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Graybill F.A., Iyer H.K. — Regression Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
absorpt.dat 614
Adequate predictor 182 183 295
Adj- 507 509
Adj- 302
agebp.dat 167 181 189
agel8.dat 290 307 343 344 546
All-subsets regression 504
All-subsets regression, Adj- 507 509
All-subsets regression, C, 508 509
All-subsets regression, R-square 506 509
All-subsets regression, root mean square (s) 506 509
Analysis of variance 178 283
arsenic.dat 122 164 174
assay.dat 479 480
Assumptions A and B 109 110 111 232 233 293 310
babywt.dat 497
ballbear.dat 482
Basic observable variables 221
Best estimates of , 114
Best estimates of 237
Best prediction function 114
bivgauss.dat 63
bivngaus.dat 66
Bonferroni 40 419
bp.dat 326
bpweight.dat 477 478
cabbage.dat 207 208
Calibration 425 427
cans.dat 200 201
car.dat 80 131 170
car2.dat 97
car20.dat 151 152 170
carbmon.dat 576 577
carl7.dat 337 338
Cause and effect 1
Cbebyshev's theorem 16 88
cereal.dat 332
chamber.dat 433
Change of units 125
Checking Assumptions 132
chol.dat 215 216
Coefficient of correlation 17 181 185
Coefficient of correlation,confidence interval 187
Coefficient of correlation,point estimate 186
Coefficient of correlation,properties of 186
Coefficient of determination 181 185 291 296
Coefficient of determination,point estimate 301 303
Coefficient of determination,point estimate (alternate) 302 303
Coefficient of determination,properties of 298
Coefficient of determination,tests 306
coil.dat 612
Comparison of several straight line regressions 436
Comparison of two regression functions (nested case) 291
Comparison of two regression functions (nonnested case) 309
concrete.dat 464
Confidence coefficient (level) 24
confidence intervals 22 24 31 161 262
Confidence intervals for 262
Confidence intervals for 161
Confidence intervals for 262
Confidence intervals for 161 262
Confidence intervals for , 28 31
Confidence intervals for 161
Confidence intervals for 262
Confidence intervals for 31 163 264
Confidence intervals for 303 311
Confidence intervals for 31
Confidence intervals for 187
Confidence intervals for lack-of-fit 322
Confidence intervals for linear combination of , 161 262
Confidence intervals for maximum (minimum) of a quadratic regression model 460
Confidence intervals for mean 28 31
Confidence intervals for nonlinear regression 610
Confidence intervals for point of intersection of two straight line regressions 452
Confidence intervals for ratio of standard deviations 187 188 303 311
Confidence intervals for spline regression 470
Confidence intervals for Y(x) 161
Confidence intervals lower bound 26 263
Confidence intervals one-at-a-time 37
Confidence intervals one-sided 25 163
Confidence intervals or ratio of sigmas 187 188 303 311
Confidence intervals simultaneous 36 38 40 170
Confidence intervals symmetric 26
Confidence intervals upper bound 26 263
Confidence intervals, equal-tailed 25 265
contrast.dat 617
Controllable and noncontrollable factors 301
Conversation 41 87 128 190 205 269 273 334 389
Cook's distance 372 384
Correlation 17 181 185
crystal.dat 118 119 148 184 214 361 412 434
crystal3.dat 447 448
Data splitting 545
Degrees of freedom 241
Derived variables 221
DFFTTS 372 373 384
Diagnostics 156 351 383
drugconc.dat 561 562
eggshell.dat 443 453
electricdat 253 254 275 280
Error of prediction 74
Error sum of squares 113
Estimate of regression coefficients in multiple linear regression 238
Estimate of regression coefficients in nonlinear regression 606 607
Estimate of regression coefficients in spline regression 469
Estimate of regression coefficients in straight line regression 114
Estimate of regression coefficients in straight line regression through the origin 210
Estimate of sigma 115 240
ethnic.dat 414 424
exam.dat 595
Explanatory variable 74
fet.dat 203
Fitted values 139 148 157 252
Functional notation 47
Functions 47
Functions of many variables 48
Functions, linear 48
Functions, multivariate 48
Gaussian (normal) population 2 10 62 88 103 110 111 233 258
Gaussian assumptions 110 111 232 233
Gaussian assumptions, checking 143 145 252 253
Gaussian rankit-plot 143 145 155 252 253
Gaussian scores (nscores) 143 145 253 258
gifted.dat 512
gpa.dat 242 243 261 266 510 524 535 538 545
grades.dat 100
grades26.dat 104 105 132 181
gravity.dat 212
grocery.dat 287 288
Growth curves 551
Growth curves, assumptions 555
Growth curves, confidence intervals 560
Growth curves, point estimates 560
Hand-held calculator 2
Hat values 136 148 365 384
haze.dat 624
Histograms 13 64
Homogeneity of standard deviations (variances) 110 139
Identical regression lines 436
Ill-conditioning 392
Independent variables 48
Inference 1 3 20 22
Influential observations 371
Influential observations, Cook's distance 372
