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Kyburg H.E., Teng Ch.M. — Uncertain Inference |
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see confirmation functions
see confirmation functions
see rationality postulates revision
see rationality postulates expansion
see rationality postulates contraction
see maximal subsets
see measure functions
see measure functions
see Dempster’s rule of combination
see quasiquotation
see epistemic entrenchment
-field see field sigma
see definite descriptions
4 see axioms modal
5 see axioms modal
Acceptance 194 261 267
Accessibility relations 134—136
Accessibility relations, equivalence 135
Accessibility relations, Euclidean 135
Accessibility relations, reflexive 134
Accessibility relations, serial 134
Accessibility relations, symmetric 135
Accessibility relations, transitive 135
Ackermann, W. 27
Adams, E. 230
Additivity 47
Additivity, countable 48 88
Additivity, finite 48 87
Additivity, super 108
AGM postulates see rationality postulates
Alchourron, C.E. 158 168 171
Analogy 204
Approximation 283
Argument 2 22 23 33 35 202
Argument, Bayesian 217
Argument, complete 33
Argument, degree of validity 80
Argument, rational 270
Argument, sound 2 33 36
Argument, valid 2 33 36
Assumption, ungrounded 201 262 273 279 286
Atomic formula 28 205
Atomic formula, restricted 205 207
Atomic term, restricted 206
Attribute class 77
Autoepistemic theory 138
Axiom of non-negativity 47
Axiom of total probability 47
Axiomatic method 6
Axioms 27
Axioms, Mathematical Logic 27 31
Axioms, modal 135 136
Axioms, propositional logic 27
Bacchus, F. 203 204n 262
Background conditions 181 183
Bacon, F. 7—10 14
Basic probability assignment 105
Bayesian networks 195
Bayesianism 89
Bayes’ Theorem 53 177
Belief 152
Belief bases 168
Belief functions 104 226
Belief functions, convex sets of probabilities 106
Belief functions, counterintuitive consequences 111
Belief functions, mass see basic probability assignment
Belief functions, properties 109
Belief, degree of 38 193 211
Belief, rational 80 87
Belief, revising degree of 89
Belief, T-axiom 135 142
Bernoulli, J. 12 13 42 43
Bookie 88n
Borel set 190 207 208
Boutilier, C. 171
Brewka, G. 147
Cardinality, relative 209
Carnap, R. 81—83 85 86 94 98 99 103 104 114 195 226 243 262 270 283
cases 69
Cases, equipossible 43 45 69
Central limit theorem 64
Certainty, degree of 275
Certainty, evidential 272 283
Certainty, practical 272 281
Chance set-up 72 78
Chance, objective 237
Characteristic functions 61
Chebychef’s Theorem 62
Cheeseman, P. 193
Chellas, B.F. 134
Circumscribed theory 144
Circumscription 143
Circumscription formula 144
Circumscription schema 144
Closed world assumption 126 137
Closure 31
Closure, Mathematical Logic 27
Coherence theory change 169
Collectives 72 73
Collectives, conditional 73
Collectives, mixing 73
Combinations 43 44
Combinatorics see combinations permutations
Completeness 231 244
Completeness, Mathematical Logic 32
Conditionalization 89 209 262
Conditionalization, convex 111
Conditionalization, temporal 93
Conditioning 194 196
Confidence interval 186 187 189—191 196 248 261 263 282 283
Confidence interval vs conditionalization 264
Confidence interval, diagram 188
Confidence interval, method 179
Confidence interval, one sided 187
Confidence interval, two sided 186
Confirmability, degree of 101
Confirmation 81 83
Confirmation as conditional probability 81
Confirmation functions, 83 98
Confirmation functions, 83
Confirmation, increase 103
Consequents 121
Constraint function 206 208
Constraint partition 206 208
Constraint, objective 237
Content, predictive empirical 283—285
Contraction 154 156
Contraction, full meet 165
Contraction, maxichoice 165
Contraction, partial meet 165
Convention 275 285
Convexivity 106
Core 105
Corroboration 99 100
Corroboration, definition 101
Corroboration, maximizing 103
Corroboration, theorems 101
Cresswell, M.J. 134
Criscuolo, G. 130
D see axioms modal
Darwiche, A. 171
Datamining 287
de Finetti, B. 90 92 94 193
de Finetti’s theorem 90
Decidability 32
Decidability, semi- 147
Decision 194
Deduction Theorem 33
