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Burke E.K., Kendall G. — Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques |
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-constraint method 291
-MOEA 296 307
Acceleration coefficients 418
Acceptance probability 192—193
ACO see “Ant colony optimization”
Adaptive, heuristics 409 411
Adaptive, immune system 375—397
Adaptive, search 203 224 353 360 364 367
ADF see “Automatically defined functions”
Adjacency matrix 232 595 596
Affinity function 381
Affinity measure 382
agents 264
Algorithm gap 318
All-different constraint 243
Alldifferent constraint 254
Alleles 97 101—102
Almost no free lunch theorem 332
Amplitude spectrum 598
Ancillary tests 229
Ant algorithm 168 384 402—416 545
Ant algorithms 530
Ant algorithms, candidate lists 414
Ant algorithms, changing , values 415
Ant algorithms, lookahead 414
Ant algorithms, lower bounds 414
Ant algorithms, moving direction 415
Ant algorithms, repelling pheromone 415
Ant algorithms, stagnation recovery 415
Ant colony algorithms see “Ant algorithms”
Ant colony optimization see “Ant algorithms”
Ant systems see “Ant algorithms”
Antibody 376—390
Antigen 376—381 384—386 388—391 393 395
antisymmetric 284
Aperiodic 194
Approximate evaluation 113
Approximate rule 482
Approximation algorithms 557—585
Approximation scheme 214 227 559
Approximation strategies 561—573
APX 559 575
Arc consistency 242 243 246 248 250
Architecture 240 264 357 360—362 364 367
Architecture-altering operations 132 137 140 144 146
Archive-acceptance criterion 305
Artificial immune systems 375—399
Artificial immune systems, cellular 376
Artificial immune systems, cellular immunity 378
Artificial immune systems, encoding 381
Artificial immune systems, immune network theory 378
Artificial immune systems, immunological memory 379
Artificial immune systems, initialization 381
Artificial immune systems, innate 375
Artificial immune systems, self-cells 375 378
Artificial immune systems, T-cells 376—379
artificial intelligence 7
Artificial Neural Networks see “Neural networks”
Aspiration criteria 172 180
Association rules 490 521
asymmetric 284 509 596
Asymmetric distance measure 594
Attributes 345 346 349 350 368 475 476 478—486 488 490—493 495 500 506 515 518 519 521
Auto-immune attacks 379
Autocorrelation 601
Automatically defined, functions 144
Automatically defined, iterations 145
Automatically defined, loops 145
Automatically defined, recursion 145
Automatically defined, stores 145
Auxiliary objectives 177
B-cells 376 378 379 383 390 391
Backpropagation algorithm 355
Backtrack see “Backtrack search”
Backtrack search 26 29—32 62 244—246 248 250 251 258 269 541 542 577 578
Backtrack search, complete backtrack search 578
Backtrack search, complete randomized 578
Backtrack search, intelligent 246
Backtrack-free 250
Backward recursion 40 63
Base formulation 80
Basin of attraction 590 591 595 602 603 605
Batch mode of training 355
Bayesian learning 342 349—351 369
Bellman’s principle 38 39
Bernoulli trial 152
Best improvement 173 215 233 590
Best-bound search 91
Best-first strategy 36 62 326
Best-of-generation 141
Biased roulette wheel see “Roulette wheel”
Big O notation see “O notation”
Big-M model 78 79
Bin packing 8 532—537 542—547 558 575
binary variables 74 76—79 81 82 84 85 87 89
Bioinformatics 240 255
Bipartite graph 58 (see also “Graph bipartite”)
Bird flocking 401 416
Blossom algorithm 58
Boltzmann constant 190
Boltzmann distribution 191 194
Boosting 366
Bottom-up learning 246 347 348
Bounding argument 73
Branch and backtrack 25
Branch and bound 19 20 24—37 44 54 58 59 62—65 70 74 75 79 80 83 86 88 251 266 333
Branch and bound, parameters 90
Branch and price 89 90
Branching strategy 25 27 29 30 62
Breadth-first search 25 91
Bron and Kerbosch algorithm 30 36
Brown’s algorithm 30
building blocks 45 106 108 113
Building blocks, exchange 109
Building blocks, identification 109
C4.5 346 350
Candidate list 174 414
Candidate solutions 128
Cartesian inner product of fuzzy sets 446
Chess 247 343
Chromosome 97—101 103—105 115 362 537 549
Chvatal procedure see “Gomory — Chvatal procedure”
Cigol 348
Classical set 439
Classical techniques 19—68
Classification 342—346 366—367 386 396 437 465 478—507 519 521
Classification, classifier systems see “Learning classifier
Classification, system 344
Classification, tree 345 346
CLIQUE 30 33 35—37 84
Cloning 153 384
Cloning, clonal selection 378 379 384
Closure 249 328 329 331
Closure, closed problem 318 328
CLP 257 258
Co-domain 320 322 323 326—329 331 332
Co-evolutionary learning 357
Co-operative swarms 425—427
Co-operative swarms, CPSO optimizer 425
Co-operative swarms, split swarm 425
Collapsed matrix 598
Coloring problem see “Graph coloring”
Combinatorial optimization 589
Competent GAs 99 106 109 110
Competition complexity 108
Complement A' 444
Complementarity property 484 497
Complementary slackness 23 49 231
Complex systems theory 438
| Complexity theory 11 317—339
Composite, function 279
