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Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration
Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration

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Название: Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration

Авторы: Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C.


Part two of comprehensive text on multidimensional real analysis. Numerous exercises with partial solutions.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 375

Добавлена в каталог: 11.06.2008

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Предметный указатель
Differentiation, fractional      669
Dilatation      759
Dilogarithm      613
Dilogarithm, functional equation for      613
Dimension of submanifold      109
Dini's theorem      31
Diodes' cissoid      325
Directional derivative      47
Dirichlet problem      535
Dirichlet's formula      632 633 701
Dirichlet's principle      719
Dirichlet's series      664
Dirichlet's test      189
Disconnectedness      33
Discrete      396
Discriminant      347 348
Discriminant locus      289
Distance, Euclidean      5
distribution      617 763
Distribution $\chi$      622
Distribution theory      669
Distribution, $\chi^2$      657
Distribution, Cauchy      660
Distribution, gamma      657
Distribution, normal      617 618 655
Distribution, one-sided stable      659
Distributivity      2
Divergence in arbitrary coordinates      268 714
Divergence with respect to volume form      586
Divergence, of vector field      166 268 528
Divergence-free      546
Dodecahedron, rhombic      616
Dual basis for spherical triangle      334
Dual vector space      398
Duality, definition by      404 406
DuhamePs principle      763
Duplication formula for (lemniscatic) sine      180
Duplication formula, Legendre's      621 623
Eccentricity      330 499
Eccentricity vector      330
Egregium, Theorema      409
Eigenvalue      72 224
Eigenvector      72 224
Einstein summation convention      583
Eisenstein series      658
Electromagnetic energy      748
Electromagnetic waves in vacuum      749
Electromagnetism      683 747
Elimination      125
Elimination theory      344
Elliptic curve      185
Elliptic integral of first kind      679
Elliptic integral of second kind      499
Elliptic paraboloid      297
Embedding      111
Endomorphism      38
Energy of wave      761
Energy surface      716
Energy, electromagnetic      748
Energy, kinetic      290
Energy, potential      290
Energy, total      290
Entry of matrix      38
Envelope      348
Epicycloid      342
Equality of mixed partial derivatives      62
equation      97
Equation, Cauchy — Riemann      556 738
Equation, continuity      747
Equation, Kepler's      635
Equation, Poisson's      750
Equation, Schroedinger's      728
Equations, Maxwell's      747
Equations, Maxwell's, in covariant form      753
Equations, Maxwell's, in vacuum      749
Equations, Maxwell's, time-independent case      749
Equivariant      384
Euclid's parallel postulate      686
Euclidean area      502
Euclidean density      495
Euclidean distance      5
Euclidean hyperarea      507
Euclidean norm      3
Euclidean norm of linear mapping      39
Euclidean space      2
Euler characteristic      776
Euler Maclaurin summation formula      194
Euler number $E_n$      607
Euler number A(n, k)      703
Euler operator      231 265
Euler's Beta function      620
Euler's constant      627
Euler's formula      300 364
Euler's gamma function      620
Euler's identity      228
Euler's series      615
Euler's theorem      219
Euler's, generalized Beta function      688 690
Evolute      350
Exact differential form      544 574
Excess of spherical triangle      335
Expectation      617
Expectation vector      617 645 655
Exponential      55
Exterior derivative      544 574
Exterior differentiation      544 574
Exterior multiplication      577
Exterior power      568
Faraday form      754
Faraday's law      748
Feynman's formula      693
Fiber bundle      124
Fiber of mapping      124
Field      696
Field, electric      747
Field, magnetic      747
Finite intersection property      32
Finite part of integral      199
Fitzgerald — Lorentz contraction      758
Fixed point      23
Fixed-point Theorem, Brouwer's      583 764
Flow of vector field      163
Flux      530 560
Focus      329
Focusing effect      761
Folium, Descartes'      142 554
Formal power series      606
Formula, analog      395
Formula, Binet — Cauchy's      677
Formula, Cagnoli's      395
Formula, D'Alembert's      277
Formula, Dirichlet's      632 633 701
Formula, Euler's      300 364
Formula, Feynman's      693
Formula, Gegenbauer's      694
Formula, Girard's      681
Formula, Hankel's      694
Formula, Heron's      330
Formula, Kirchhoff's      760
Formula, Laplace's      744
Formula, Leibniz — Hormander's      243
Formula, Lipschitz'      658
Formula, Mellin's      662
