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Akivis M., Goldberg V. — Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps
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Название: Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps
Авторы: Akivis M., Goldberg V.
Аннотация: In this book the authors study the differential geometry of varieties with degenerate Gauss maps. They use the main methods of differential geometry, namely, the methods of moving frames and exterior differential forms as well as tensor methods. By means of these methods, the authors discover the structure of varieties with degenerate Gauss maps, determine the singular points and singular varieties, find focal images and construct a classification of the varieties with degenerate Gauss maps.The authors introduce the above mentioned methods and apply them to a series of concrete problems arising in the theory of varieties with degenerate Gauss maps. What makes this book unique is the authors' use of a systematic application of methods of projective differential geometry along with methods of the classical algebraic geometry for studying varieties with degenerate Gauss maps. This book is intended for researchers and graduate students interested in projective differential geometry and algebraic geometry and their applications. It can be used as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Both authors have published over 100 papers each. Each has written a number of books, including Conformal Differential Geometry and Its Generalizations (Wiley 1996), Projective Differential Geometry of Submanifolds (North-Holland 1993), and Introductory Linear Algebra (Prentice-Hall 1972), which were written by them jointly.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 255
Добавлена в каталог: 10.06.2008
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Предметный указатель
-equation 137 151
-smooth line 214
-equivalent points 24
0-pair 194
2-plane at infinity 120
Abe 172 221
Absolute 126—128 177 181 183
Absolute invariant 5
Absolute invariant of curve 38
Absolute of 127
Absolute of 126
Adjacent points 209
Admissible transformation(s) 18 52 54
Affine analogue of Hartman — Nirenberg cylinder theorem 150 172
Affine connection 18 19 47
Affine frame 25 26
Affine parameter 76
Affine space 25 118 122 133 150 154 164 196 199 203 218
Affine space, structure equations of 26 203
Affine transformation(s) 18 25
Affinely complete hypersurface 154
Akivis xiv—xviii xx 15 46 86—89 101 134 149 154 164 169 176 178 179 184 189 194 199 202 203 219 221—223
Algebra of Cayley's octonions 90
Algebra of complex numbers 90 207 219
Algebra of double numbers 207 219
Algebra of dual numbers 207 219
Algebra of quaternions 90
Algebra of split numbers 207
Algebraic cone 198
Algebraic equation 69
Algebraic fourth-degree surface 68
Algebraic geometry 87 88
Algebraic hypercone 101
Algebraic hypersurface 100 101 197
Algebraic hypersurface with degenerate Gauss map 90
Algebraic variety 42
Allendoerfer xiv 87 223
Almost everywhere differentiable function 50
Almost everywhere differentiable mapping 49
Almost everywhere differentiable variety 49 51
Alternation 42
Analytic function 7
Analytic manifold 5
Anticommutativity 9
Antiinvolutive automorphism 90
Arnold xv 103 223
Asymptotic cone(s) of Grassmannian 60
Asymptotic cone(s) of hypersurface 61
Asymptotic cone(s) of variety 58
Asymptotic curve 58 164
Asymptotic direction 86 154 156
Asymptotic tangent 156
Autopolar simplex 27
Axial point 61 62
Band 164 173
Base form(s) 52
Basic equations of variety 52
Basic equations of variety with degenerate Gauss map 94 151
Basis 1
Basis form(s) of -smooth line 214
Basis form(s) of curve 28
Basis form(s) of focal line 158
Basis form(s) of Gauss image 93
