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Marchisotto E.A., Smith J.T. — Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic
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Íàçâàíèå: Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic
Àâòîðû: Marchisotto E.A., Smith J.T.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Mario Pieri (1860-1913) left a strong impact on many areas of 20th century mathematics. A prominent disciple of two Italian schools at the University of Turin, namely that of Segre (algebraic geometry) and Peano (logic), Pieri's own research influenced many 20th mathematicians in such fields as algebraic and differential geometry, inversive geometry, number theory, and logic.
The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Arithmetic and Geometry is the first of two volumes that together will provide a broad picture of Pieri's work. In this volume, English translations are given for two of Pieri's most important results: his postulates for arithmetic, which Peano judged superior to his own, and his foundation of elementary geometry on the basis of point and sphere, which Alfred Tarski used as a basis for his own system. Additionally, his papers are examined in relation to the research of others, notably Peano and Tarski.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2007
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 420
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.05.2008
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International Congress of Philosophy, 1911 Bologna 80
Internet repositories, academic 401
Intersection 165 314
Intersection, multiplicity 51 53 378
Intersection, relation between lines 56 134.
interval See segment
Intuition, geometric 54 95 108 126—127 131 135 161 266—267 283 286—287 354
Inverse See under transformation
inversion See under transformation
Inversive group 139 140
Inversive property 57. See under geometry
Involution See under transformation
Irrational number 289 293 382
Isomer 218
Isometric figures 218. See also under congruence
Isometry 154—155 218 271
Isometry classification 241 247—248.
Isomorphic simply infinite systems 300
Isomorphic well-ordered sets 297
Israel, Giorgio (1945– ) 291 423
Italian Mathematical Union 98
Italian universities 11
Italian universities, hiring policies 16 25
Italian universities, private 16
Italian universities, public xviii 16
Italy, Chamber of Deputies 18
Italy, cities xviii
Italy, colonialism 43
Italy, corruption 26 43
Italy, economy 15 23
Italy, Fascism 72 80—81 90—92 119 366
Italy, government 75 366
Italy, history xvii
Italy, regions xvii xix
Italy, school system 7 15 366
Italy, Senate 18 27
Italy, Unification xvii 4 11 18 41 63 65—66 70 78 85 109.
Izumi, Shin-ichi (1904–1990) 143 423
Jacobian See under variety
Jadanza, Nicodemo (1847–1920) 20 81 85 423 432
Jahrbuch ueber die Fortschritte der Mathematik See under journals
James, Glenn (1882–1961) 412 423
Janelli, Angiolina See Angiolina Pieri
Jespersen, Julie See Julie Zeuthen
Jespersen, Louise See Louise Zeuthen
Jevons, William Stanley (1835–1882) 316
Johnson, Jeremy R.(196?–) 352 411 417
Join, 2 points 54 56 167
Join, 3 points 167 170
Jolles, Stanislaus (1857–19??) 456
Jordan, Marie Ennemond Camille (1838–1922) 74 86
Jordan, Zbigniew (1911–1977) 351 423
Jourdain, Philip Edward Bertrand (1879–1919) 289—290 292—294 304—305 316 327—328 409 423—424 431 456
Journal fuer die reine und angewandte Mathematik See under journals
Journal of Symbolic Logic See under journals
Journals, Academia pro Interlingua 345
Journals, Annuario scientifico ed industriale 90