Influential observations, DFFITS 372 373
Intersection of two regression lines 436 450
Laboratory manual 2 3 116 146
Lack-of-fit, 143 318
Lack-of-fit, confidence intervals 322
Lack-of-fit, point estimates 322
| Lack-of-fit, pure error 325
Lack-of-fit, sum of squares 330
Lack-of-fit, tests 329
larch.dat 567 568
Least absolute deviations 107
Least squares 107 112 113 235
Leverages 365
Lightdat 608
Linear combination of Gaussian variables 63 147 156 160
Linear functions 48 239
Linear splines 465
mammalwt.dat 367
Matrices, 50
Matrices, addition 54
Matrices, equality 52
Matrices, inversion 60
Matrices, multiplication 54
Matrices, special, 58
Matrices, special, diagional matrix 59
Matrices, special, identity 59
Matrices, special, symmetric 60
Matrices, special, zero 59
Matrices, subtraction 54
Matrices, transposition 52
Maximum (minimum) of quadratic regression function 456
Mean 4 12 15
Mean squared error 115
Mean squared error for lack-of-fit 330
Mean squared error for nonlinear regression 607
Measurement errors, 110 194 234
Measurement errors, assumptions 195
Measurement errors, Berkson model 195 197
Measurement errors, classical errors in variables model 195 197
Measurement errors, definition 194 195
Measurement errors, in predictor variables 194
Measurement errors, in response variable 194 197
Measures of goodness of prediction 294
Minimum of quadratic regression function 456
Minitab 2 116 146 157 242 258
minivan.dat 209
Model 3 10
mouse.dat 335 336
mpg.dat 489 490
Multicollinearity 392 396 397
Multiple linear regression 219
Multivariate Gaussian 62 see
Multivariate populations 16
nickeldat 491 492
Non-Gaussian assumptions 584
Noncentral 1420
Nonlinear regression, 96 599
Nonlinear regression, assumptions 605
Nonlinear regression, confidence intervals 610
Nonlinear regression, families of functions 600
Nonlinear regression, least squares 607
Nonlinear regression, linearizing transformation 616
Nonlinear regression, point estimation 606
Nonlinear regression, tests 610
Normal equations 237
Notation 8 47 115 220 222 292
Nscores 143 145 156 160 258
Outliers 133 352
p-value 32
Parallel regression lines 436
Parameters 3 14 16 103 223
plant.dat 340 341
plasticdat 225 230
Point estimation 22 112 235
Point estimation for , in nonlinear regression 606
Point estimation for intersection of two Point estimation regression lines 452
Point estimation for lack-of-fit 322
Point estimation for maximum (minimum) of a quadratic regression model 460
Point estimation of 114 117 236
Point estimation of correlation 23
Point estimation of linear combination of , 114 118 239
Point estimation of mean 22 31
Point estimation of multiple coefficient of Point estimation determination 301
Point estimation of standard deviation 23 31 118 240
Point estimation unbiased 23
Polynomial regression 222
Population, 1 3 4 77 see
Population, bivariate 7
Population, conceptual 4
Population, imagined 4
Population, items 4
Population, k-variable 7
Population, k-variate 7
Population, multivariate 7 16
Population, parameters 4 14 103 223
Population, real 4
Population, regression function 117
Population, regression model 111 117 224
Population, study 9 82 110
Population, target 9 74 82
Population, trivariate 7
Population, univariate 7
Power of test 33
Predicted values 139
Prediction 1 73 80 99 219
Prediction error 74 112 224
Prediction function, 74 81 84 113 117
Prediction function, adequacy 295
Prediction interval 29 403
Prediction interval for average of h future values 405
Prediction interval for sum of h future values 406
Predictor variable (factor) 74 81
premiums.dat 354
prison.dat 483 484
process2.dat 126 —127
processl.dat 126 127
profcaldat 586 587
pumpkin.dat 565 566
ramus.dat 564
Rankit plot 154 252 253
Regression 1 73
Regression,assumptions 109 132 232
Regression,diagnostics 351
Regression,function 83 84 86
Regression,intercept 99
Regression,linear 96
Regression,multiple 86 219
Regression,nonlinear 96 599
Regression,polynomial 222
Regression,sample regression model 112 117
Regression,slope 99
Regression,straight line 86 99 109
Regression,through the origin 210
Regression,using matrices 237
Regulation 425 431
Residual sum of squares 240
Residuals 113 148 154 157 240 251 351 384
Response variable 74
salaries.dat 486 487
sales.dat 470 471
Sample regression function 117
Sample regression model 112 117
Samples 1 3 20 21 104 224
Samples,simple random 21 94 110 111 233 234
Samples,with preselected X values 94 110 233
SAS 2 116 146 157 242 258
Selection of variables 502
serum.dat 622 623
shelflif.dat 176 177 180
Significance test 32
Size of test 32
so2.dat 158 188 435 581 590
soybuigr.dat 592 593
Spline regression 465
Standard deviation 12 15 294
Standard errors 27
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