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Casella G. — Statistical Design |
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Latin square, orthogonal 262
Latin square, orthogonal squares 123
Latin square, randomization 121
Latin square, relation to fractional factorial 265
Latin square, relation to RCB 121
Latin square, replicating 120
Latin square, residuals 118
Latin square, standard square 121
Latin square, treatment contrasts 266
Lattice design 263
Lattice design, balanced lattice 280
Lattice design, balanced lattice square 263
Lattice design, balanced lattice square, anova 264
Lattice design, balanced lattice square, contrast variance 265
Lattice design, balanced lattice, field layout 280
Lattice design, balanced lattice, relation to BIBD 281
Lattice design, field layout 263
Lattice design, least squares estimators 264
Lattice design, model 264
Lattice design, relation to BIBD 263 280
Least squares 50 (see also “CRD” “RCB”
Least squares, generalized 140
Lee, Y.J. 228
Levey, W.A. 216
Likelihood estimator 37 (see also “Estimator”)
Likelihood function 37
Little, R.J.A. 89
Loop design 268
Loop design, anova 270
Loop design, model 269
Loop design, relation to BIBD 270
Loop design, variance 269 272
Main effects 52 (see also “CRD” “RCB” etc.)
Matrix, idempotent 38 81
Matrix, symmetric 38
McLean, R.A. 100
Mead, R. 64 72 123
Meredith, M.P. 64
Microarray experiment 14 (see also “Experiment”)
Miller, R.G. 86
Missing data 89
Mixed model 101 (see also “Model”)
Model, ancova 64
Model, block vs.random factor 110
Model, cell means 3
Model, I, II, III 140
Model, Latin square 119
Model, mixed 101
Model, Model II anova 109
Model, oneway CRD 2 (see also “CRD”)
Model, overparameterized 93
Model, Scheffe 141
Modular arithmetic 256
Moncentrality parameter 57 (see also “Parameter”)
Morgan, J.P. 123
Morrison, D.F. 241
Multiple comparisons 85
Nested design 18 (see also “Design”)
Nonidentifiable 2
Onghena, P. 169
Ord, J.K. 81
Orthogonal contrasts 11 (see also “Contrasts”)
Overparameterized 2
Paired t-test 94
Parameter, noncentrality 57 84
Partially balanced designs 254
Piantidosi, S. 55
pooling 26
Pooling effect on variance 27
Pooling error terms 85
Pooling MSE, oneway CRD 45
Prediction 101 140
Prediction, pseudoreplication 5 (see also “Replication”)
Puntanen, S. 165
Pure error 45 (see also “Error”)
QTL 57
QTL, experiment 57
Random effects 91 98
Random factor 145
Random sample, simple 17
Randomization 16
Randomization test 166
Randomized 93
Randomized complete block, design (RCB) 23 (see also “RCB”)
Ratkowsky, D.A. 225
Rawlings, J.O. 89
RCB, interaction 97
RCB, anova 6
RCB, anova table 96
RCB, Cochran’s theorem 102
RCB, Cochran’s theorem with replication 137
RCB, Cochran’s theorem, contrast 107
RCB, Cochran’s theorem, interaction 138
RCB, Cochran’s theorem, no replication 136
RCB, contrast sum of squares 95
RCB, contrast variance 95 104 106
RCB, correlation 100 145
RCB, design 23
RCB, design, no subsampling 290
RCB, design, subsampling 290
RCB, effect estimates 165
RCB, EMS, comparisons 157
RCB, EMS, no subsampling 102
RCB, EMS, replication 111 112 114 115
RCB, F-test 111 157
RCB, field layout 92
RCB, fixed blocks 91 93 145
RCB, fixed blocks, Cochran’s theorem 148
RCB, fixed blocks, confidence interval 153
RCB, fixed blocks, conservative test 155
RCB, fixed blocks, contrast 150 152
RCB, fixed blocks, contrast variance 150
RCB, fixed blocks, correlations 153
RCB, fixed blocks, EMS 148 154
RCB, fixed blocks, F -test 155 158
RCB, fixed blocks, interaction test 156
RCB, fixed blocks, intraclass correlation 148 151
RCB, fixed blocks, least squares, estimators 147 154
RCB, fixed blocks, model 146 153
RCB, fixed blocks, residual error 151
RCB, fixed blocks, subsampling 154
RCB, generalized least squares 165
RCB, interaction 96 108
RCB, interaction model 109
RCB, intraclass correlation 100 110 125 140 148 151
RCB, least squares estimator 104 165
RCB, least squares estimator, generalized 140
RCB, paired t-test 94
RCB, prediction 140
RCB, random blocks 91
RCB, randomization test 167
RCB, reconciliation 157
RCB, replication 96 109
RCB, residual error 97
RCB, subsampling 96
Reedy, T.J. 225
Reference design 267 268
Reference design, anova 270
Reference design, model 269
Reference design, relation to BIBD 268
Reference design, variance 269
Reid, N. 255 256 280
Reliability 125
REML estimates 143
Repeated measures 216
Repeated measures, anova 217
Repeated measures, AR(1) errors 216
| Repeated measures, Cochran’s theorem 216
Repeated measures, correlation 216
Repeated measures, data layout 216
Repeated measures, F-test 217
Repeated measures, relation to split plot 216
Repeated measures, summarizing the measure 217 240
Replication 4
Replication of experiment 112
Replication, subsampling 24