Journals, Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania 34 35
Journals, Battaglini see journals: Giornale di matematiche
Journals, Bollettino di bibliografia e storia della scienza 92
Journals, Bulletin des sciences mathematiques 402
Journals, Crelle's see journals: Journal fuer die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Journals, Geisteswissenschaften 47
Journals, Giornale di matematiche 402
Journals, Intermediaire des math?maticiens 89
Journals, Jahrbuch ueber die Fortschritte der Mathematik 299 329 333 368 402
Journals, Journal fuer die reine und angewandte Mathematik 93
Journals, Journal of Symbolic Logic 402
Journals, Mathematicae Notae 91
Journals, Mathematical Reviews 402
Journals, Mathematische Annalen 86
Journals, Revista de mathematica 336 343
Journals, Revue de metaphysique et de morale 341
Journals, Revue des mathematiques 336
Journals, Rivista di matematica 71 301 336—337 342—343
Journals, Rivista populare di politica, lettere e scienze sociali 43
Journals, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 388
Kagan, Benjamin Fedorovich (1869–1953) 124 385 398 441
Kalmar, Laszlo (1905–1976) 319
Kannenberg, Lloyd Chambers (1939–) 419 433
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804) 266 305 412 416
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), philosophy of arithmetic 84
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), philosophy of geometry 102
Kantor, Seligmann (1857–19??) 398
Karzel, Helmut (1928–) 143 145 424
Kasner, Edward (1878–1955) 142—143 424
Kelvin, Lord See William Thomson
Kennedy, Hubert Collings (1931–) 27 41 69 73 82 95—96 301—302 316 320 332—338 341—342 345—347 364—365 399 424 433 435 460
Keyser, Cassius Jackson (1862–1947) 127—128 424
Killing, Wilhelm (1847–1923) 41 133 147 424
Kirkor, Andrzej (19??–) 426
Kist, Guenter (1943–) 145 424
Kleene, Stephen Cole (1909–1994) See hierarchy
Kleiman, Steven Lawrence (1942–) x 51—52 105 122 424 448
Klein, Christian Felix (1849–1925) 55 56 67 80 84 85—87 105 107 117 121 125 133 135 137 143 146 340 365 383 398 408 425—426 430—431 440 444 446 449 459
Klein, Christian Felix (1849–1925), 1872 Erlanger program 56—58 80 86—87 107—108 116 133—134 139—142 145 154 421 425
Kline, Morris (1908–1992) 291 426 456
Kneebone, Geoffrey Thomas (1918–2003) 294 301 305 426
Knobloch, Eberhard (1943–) 446
Koetter, Fritz Wilhelm Ferdinand (1857–1912) 375—377 379 415 426 434 437—439 445 455
Kohn, Gustav (1859–1921) 148 426
Kollar, Janos (19??–) 426 450
Koppelman, Elaine (1937–) 73 426
Kostant, Ann (1937–) x
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz Marian (1886–1981) 429
Kowalewski, Gerhard Waldemar Hermann (1876–1950) 454
Kratzer, Adolf (1858–) 422
Kreisverwandtschaft See transformation: circular
Kroll, Hans-Joachim (1942–) 143 145 424
Kronecker, Leopold (1823–1891) 95
Krynicki, Micha (19??–) 271 426
Kummer, Ernst Eduard (1810–1893) 104—105
Kuratowski, Kazimierz (1896–1980) 350 426
Kuzawa, Mary Grace (1918–) 367 426
Kwietniewski, Stefan (1874–1940) 381 415 443
Lagrange, Joseph Louis (1736–1813) 18
Laisant, Charles-Ange (1841–1920) 89 426
Lampe, Emil (1840–1918) 377 379—380 408 414—416 418—419 422—427 430—432 439 441—442 445 448—450 454—457
Landau, Edmund Georg Hermann (1877–1938) 290 294 319 426
Landi, Claude P (18??–19??) 446
Lantelme, Giuseppe (????–????) 332
Larger-than relation for angles 223
Larger-than relation for cardinals 296
Larger-than relation for natural numbers 311 313—314 319
Larger-than relation for ordinals 297
Larger-than relation for real numbers 293
Larger-than relation for segments 220 272
Latin 316 343
