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Rumely R.S. — Capacity Theory on Algebraic Curves
Rumely R.S. — Capacity Theory on Algebraic Curves

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Название: Capacity Theory on Algebraic Curves

Автор: Rumely R.S.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1989

Количество страниц: 437

Добавлена в каталог: 14.05.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Intersection pairing on special fibre      98
Intersection theory      97
Intersection theory formula for Neron’s pairing      106
Intersection theory on regular surfaces      97
Intersection theory on semi-stable models      101
Intersection theory on well-adjusted models      103
Island domain      220
Island domain, boundary $\nabla D$      239
Island domain, definition      222
Island domain, equivalence with PL-domains      239 244 252
Island domain, RL-domains = intersection of      224
Isometric parametrization      31 32 42 46 54 62 185
Jacobian Construction Principle      48
Jacobian matrix      31 32 37
K-symmetric probability vector, matrix      321
K-symmetric set $\mathbb{F} \in \mathcal{C}(\tilde{K})$      322
K-symmetric set $\mathfrac{X} \in \mathcal{C}(\tilde{K})$      321
Kakeya, S.      381
Kani, ?.      19 74 86
Karlin, S.      174 327
Kirchoff’s laws      110
Kodaira symbol      361 364
Leading coefficients      386 403
Lichtanbaum, S.      90 97 101
Line segment      340
Linear programming      367
Lipman, J.      97
Local-global principle      6
Logarithmic leading coeffs      384
Logarithmic leading coeffs, independent variability of      173 399
Logarithmic potential function      135 186
Logarithmic singularities      67
Low order coefficients      386 392
Lower Green’s function      see “Greens function”
Lower semi-continuous function      134
Manin, Y.      93
Maria’s Theorem      139 191
Matignon, M.      220
Matrix Y, nonsingularity of      254
Maximum Principle for algebraic functions and RL-domains      51 59 60
Maximum Principle for divisor functions      114
Maximum Principle for harmonic functions      67
Maximum Principle for power series      45
Metric, $[x, y]_{\zeta}$ on $P^N$      122—127
Metric, $\|x, y\|_{\mathfrak{C},v}$      103 120 221 224
Metric, chordal      23 25 26
Metric, Fubini — Study      23 26
Metric, spherical $\|x, y\|_v$      24 56
Minimal model      101
Minimal model, algorithm involving blowups      101
Minimax theorem      327
Mittsndorf, W.      112
Mollifier      93
Moret-Bailly, L.      17 19
Multinomial theorem      378 408
Munford, D.      26
n-armed star      343
Negative definiteness      331
Neron model      94
Neron, A.      2 23 25 74 94 101
Neron’s local height pairing      2 12 13 74
Neron’s local height pairing, axioms for      74—75
Neron’s local height pairing, extension to $Z^0(\mathcal{C}(\tilde{K}_v))$      76
Neron’s local height pairing, Gross’s formula for $[x, y]_{\zeta}$      77
Neron’s local height pairing, intersection theory formula      106
Neron’s local height pairing, normalization of      74
Neron’s local height pairing, via Arakelov functions      75
Newton polygon      40 41 52 53
Newton’s method for power series      30 31
Normalized logarithm, (l/N)log|f(z)|      165 188
Outer boundary $\partial D_{\zeta}$      143 146
Outer capacity $\gamma_{\zeta}(F)$      259
Patching argument for Fekete, Fekete — Szego Theorems in adelic theorems, (case $\gamma(\mathbb{F},\mathfrak{X}) < 1$)      384—393
Patching argument for Fekete, Fekete — Szego Theorems in adelic theorems, (case $\gamma(\mathbb{F},\mathfrak{X}) > 1$)      395—413
Patching argument for Fekete, Fekete — Szego Theorems in classical theorems      375 378
PL-domain      9 10 14
PL-domain, definition      236
PL-domain, equivalence with island domains      239 244 252
PL-domain, finite intersections of      251
Poincare series      83
