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Casella G. — Statistical Design |
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Albert, A. 81 83
Analysis of covariance 62 (see also “Ancova”)
Analysis of variance 8 (see also “Anova”)
Ancova 62
Ancova, adjusted means 69
Ancova, contrast variance 63 68
Ancova, covariate 63
Ancova, interpretation 65
Ancova, least squares 64
Ancova, model 64
Ancova, table 66
Ancova, test 67
Ancova, treatment variance 69
anova 8
Anova-test, block vs.random factor 110
Anova-test, distribution, contrasts 83
Anova-test, EMS 51 (see also “EMS”)
Anova-test, F-test, twoway CRD 83
Anova-test, fourway 62
Anova-test, incomplete blocks 108 (see also “BIBD”)
Anova-test, interaction 54
Anova-test, interaction plot 55
Anova-test, interaction qualitative 54
Anova-test, interaction quantitative 54 55
Anova-test, intraclass correlation 125
Anova-test, main effects 52
Anova-test, Model II 109
Anova-test, oneway CRD 83
Anova-test, raters 125
Anova-test, reliability 125
Anova-test, sum of squares partial 90
Anova-test, sum of squares sequential 90
Anova-test, testing blocks 108
Anova-test, total sum of squares 9
AR(1) errors 216 239
Autoregressive errors 216 239
Bar notation 3
Belko, A.Z. 212
Benjamini, Y. 87
Berger, R.L. 37 77 80 84 235 276
Berkowitz, R. 253 275
Bhattacharya, C.G. 287
Bias, elimination of 17
BIBD 108 247 248
BIBD, anova 248 251
BIBD, contrast distribution 253
BIBD, contrast variance 252
BIBD, defining equations 249
BIBD, generalizations 254
BIBD, interblock estimator 286
BIBD, intuitive estimate 251
BIBD, least squares estimators 250
BIBD, model 250
BIBD, relation to loop design 270
BIBD, relation to reference design 268
BIBD, simple 249
Block design 248 (see also “BIBD”)
Bonferroni inequality 86
Bradley, E.L. 84
Brandt, A.E. 228
Brogan, D.R. 219
Brown, L.D. 287
Casella, G. 17 37 77 80 84 235
Chang, J.J. 275
Churchill, G.A. 41 169 268
Cochran, W.G. 76 81 265 276
Cochran’s theorem, oneway CRD 81
Cochran’s theorem, RCB with replication 137
Cochran’s theorem, RCB, contrast 107
Cochran’s theorem, RCB, fixed blocks 148
Cochran’s theorem, RCB, interaction 138
Cochran’s theorem, RCB, no replication 136
Cochran’s theorem, split plot 235
Cohen, A. 287
Completely randomized design (CRD) 23 (see also “CRD”)
Confounding variables 17
contrast 11
Contrast, distribution 54
Contrast, Helmert 12 13
Contrast, interaction 60
Contrast, Latin square 120
Contrast, orthogonal 11 13 37 46 60
Contrast, polynomial 14
Contrast, sum of squares 13 46
Contrast, sum of squares, RCB 95
Contrast, unbiased 53
Contrast, uncorrelated 12 37
Contrast, variance 53 63
Contrast, variance, ancova 68
Contrast, variance, RCB 95 104 106
Cornell, J.A. 72
Correlation 100 (see also “Model”)
Covariance 7
Covariate 63
Cox, D.R. 142 255 256 280
Cox, G.M. 265 276
CRD, design 23 43 289
CRD, factorial interaction 54
CRD, fourway 62
CRD, oneway, anova 46
CRD, oneway, Cochran’s theorem 81
CRD, oneway, design 43
CRD, oneway, EMS 73
CRD, oneway, F-test 83
CRD, oneway, least squares estimators 50
CRD, oneway, model 2
CRD, oneway, pooled MSE 45
CRD, oneway, randomization test 166
CRD, oneway, two sample t 44
CRD, threeway, identifiability 77
CRD, twoway, contrast 53
CRD, twoway, contrast distribution 83
CRD, twoway, EMS 51
CRD, twoway, F-test 83
CRD, twoway, interaction 52
CRD, twoway, residual error 53
CRD, twoway, sum of squares partition 47
Crossed blocks design 115 (see also “Design”)
Crossed design 18 (see also “Design”)
Crossover, covariance 215
Crossover, data layout 214
Crossover, equicorrelation 215
Crossover, relation to Latin square 215
Crossover, relation to split plot 215
Crossover, simple crossover, anova 212
Crossover, simple crossover, carryover effect 212 213
Crossover, simple crossover, data layout 211 212
Crossover, simple crossover, equicorrelation 215
Crossover, simple crossover, relation to Latin square 213
Crossover, simple crossover, relation to split plot 212
Crossover, simple crossover, test on order 213
Crossover, simple crossover, washout period 212
Crossover, three period 214
Crossover, three period, anova 215
Cui, X. 270
Data, discarding 89
Data, layout 20 (see also “Design”)
Data, missing 89
Data, snooping 86
Data, unbalanced 89
Davis, C.S. 241
Dean, A. 15 72 192 109 254 255 280
Default analysis 6
Desgin, complete 18
Desgin, CRD 43 (see also “CRD”)
Desgin, CRD, oneway 43 (see also “CRD”)
Desgin, crossed 18 20
Desgin, crossed blocks 115
Desgin, data layout 20
| Desgin, experiment 22 48
Desgin, factorial 18 20