Default logic, terminology 121
Default logic, variants 131
| Default rules 121
Default rules, closed 122
Default rules, normal 129
Default rules, open 122
Default rules, priorities 147
Default rules, semi-normal 130
Default theories 122
Default theories, closed 122
Default theories, normal 129
Default theories, open 122
Default theories, semi-normal 130
Default theories, transformation from open to closed 123
Definite descriptions 26
Dempster conditioning 110
Dempster conditioning, relation to convex conditioning 111
Dempster, A.P. 104 108 110—112 114
Dempster’s rule of combination 108 110
Density function 58 59
Density function, joint 60
Density function, marginal 60
Direct inference 175 177 178 195 201 262 263
Distribution functions 55 58
Distribution functions, joint 60
Distribution functions, marginal 60
Distribution functions, properties 59
Distribution, binomial 63
Distribution, full 216
Distribution, Gaussian see distribution normal
Distribution, marginal 216
Distribution, normal 38 63 187 191
Domain 28 232
Doyle, J. 135 136 169
Draws, sequences of 264 266
Dubois, D. 114
Duhem, P. 282
Dutch book 87
Dutch book theorem, countable additivity 88
Dutch book theorem, finite additivity 87
Earman, J. 93
Eberle, R. 233n
Entailment, partial 81 203 235 236
entropy 193
Epistemic entrenchment 166
Epistemic entrenchment, iterated change 171
Epistemic entrenchment, postulates 167
Epistemic entrenchment, relation to rationality postulates 168
Epistemic utility 103
Equivalence classes of lengths 277
Equivalence classes of models 235
erasure 170
Error analysis 192
Error, kinds of 183 184
Error, long run frequencies of 185
Error, type I 183 196
Error, type II 183 196
Events 43 47
evidence 271 286
Evidence, combining 250
Evidential support 98
Evidential support, comparison of measures 104
Evidential support, degree of 103
Evidential support, interval-valued 113
Evidential support, probability set 113
Exchangeability 90 193
expansion 153 156
Expansion, uniqueness 159
Experience 271
Experiment, auxiliary 185
Explanatory power 101
Extensions 124
Extensions, brave vs. cautious treatment 148
Extensions, existence 128 129 131 132
Extensions, intersection 148
Extensions, multiple 127 147
Factorial 44
Factual support 103
False rejection 181
Feldman, J. 111n
Fermat, P. 10 42 43 45
Fiducial inference 179 189
Field 47
Field, axioms 47
Field, sigma 48 72
Field, target 208
Fine, T. 114
First order logic 21
First order logic, formation rules 26
First order logic, semantics 28
First order logic, syntax 24
First order logic, vocabulary 25
Fisher, R.A. 179—182 189 190 196
Fixed point, autoepistemic logic 140
Fixed point, autoepistemic vs. default 141
Fixed point, default logic 124 140
Fixed point, need for 126
Focal elements 105
Foundations theory change 169
Frame of discernment 105
frequency see relative frequency
Frequency functions 55 58
Frequency functions, joint 60
Fuhrmann, A. 160 169
Full meet see contraction full
Gaerdenfors, P. 158 163 167—169 171
Generality 238
Genesereth, M.R. 230
Goldszmidt, M. 171
Good, I.J. 113 114 193
Goodman, N. 202 204n
Granularity 205
Groundedness 139 141 142
Groundedness, moderate 142
Groundedness, strong 143
Groundedness, supergrounded 143
Grove, A. 167
Grue 209
Haack, S. 3n
Hacking, I. 78
Halpern, J. 203
Hansson, S. 160 169
Harper identity 163
Harper, W.L. 163 164
High probability 195 267 271
Hilbert, D. 27
Holism 285
Horty, J.F. 147
Howson, C. 89 92
Hughes, G.E. 134
Hume, D. 13 14 99 100
Hypothesis vs. observation 194
Hypothesis, acceptance 194
Hypothesis, auxiliary 182
Hypothesis, compound 183
Hypothesis, null 180 182 184
Hypothesis, rejection 194
Hypothesis, simple 183 184
hypothesis, statistical 267
Hypothesis, testing see test hypothesis
Imprecise probabilities 80 113
Independence 49 51 71
Independence, evidential 113
Induction 1 2 13 261
Induction, analogical 3
Induction, Bayesian 262
Induction, demonstrative 274
Induction, eliminative 15
Induction, enumerative 3
Induction, statistical 261
Inference, Bayesian 263
Inference, deductive 117
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