Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Searcid M. — Metric Spaces |
Предметный указатель |
Interior 43—47 90—91
Interior of intersections 49—50
Interior of unions 49—50
Interior point 44
Interior, inclusion of 47—48
Intermediate Value Theorem 195 219 222 223 289
Intersection 260
Intersection Theorem, Cantor’s 65
Intersection, boundary of 42—43
Intersection, connected 195—196
Intersection, finite 206
interval 259
Interval, degenerate 259
Interval, half-closed 55
Interval, half-open 55
Inverse 265
Inverse function theorem 210
Inverse image 265
Inverse metric 5
Irrational number 253
Isolated point 26
Isometric copy 11
Isometric map 11
Isometry 11—12
Isomorphic copy 276
Isomorphism 276
Isomorphism, order 276
Largest member 255
Least member 255
Least upper bound 256
Lemma, Riesz 221
Length 16 217 269
LIMIT 86 129
Limit inferior 87
Limit point 28
Limit superior 87
Line segment 79
linear combination 277
Linear mapping 275
Linear space 16—18 273
Linear space, complex 273
Linear space, normed 16 78—81 220—222
Linear space, real 273
Linear subspace 273
Linear subspace, normed 16
Lipschitz constant 154
Lipschitz continuity 154—156 158—160
Lipschitz equivalence 240
Lipschitz equivalent 235 240
Lipschitz function 154
Lipschitz stronger 235
Lipschitz weaker 235
Local compactness 214
Local continuity 125—128
Logic 245—250
Lower bound 255
MAP 264
Map, isometric 11
Mapping 264
Mapping, closed 135
Mapping, linear 275
Mapping, Lipschitz 154—156
Mapping, open 135
Maximum member 255
Maximum, attained 266
Member 251
Member, greatest 255
Member, largest 255
Member, least 255
Member, maximum 255
Member, minimum 255
Member, smallest 255
Metric 1—19
Metric determined by the norm 17
Metric on product 13—15
Metric space 2—8
Metric space, Baire 185
Metric space, bounded 104
Metric space, compact 148
Metric space, complete 65
Metric space, connected 192
Metric space, disconnected 191
Metric space, discrete 60
Metric space, extended 12—13
Metric space, homeomorphic 240
Metric space, separable 69
Metric space, totally bounded 115
Metric subspace 10—11
Metric superspace 10—11
Metric ultra- 19
Metric, conserving 14 238
Metric, discrete 4
Metric, equivalent 227—232
Metric, Euclidean 3—5
Metric, Euclidean product 14
Metric, Hausdorff 106 171—173
Metric, inverse 5
Metric, p-adic 7
Metric, product 63
Metric, supremum 107
Metric, taxicab 6
Minimum member 255
Minimum, attained 266
Minkowski’s theorem 223 224 226 290
Modulus 257
Multiplication 273
Multiplication, scalar 272
Mutually disjoint 261
Natural number 253
Natural number, extended 258
Natural projection 264
Nearest point 30—32 212—213
Nearest-point 118—120
Nearest-point criterion 118
Nearest-point property 118—123 212—213
Nest 65—67 252
Nest criterion 166
Nested sequence criterion 166
Norm 16 222—224
Norm, equivalent 238—240
Norm, metric determined by 17
Norm, p- 222—224
Normed linear space 16 78—81 220—222
Normed linear subspace 16
Notation, set 251—252
Nowhere dense 69
Number, complex 254
Number, dyadic rational 58
Number, extended natural 258
Number, extended real 258
Number, irrational 253
Number, natural 253
Number, negative real 259
Number, non-negative real 259
Number, non-positive real 259
Number, positive real 259
Number, rational 253
Number, real 253
One-to-one 265
Onto 265
open 53—67
Open ball 71
Open ball criterion 227
Open cover 206
Open cover criterion 206
Open mapping 135
Open set 53—57
Open set criterion 227
Open subcover 206
Open union criterion 191
| Open unit ball 79
Open, universally 64—65
Open–closed criterion 191
Order 255—257
Order isomorphism 276
Order, complete 256
Order, enumerative 256
Order, total 255
Order, well 256
Ordered pair 254
Ordered triple 259
Ordered tuple 259
p-Adic metric 7
p-Norm 222—224
Pair, ordered 254
Part, imaginary 254
Part, integer 257
Part, real 254
Partition 267
Path 199
Pathwise connected 200
Peano curve 201
Point 251
Point criterion, nearest 118
Point evaluation function 155 263
Point function 8—10
Point, accumulation 28
Point, boundary 35—37
Point, continuous at a 127
Point, exterior 44
Point, fixed 180
Point, interior 44
Point, isolated 26
Point, limit 28
Point, nearest 30—32 212—213
Point, virtual 165
Pointlike function 10
Pointwise convergence 112
Polygonal connection 202
Polygonally connected 202
Polynomial function 275
Polynomial, degree of 275
Positive property 2
Power function 275
Power set 252
Principle, Banach Contraction 180
Product metric 63
Product topology 63
Product, ball in 77—78
Product, cartesian 254 260
Product, connected 195—196
Product, continuity into 139—141
Product, metric on 13—15
Product, topology on 62—64
Product, trivial 260
Projection, natural 264
proof 245
Proper subset 252
Proper superset 252
Property, finite intersection 206
Property, nearest-point 118—123 212—213
Property, positive 2
Property, symmetric 2
Ratio Test 101
Rational number 253
Rational number, dyadic 58
Real function 264
Real linear space 273
Real number 253
Real number, extended 258
Real number, negative 259
Real number, non-negative 259
Real number, non-positive 259
Real number, positive 259
Real part 254
Real space, n-dimensional 260
Real space, three-dimensional 260
Real space, two-dimensional 260
Recursive definition 270
Reflexive relation 267
Relation 254
Relation on S 255
Relation, equivalence 267
Relation, reflexive 267
Relation, symmetric 267
Relation, transitive 255 267
Restriction 263
Restriction, continuity of 137—138
Riesz lemma 221
Root test 101
scalar 273
Scalar multiplication 272
Schroder — Bernstein theorem 154 208 242 268
Selection 269—272
Separable metric space 69
Sequence, bounded 109—110
Sequence, Cauchy 94—96
Sequence, constant 85
Sequence, convergent 83—85
Sequence, eventually constant 85
Sequence, finite 269
Sequence, tail of 83
Series 269
Set 251—278
Set difference 260
Set notation 251—252
Set, balanced 80
Set, bounded 103—104
Set, Cantor 39
Set, closed 38—41 53—57
Set, convex 79
Set, coordinate 260 264
Set, empty 251
Set, open 53—57
Set, power 252
Set, singleton 251
Set, spanning 277
Set, universal 253
Sierpinski’s triangle 182
singleton set 251
Smallest member 255
Space of continuous functions 142—143
Space, Baire 185
Space, bounded 104
Space, compact 148
Space, complete 65
Space, complex linear 273
Space, connected 192
Space, disconnected 191
Space, discrete 60
Space, equivalent 240—243
Space, function 173—175
Space, homeomorphic 240
Space, linear 16—18 273
Space, metric 2—8
Space, n-dimensional real 260
Space, normed linear 16 78—81 220—222
Space, real linear 273
Space, separable 69
Space, three-dimensional real 260
Space, totally bounded 115
Space, two-dimensional real 260
Space, vector 273
Spanning set 277
Spatial criterion 206
Strong contraction 160
Stronger, Lipschitz 235
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