Latin, Uninflected 42 49 74 301 336—337 343 345 365
Lattice theory 143 350
Laugel, Leonce (18??–19??) 421
Laureate See doctorate
Lauricella, Giuseppe (1867–1913) 34 37 40 63 88 393 395—396 413 419 426 443 450 459
Lavaggi, Luigi (18??–19??) 46 88
Lavrenko, N.I. (Ëàâðåíêî, Í.È., 19??–) 41 406
Lawaetz, Sophie See Sophie Zeuthen
Laws, Casati and Mamiani 16 25
Laws, Gentile 90
Lax, Anneli (1922–1999) x
Lax, Peter David (1926–) x
Lazarsfeld, Robert (19??–) 426 450
Lazzeri, Giulio (1861–1935) 99 239 426
Lebesgue, Henri L?on (1875–1941) 89
Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1752–1833) 185 227 426
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von (1646–1716) 74 83 154 167 280—281 284 307 340—343 361 427 454
Leja, Franciszek (1885–1979) 427 445
Lemmermeyer, Franz (1962–) 421
Lemoine, Emile Michel Hyacinthe (1840–1912) 41 88—89 426 450
Length of segment 259
Lennes, Nels Johann (1874–1951) 116 454
Leopoldo I See Leopoldo I of Habsburg
Leopoldo II See Leopoldo II of Habsburg
Les Niewski, Stanis aw (1886–1939) 347 349
Less-numerous set 296
Lessona, Michele (1823–1894) 332
letters See under Mario Pieri
Levi, Albina Bachi (1886–1951) 90
Levi, Beppo (1875–1961) 2 10 12 15 20 22 34 36 41—42 45 46—49 61 65 79 89—91 98 107 119 124 161 254 373 398—399 411 427 460
Levi, Decio (1885–1917) 90
Levi, Donato (1834–1885) 332
Levi, Emilia See Emilia Resta
Levi, Eugenio Elia (1883–1917) 90
Levi, Giulio (19??–????) 90—91
Levi, Laura (1915–2003) 42 90—91 427
Levi-Civita, Tullio (1873–1941) 114 342
Libera docenza 11
Liberal-arts education 369
Library of Congress 460
Licenza 12
Liceo 7
Lie, Sophus (1842–1899) 41 56 86 105 121 146 427 446
Limit, inferior or superior 255 273 285
Lincei, Reale Accademia dei 5 11 342
Lindemann, Carl Louis Ferdinand von (1852–1939) 84
Lindenbaum, Adolf (1904–1941?) 358 359 360 362 427 452 460
Lindgren, Uta (19??–) 417 453
Line at infinity 277
Line reflection see under reflection
Line, defined 133—134 138 146 154 170 272 281 340—341
Line, geometry see under geometry
Line, undefined 128—129 149 274 338.
Linguistics 83 97 123.
Liouville, Joseph (1809–1882) 140
Lipschitz, Rudolf Otto Sigismund (1832–1903) 86
Literacy 7 15
Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich (Ëîáà÷åâñêèé, Íèêîëàé Èâàíîâè÷, 1792—1856) 41 125
Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich (Ëîáà÷åâñêèé, Íèêîëàé Èâàíîâè÷, 1792—1856), Prize, v 2 38 41 64 84 89 106 112 342 406 445
Loewenheim, Leopold (1878–1957) 423 428
Logic 22 59 95 123 126 267 269 271 316 320 325 335—337 341—342 348 352 368 381—382 387 402 411
Logic, elementary or first-order viii 156 288 316 350—351 353 355—356 368 370—371.
Logical constants and terms 265 386.
Logical positivism 127
Logicism 102 120 298 307
logistic 348
Loria, Achille (1857–1943) 92
Loria, Gino (1862–1954) 31 91—92 105 107—108 152 333 398 409 418 447 460
Loria, Gino (1862–1954) as reviewer 92 123 150—151 335 374—378 380 393 397 407—408 410 414 416 427 433 436—441 443 447 449—450 455
Love, Augustus Edward Hough (1863–1940) 423
Lovett, Edgar Odell (1871–1957) 341 381 423 427 440
Lowe, Victor (1907–1988) 120 428
Lucca xvii xviii 1 4 6 44 49
Lucca, Royal Academy of Science, Letters, and Arts 1 3 4 11 49
Lucchesi, Camillo (18??–????) 398
Luciano, Erika (19??–) vi 74 341 428
Lueroth, Jakob (1844–1910) 425
Lugli, Aurelio (1853–1896) 18
Luitpold, Prinzregent von Bayern See Luitpold of Wittelsbach)
Luitpold, Prinzregent von Bayern, Ukasiewicz, Jan (1878–1956) 294 313 420 428
Luporini, Erminia See Erminia Pieri
Luporini, Gaetano (18??–????) 7
Luporini, Luigi (????–18??) 4
Luporini, Marianna Davini (????–18??) 4