Poisson kernel      71
Polya — Carlson Theorem      17
Potential function $u_{\nu}(z, \zeta)$      135 186
Potential function $u_{\nu}(z, \zeta)$, approximation by (1/N)log|f(z)|      169 188
Potential function $u_{\nu}(z, \zeta)$, lower semicontinuity      135 194
Potential function $u_{\nu}(z, \zeta)$, superharmonicity      135
Prime function      63 64
Probability measure      135 186 190
Probability vector      171 311 321 383
Probability vector, action of $Gal(\tilde{K}_v/K)$ on      321
Product formula      325 415
Proper map      48
Pullback formula for capacity      1 2 333 344
Pullback formula for Green’s functions      163 305
Punctured A-disc      224 226
Punctured disc      220
PV-numbers      17
Quadraticity argument      140 141 195
Rational points on reduction graph      104 117 221
Rearrangement Lemma      40 47
Reduction graph $\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{C})_v$      96 104 221
Reduction graph $\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{C})_v$, construction of      104
Reduction graph $\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{C})_v$, natural metric on      104
Reduction graph $\mathcal{R}(\mathcal{C})_v$, “rational points” on      104
Reduction map r(z)      105 117
Reduction map r(z), definition on $\mathcal{C}(\tilde{K}_v)$      105
Reduction map r(z), extension to $\mathcal{C}(\bar{K}_v)$      117
Regular n-gon      341
Resistor model      110
Riemann — Roch theorem      175 382
Riesz Decomposition theorem      144
RL-component of complement of A.C. set      304
RL-component of complement of RL-domain 2      36
RL-domain as intersection of island domains      224 252
RL-domain, boundary      50
RL-domain, definition      14 50 220
RL-domain, finite unions of balls are      5
RL-domain, unions, intersections      251
Robbins’s constant $V_{\zeta}(E)$      136 1
Robinson, R.      16 369
Roquette, P.      6 17
Rothstein, V.      65
S-integer      391
S-subunit      387
S-unit      386 403
Saddle point      367
Salem, R.      18
Semi-stable reduction      96 101
Separably algebraic extension      330
Separation inequality      332
Serre, J.P.      49 59
Shafaravich, I.R.      99 101
Shimura, 6.      91 322 325 383
Soule, C.      18
Spherical metric $\|x, y\|_v$      24 56
Strong approximation theorem      3
SU(1,1)      83
Subharmonic function      135
Superharmonic function      135
Symmetrization bounds      345
Szpiro, L.      17
Table of capacities      348—351
Tangent discs      341
Tate curve      93 360
Tonelli’s Theorem      147 198 212
Transfinite diameter $d_{\zeta}(E)$      150 202
Triangle inequality for $[x.y]_{\zeta}$ (strong local)      130
Triangle inequality for $[x.y]_{\zeta}$ (weak global)      129
Triangle inequality for metric $[x.y]_{\zeta}$ on $P^N$      122
Tsuji, M.      19 135
Two Options Theorem      328
Uniformizing parameter, determining $[x.y]_{\zeta}$      57 188
Universal covering space      63
Upper Green’s function      see “Green’s function”
Upper semi-continuous function      134
v-component      221
Value of $\Gamma$ as a matrix game, algorithm for computing      365—366
Value of $\Gamma$ as a matrix game, belongs to $\mathbb{Q}\log(p)$ in characteristic p      367 397
Value of $\Gamma$ as a matrix game, definition of $val(\Gamma)$      327
Value of $\Gamma$ as a matrix game, determininant criterion for negative definiteness      331
Value of $\Gamma$ as a matrix game, has same sign as largest eigenvalue of $\Gamma$      328
van dar Poorten, A.J.      18
Varley, R.      19 63 89
vert(w)      107
Vertical divisor      98
Weak convergence      137 190
Weierstrass points      382
Weierstrass preparation theorem      43
Weil distribution      27
Weil reciprocity      59 60 300
Weil, A.      27 28 38 382
Weissaur, R.      19 63
Well-adjusted model      103
1 2
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