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Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration |
Предметный указатель |
Minor of matrix 41
Moebius strip 564
moment 649
Moment of inertia 690
Momentum operator 644
Momentum phase space 770
Momentum, generalized 770
Monomial function 19
Morse function 244
Morse's lemma 131
Morsification 244
Moving frame 267
Multi-index 69
Multilinear algebra 568
Multinomial theorem 241
Multipliers, Lagrange 150
Musical isomorphism 583
nabla 59
Needle problem, Kakeya's 731
Negative (semi)definite 71
Negligible, (n - 1)-dimensional 525
Negligible, d-dimensional 492
Negligible, n-dimensional 429
Neighborhood 8
Neighborhood in subset 10
Neighborhood, open 8
Nephroid 343
Neumann boundary condition 726
Neumann problem 752
Newton vector field 529
Newton's Binomial Theorem 240
Newton's equation 290
Newton's iteration method 235
Newton's law of gravitation 450
Newton's potential 728
Newton's potential of function 721
Newton's potential of point 720
Newton's potential of set 448
Nicomedes' conchoid 325
Nomographic transformation 384
Nomotopic 587
Non-Euclidean geometry 685
Nondegenerate critical point 75
Norm 27
Norm, Euclidean 3
Norm, Euclidean, of linear mapping 39
Norm, Frobenius 39
Norm, Hilbert — Schmidt 39
Norm, operator 40
normal 146
Normal curvature 162
Normal distribution 617
Normal plane 159
Normal section 162
Normal space 139
Normal, inner 515
Normal, outer 515
Nullity, of function at point 73
Nullity, of operator 73
Nullstellensatz, Hilbert's 311
Numerical mathematics 675
octahedron 703
One-parameter family of lines 299
One-parameter group 669
One-parameter group of diffeomorphisms 162
One-parameter group of invertible linear mappings 56
One-parameter group of rotations 303
One-sided stable distribution 659
Open ball 6
Open covering 30
Open in subset 10
Open mapping 20
Open neighborhood 8
Open neighborhood in subset 10
Open set 7
Operator norm 40
Operator, anti-adjoint 41
Operator, self-adjoint 41
Operator, unitary 663
Orbit 163
orbital angular momentum quantum number 272
Ordinary cusp 144
Ordinary differential equation 55 163 177 269
Orientation 563
Orientation, positive 552
Orthocomplement 201
Orthogonal group 73 124 219
Orthogonal matrix 219
Orthogonal projection 201
Orthogonal transformation 218
Orthogonal vectors 2
Orthonormal basis 3
Orthonormalization, Gram — Schmidt 356
Oscillatory integral 656
Osculating circle 361
Osculating plane 159
Outer measure 429
Paraboloid, elliptic 297
Parallel postulate, Euclid's 686
Parallel translation 363
Parallelepiped 446
Parallelogram identity 201
Parameter, Cayley — Klein 376 380
Parametrization 111
Parametrization, of orthogonal matrix 364 375
Parametrization, positive 552
Parametrized set 108
Parseval — Plancherel's identity 650
Partial derivative 47
Partial derivative, second-order 61
Partial differential equation 470
Partial differential operator 164
Partial differential operator, linear 241
Partial mapping 12
Partial summation formula of Abel 189
Partial-fraction decomposition 183 653
Partially differentiable 47
Particle without spin 272
Partition 424
Partition of unity 452
Pascal's law 718
Pearson's distribution 657
Pendulum, Foucault's 362 733 770
Periapse 330
Period 185
Period lattice 184 185
Periodic 190
Permutation group 66
Perpendicular 2
Phase function 656
Physics, quantum 230 272 366 644 728
Piecewise affine function 216
Pizzetti's formula 689 708
Planar curve 160
Plane, normal 159
Plane, osculating 159
Plane, rectifying 159
Pochhammer symbol 180
Poincare's inequality 644
Poincare's lemma 548
Poincare's Lemma, for differential forms 589
Point of function, critical 128
Point of function, singular 128
Point, cluster 8
Point, critical 60
Point, interior 7
Point, saddle 74
Point, stationary 60
Poisson brackets 242 773
| Poisson integral 745
Poisson's equation 721 750
Poisson's formula 693
Poisson's integral 661 725
