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Marchisotto E.A., Smith J.T. — Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic
Marchisotto E.A., Smith J.T. — Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic

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Íàçâàíèå: Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic

Àâòîðû: Marchisotto E.A., Smith J.T.


Mario Pieri (1860-1913) left a strong impact on many areas of 20th century mathematics. A prominent disciple of two Italian schools at the University of Turin, namely that of Segre (algebraic geometry) and Peano (logic), Pieri's own research influenced many 20th mathematicians in such fields as algebraic and differential geometry, inversive geometry, number theory, and logic.

The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Arithmetic and Geometry is the first of two volumes that together will provide a broad picture of Pieri's work. In this volume, English translations are given for two of Pieri's most important results: his postulates for arithmetic, which Peano judged superior to his own, and his foundation of elementary geometry on the basis of point and sphere, which Alfred Tarski used as a basis for his own system. Additionally, his papers are examined in relation to the research of others, notably Peano and Tarski.

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$LRM^3D^2$      405
$\mathbb{Z}_n$      See integer modulo n
1848 revolutions      66 75 82—83 85 101
Abscissa      257 285
Absolute geometry      See under geometry
Abstraction, definition by      see under definition. See also under symbol
Academia pro Interlingua      See under journals; Giuseppe Peano
Ackerman, Michael (19??–)      426
Acknowledgments      x 459
Acoli, Graziadio Isaia (1829–1907)      97
Adamson, Iain T.(19??–)      421
Addition      See sum
Affinity, circular      See under transformation
Afghanistan      5
Agazzi, Evandro (1934–)      365 402 406
Air power      6 119
Algebraic curve      See under curve
Algebraic geometry      See under geometry
Algebraic number theory      76 84
Algebraic surface      See under surface
Alighieri, Dante (1265–1321)      395
Almagia, Virginia      See Virginia Volterra
Amaldi, Ugo (1875–1957)      65 98 402
Amaldi, Ugo (1875–1957), work with Enriques      368 415—416
Amato, Vincenzo (1881–1963)      72 402
Amaturo, Enrico (1863–19??)      42
American Mathematical Society      43 388
Amodeo, Federico (1859–1946)      20 62 107
Amodeo, Federico (1859–1946), correspondence      383 432 438
Amodeo, Federico (1859–1946), rivalry with Pieri      22—23 29 32 36
Analysis, arithmetization      291—292
Analysis, functional      see functional analysis
Analysis, Peano's work      301 334 337 365
Analysis, use of set theory      296 298
Anastasio, Angiolina      See Angiolina PIERI
Anastasio, Paolo (18??–19??)      37 see
Anastasio, Virginia Pieri (1867–1929?)      5 17 20 36 37 459
Anastasio, Virginia Pieri (1867–1929?), marriage      5 27 454
Andreini, Angelo (18??–19??)      10 62
Anellis, Irving H.(19??– )      302 402
Angelelli, Ignacio (19??–)      417
angle      146 149 272
Angle of triangle      205. See also under symbol
Angle, bisector      220
Angle, concave, convex, or right      204
Annuario scientifico ed industriale      See under journals
Anti-inversion      See under transformation
Antichi, Petronilla (18??–????)      4
Anticongruence      See under transformation
Anticongruent figures      150
Antihomography      See under transformation
Antinomies, Burali — Forti's      69
Antinomies, Burali — Forti's, responses to      302 304.
Antipolar plane      238
Antirotation      See reflection: rotary
Antitranslation      See reflection: glide
Applied mathematics      87 365
Appolonius of Perga (225–190 B.C.)      121 139
Aprile, Giorgio Antonio (1884–1943)      40 42 63 92 398 402 410
ARC      252
Archimedes (287–212 B.C.)      41 121 403 421
Archimedes (287–212 B.C.), principle      see under postulate
Archival institutions      ix 40 459
Archive      See Mario Pieri: Nachlass
Area      263
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.)      266 305 347
Arithmetic, cardinal      296—297
Arithmetic, complex      125 299
Arithmetic, integer, modulo n      320
Arithmetic, ordinal      297—298 387
Arithmetic, rational      77 289 292 294 299 334 392
Arithmetic, signed-integer      77 299 334.
Armano, Tiziana (19??–)      vi 446
Arrighi, Gino (1906–2001)      vi ix 6—7 36 42—44 63 382 388 398—399 403 443 460.
