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Jezierski J., Marzantowicz W. — Homotopy Methods in Topological Fixed and Periodic Points Theory |
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Action, free 283
Action, the second Reidemeister 183
Algebra, Heisenberg 272
Algebra, Lie 243
Alseda 240
Andres 294
Approximation, homotopy 45
Approximation, smooth 13
Arnold 106
Babienko 63 69 95 107
Baldwin 240
Begle 295
Block 240
Bogatyi 63 69 95 107
Bonino 291 292
Bottle, Klein 243 279
Bowszyc 69 70
Brooks 161
Brouwer 5
Browder 4
Brown M. 291
Brown R. 161 165
Character of integral representation 79
Character, finite-dimensional 80
Characteristic of field 43
Characteristic, Euler of graded endomorphism 69
Chow 84 90
Class, essential 120
Class, H-Nielsen, essential 137
Class, inessential 120
Class, Nielsen 120
Class, Reidemeister 125
Classes, H-Reidemeister 137
Classes, Nielsen 120 156
Classes, Reidemeister 124 156
Cohomology 42
Complex, Chevalley — Eilenberg 255
Complex, CW, finite 41
Complex, de Rham 255
Condition, Cauchy initial 3
Congruences, Dold 57 63 81
Conjecture, Arnold 106
Conjecture, Poincare 139
Conjecture, Shub — Sullivan 94
Contractible, locally 120
Contraction 3
Cronin 105
CW-complex 32
Davey 279
Degree of map 12
Degree, homologic definition 20
Degree, properties of 21
Degree, uniqueness of 26
Density, natural 115
Density, natural density of set 78
Depth of a Reidemeister class 193
Determinant, Vandermonde 67
Diagonal 5
Dold 60
Duality, Poincare 184
Duan 111
Dugundji 53
Efremova 240
Eigenvalue, essential 68
Eigenvalue, quotient 112
Eilenberg 295
Element, decomposable in cohomology 111
Example, Shub 55 238
Expansion, k-periodic 79 81
Expansion, k-periodic, coefficient 81
Fadell 139 177 248
Fagella 107
Ferrario 285
Fibration, Hopf 166
Fibration, Hurewicz 166 181
Field 38
Field number 39
Field of coefficients 43
Formula, Hopf index 100
Formula, Lefschetz — Hopf 11
Formula, Lefschetz — Hopf index 49
Formula, Moebius inversion 57 264
Formula, summation 257
Franks 90 103 293
Fuller 70
Function, arithmetic 57
Function, boosting 192
Function, generating 63
Function, Moebius 57
Function, Uryshon 218
Goehde 4
Gorniewicz 294
Graff 113
Granas 53
Group, completely solvable 244
Group, exponential 245
Group, fundamental 7
Group, Galois 66
Group, Lie 49
Group, n-homology 19
Group, nilpotent 241
Group, solvable 241
Group, unimodular 275
Guckenheimer 240
Guckenheimer, Duan 116
Halpern 189 279
Hart 279
Hattori 255
Heath 197
Homeomorphism, le Calvez — Yoccoz 293
Homeomorphism, minimal 293
Homology 42
Homology, Cech 295
Homology, spaces 43
Homotopy 5
Homotopy, equivariant 284
Hopf 119
Husseini 139 177 248
Index of periodicity of graded matrix 68
Index of periodicity of map 69
Index, Conley 293
Index, fixed point 29
Index, fixed point, additivity property 30
Index, fixed point, commutativity property 31
Index, fixed point, for ENRs maps 32
Index, fixed point, homotopy invariance property 31
Index, fixed point, localization property 30
Index, fixed point, multiplicativity property 31
Index, fixed point, properties 30
Index, fixed point, units property 30
Index, Fuller 69
Index, periodic 83
Integers, gaussian 242
Isomorphism, Hurewicz 25
Jezierski 208 225 280
Jiang 7 113 138 150 156 189 196
Katok A. 286
Katok S. 290
Kelly 139
Keppelmann 189 197 245
Kiang 7
Kirk 4
Komendarczyk 267
Kronecker on density of multiplies of irrational angle 75 76
Kronecker on roots of monic polynomial 72 262
Kronecker — Weyl 79
Krzyzewski 290
Lattice 242
le Calvez 293
Lefschetz 6 119
| Lefschetz fixed point 52
Lefschetz — Hopf 49
Lefschetz — Hopf, fixed point 11