Desgin, factorial confounded in blocks 292
Desgin, factorial confounded in blocks, field layout 20 92
Desgin, field layout 21
Desgin, incomplete 18 (see also “Incomplete blocks”)
Desgin, Latin square 117
Desgin, lattice 263
Desgin, microarray 40
Desgin, nested 18
Desgin, randomized 93
Desgin, RCB, fixed blocks 93
Desgin, resolvable 262
Desgin, split plot 171 (see also “Split plot”)
Desgin, strip plot 115
Desgin, treatment 18 20 48
Desgin, unbalanced 89
Desgin, Youden square 280
Discarding data 89
Distribution, anova, contrasts 83
Distribution, F, central 57 84
Distribution, F, doubly noncentral 85
Distribution, F, noncentral 57 84
Distribution, F, oneway CRD 83
Distribution, F, twoway CRD 83
Distribution, stochastically, increasing 57 84
Distribution, sum of squares 81
Doerge, R.W. 169
dot notation 3
Downward, J. 41
Edgington, E. 169
Efron, B. 169 281
EM algorithm 89
EMS (expected mean squares) 51
EMS (expected mean squares), attribute 78
EMS (expected mean squares), crossed blocks 117
EMS (expected mean squares), oneway CRD 73
EMS (expected mean squares), RCB, no subsampling 102
EMS (expected mean squares), RCB, replication 111
Epistasis 57
Error rate, Bonferroni 86
Error rate, data snooping 86
Error rate, experimentwise 86
Error rate, false discovery 87
Error rate, familywise 86
Error rate, Scheffe 86
Error, autoregressive 216 239
Error, pure 45
Error, residuals 45
Error, residuals, Latin square 118
Error, residuals, RCB 97
Error, residuals, twoway CRD 53
Error, within 45 48
Estimable 37
Estimator, contrast 53
Estimator, least squares, ancova 64
Estimator, least squares, Latin square 120
Estimator, least squares, RCB 104
Estimator, likelihood 37
Estimator, unbiased 3 7
Estimator, variance components 142 (see also “Variance components”)
Exchangeable 169
Experiment design 22 48
Experiment, factorial 59
Experiment, microarray 14 23 40
Experiment, microarray, BIBD vs.reference design 268
Experiment, microarray, dye bias 267
Experiment, microarray, loop design 268—272
Experiment, microarray, loop design vs.BIBD 270
Experiment, microarray, pooling 270
Experiment, microarray, reference design 267—270
Experiment, microarray, split plot 238
Experiment, microarray, split split plot 222
Experiment, QTL 57
Experiment, replication of 112
Experimental unit 3
F distribution 57 (see also “Distribution”)
Factorial design 18(see also “Design”)
Factorial design, confounding in blocks 292
False discovery rate 87
Federer, W.T. 64 265
Feldt, L.S. 217 238
Field layout 20 (see also “Design”)
Finney, D.J. 69
Fisher, R.A. 1 96 166
Fixed effects 91 98
Fractional factorial 254
Fractional factorial, alias 256
Fractional factorial, alias set 257 258 262
Fractional factorial, anova 258 259
Fractional factorial, complete blocks 258
Fractional factorial, confounding 255
Fractional factorial, confounding structure 266
Fractional factorial, defining contrast 256
Fractional factorial, effect estimates 260
Fractional factorial, intrablock subgroup 257
Fractional factorial, large factorials 261
Fractional factorial, model 260
Fractional factorial, modular arithmetic 256
Fractional factorial, relation to Latin square 265
Fractional factorial, treatment contrasts 255 266
Gail, M. 55
Gates, C.E. 109
Geisser, S. 240
Genovese, C.R. 88
Good, P. 169
Graybill, F.A. 81 84 287
Greenhouse, S.W. 240
Harville, D.A. 140
Hicks, C.R. 221 251
Hinkelmann, K. 166 167 169
Hochberg, Y. 87
Hocking, R.R. 109 140
Hotelling’s 217
Hsu, J.C. 86 276
Hultquist, R.A. 81 84
Huynh — Feldt conditions 238
Huynh, H. 217 238
Idempotent 38 (see also “Matrix”)
Identifiability 49 50
Identifiability, constraint 90
Identifiability, threeway 77
Incomplete blocks 243 (see also “also BIBD”)
Incomplete blocks, anova 244 247
Incomplete blocks, balanced 247
Incomplete blocks, balanced anova 248
Incomplete blocks, confounding 243
Incomplete blocks, contrasts 245 247
Incomplete blocks, estimation of treatment effects 245
Incomplete blocks, pooling 246
Inference scope 146
Interaction plot 55 (see also “Anova”)
Interblock estimate 286 (see also “BIBD”)
Intraclass correlation 125 140
Kacker, R.N. 140
Kempthorne, O. 166 167 169
Kerr, M.K. 41 265 268 281 282
Khuri, A.I. 72 81
Kuehl, R.O. 74 262
Kutner, M.H. 219
Latin square 117
Latin square, anova 119
Latin square, balance 119
Latin square, confounding structure 266
Latin square, contrasts 120
Latin square, design 290
Latin square, F-test 119
Latin square, field layout 118
Latin square, least squares estimator 120
Latin square, model 119
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