Basis form(s) of Grassmannian 42 53 63
Basis form(s) of hypersurface 182
Basis form(s) of manifold 16 17
Basis form(s) of Monge — Ampere foliation 92
Basis form(s) of parametric manifold 185
Basis form(s) of torse 138 115
Basis form(s) of variety 52
Basis form(s) of variety with degenerate Gauss map 92
Basis hyperplane 145
Basis natural 15
Basis natural of cotangent space 22
Basis natural of dual space 6
Basis natural of fibration 98
Basis natural of projectivization 24
Basis natural of tangent space 22
Basis natural of vector space 1 20
Basis points of plane 209
Basis points of second normal subspace 57
Basis points of subspace 41
Basis vectors 26
Bejancu 218 227
Beltrametti 89 223
Bianchi xiv 87 223
Bijective mapping 8
Bilinear form 10
Bisecant 44 105
Bisecant variety 44 46
Blaschke xix 58 164 223 224
Block diagonal form 165
Boecher 137 224
Borisenko 88 134 172 224
Bourbaki 208 219 224
Brauner xiv 87 224
Bruce xiv 224
Bryant xx 15 46 216 225
Bundle cotangent 6
Bundle of first-order frames 52
Bundle of hyperplanes 101 136 139—142
Bundle of second fundamental forms 55
Canal hypersurface 186 189 190
Cartan xiv xx 11 46 47 86 87 89 206 225
Cartan lemma 10
Cartan number 15 131 132 156 158 162 217
Cartan test 13 15 130—132 157 158 162 216 217
Cartesian coordinates 116 119 123
Cauchy horizon 176
Caustic 103 186 191
Cayley 66—69 225
Cayley's parameterization 68
Center(s) of bundle of hyperplanes 136 140—142
Center(s) of pencil of cubics 40
Center(s) of pencil of straight lines 164
Center(s) projectivization 24 52 53
Chakmazyan 203 218 222 225 226
Chandrasekhar 177 218 226
Character(s) 14 15 156
Characteristic equation of matrix with respect to matrix 186
Characteristic subspace 102 137 138
Chern xx 15 46 47 63 88 133 134 216 225 226
Chern — Lashof — Hartman — Nirenberg lemma 133
Class of differentiable manifold 5
Class of differentiable mapping 7
Classification of three-dimensional varieties 104—105 134 164 173
Closed contour 203
Closed linear form 5
Closed p-form 12
Closure 71
Cobasis 6 51
Coframe 18 23
Collinear vectors 19
Compact hypersurface 88
Complete matrix algebra 207
Complete noncylindrical hypersurface 163
Complete parabolic variety 126 127 134
Complete regular variety 118
Completely integrable system 13 16 92 95 205
Completely reducible system of matrices 165
Completely reducible variety 165 168
Complex conjugate 2-planes 112
Complex conjugate hypercones 113
Complex conjugate points 113 115
Complex manifold 6
Complex numbers, field of 1
Complex projective geometry 88
Component 165 ff.
Conditions for a point to be fixed 31
Cone(s) 64—66 74 102—105 108 127 135 154 156 164 169 172
Conformal space 176 177 184 186 218
Congruence 103 196 199
Conic(s) 35 45 46 79 80 103 107—109 113 120 123
Conic(s) conjugate net 105
Conic(s) curve 188
Conic(s) singular point 188 190 191
Conisecant plane 46
Conjugate net 105 188
Connected hypersurface 149
Connected variety 150
Connection form(s) 19
Connection form(s) of affine connection 201
Connection form(s) of de Sitter space 180
Connection form(s) of normal connection 202
Constant zero curvature 149
Convex hyperquadric 126
Coordinates of tangent vector 6
Correlation 23 80 81
Correlative transformation 80
Cotangent bundle 6
Cotangent space 6 22
Cotangent space, basis of 22
Covariant differential 201 202
Covector 3
Covector field 9
Cubic hypersurface 77 85 88 119
Cubic symmetroid 46 77 103 144 145
Cubic symmetroid, tangent hyperplane to 80
Curvature of line 217
Curvature, form of affine connection 201
Curvature, form of de Sitter space 180—181
Curvature, form of normal connection 202
Curvature, tensor of affine connection 202 204 206
Curvature, tensor of de Sitter space 181
Curvature, tensor, 19
Curve in a projective plane 28 ff.
