Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Matijasevich Y. — Hilbert's 10th Problem |
Предметный указатель |
Salomaa, Arto xx 249
Sapir, M.V. 196 249 250
Sato, Daihachiro 55 235
Scarpellini, Bruno 179 250
Schiitte, Kurt 38
Schinzel, Andrzej 127
Schoenfeld, Lowell 127 250
Schonfeld, Wolfgang 250
Schupp, Paul E. 196 239
Semenov, A.L. 99 253
Set of reachability 184
Set, (A, C, X)-Diophantine 139
Set, binary Turing semidecidable 97
Set, decidable in the intuitive sense 95
Set, Diophantine 7
Set, semidecidable in the intuitive sense 95
Set, semidecidable in the intuitive sense by a register machine 98
Set, simple 124
Set, tracing 182
Set, Turing decidable 92
Set, Turing semidecidable 85
Set, univeral Diophantine 57
Shanks, Daniel 37 250
Shapiro, Harold N. 151 250
Shepherdson, John C 101 197 228 250
Shiryaev, D.V. 197 219 250
Shlapentokh, Alexandra 151 152 250 251
Shub, Mike 223
Siegel, Carl Ludwig 17 251
Siekmann, J. 197 239 251
Simmons, H. 197 239
Singer, Michael F. 179 197 251
Singmaster, David 251
Skolem, Thoralf 16 251
Smale, Steve 223
Smorynski *, Craig xx 152 216 251
State of a chess machine 186
State of a chess machine, final 187
State of a chess machine, initial 186
State of Turing machine 72
State of Turing machine, final 72
State of Turing machine, initial 72
Statman, R. 197 252
Staudt, Karl G.C.von 210
Stavi, Jonathan 197 230
Stotskii, E.* D. 197 252
Sturgis, H.E. 101 250
Sturm, Jacque C.F. 168 207
Sturmfels, Bernd 252
| Sun, Zhi-Wei 205 252
Sussman, Hector J. xx 252
Szabo, P. 197 239 251
Szwast, Wieslaw 197 245
Takahashi, Shuichi 252
Tarasov, S.P. 197 252
Tarski, Alfred 16 37 168 207 253
Terrier, Veronique 253
Thesis, Church’s 96
Thesis, Turing’s 99
Thue, Axel 131 253
Tiden, Erik 197 253
Tokura, Nobuki 197 235
Trivial solution of a homogeneous equation 147
Tulipani, S. 228
Tung, Shih-Ping 164 253
Tuple 41
Tuple, characteristic 49
Tuple, empty 43
Turakainen, Paavo 197 253
Turing, Alan M. 99 126 127 165 179 253
Universal bound on complexity 154
Universal bound on number of operations 154
Universal bound on order 154
Universal bound on rank 154
Universal bound on rank, on exponential rank 156
Universal sequence of polynomials 122
Unvericht, E. 197 239
Uspenskii*, V.A. 99 236 253
Valiev, M.K. 196 254
van Emde Boas, Peter 101 254
Vazhenin, Yu.M. 196 254
Venkatesan, Ramarathnam 164 254
Vinogradov, A.K. 164 254
Wada, Hideo 55 235 254
Wang, Paul S. 179 254
Wheeler, William 197 232
Wiens, Douglas 55 235
Wilkie, Alex J. 163 197 234 255
Wilmers, George 197 255
Wirsing, Martin 197 223
Wolstenholme, J. 53 255
Yakubovich, A.M. 197 230
Yen, Hsu-Chun 197 233
Young, Paul 197 235
Yukna, S. 164 255
Zakharov, D.A. xx 255
Zero of the zeta function, non-trivial 118
Zero of the zeta function, trivial 118
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