Mac Lane, Saunders (1909–2005) 116 428
Maccaferri, Eugenio (1870–1953) 2 392 398 407 428 443
Maccoll, Hugh (1836–1909) 316
Machover, Moshe (1936–) 313 428
Mack Smith, Denis (1920–) 26 44 428
Magnitude, continuous geometric 291—292
Magnus, Heinrich Gustav (1802–1870) 104
Makowiecka, Helena (19??–) 362 428
Mamiani, Terenzio, Conte della Rovere (1799–1885) See under laws
Manara, Carlo Felice (1916–) 129 428
Manfredi, Bianca (1920?–1999) 47 71 88 106 428
Mann, Thomas (1948–) 402 428
Mansion, Paul (1844–1919) 167
Maracchia, Silvio (19??–) 366 428
Marchisotto, Elena Anne Corie (1945–) iv—v x 146 328—329 336 357 411 416 429
Marchisotto, Joseph Anthony, Jr. (1942–) x
Marcolongo, Roberto (1862–1943) 46 53 69 378 392 407 429 443
Marconi, Guglielmo (1874–1937) 100
Maria Luigia See Maria Luigia of Habsburg
Maria Luisa See Maria Luisa of Bourbon
Marie-Louise See Maria Luigia of Habsburg
Marino, Teresa (????– ) 323 325 328 414
Marletta, Giuseppe (1878–1944) 34 40 92 388 398 402 408 410 429
MARS See under Mario Pieri
Marsili, Luigi (????–18??) 70
Martin, George Edward (1932–) 145 147 151 429
Martinetti, Vittorio (1859–1936) 22 36 411
Martini, Eligio (1828–1896) 332
Martini, Ferdinando (1841–1928) 26
Martolini, Guglielmo (18??–????) 12
Masotto, Guido (19??–) See under Brigaglia
Mathematicae Notae See under journals
Mathematical induction See induction
Mathematical Reviews See under journals
Mathematics, education see pedagogy
Mathematics, history see history of mathematics. See also under Russell
Mathematische Annalen See under journals
Mathesis 18 20 49 66 71 326—327
Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–1879) 75
May, Kenneth Ownsworth (1915–1977) 429
Mayer, Christian Gustav Adolph (1839–1907) 418 445
Mccall, Ronald Storrs (1930–) 423 429
Mccleary, John (1952–) 446
Mcconnell, Albert Joseph (1903–1993) 103 429
Mckenzie, Ralph Nelson Whitfield (1941–) 452
Mckinsey, John Charles Chenoweth (1908–1953) 352 357 452
Mean point See midpoint
Mechanics 12 15 383
Median of triangle 233
Medio-symmetric point 212 285
Meldrum, John (19??–) 406
membership See under symbol
Meneghini, Giuseppe (1811–1889) 70
Menger, Karl (1902–1985) 350 361 366—367 429
Meray, Hugues Charles Robert (1835–1911) 218 429
Mereology 349 350
Meriano (18??–1935?) 5
Meriano, Gemma Pieri (????–1961?) 5 9 97
Merzbach, Uta Caecilia (1933–) 415
Meyer, Friedrich Wilhelm Franz (1856–1934) 87 105
Meyer, Friedrich Wilhelm Franz (1856–1934), Encyclopaedie 87 325 393 430
Meyer, Friedrich Wilhelm Franz (1856–1934), Encyklopaedie 2 87 429
Meyer, Friedrich Wilhelm Franz (1856–1934), reviewer 413 424 427 455
Mianowski, Jozef (1804–1879) 367 381 443
Mianowski, Jozef (1804–1879), Foundation 367—368
Michaelis, G.J.(18??–19??) 412 431 434 436
Middle school 7 20
midpoint 146 155 164 174 272 283 357 362.
Milan, Istituto Tecnico Superiore 66
Minimum principle 313 323 327—328
Minimum principle, weak form 58 310 313 322—323 325—326 328.
Minister of instruction 16 26—27 36 38 43 63 66 118
Minkowski, Hermann (1864–1909) 84
Miquel, Auguste (????–18??) See under theorem
Mitchell, Ulysses Grant (1872–19??) 456
Mittelstrass, Juergen (1936–) 430 453
modus ponens 316
Moebius, August Ferdinand (1790–1868) 57 93 139 140 144 403 430 436.
Moese, Henryk (????–19??) 451—452
Mohrmann, Hans (1881–1941) 2 410 415—416 429—430 449 457
Moigno, Abbe Francois Napoleon Marie (1804–1884) 410
Molk, Jules (1857–1914) 87 393 429—430
Mollame, Vincenzo (1848–1911) 32 34 75 93—94 411 430
Mollweide, Karl Brandan (1774–1825) 93
Monge, Gaspard (1746–1818) 33
Monoid 377
Monotonic sequence 254
Montaldo, Oscar (19??–) 406 430