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Kyburg H.E., Teng Ch.M. — Uncertain Inference |
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Inference, default vs. autoepistemic 136
Inference, inductive 99 118 192 195
Inference, invalid 38
Inference, nonmonotonic 117 192 195
Inference, probabilistic 194 275
Inference, scientific 279
Inference, uncertain 192 195 282
Inference, valid 24 33
information 193
Inheritance Hierarchy 147
Insufficient reason 12
Interpretation function 28 232
Inverse inference 175—178 196
Israel, D. 231
Iterated change 171
Jaynes, E.T. 193 226
justification 287
Justifications 121
Justifications, consistency 132
Justifications, multiple 132
Juxtaposition, collinear 276 277
K see axioms modal
K45 136 140 142
Katsuno, H. 169 170
KD45 see modal systems
Kemeny, J.G. 103 104 114
Kernel 139
Keynes, J.M. 80 81 89 226
Knowledge 152 211
Knowledge, about individuals 211
Knowledge, background 194 247 266 267
Knowledge, statistical 211
Knowledge, T-axiom 135
Kollektives see collectives
Konolige, K. 140—143
Kripke, S. 135
Kyburg, H.E. 113 114 121 203 273n 285n
Lady tasting tea 179 181
Language 285
Language, choice of 226
Language, formal 25
Language, meta- 25
Language, object 24
Language, two-sorted 203 244
Laplace, P.S. 13 42 43 68 177 178 192
Leblanc, H. 51
Lehman, E.L. 88
Leibniz, G. 12
Levi identity 163
Levi, I. 93 102—104 113 114 160 163
Lewis, C.I. 271
Likelihood 53 177
Logic, autoepistemic 134
Logic, default 121
Logic, epistemic 34
Logic, first order see first order logic
Logic, inductive 3 81 201 282
Logic, modal 34 134
Logic, nonmonotonic 120 201
Logic, second order 144 145
Lukaszewicz, W. 131 132
Makinson, D. 158 167—171
Marek, W. 141 143
Marginality 238
Mathematical logic 27 30 36
Mathematical Logic, completeness 32
Mathematical Logic, soundness 31
Maxichoice see contraction maxichoice
Maximal subsets 164
Mayo, D. 192
McCarthy, J. 120 121 143
McDermott, D. 135 136 148
Measure functions 81
Measure functions, 83
Measure functions, 83
Measure functions, assignment 86
Measure functions, relation to the probability calculus 82
Measure, logical 226
Measurement 37 186 272 275 277
Measurement of length 276 277 285
Measurement of temperature 281 282
Measurement, direct 275
Measurement, errors 186 191 272 276—278 283—286
Measurement, indirect 280
Measurement, statement 282
Mechanics, Newtonian 283
Mendelson, E. 233n
Mendelzon, A.O. 169 170
Method, agreement 15
Method, Bayesian 286
Method, concomitant variation 17
Method, difference 15
Method, joint agreement and difference 16
Method, residues 16
Mill, J.S. 13—17 37
ML see Mathematical Logic
Modal systems 135 136
Modality 134
Model ratios 235
Models 28 30 82 232
Models, finite 234
Models, relevant 236
Modified default logic 131
modus ponens 22 27 30—32 36
Monotonicity 2 117
Moore, R.C. 120 136 137 142
Morgan, C. 51
Murtezaoglu, B. 214
Nagel, E. 70 264—266
Natural subsequences 74
Nayak, A.C. 171
Necessary condition 14 15 18
Necessity 134 142
Negative introspection 135 138
Neyman, J. 196
Niederee, R. 160
Nilsson, N. 230
Nonmonotonic logic I 136
Nonmonotonic logic II 136
Nonmonotonicity, computational advantage 147
Nonmonotonicity, consistency 143
Nonmonotonicity, difficulties 146
Nonmonotonicity, evaluation 146
Nonmonotonicity, minimization 143
Nonmonotonicity, qualitative and quantitative 120
Nonmonotonicity, statistical inference 120
Normal form, autoepistemic formulas 140
Objectivity 270 286
Observation 275 279
Observation, errors of 285
Odds 87
Odds, relation to probabilities 87
Opinion 193 196
Oppenheim, P. 103 114
Partial meet see contraction partial
Partition 54 235
Pascal, B. 10—11 42 43 45n
Pascal’s wager 11
Pearl, J. 171
Pearson, E.S. 196
Perception, human 286
Perception, training of 286
permutations 43 44
Pittarelli, M. 114
Pivotal quantity 189
Placebo effect 180
Plausibility 106
Pollock, J. 202 209 210 252
Poole, D. 132
Popper, K.R. 51 78 79 99—104 109 114 282
| Population 191
Positive introspection 135 138
Posits 76
Posits, weights 77
Possibility 134
Possible worlds 30 79 82 134 235
Prade, H. 114
Precisification 213
Predicate circumscription 143
Prediction 281 284 286
Prerequisites 121
Primitive predicates 81
Principle of indifference 12 43 69 83 104 177 178