Composite, objective function 278 290
Computer programs 127—147
Computer security problems 393
Condition attributes 486—519
Condition profile 491—502
Connection weights 360 361 363
Constrained syntactic structure 143 144
Constraint 9 69—93
Constraint propagation 258 263—264
Constraint satisfaction problem 239 243 264 539 578
Constraint, databases 262
Constraint, explicit 86
Constraint, generation 89 257
Constraint, hard 9
Constraint, implicit 86
Constraint, logic programming 258
Constraint, matrix 45
Constraint, programming 239—272
Constraint, propagation 251 253 254
Constraint, redundancy 243
Constraint, redundant 268
Constraint, soft 9
Constraints and graphics 262
Constructive heuristic 12
Constructive method 12 24 114 403 544
continual improvement 99
Continuous, diversification 176
Continuous, function 212 345 417 418
Continuous, optimization 178 417 418 589
Control parameter 131 191 193—195 198—204 207 320
Convergence properties 306
Convex, function 22 225 226
Convex, hull 256
Convex, Pareto-optimal front 291 295
Convex, space 22
Cooling schedule 188 202 204—207
Crossover 59 61 100 101 104 105 107 109 114 127 132 137 139 142 143 151 153 154 157 293 301 358 359 361 530 538 549 552 591 594—596 599 600 604
Crossover, cycle 104
Crossover, k-point 101
Crossover, one-point 101 104 152 549 591 599 604
Crossover, order-based 102
Crossover, partially matched 102
Crossover, path tracing 605
Crossover, PMX 103
Crossover, two-point 101 549 552
Crossover, uniform order-based 101
Crowded comparison operator 294
Crowding distance 293 294 305
Crowding distance metric see “Crowding distance”
Curse of dimensionality 369
Cuts 36 81 83 231
Cutting and packing 8
CX see “Crossover”
Cyclic network 48
Danger theory 390—392
Darwinian, evolution 157
Darwinian, selection 136 143
Data Mining 343 380 382 386 396 421 490 521
Decidable 563
Decision, attributes 486 493 496 519
Decision, classes 476 482 486 487 519
Decision, problem 178 274 319 438 475 562 563 574 577
Decision, profile 491
Decision, rules 406—522
Decision, rules, approximate -decision rules 501
Decision, rules, certain -decision rules 500
Decision, rules, certain -decision rules 500
Decision, rules, induction of 486 500
Decision, rules, possible -decision rules 501
Decision, rules, possible -decision rules 500
Decision, tree 30 34 318 320 342 344 345 351 368 369 490
Decision, variable 20—22 69 70 97 252 262 276 287 299 301 309 589
Decomposition 99 106 148 227 464 599
Decomposition, principles 99
Defuzzification unit 450 451
Defuzzification unit, center of sums defuzzification technique 452
Defuzzification unit, centroid defuzzification technique 452 459
Defuzzification unit, mean of maximum defuzzification technique 452
Degree of certainty 485
Delete-all 105
denial-of-service attacks 379
Density estimation 343
Depth-first 25 62 91 140 244
Deterministic 9—10
Deterministic, polynomial 318
Developmental genetic programming 147
Differential calculus 589
Direct encoding of neural networks 362
Direction of branching 91
Discrete binary PSO algorithm 420
Discrete functions 317 322—325 327 354
Distance-to-target diagrams 214
Distinct eigenvalues 598 599
Distributed processing 264
Distribution of neighborhoods 229
Diversification 175 178 180 182 234
Dominance 280 282 288 490 492 494 497 499 500 502 517 521
Dominance, cones 495 496 502
Dominance, relation 283 287 289 477 493 507 510—512
Dominance, without degrees of preference 512
Doubtful region 484 498 511 519
Duality 20 23 231
Duality, dual problem 23 64
Duality, dual simplex 90
Duality, dual value 88 89
Duality, dual variables 49
Duality, principle 286
Dummy variables 144 145
Dynamic cooling schedules 203
Dynamic heuristics 253
Dynamic programming 19 20 37—44 54 60 62 63 351 352
Eclipse 258 264 267
Elementary sets 476—490
Elite solutions 178
Elitism strategy 408
Elitist 98 292 296 408 409
Elitist, non-dominated sorting GA 292
Ellipsoid 24
entropy 305 345 416
Enumeration 24 26 59 63 215 318 321 323 327 331
Evaluation, difficulty of a problem 214
Evaluation, function 9
Evaluation, multi-objective optimization algorithm 307
Evaluation, performance of previous algorithms 214
Evaluation, performance of previous heuristics 214
Evaluation, relaxation 113
Evaluation, search algorithms 333
Evolution 97 98 115 157 190 201 296 297 308
Evolution of architectures 361
Evolution of learning rules 364
Evolution, connection weights 360
Evolution, strategies 105 357
Evolutionary, algorithm 14
Evolutionary, algorithm, multi-objective 276 286 287 292 296 298
Evolutionary, computation 150 386
Evolutionary, fuzzy logic systems 357
Evolutionary, learning 342—370
Evolutionary, multi-objective optimization 292—295
Evolutionary, multi-objective optimization, interactive 308
Evolutionary, neural networks 357
Evolutionary, optimization 303
Evolutionary, programming 357
Evolutionary, search 156 304
Evolutionary, selection 146
Exact algorithm 215
Exam timetabling see “Timetabling”
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