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Graybill F.A., Iyer H.K. — Regression Analysis
Graybill F.A., Iyer H.K. — Regression Analysis

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Название: Regression Analysis

Авторы: Graybill F.A., Iyer H.K.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Количество страниц: 700

Добавлена в каталог: 21.05.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Standard errors for $\hat{\beta}_{r}$,$\hat{\mu}_{r}(x)$, $\hat{Y}((x)$ $\alpha_{0}\hat{\beta}_{0}+\alpha_{1}\hat{\beta}_{1}$      161
Standard errors for $\hat{\beta}_{r}$,$\hat{\mu}_{r}(x_{1}, \ldots, x_{k})$, $\hat{Y}((x_{1}, \ldots, x_{k})$ $\alpha_{0}\hat{\beta}_{0}+\alpha_{1}\hat{\beta}_{1}+\ldots+\alpha_{k}\hat{\beta}_{k}$      263
Standard errors for lack-of-fit      324
Standard errors in multiple linear regression      263
Standard errors in nonlinear regression      610
Standard errors in spline regression      470
Standard errors in straight line regression      161
Standardized residuals      133 136 137 146 148 151 154 157 252 351 352 384
Statistical computing package      2
Statistical inference      3
Stepwise regression      520 533
Straight line regression      99
Studentized deleted residuals      353 354 384
Subpopulation      82 85 225
Subset analysis      501
Subset selection      501
Subset selection, backward elimination      520 528 533
Subset selection, forward selection      520 533
sulfuric.dat      461 474
Sum of crossproducts      115
Sum of squared errors      113 115 178 240 440
Sum of squares,corrected total      178 283
Sum of squares,due to error      179 284 440
Sum of squares,due to regression      179 284
Sum of squares,for pure error      325
Sum of squares,uncorrected total      178
table323.dat      108 193
table324.dat      109
table346.dat      131
table355.dat      158
table423.dat      225 226 227
table425.dat      229
table426.dat      231
table442.dat      238
table444.dat      246 259
table445.dat      250
table541.dat      373 374
table542.dat      379
table543.dat      386
table561.dat      399 400
table631.dat      420 421
table733.dat      516 517
table742.dat      541
tablel61.dat      28
tablel64.dat      46
Task      89 118 122 163 167 174 175 184 200 202 225 246 265 406
Tests      22 30 33 171 278
Tests,for $\beta_{i}$      172 278
Tests,for $\sigma$      173 278
Tests,for linear combination of $\beta_{i}$      173 278
Tests,for multiple correlation coefficients      306
Tests,for nonlinear regression      610
Tests,relationship with confidence intervals      34
Tests,simultaneous      36
Theil's method for regression      584
Theil's method for regression,assumptions      584
Theil's method for regression,confidence intervals      586
Theil's method for regression,point estimation      585
thermom.dat      430
Tolerance intervals      416
Tolerance points      418
track.dat      476
turkey.dat      495
Unequal subpopulation standard deviations      571
usedcars.dat      407 408 411
Variable selection      501
Variable selection,all-subsets regression      503 504
Variable selection,backward elimination      503 520 528
Variable selection,forward selection      503 520
Variable selection,stepwise regression      503 520 533
Variables (basic and derived)      221
Variance      13
Variance inflation factor      398
Vectors      50
Weighted least squares      573
Weighted regression      571
Weighted regression, assumptions      572
Weighted regression, confidence intervals      574
Weighted regression, least squares      573
Weighted regression, point estimates      574
Weighted regression, sum of squared errors      574
Weighted regression, unequal standard deviations      571
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