Principle of indifference, contradiction 70
Principle of Induction 99 100
probability 10 38 190
Probability interpretation, empirical 71
Probability interpretation, intensional 79
Probability interpretation, limiting frequency 72
Probability interpretation, logical 80
Probability interpretation, propensity 78
Probability interpretation, subjective 87
Probability interpretation,classical 43 47 68
Probability, axiomatization 47 48
Probability, conditional 50 210 220
Probability, conditional, as primitive expression 51
Probability, conditional, theorems 53
Probability, definite 210
Probability, distributions 54
Probability, elementary 44
Probability, evidential 219 220
Probability, frequency 225
Probability, indefinite 210
Probability, logical 193 226
Probability, mathematical properties 47
Probability, partial order 114
Probability, prior 194 196
Probability, subjective 193 226
Probability, theorems 49
Probability, weak order 114
Problem of points 45
Problem of the single case, frequentist interpretation 75
Problem of the single case, propensity interpretation 79
Projectibility 202 208
proof 22 23 31
Proof, partial 219 231
Propensity 72 78
Propensity, causal tendency 79
Propensity, multiplicity 79
Propensity, past events 79
Pruning lemma 219
Pseudoextension 126
pseudorandom 191
Q-predicates 82
Qualification problem 119
quantity 279 281
Quasiquotation 26
Quine, W.V.O. 26 27 30 31 36 282
Ramsey, F.P. 87 88 92 193 226
Random quantities 189 191
Random quantities, expected sum 60 61
Random quantities, independence 60 61
Random quantities, independent and identically distributed 64
Random quantities, theorems 60
Random quantities, variance of sum 60 61
Random quantity 54 58
Random quantity, continuous 56
Random quantity, discrete 56
Random quantity, expectation 59
Random quantity, standard deviation 61
Random quantity, variance 59 61
Random variable see random quantity
Random worlds 262
Randomization 180 192
Randomness 72 74 191 254 279
Randomness, computability 74
Rationality 195
Rationality constraints, consistency 156
Rationality constraints, extra-logical 157 163
Rationality constraints, logical 157 163
Rationality constraints, minimality 157 170
Rationality postulates 157 158
Rationality postulates, connections 163
Rationality postulates, contraction 159
Rationality postulates, expansion 158
Rationality postulates, relation to epistemic entrenchment 168
Rationality postulates, revision 161
Rationality, ideal agent 136
Recovery postulate 160 163 168n 170
Reference class 51 74 75 250 280
Reference class, narrowest 77
Reference class, problem of 200 237
Reference class, single case 77
Reference class, specificity vs. precision 78
Reference formula 204 205 207 209 226
Regress, infinite 271
Reichenbach, H. 74—77 80 200 251n
Reiter, R. 120 121 124 128—132
Rejection region 181—185
Relative frequency 71
Relative frequency, existence of limit 72
Relative frequency, invariance under place selection 73
Relative frequency, limiting 72
Relative frequency, long run 178 190
Relative frequency, observed 194
Relative frequency, ratios 237
Reliable statistics 200
Representativeness 255 258 259 263 279
Rescher, N. 103 104 114
Restriction function 207
Restriction partition 207
revision 154—156
Richness 216 217 227
Rigid designators 203 204
Rott, H. 168n 171
Rule of substitution 27
Rule of succession 177
Rules of inference, Mathematical Logic 27 31
Rules of inference, propositional logic 27
Russell, B. 26 27 68
S4 see modal systems
s5 see modal systems
Salmon, W.C. 77 79
Sample space 47 69 176 180 181 183
Sample space, cardinality 51
Sample space, infinite 48 52
Samples 175 191 261
Samples, biased 192
Samples, constrained 257
Samples, equinumerous 61
Samples, random 192 254 259
Sampling 254
Sampling distributions 61
Sampling with replacement 49 51 61
Sampling without replacement 49 51
Satisfaction 29
Satisfaction set 233 235
Savage, L.J. 87 88 178 193
schemas 31
Seidenfeld, T. 108n
Selection functions 164—166
Selection functions, transitively relational 166
Semi-monotonicity 129 131
Sensations 271
Shafer, G. 104 108 110 112 114 226
Shannon, C. 193
Sharpen 212 217 218 257
Sharpen by difference 250 252
Sharpen by precision 213 257
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