Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Matijasevich Y. — Hilbert's 10th Problem |
Предметный указатель |
Adamowicz, Zofia 196 221
Adleman, Leonard 164 221 240
Adler, Andrew 152 179 196 216 219 221
Aivazyan *, S.V. 196 221
Alphabet of a Turing machine 71
Amice, Yvette 207 221
Andrews, George E. 205 221
Anick, David J. 196 222
Arnborg, Stefan 197 253
Azra, Jean-Pierre xx 222
Baker, A. 222
Barton, D. 179 222
Base of positional code 45
Bauer, Friedrich L. 56 222
Baur, Walter 196 222
Baxa, Christoph 38 222
Baxter, Lewis D. 196 222
Beck, H. 197 223
Bell, J.L. 223
Bernoulli, Jakob 51
Bicknell-Johnson, Marjorie 232
Blum, Lenore 223
Blum, Manuel 218 223
Bokuf, L.A. 196 223
Bollman, Dorothy 209 223
Borger, E. xx 223
Britton, J.L. 16 223
Broy, Manfred 197 223
Calude, Cristian 196 224
Cantone, D. 196 224
Cantor number of a tuple 41
Cantor, Georg 70
Carstens, Hans Georg 197 224
Caviness, B.F. 179 224
Cegielski, Patrick 224
Chaitin, Gregory J. 197 224
Chan, Tat-hung 197 224
Chebyshev, P.L. 118
Chowla, S. 224
Chudnovsky, Gregory V. 38—39 215 225
Church, Alonzo 99 225
Cipher of a polynomial 60
Cipher of a positional code of a tuple 45
Clarke, Lori A. 197 225
Code of a polynomial 60
Code of a set 57
Code of an equation 64
Code of an equation, extended 60
Code of an equation, without parameters 65
Code, Godel code of a tuple 43
Code, positional code of a tuple 44
Cohen, Jacques 197 225
Concatenation 44
Configuration 85
Conway, J.H. 207 225
Cutello, V. 196 224
Danko*, Wiktor 197 225
Davis normal form 99
Davis, Martin xx 16 17 37—39 54 68—70 99—101 126 127 152 197 208 209 215 216 218 225—227
Davis’s hypothesis 99
Decision problem 1
Decision problem, individual subproblem 1
Degree of an equation with respect to a given unknown 1
Degree of an equation with respect to all unknowns 1 7
Degree of an equation with respect to all variables 7
Denef, J. 151 152 179 216 227
Dickson, Leonard Eugene 205 227
Dimension of a set 7
Dimitracopoulos, Constantine 197 229 235 246
Diophantine game 181
Diophantine relation 9
Diophantine representation of a function 10
Diophantine representation of a property 9
Diophantine representation of a relation 9
Diophantine representation of a set 7
Diophantine representation, singlefold 132
Diophantine term 10
Diophantus 2 16 146 227
Dirichlet’s Principle, multiplicative form 125
Dosen^, Kosta, xx 244
Dowling, Michael L. 228
Durnev, V.G. 196 197 228
Dyson, Verena H. see “Huber-Dyson Verena”
Equation, Diophantine 1
Equation, Diophantine, parametric 7
Equation, Diophantine, trigonometric 15
Equation, exponential Diophantine 33
Equation, exponential Diophantine, unary 33
Equation, exponential Diophantine, unary with fixed base 34
Equation, Pell 205
Equation, universal 57
Equivalent codes 47
Euclid 95
Euler, Leonard 118 199 200
Euler’s identity 118 199
Exponential Diophantine representation of a function 33
Exponential Diophantine representation of a property 33
Exponential Diophantine representation of a relation 33
Exponential Diophantine representation of a set 33
Family of Diophantine equations 6
Farmer, William M. 228
Fenstad, Jens Erik xx 38 228
Fermat, Pierre 34 38
Fibonacci, Leonardo 38
Fitch, J.P. 179 222 228
Friedrichsdorf, Ulf 197 228
Function, Chebyshev’s 118
Function, Diophantine 10
Function, probe 155
Function, Turing computable 97
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 118
Gagliardi, G. 228
Gaifman, Haim 197 229
Garey, Michael R. 229
Gaussian integers 138
Geimanis, Dainis 229
Germano, Giorgio 197 229
Godel, Kurt 53 101 126 229
Goldbach, Christian 117
Goldbach’s conjecture 117
Goldfarb, Warren D. 197 229
Goodstein, R.L. 197 230
Gorskii*, I.L. 197 230
Guaspari, D. 197 230
Gurari, Eitan M. 197 230
Hack, Michel 196 197 230
Hajek, Petr 230
Harel, David 197 230
Hasenjaeger, G. 231
Hatcher, William S. 197 231
Havel, Ivan 231
Havranek, Tomas * 230
Heath, Thomas L. 231
Heering, Jan 197 231
Hermes, Hans xx 231
Herrman, Oskar 37 231
Hilbert, David xix—xxi 1 2 4 5 7 15 16 34 38 53 54 66 69—71 92—95 97 99—101 116 117 122 126 127 129 138 139 146 149 151 152 162 168 169 174 179 192 196 197 207 212 232
Hirose, Ken xx 126 215 232
Hirschfeld, Joram 197 232
Hodgson, Bernard R. 164 197 231 232 236
Hoggatt, Jr., V.E. 232
Howell, Rodney R. 197 233
Huber-Dyson, Verena 196 228 233
Huet, Gerard 197 233
Huynh, Dung T. 197 233
Ibarra, Oscar H. 197 219 230 233