Curve with constant projective curvature 40
Curve with zero projective curvature 40
Curve, basis form of 28
Cyclic generator 189
Cyclic group 21
Cyclic variable 124
Cylinder 64 127 128 149 150 154 163
Cylinder theorem 149—150 172
Cylindrical variety 88
Darboux 47 226
Darboux, hyperquadric 177 192 194
Darboux, mapping 177 184
De Sitter space 176 ff. 218
Degenerate, focus variety 102
Degenerate, Gauss map 64
Degenerate, hyperquadric 145
Degenerate, Riemannian metric 176
Degenerate, second fundamental form 97 99
Degenerate, symmmetric affinor 187
Delanoe 92 133 226
Derivational formulas 2
Determinant submanifold 44 47 145 195
Developable surface 64 87 133 172
Dieudonne 5 19 46 47 97 226 227
Differentiable coordinates 50
Differentiable covector field 9
Differentiable function 2 5 7 9
Differentiable manifold 5 21 46 49 51
Differentiable mapping 7
Differentiable mapping, class of 7
Differential 1-form 2
Differential equations of 1-form 9
Differential equations of absolute invariant 5
Differential equations of covector 3—4
Differential equations of p-form 9
Differential equations of relative invariant 5
Differential equations of relative tensor 4
Differential equations of subspace 12
Differential equations of tensor 4
Differential equations of tensor field 6
Differential equations of vector 3
Differential of function 9
Differential of Gauss map 185
Differential operator 6—7
Differential prolongation 15
Differentiation, exterior 11
Differentiation, exterior, of product 11
Differentiation, relative to secondary parameters 6—7
Dimension of bundle of second fundamental forms 55
Dimension of bundle of tangent hyperplanes 71
Dimension, differentiable manifold 5
Dimension, dual variety 71 72 96
Dimension, frame bundle 6
Dimension, free module 9
Dimension, Grassmannian 59
Dimension, leaf of Monge — Ampere foliation 72
Dimension, osculating subspace to Grassmannian 60
Dimension, projectivization 24
Dimension, second normal subspace 57
Dimension, second osculating subspace 101
Dimension, Segre cone 44
Dimension, Segre variety 44 75
Dimension, tangent bundle 6
Dimension, tangent subspace to Grassmannian 60
Direct product 44
Director variety of cone 65
Director variety of cylinder 150
Discriminant of polynomial 68
distribution 13 202 205
Distribution focus 117 154 157 164 213
Distribution hyperplane 145
Distribution point of cubic 35—37
Distribution straight line 46
Distribution, invariant 19
do Carmo 47 226
Double conic 46
Dual basis 6
Dual coframe 23 97
Dual curve 67
Dual defect of dually nondegenerate variety 90
Dual defect of Segre variety 71 76
Dual defect of tangentially nondegenerate variety 71
Dual defect of variety with degenerate Gauss map 72 89
Dual element of 6
Dual map 70 72 73
Dual space 22 70 82 101
Dual tangent space 6 72
Dual theorem 23
Dual variety 71 96 101
Dual variety of cone 74
Dual variety of hypersurface 74
Dual variety of smooth curve 73
Dual variety of tangentially nondegenerate variety 71
Dual variety of variety with degenerate Gauss map 71 72
Dual vector space 3
Duality principle 22 70 89
Dually degenerate variety 71 72 89 97 101
Dually nondegenerate variety 72 81 90 99 101
Dubrovin 96 227
Duggal 218 227
Edge of regression 102 127 128 188
Eigenvalue 139 140 142 150—152 170
Ein 89 227
Einstein space 181
Einstein summation convention 1
Eisenbud 47 227
Element of dual tangent space 6
Element of tangent bundle 6
Elliptic congruence 211 213
Elliptic pencil of hyperspheres 178
Elliptic space 126—128
Elliptic transformation(s) 27
Embedding 44
Embedding theorem 169 ff.