Arzela, Cesare (1847–1912)      10 63 98 109 398 426
Arzela, Cesare (1847–1912), Bologna affair      25—29
Asburgo      See Habsburg
Ascending      See progression
Aschieri, Ferdinando (1844–1907)      22—23 25 29
Askey, Richard Allen (1933–)      415
Aspray, William (1952–)      116 403
Associativity      270 294 395
August, Friedrich Wilhelm Oscar (18??–????)      374
Ausdehnungslehre      83—84 334
Aussant-Cara, P. (18??–19??)      426
Austin, John Langshaw (1911–1960)      417
Austria      xvii—xix
Automorphism      358 360
Avellone, Maurizio (19??–)      127 129 403
Axiom      54 (see also postulate)
Axiom of Choice      315 360
Axiom of determinacy      360
Axiom of foundation      323
Axiom of infinity      300 307
Axiomatic method in general      v vii 87 95 291 350 370
Axiomatic method in Hilbert      84 277
Axiomatic method in Peano      300—301 334—335
Axiomatic method in Pieri      54 124—127.
Axis of rotation      183
Axis of symmetry      176
Baccarini, Pasquale (1858–1919)      32
Baccelli, Guido (1832–1916)      26—27 29 63—64 456
Bachi, Albina      See Albina LEVI.
Bachmann, Friedrich (1909–1982)      284 403 427
Balbo, Italo (1896–1940)      6
Baldwin, James Mark (1861–1934)      124 343 403
Baltzer, Richard (1818–1887)      93 403 430
Balzac, Honore de (1799–1850)      97
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua (1915–1975)      403
Barbagli, Marzio (1938–)      7 15—17 403
Barbarin, Paul (1855–1931)      41 64 403 407
Barberis, Bruno (1953?–)      109 110 403
Baridon, Paolo (18??–19??)      408
Barker, William A.(????–????)      120 404
Barsocchini, Domenico (1777–1862)      4 96 443
Bartorelli, Antonio (18??–19??)      46 64
Barycentric calculus      See under calculus
Basso, Giuseppe (1842–1895)      20 64 332 416
Bastian, Beppina      See Beppina PIERI.
Battaglini, Giuseppe (1826–1894)      78—79 398
Battaglini, Giuseppe (1826–1894), Giornale di      see journals: Giornale di matematiche
Bauer-Mengelrerg, Stefan (1927–1996)      417 456
Beaufront, Louis de (1855–1935)      74 404
Beck, Hans (1876–1942)      381 443 454
Begriffsschrift      See under Frege
Bekemeier, Bernd (19??– )      292 404
Bellavitis, Giusta (1803–1880)      117 139 404
Beltrami, Eugenio (1835–1900)      65 97
Beman, Wooster Woodruff (1850–1922)      413
Benz, Walter (1931–)      143
Berkeley      See University of California
Berlin, Imperial Library      2
Bernays, Paul Isaac (1888–1977)      421—422
Bernstein, Felix (1878–1956)      See under theorem
Bertini, Eugenio (1846–1933)      30 65 78 398 404
Bertini, Eugenio (1846–1933) as referee      22—23 26 28—29 31 42 404
Bertrand, Joseph Louis Franiois (1822–1900)      78
Berzolari, Luigi (1863–1949)      22 65—66 107 398 405
Berzolari, Luigi (1863–1949) at Pavia      31—32 36 94
Berzolari, Luigi (1863–1949) at Turin      20 23 26 89
Berzolari, Luigi (1863–1949), Encyclopedia      69 71 81 95 327 404
Beth, Evert Willem (1909–1964)      300 304—305 314—315 319 404
Bettazzi, Rodolfo (1861–1941)      10 12 18 20 66 337 404
Betti, Enrico (1823–1892)      12 13 66 406 409 437
Betti, Enrico (1823–1892), works by      167 374 398—399 404 416
Betweenness      146 334—335 354 358 360—362
Betweenness on arc      252
Betweenness undefined      149 274 277 288 351 353.
Betweenness, Pieri's definition      152 195 272 357
Bezout, Etienne (1739–1783)      53 404.