Replication, subsampling, RCB 96
Replication, technical 23 25
Replication, technical, effect on variance 27
Replication, technical, RCB 109
Replication, true 23 25
Replication, true, effect on variance 27
Replication, true, RCB 109
residual error 45 (see also “Error”)
Resolvable design 262
Robert, C.P. 17
Ruberg, S. 35
Rubin, D.B. 89
sampling unit 4
Samuels, M.L. 140 141
Satterthwaite approximation 234
Satterthwaite, F.E. 234
Scheffe procedure 86
Scheffe, H. 81 85 140 141
Schulze, A. 41
Searle, S.R. 139 140 142
Shah, K.R. 287
Simon, R.M. 41 55 268
Simple crossover 211 (see also “Crossover”)
Simple random sample 17
Snedecor, G.W. 76
Solomon, P.J. 142
Spearman — Brown prediction formula 125
Speed, T.P.I. 81 84 265
Split plot 171
Split plot, anova 173
Split plot, anova, whole plots in CRD 175
Split plot, anova, whole plots in RCB 186
Split plot, Cochran’s theorem 235
Split plot, Cochran’s theorem, whole plots in CRD 179
Split plot, contrast variance, estimation 193
Split plot, contrast variance, interactions 182 183 192
Split plot, contrast variance, Satterthwaite approximation 184 193
Split plot, contrast variance, split plot comparisons 181 191
Split plot, contrast variance, whole plot comparisons 180 191
Split plot, contrasts, , whole plots in RCB 191
Split plot, contrasts, whole plots in CRD 179
Split plot, correlation 172 176 179
Split plot, correlation, equicorrelation 177
Split plot, correlation, whole plots in RCB 187
Split plot, CRD on whole plots randomization 206
Split plot, data layout 171
Split plot, EMS, whole plots in CRD 179
Split plot, EMS, whole plots in RCB 189
Split plot, estimation of effects 194
Split plot, estimation of effects, interaction 195
Split plot, experiment design 172
Split plot, experimental unit 172
Split plot, F-tests, whole plots in CRD 178
Split plot, F-tests, whole plots in RCB 189
Split plot, least squares estimators 180
Split plot, microarray experiment 238
Split plot, model 173
Split plot, model, whole plots in CRD 175
Split plot, model, whole plots in RCB 185
Split plot, pooled error, whole plots in RCB 187 190
Split plot, relation to oneway CRD 174
Split plot, relation to RCB 174
Split plot, relation to repeated measures 177
Split plot, split plot error, whole plots in CRD 175
Split plot, split plot error, whole plots in RCB 187
Split plot, whole plot error, whole plots in CRD 175
Split plot, whole plots in CRD 175
Split plot, whole plots in CRD, design 291
Split plot, whole plots in RCB 185
Split plot, whole plots in RCB, design 291
Split split plot 196
Split split plot, CRD on whole plots 197
Split split plot, CRD on whole plots, anova 197 199
Split split plot, CRD on whole plots, contrasts 201
Split split plot, CRD on whole plots, data layout 197
Split split plot, CRD on whole plots, model 198
Split split plot, CRD on whole plots, pooled error 199
Split split plot, CRD on whole plots, randomization 206
Split split plot, microarray experiment 222
Split split plot, RCB on whole plots 201
Split split plot, RCB on whole plots, anova 202
Split split plot, RCB on whole plots, contrasts 205
Split split plot, RCB on whole plots, data layout 201
Split split plot, RCB on whole plots, model 203
Split split plot, RCB on whole plots, pooled error 204 205
Split split plot, Satterthwaite approximation 205
Stein, C. 287
Stochastically increasing 57
Stochastically increasing, distribution 84
Storey, J.D. 88
Strip plot 207
Strip plot design 115 (see also “Design”)
Strip plot, anova 207 208 210
Strip plot, correlation 209
Strip plot, design 23 291
Strip plot, EMS 208
Strip plot, experimental units 209
Strip plot, model 208
Strip plot, randomization 208
Stuart, A.J. 81
Styan, G. 165
Subsampling 5 (see also “Replication”)
symmetric 38 (see also “Matrix”)
Test, ancova 67
Test, conservative 26 60 85 155
Test, F, approximate 240
Test, F, Geisser — Greenhouse approximation 240
Test, F, Huynh — Feldt conditions 238
Test, F, Latin square 119
Test, F, nested 68
Test, F, RCB 102
Test, Hotelling’s 239
Test, paired t 94
Test, randomization 166
Test, two sample t 44
Three period crossover 211 (see also “Crossover”)
Tibshirani, R. 88 169 281
Total sum of squares 9
Treatment design 18 (see also “Design”)
Treatment, applied 88
Treatment, attribute 88
Tusher, V.G. 23 88
Unbalanced data 89
Unbiased estimator 3 (see also “Estimator”)
Variance components 142 193
Variance components, anova method 142
Variance components, negative estimates 143
Variance components, REML 143
Variance components, unbiased estimates 142
Voss, D. 15 72 102 109 254 255 280
Wasserman, L. 88
Weeks, D.L. 287
Winer, B.J. 125
Wishart, J. 96
Within error 45 (see also “Error”)
Yates, F. 265
Youden square 280
Zyskind, G. 165
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