Poisson's integral formula 725 745
Poisson's kernel 660 722
Poisson's summation formula 650 651
Polar coordinates 88
Polar decomposition 247
Polar part 247
Polar triangle 334
Polarization identity 3
Polygon 274
Polyhedron 274
Polynomial function 19
Polynomial, Bernoulli 187
Polynomial, characteristic 39 239 527
Polynomial, Legendre 177
Polynomial, Taylor 68
Polytope 274
Position operator 644
Positive (semi)definite 71
Positive orientation 552
Positive parametrization 552
Positively homogeneous function 203 228
Potential 697
Potential difference 547 566
Potential, Newton's 728
Potential, Newton's, of function 721
Potential, Newton's, of point 720
Potential, retarded 755 762
Potential, scalar 547 750
Potential, vector 547 750
Poynting vector field 748
Principal curvature 157
Principal normal 159
Principle of Stationary Phase 656
Principle, Dirichlet's 719
Principle, Duhamel's 763
Principle, minimax 246
probability density 644
Probability density of -distribution 622
Probability density of Cauchy distribution 660
Probability density of distribution 617
Probability density of Gamma distribution 657
Probability density of normal distribution 617 618 655
Probability density of one-sided stable distribution 659
Probability density of Pearson's distribution 657
Product formula for Gamma function 627
Product of mappings 17
Product, cross 147
Product, Wallis' 184 627
Projection, Mercator 339
Projection, stereographic 336
Proper 591
Proper Lorentz group 386
Proper Lorentz transformation 386
Proper mapping 26 206
Property, global 29
Property, local 29
Pseudosphere 358 685
Pullback 406
Pullback of differential form 571
Pullback under diffeomorphism 88 268 404
Pushforward under diffeomorphism 270 404
Pythagoras' theorem 678
Pythagorean property 3
Quadrature of parabola 730
Quadric, nondegenerate 297
Quantum number, magnetic 272
Quantum physics 230 272 366 644 728 773
Quaternion 382
Radial part 247
Raising operator 371
Rank Lemma 113
Rank of operator 113
Rank theorem 314
Rapidity 756 757 758
Rational function 19
Rational parametrization 390
Rayleigh quotient 72
Real-analytic function 70
Reciprocal function 17
rectangle 30 423
Rectifying plane 159
Recursion relation 625
refinement 424
Reflection 374
Reflection formula for gamma function 628 629
Regression line 228
Regular value 591
Regularity of mapping 116
Regularity of mapping 92
Regularity of mapping 124
Regularization 199
Relative topology 10
Relativistic law for addition of velocities 757
Remainder 67
Reparametrization 538 572
Representation, highest weight of 371
Representation, irreducible 371
Representation, spinor 383
Residue 737
Residue theorem 737
Resultant 346
Retarded potential 755 762
Reverse triangle inequality 4
Revolution, surface of 294
Riemann integrable function with compact support 428
Riemann integrable over rectangle 426
Riemann integrable over submanifold 490
Riemann integrable over submanifold, absolutely 492
Riemann integrable over subset 429
Riemann integrable, absolutely 463
Riemann integrable, locally 461
Riemann integral over subset 429
Riemann integral, lower 426
Riemann integral, upper 426
Riemann's zeta function 191 197 612 622
Rodrigues' formula 177
Rodrigues' Theorem 382
Rolle's theorem 228
Rose, with four petals 500
Rotation group 303
Rotation, in 219 300
Rotation, in 303
Rotation, infinitesimal 303
Rule, chain 51
Rule, cosine 331
Rule, Cramer's 41
Rule, de l'Hopital's 311
Rule, Leibniz' 240
Rule, sine 331
Rule, spherical, of cosines 334
Rule, spherical, of sines 334
Saddle point 74
Sard's theorem 610
Scalar function 12
Scalar multiple of mapping 17
Scalar multiplication 2
Scalar potential 539 547
Schlaefli's formula 743
Schroedinger operator 728
Schroedinger's equation 728
Schur complement 304
Schwartz function 466
Schwarz' Theorem 725 746
Screw, hyperbolic 756
Second Derivative Test 74
Second-order derivative 63
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