Biagini, Roderigo (18??–19??)      398
Bianchi, Francesco Saverio (1827–1908)      67
Bianchi, Luigi (1856–1928)      13 34 67 398 409 461
Bianchi, Luigi (1856–1928), Pieri's teacher      v 12 50 374—375 437
Bibliographic citations      ix 4 373 401—403
Bibliographic citations in chapter 3      62 157 167 416
Bieberbach, Ludwig Georg Elias Moses (1886–1982)      412
Biermann, Kurt-Reinhold (1919–2002)      77 404
Bijection      See under function
Binary relations      See under primitive notions
Biographical sketches, x      3 4 62
Birational, equivalence      see under surface. See also under geometry; transformation
bisector      See under angle
Black, Max (1909–1988)      404 432
Blaiklock, Mary (18??–19??)      446
Blair, David E.(1940–)      138—141 404
Blanc, Charles (19??–)      416
Blanchet, Marie Parfait Alphonse (1813–????)      426
Blaschke, Wilhelm Johann Eugen (1885–1962)      425
Blumberg, Albert Emanuel (????–19??)      127 405
Blumenthal, Otto (1876–1944)      60 405
Boccherini, Luigi (1743–1805)      4
Bodewig, Ewald (1902–????)      112 405
Boggio -LERA, Enrico (1862–1956)      10 67—68
Boggio, Tomasso (1877–1963)      31 34 398
Bohlmann, Georg (1869–1928)      418
Boi, Luciano (1957–)      129 133—134 405
Bollati Boringhieri Editore      460
Bollettino di bibliografia e storia della scienza      See under journals
Bologna      xvii xviii 7—8 11
Bologna affair      25—28
Bologna, Royal Technical Institute      7—8 459. university
Bologna, university of      10—11 16 459
Bologna, university of, faculty renaissance      8 63 70 75 98
Bologna, university of, Pieri's chair quest      25—28
Bolondi, Giorgio (19??–)      17 405
Bolyai, Farkas Wolfgang (1775–1856)      209 405.
Bolyai, Janos (1802–1860)      125 155 405
Bolzano, Bernard Placidus Johann Nepomuk (1781–1848)      291—292 300 405 450
Bompiani, Enrico (1889–1975)      66 405
Bonaccorso, G.(18??–19??)      33
Bonaparte, Napoleon (1769–1821)      xvii 11 18 41
Bonfante, Giuliano (1904–1983)      4 5 8 20 49 97 405 444
Bonola, Roberto (1874–1911)      327
Boole, George (1815–1864)      316 334
Boolos, George Stephen (1940–1996)      299 318 405
Borbon, Borbone      See Bourbon
Bordiga, Giovanni (1854–1933)      42
Bordoni, Antonio (1789–1860)      75
Borel, Felix Edouard Justin Emile Borel (1871–1956)      See under theorem
Borga, Marco (????– )      x 60 147 156 403 405—406
Borga, Marco (????– ), Borga & Palladino 1992      54 58 153 301 316 326 335 406
Borkowski, Ludwik Stefan (1914–1993)      428
Borodin, Alexandr Ivanovich (Áîðîäèí, Àëåêñàíäð Èâàíîâè÷, 19??–)      41 406
Borsuk, Karol (1905–1982)      361 406
Boschi, Pietro (1833–1918)      8 10 68
Bosio (cav. uff., 18??–19??)      48
Bottazzini, Umberto (1947–)      92 131 406
Bottazzini, Umberto (1947–), Enriques & Castelnuovo      70 72—73 80
Bottazzini, Umberto (1947–), Enriques & Castelnuovo, Bologna affair      23 25—28 31—32
Bottazzini, Umberto (1947–), Enriques & Castelnuovo, otherwise involving Pieri      8 22 36 38 42
Boundary of triangle      205
Bourbaki, Nicolas (pseudonym)      115 294 406
Bourbon dynasty      xvii 41
Bourbon, Carlo Lodovico of (1799–1883)      xvii 41
Bourbon, Ferdinando II of (1810–1859)      41
Bourbon, Maria Luisa of (1782–1824)      xvii 41
Boutroux, Emile (1845–1921)      381 406 423 440
Brancoli, Giuseppe (18??–????)      5
Brancoli, Teresa Pieri (1853–1942?)      5—6 390—391
Braunmuehl, Anton, Edler von (1853–1908)      375 438 446
Brazil      6 17 36 44
Bredow, Ilse (????–????)      448
Bresadola, Marco (1969–)      100 406
Breveglieri, Bruno (1942–)      406
Brigaglia, Aldo (1945–)      53 129 403 406 460
Brigaglia, Aldo (1945–), Brigaglia & Ciliberto 1995      52 80 406
Brigaglia, Aldo (1945–), Brigaglia & Masotto 1982      1 42 131 406
Brigaglia, Aldo (1945–), Brigaglia, Ciliberto, & Sernesi 2005      74 92 106 406
Brill, Alexander Wilhelm von (1842–1935)      65
Brioschi, Francesco (1824–1897)      66 75 167 416
Broadbent, Thomas Arthur Alan (1903–1973)      103 406
Broden, Torsten (1857–1931)      68 124 153—154 407 436
Browder, Felix Earl (1928–)      407 424
Brown, Harold Chapman (1879–1943)      290 382 407 442
Bruno, Giuseppe (1828–1893)      20 22—23 68—69 107 332 375 398 438 446
Bucca, Lorenzo (18??–19??)      32 37
Buek, Otto (1873–1966)      47 398
Buetzberger, Friedrich (18??–19??)      139 408
Buhl, Adolphe (1878–1949)      64 407
Bulletin des sciences mathematiques      See under journals
Burali-Forti, Cesare (1861–1931)      vi 55 460
Burali-Forti, Cesare (1861–1931), geometry      52 58 156
Burali-Forti, Cesare (1861–1931), life      12 20 69 398 429
Burali-Forti, Cesare (1861–1931), logic      301 306—307 316 321 326—328
Burali-Forti, Cesare (1861–1931), Peano school      22 337 341—342
Burali-Forti, Cesare (1861–1931), vector analysis      46—47 53 378 392 428.