Formula, Pizzetti's      689 708
Formula, Poisson's      693
Formula, Rodrigues'      177
Formula, Schlaefli's      743
Formula, Sonine's      670
Formula, Stirling's      624
Formula, Taylor's      68 250
Formulae, Frenet — Serret's      160
Forward (light) cone      386
Foucault's pendulum      362 733 770
Four-square identity      377
Fourier analysis      191
Fourier coefficient      190
Fourier inversion theorem      468
Fourier series      190
Fourier transform      466
Fourier transformation      467
Fractional differentiation      669
Fractional integration      668
Fractional linear transformation      384
Frenet — Serret's formulae      160
frequency      469
Fresnel's integral      630
Frobenius norm      39
Frullani's integral      81
Fubini's theorem      476
Function of several real variables      12
Function, $C^{\infty}$, on subset      399
Function, affine      216
Function, Airy      256
Function, Bernoulli      190
Function, Bessel      634 640
Function, characteristic      34 428
Function, Clausen      614
Function, complex-analytic      735
Function, complex-differentiable      105 556 738
Function, confluent hypergeometric      639
Function, continuous with compact support      434
Function, coordinate      19
Function, Green's      722
Function, holomorphic      105 556 738
Function, hypergeometric      637
Function, Kummer      639
Function, Lagrange      149
Function, Lerch      658
Function, Lobachevsky      614
Function, monomial      19
Function, Morse      244
Function, piecewise affine      216
Function, polynomial      19
Function, positively homogeneous      203 228
Function, rational      19
Function, real-analytic      70
Function, reciprocal      17
Function, scalar      12
Function, Schwartz      466
Function, spherical      271
Function, spherical harmonic      272
Function, step      435
Function, vector-valued      12
Function, zonal spherical      271
Functional dependence      312 611
Functional equation      175 313
Functional equation for dilogarithm      613
Functional equation for zeta function      631 652
Functional equation of Jacobi      651
Fundamental solution      763
Fundamental theorem of algebra      291 593 735
Gamma distribution      657
Gamma function      620
Gamma function, product formula for      627
Gauge condition, Coulomb      750
Gauge condition, Lorentz      755
Gauss mapping      156
Gauss — Bonnet theorem      776
Gauss' divergence theorem      529
Gauss' law      748
Gaussian curvature      157
Gegenbauer's formula      694
Gel'fand — Leray density      700
General linear group      38
Generalized Beta function      688 690
Generalized binomial coefficient      181
Generalized coordinate      770
Generalized momentum      770
Generator, infinitesimal      163
Genus      776
Geodesic      361
Geometric tangent space      135
Geometric-arithmetic inequality      351
Girard's formula      681
Global inverse function theorem      93
Gradient      59
Gradient operator      59
Gradient vector field      59 527 539
Gram — Schmidt orthonormalization      356
Gram's matrix      39
Graph      107 203
Grassmann's identity      331 364
Great circle      333
Greatest lower bound      21
Green's first identity      534
Green's function      722
Green's Integral Theorem      554
Green's second identity      534
Group action      162 163 238
Group, covering      383 386 389
Group, general linear      38
Group, Lorentz      386 756
Group, orthogonal      73 124 219
Group, permutation      66
Group, proper Lorentz      386
Group, special linear      303
Group, special orthogonal      302
Group, special orthogonal, in $R^3$      219
Group, special unitary      377
Group, spinor      383
Group, symplectic      772
Hadamard's inequality      152 356
Hadamard's lemma      45
Hamilton vector field      771
Hamilton — Cayley, Theorem of      240
Hamilton's equation      717 771
Hamilton's Theorem      375
Hamiltonian      716 771
Hamiltonian vector field      717
Hankel transform      665
Hankel's formula      665 694
Hardy's inequality      647
Harmonic function      265 535
Harmonic vector field      546
Heat equation      469 726
Heine — Borel theorem      30
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relations      645
Helicoid      296
Helix      107 138 296
Helmholtz — Weyl decomposition      751
Helmholtz' equation      636
Hermitian inner product      645
Hermitian matrix      385
Heron's formula      330
hessian      71
Hessian matrix      71
Hexagon      703
Highest weight of representation      371
Hilbert — Schmidt norm      39
Hilbert's inequality      643
Hilbert's Nullstellensatz      311
Hodge decomposition      753
Hodge operator      753 754
Hodograph      605
Holder continuity      213
Holder's inequality      353 642
Holomorphic      105 556 738
Holonomy      363
Homeomorphic      19
Homeomorphism      19
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