Авторизация |
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Kyburg H.E., Teng Ch.M. — Uncertain Inference |
Предметный указатель |
Sharpen by richness 213 217
Sharpen by specificity 213 215
Shimony, A. 88
Shortliffe, E.H. 114 121
Significance level 181
Significance test see test significance
Skolemization 124
Skyrms, B. 1
Smets, P. 114
Smith, C.A.B. 113 114
Soundness 231 241 244
Soundness, Mathematical Logic 31
Specificity 213 227 250
Specificity, maximal 253
Spohn, W. 167
Stability 138 139
Stable expansions 138 139
Stable expansions, robust 143
Stalnaker, R. 138
State descriptions 82
State descriptions, countable 85
State descriptions, isomorphic 82
State descriptions, range 82
State descriptions, regular 85
Statements, accepted 275
Statistical inference 248 273 279 287
Statistics, Bayesian 178 192 194 195
Statistics, classical 178 196
Stipulation 276
Structure description 82
Subjective probabilities in artificial intelligence 92
Subjective probabilities, convergence 90
Subjectivism 193
Subjectivity 196 271
Sufficient condition 14 15 17 18
Suppes, P. 230
Support 211 219
Support functions, simple 110
Support functions, statistical 110
Support set 237
Support, prima facie 209
t 135 136 142 152
T modal system see modal systems
Target formula 204 205 208 209 227
Tennant, N. 160
Term, observational 276
| Test, hypothesis 179 182 185 196
Test, level 183
Test, mixed see test randomized
Test, power 183 184
Test, randomized 185
Test, significance 179 180 182 196
Test, size 181 183 184
Test, statistical 248
Test, uniformly most powerful 185
Theorem 22 31
Theorem of general addition 49
Theorem of total probability 50
Theory change see theory replacement
Theory replacement 152 285
Theory replacement, rationality considerations 156
Thomason, R.H. 147
Touretzky, D.S. 147
Truszczynski, M. 141 143
Truth 28
Truth conditions 244
Truth maintenance systems 169
Truth, defined 232
Truth, statistical 233
Tweety 117
Typicality 118 146
Ullian, J. 282
updates 169
Urbach, P. 89 92
Validity 28
Validity, deductive 2 38
Validity, partial 240 244 287
Validity, uncertain 237
variable assignment 29 232 234
Variable assignment, partial 233
Variables, mathematical 203
variables, object 203
von Mises, R. 72—76 80 178
von Wright, G.H. 17 18
Walley, P. 113n 114 200
WaWa 152
Weak S4 see modal systems
Weak S5 see K45
Weakness 238
Weight 200
Williams, M. 171
Withdrawal 170
Zadeh, L.A. 113n
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