Burau, Werner (1906–1994)      84 87 105 111 112 408 448
Burkhardt, Heinrich (1861–1914)      430
Burstall, Rod M.(1934–)      313 408
Bussey, William Henry (1879–19??)      116
Caemmerer, Hanna von      See Hanna NEUMANN
Caio      268
Cajori, Florian (1859–1930)      313 315 408
Calapso, Renato (1901–1976)      92 408
Calculus of variations      123. See also differential and integral calculus and under SCHUBERT
Calculus, barycentric      93
Calculus, geometric      see under Giuseppe Peano
Calculus, mathematics as uninterpreted      59
Caldarera, Gaetano (1865–19??)      34 40 69—70
Caldarera, Grazia Macrina (1880–19??)      40 70 408 410
California State University      x
California, University of      See University of California
Cambria, Maria (1923–)      114
Camivi, Mario (18??–19??)      397 442
Campedelli, Luigi (1903–1978)      12 74 101 408
Campetti family      6 36 39 44 459
Campetti, Annarosa (1920–2004)      6
Campetti, Beatrice Giusfredi (1894–1995)      6
Campetti, Francesco (1969–)      x 5 6 17 36 43 97 408 412 444 454
Campetti, Gaetano Enrico (1890–1980)      6 39 42 44 48 390 442
Campetti, Gemma Pieri (1863–1955?)      5—6 36 39 44 47 390 408 411 459
Campetti, Ghigo      See Ottorino Campetti
Campetti, Marco (1924–)      x 6 47 390—391 397 436—437 442—443 459
Campetti, Ottorino (1888–1947)      6 36 39 42—44 46 48 63 390—391 443
Campetti, Pellegrino (1892–1974)      6 36 39 43
Campetti, Umberto (1863–1929)      5—6 17 36 44
Campetti, Vittorio (1930–)      x 4 6 411 459
Cancer      See throat cancer
Candido, Giacomo (1871–1941)      147 408
Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp (1845–1918)      408—409 413 420
Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp (1845–1918), infinite sets      69 117 296—298 300 305—306
Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp (1845–1918), logic      299 302 306 313
Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp (1845–1918), real numbers      254 263 289 290 292—294.
Cantor, Moritz Benedikt (1829–1920)      281 409
Capellini, Giovanni (1833–1922)      8 29 70 414 454
Caratheodory, Constantin (1873–1950)      140 404 409
Cardani, Pietro (1858–1925)      100 391 409
cardinal number      296 315.
Carducci, Giosue (1835–1907)      96—97
Carlo Emabuele II      See Carlo Emanuele II of Savoy
Carlo Lodovico      See Carlo Lodovico of Bourbon
Carruccio, Ettore (1908–1980)      67 92 409
Cartesian geometry      See under geometry
Casati, Gabrio (1798–1873)      See under laws
Casorati, Felice (1835–1890)      65—66 91 97
Cassina, Ugo (1897–1964)      71 139 319 409 436 450
Cassina, Ugo (1897–1964) on Peano      337 345—346 365
Cassina, Ugo (1897–1964) on Pieri      2—3 22 31 34 42 284—285 307 326 399
Castellano, Filiberto (1860–1919)      20 71 79 334 337 410
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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