Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Searcid M. — Metric Spaces |
Предметный указатель |
Stronger, topologically 229
Stronger, uniformly 232
Subalgebra 273
Subcover 262
Subcover, open 206
Subsequence 269
Subset 252
Subset, bounded 104
Subset, compact 209
Subset, complete 168
Subset, connected 193
Subset, dense 58
Subset, proper 252
Subspace topology 61—62
Subspace, ball in 77—78
Subspace, linear 273
Subspace, metric 10—11
Subspace, normed linear 16
Superior, limit 87
Superset 252
Superset, proper 252
Superspace, metric 10—11
Supremum 256
Supremum metric 107
Surjective function 265
Symmetric difference 19
Symmetric property 2
Symmetric relation 267
Tail of sequence 83
Taxicab metric 6
Tends to 128
Term 268
Test, ratio 101
Test, root 101
Theorem 245
Theorem, Arzela — Ascoli 216 220
Theorem, Baire’s 185—187 215 290
Theorem, Banach’s Fixed-Point 181
Theorem, Bolzano — Weierstrass 122
Theorem, Cantor’s Intersection 65
Theorem, De Morgan’s 42 43 45 49 62 262 288
Theorem, Extreme Value 210
Theorem, intermediate value 195 219 222 223 289
Theorem, Inverse Function 210
Theorem, Minkowski’s 223 224 226 290
Theorem, Schroder — Bernstein 154 208 242 268
Theorem, Tietze’s Extension 178 179 189
Topologically equivalent 229 240
Topologically not comparable 229
Topologically stronger 229
Topologically weaker 229
| topology 58—61
Topology on product 62—64
Topology on superspace 61—62
Topology, product 63
Topology, subspace 61—62
Totally bounded 113—118
Totally bounded set 115
Totally disconnected 198
Totally ordered 255
Transitive relation 255 267
Transitivity of implication 247
Triangle inequality 2 3 16
Triangle, Sierpinski’s 182
Trichotomy, law of 255
Triple, ordered 259
Trivial product 260
True, vacuously 248
Tuple, ordered 259
Ultrametric 19
Uncountable 268
Uniform continuity 147—150 158—160
Uniform convergence 112
Uniform equivalence 240
Uniformly continuous 147
Uniformly equivalent 232 240
Uniformly stronger 232
Uniformly weaker 232
union 260
Union, boundary of 42—43
Union, connected 195—196
Union, continuity on 138—139
Unit ball, closed 79
Unit ball, open 79
Unity 272
Universal closure 64—65
Universal closure criterion 166
Universal openness 64—65
Universal set 253
Upper bound 255
Vacuously true 248
Value 262
Value, absolute 257
Vector 273
Vector, space 273
Virtual point 165
Virtual point criterion 166
Weaker, Lipschitz 235
Weaker, topologically 229
Weaker, uniformly 232
Well order 256
Zero 272
Реклама |