Iida, Shigeaki 126 215 232
Instruction of a chess machine 186
Instruction of a register machine 98
Instruction of a Turing machine 72
| Iteration level of a set 156
Iteration level of a set, relative 156
Iteration level of an equatin 156
Jeroslow, R.G. 197 233
Johnson, David S. 229
Jones, A.J. 207 225
Jones, James P. xx 55 56 69 70 101 163 195—197 212 215 217—219 228 233—235
Joseph, Deborah 197 235
Julia Robinson predicate 37
Jutila, Matti 127
Kaplansky, Irving xx 235
Karhumaki, Juhani 235
Kasami, Tadao 197 235
Kaye, Richard 197 235
Kent, Clement F. 164 232 236
Khachiyan, L.G. 197 252
Kharlampovich, O.G. 196 236 250
Kim, K.H. 152 236
Kiss, Peter 236
Kleiman*, Yu.G. 196 236
Kochen, Simon 38
Kolmogorov, A.N. 99 236
Koppel, Moshe 236
Korableva, N.B. 197 228
Kosovskii*, N.K 38 164 197 208 212 237 254
Kreisel, G. 68 127 237
Kryauchyukas, V.Yu. 56 237
Kucherov, G.A. 197 237
Kummer, E.E. 47 52—54 201 238
Lagrange, J.L. 238
Lambek, Joachim 101 238
Laplaza, Miguel 209 223
Laski, Janusz 197 238
Lee, R.D. 197 230
Leininger, Brian S. 197 219 233
Length of positional code 45
Lenstra, Jr., H.W. 238
Levitz, Hilbert 163 164 234 238
Lew, John S. 209 238
Lewis, Harry R. 197 247
Lipshitz, Leonard 151 152 179 197 216 227 239
Livesey, M. 197 239
Lyndon, Roger C. 196 239
Machine, chess 186
Machine, Diophantine 164
Machine, Turing 71
Machine, Turing, nondeterministic 164
Machover, M. 223
Macintyre, A. 197 239
Mal’tsev, A.I. 100 239
Manas *, Miroslav 239
Manas*, Miroslav 197
Manders, Kenneth L. 164 221 239 240
Manevitz, Larry Michael 197 240
Manin, Yu.I. xx 240
Margenstern, M. xx 240
Markovic*, Zoran xx 244
Martin-Lof, Per 179 240
Mart’yanov, V.I. 240
Maslov, S.Yu. 100 240
Mate, Atilla 197 241
Matiyasevich, Yu.V. xx 17 37 38 54 55 69 101 126 127 152 162 163 208 209 212 215—218 226 234 241—243
Mayr, Ernst W. 197 243
McAloon, Kenneth 197 243
McGettrick, A.D. 179 244
Melzak, Z.A. 101 244
Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm 197 244
Meyer, Albert R. 197 243
Mijajlovic, Zarko* xx 244
Miller III, Charles F. 196 244
Minsky, Marvin L. 101 244
Mints, G.E. 197 244
Mlcek*, J. 197 245
Moses, Joel 179 245
Motohashi, Nobuyoshi 197 245
Mullin, Albert A. 245
Myasnikov, A.G. 196 245
Myhill, J. 16 245
Nerode, A. 245
Nielsen, Jakob 211 245
Non-effective estimate 131
Number of an equation 123
Numbers, Diophantine real 165
Numbers, Fibonacci 38
Numbers, natural 5
Numbers, triangular 205
Oppen, Derek C 197 233
Order of a set 153
Order of a set, relative 153 155
Pacholski, Leszek 197 245
Panchishkin, A.A. xx 240
Pappas, Peter 179 246
Parameter, code parameter 57
Parameter, element parameter 57
Paris, Jeff B. 197 235 246
Paun*, Gheorghe 196 224
Penzin, Yu.G. 179 197 246
Pepper, Peter 197 223
Petri, C 196
Pheidas, Thanases 151 152 246
Pnueli, Amir 197 230
Policrito, A. 196 224
Post, Emil L. 99 128 246
Prime number theorem 118
Primes, Fermat 56
Primes, Mersenne 56
Property, Diophantine 9
Property, polynomial 126
Putnam, Hilary 16 37 54 68 100 126 152 209 215 226 227 247
Rabin, Michael O. 195—196 247
Rajagopalan, Sivaramakrishnan 164 254
Rank of a set 153
Rank of a set, exponential 156
Rank of a set, exponential, relative 156
Rank of a set, relative 153 155
Realization of a sequence of polynomials 123
Register of a chess machine 186
Register of a chess machine, input 187
Register of a chess machine, output 187
Register of a register machine 98
Reid, Constance 16 151 247
Reif, John H. 197 247
Relation of exponential growth 35
Relation of reachability 184
Relation of roughly exponential growth 36
Relative number of operations 155
Remeslennikov, V.N. 196 245 247
Repin, N.N. 196 247
Representation of a number 75
Representation of a number, binary 97
Representation of a tuple 75
Representation of a tuple, binary 97
Representation of a tuple, canonical 75
Richardson, Daniel 179 247
Richardson, Debra J. 197 225
Riemann hypothesis 117
Riemann, Georg F.B. 117—119 121 122 126 127
Riemann’s zeta function 117
Robinson, Abraham 197 247
Robinson, Julia 16 17 37 38 54 68 69 100 126—128 163 197 207—209 215 217 218 226 227 243 248
Robinson, Raphael M. 152 162 164 216 218 248
Robson, J.M. 248
Roman’kov, V.A. 196 249
Rosenberg, Arnold L. 209 238
Rosier, Louis E. 197 233 249
Roush, F.W. 152 236
Rozenblat, B.V. 196 249
Rumely, Robert S. 151 249
Ruohonen, Keijo xx 38 249
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