperative games and statistical physics      201
Noncooperative games, math for      200
Noncooperative games, Nash's theory      51 52 59—61
Northern Illinois University      120
Northwestern University      11
Notre Dame University      156
Nowak, Martin      75—76 85 86 87 89 90
Opinion formation and transmission      167—168 169 171—173 174
Origin of Species (Darwin)      24 26
Orma (Kenya)      116 117—118 220
Osama bin Laden      vi
Oxytocin      105—106
Pacheco, Jorge      163
Pack behavior      169 171
Page, Scott      178—179 180
Paley, William      24 25—26
Paradoxes, perfect future knowledge      34—35
Pascal, Blaise      130 197—198 248
Pelorat, Janov      5
Penny flipping game      61 141 182—83 186—189 208
Perfect future knowledge      34—35
Perfect information      33
Petty, William      129
Pfeiffer, Thomas      160 161
Phase transitions      169 170 171
Physics      See also Newtonian physics; Sociophysics; Statistical mechanics
Physics and economic game thoery      165 180—181
Physics, game theory applications      4 7 8
Physiocrats      15 16
Pinker, Steven      112—113
Platt, Michael      99
Pocket calculators      1
Poe, Edgar Allan      61
Poisson, Simeon-Denis      132
Poker      30 68 75 239
Poker, bluffing      43 48
Political economy      12 17 20—21
political science      3
Power laws      156—157
Prediction of human behavior      111
preference      See Social preferences; Utility
Preferential attachment      157 158 163
Price, George      77—78 241
Princeton University      2 18 35 51 100 106 224
Principia (Newton)      35 69 129 219
Prisoner's Dilemma      61—64 71 87 107 161—162 163 189 193 240
Probability distributions in game theory      140—142 209—10
Probability distributions of gas molecules      140—142
Probability distributions of mixed strategies      140 200 210—211 215 238
Probability distributions, adjustment      214—215
Probability distributions, measuring uncertainty in      205—207
Probability distributions, quantum mechanics and      196
Probability theory      130—131 132.
Probability theory and game theory      140—142 198 208—214
Probability theory and information theory      202—208
Probability theory and Nash equilibrium      199 200
Probability theory and psychohistory      199 214—15 221
Probability theory and statistical physics      142 199 247
Probability theory, applications      208
Probability theory, early pioneers      204 248
Probability theory, ignorance and      205—208 211
Probability theory, inventor      197—198
Probability theory, objective view      203—204
Probability theory, Pascal's wager      198 211 248
Probability theory, role in science      197 198—199
Probability theory, subjective view      202—204
Probability theory, voting games      214
Profit maximization      See Utility
Psychohistory      vi. See also Sociophysics
Psychohistory and manipulation of society      174
Psychohistory and statistical mechanics      4—5 42 126—128 178 219
Psychohistory, Code of Nature model      vii 8—9 109 113—114 164 181 219
Psychohistory, hybrid research disciplines      164—65
Psychohistory, probability theory and      199 215 221
Psychology      3 69 215.
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