Lefschetz — Hopf, periodic point 55
Lemma, Fatou for polynomials 65
Lemma, generalized homotopy invariance 28
Lemma, Hopf 220
Lemma, Hopf for degree 24
Lemma, Hopf for fixed point index 37
Lemma, Hopf for trace 45
Lemma, Whitney 139
Length of nilpotency 246
Llibre 107 113 240 279
Malcev 246 248
Mallet-Paret 84 90
Manifold, topological 32
Manifolds, Heisenberg 242
Manifolds, Iwasawa 242
Map, cellular 47 49
Map, characteristic 50
Map, compactly fixed 29
Map, completely continuous 9
Map, d-compact 12
Map, equivariant 283
Map, essentially reducible 198
Map, essentially reducible to GCD 198
Map, essentially toral 200
Map, holomorphic 104
Map, homotopic 5
Map, Lipschitz 4
Map, multivalued 294
Map, multivalued, admisible 295
Map, multivalued, given by a pair 294
Map, multivalued, upper semicontinuous 294
Map, non-expansive 4
Map, proximity 145
Map, simplical 47
Map, transversal 99
Map, Vietoris 295
Marzantowicz 84 90
Matrix, unimodular 247
Matrix, Vandermonde 77
Matsuoka 90 102
McCord 245 248
Measure, Lebesgue 13
Misiurewicz 240 285
Module, free 38
Module, projective 47
Montgomery 295
Mostow 242
Newton on symmetric polynomials 58
Nielsen 7 119 123 138
Nilmanifold 241
Number of Reidemeister classes 156
Number, H-Nielsen 137
Number, Lefschetz 2 6 42
Number, Lefschetz, universal 46
Number, Nielsen 120
Number, Nielsen — Jiang periodic, full 196
Number, Nielsen — Jiang periodic, prime 196
Number, Nielsen, asymptotic 287
Numbers, Lehmer — Lucas 266
Orbits of Reidemeister classes 195
Orientation along a compact subset 20
Orientation of Euclidean space 19
Orientation, homological 19
Pak 161
Period, homotopy minimal 239
Period, minimal 2
Periods, homotopy minimal, algebraic 259
Point, critical 12
Point, fixed 1
Point, inverting 100
Point, noninverting 100
Point, periodic 1
Point, regular 12
Point, twisted 100
Point, untwisted 100
Polynomial, characteristic 39
Polynomial, cohomology characteristic 112
Polynomial, cyclotomic 73 103
Polynomial, monic 41
Polynomial, Newton 58
Polynomial, symmetric 58
Principle, Banach Contraction 3
Problem, Ulam 293
Procedure, cancelling 209
Property, Darboux 6
Przygodzki 84 90
Przytycki 285 290
Radius, spectral, essential 68
Rank of rational exterior power 112
Reidemeister 119
Relation, Nielsen 120
Relation, Reidemeister 177
Representation, adjoint 244
Representation, regular 81
Resolution, projective 47
Rigidity of lattices 244
Ring number 39
Ring, commutative 38
Ring, principal ideals 47
Ruelle 290
Ruiz de Portal 293
Salazar 293
Sard 11 12
Sarkovskii 240
Sarkovskii type 279
Schauder 9
Schinzel 240 265
Schmitt 291
Sequence, Mayer Vietoris exact 61
Set of all roots of unity 103
Set of fixed points 1
Set of homotopy minimal periods 239
Set of minimal periods 2
Set of periodic points 1
Shi 138 145 150
Shub 7 84 94 285
Shub — Sullivan 84 91
Siegberg 85
simplex 19
Solvmanifold 241
Solvmanifold, completely solvable 244
Solvmanifold, exponential 245
Solvmanifold, N R-solvmanifold 245 253
Space, Banach 3
Space, contractible 52
Space, essentially reducible 198
Space, essentially reducible to GCD 198
Space, Jiang 157
Space, normed linear 9
Space, projective 279
Space, rational exterior 112
Space, rational exterior, simple 112
Space, rational Hopf, simple 116
Space, weakly Jiang 159
Sullivan 84 94
Swanson 240
Szlenk 240
Taylor 161
Theorem, Anosov 245
Theorem, Auslander 243
Theorem, Brouwer 6 53
Theorem, Cartan 273
Theorem, Chow, Mallet — Paret and Yorke 84
Theorem, Cronin 105
Theorem, Dirichlet on arithmetic progression 74
Theorem, Dold 60
Theorem, Fermat little 57
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