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Chipot M., Quittner P. — Stationary Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 1 |
Предметный указатель |
Pohozaev-type identity 497 499 511 527 567
Poincare inequality 120 148
Poincare, H. 493 591
Point of mountain pass type 11 12
Point singularities 301 358
Pointwise estimate 499 559 569
Poisson kernel 609 613
Poisson potential 609 683 684
Polacik, P. 162 189 197 199 211 232 233
Polyconvex integrands 266
Polyconvexity 267
Potential operator 11 57
Potential well 281
Prajapat, J. 496 503 504 591
Principle of a priori bounds 13
Prodi, G. 65 68
Product formula 9 53
Profile of the blow-up sequence 499
Protter, M.H. 31 70 216 233
Pulvirenti, M. 493 586 588 588
Purice, R. 318 382
q-accumulation point 705
q-admissible 677–679
q-removable 696
Quantization 497 498 529 530 544
Quasicontinuous 628
Quasiconvexity 244 270
Quasieverywhere 628 629 635 636 640
Quittner, P. 34 70 709
Rabier, P.J. 106 114 154
Rabinowitz, P.H. 11 48 50 54 55 58 60 68 68 68 68 70 70 70 70 177 219 228 437 438 440 462 464 465 489 493 584 589 591
Rademacher, H. 712 [86]
Radially symmetric 503
Rado, T. 16 70
Radulescu, V. 50 69
Ramakrishna, J. 81 154
Ramaswamy, M. 215 230
Rank-one convexity 245
Ratto, A. 597 660 706 712
Regular part 703
Regular point 707
Regularity of the minimizer 245 247
Reichel, W. 47 68 409 487
Reichelderfer, P.V. 16 70
Relaxation theorem 284
Renormalized energy 338 343
retract 7 8 14 32
Retraction 7 8 15 37
Rey, O. 499 591
Reynolds number 73 139
Reynolds number, arbitrary large 139
Reynolds number, small 107
Ricciardi, T. 493 586 591 591 591
Richard, Y. 712 [88]
Riemannian surface 494 510 574 585
Rigoli, M. 597 660 706 712
Riviere, T. 163 231 330 338 355 382 382 383 383 383 500 591
Robinson, S.B. 392 488
Rockafellar, R.T. 242 293 294 295
Rokyta, M. 287 294
Rubinstein, J. 301 315 316 383 383
Rudin, W. 256 295
Ruzicka, M. 287 294
Saa, J.E. 390 399 401 403 487
Saddle point 390 403 436–438 440 463–465 468 470–475
Sakamoto, K. 197 230
Saloff-Coste, L. 510 591
Sanchon, M. 586 588
Sandier, E. 338 383 383 383 383
Sard’s lemma 6
Sattinger, D.H. 12 32 51 55 70 70 196 219 233
Savin, O. 212 233
Sazonov, L.I. 78 133 137 138 155
scalar 238
Scalar product 500 576
Scalar, multidimensional variational problem 238
Scarpellini, B. 45 68
Schaefer, H.H. 14 70 254 295
Schaeffer, D.G. 208 233
Schauder, J. 3 5 22 69 116 155
Schauder’s estimates 509
Schauder’s fixed point theorem 7 8 32
Schmitt, K. 36 58 62 64 69 70 70
Schoen, R. 16 70 500 586 590 591 591
Scott, S.K. 188 230
Second variation 292
Second-order problems 242
Second-order variational problem 273
Segel, L.A. 186 231 493 590
Self-propelled 92
Self-propelled motion 77 80 89
Selfdual gauge field theories 493
Selfdual vortices 493
Senba, T. 186 232
Serfaty, S. 338 383 383 383 383 383
Serrin, J. 215 217 233 233
Shafrir, I. 301 302 339 340 342–348 352 355 356 359 363 373 380 382 382 382 382 493 498 500 515 530 533 538 539 543 588 589 590 591 591 591
Shigesada, N. 182 233
Silber, M. 188 231
Simader, C.G. 80 83 85 155 155
Singular boundary of A relative 705
Singular Liouville equations 493
Singular part 703
Singular perturbation 299 300 366
Singular set 707
Singular sources 493 501
Sirakov, B. 216 217 229
Skrypnik, I.V. 483 484 489
Smallest eigenvalue 12 26 31 55
Smith, D.R. 75 77 78 106 134 135 154 154 155
Sobolev critical exponent 586
Sobolev space 500
Sobolev’s estimates 509
Sohr, H. 78 80 133 135 137 155 155
Soner, M. 338 383
Soucek, J. 390 417 422 488
Soucek, V. 390 417 422 488
Souplet, P. 34 70
Spruck, J. 26 69 211 229 493 500 503 588 592 592 592 592 679 710 710
Stability 159 161 162 165 189 190 194–197 199 200 201–204
Stampacchia, G. 261 294 605 712 712 712
Standard 52 586
| Standard two-sphere 494
Statistical mechanics 493
Steady states 164 165 178 182–189 192 200
Stein, E. 712 [92]
Stern, R.J. 294 [20]
Sternberg, P. 300 303 308 310 311 315 316 359 383 383 383
Stokes approximation 73 80 81 92
Stokes fundamental solution 81
Stokes paradox 74 80 81 87 100
Stokes, G.G. 73 74 155
Strauss, W. 605 617 710
Stress tensor 82
Stretching tensor 82
Strict convexity 259
Strictly positive operator 19 20 23 31 32 48 50
Strong barrier property 708
Strong maximum principle 600
Strongly positive operator 15 23 37 64
Struwe, M. 16 70 293 295 301 327 332 337 343 355 383 383 390 403 462 489 499 510 583 584 586 592 592 592 592 592
Sub- and supersolutions 24–26 28 32 33 46 67 386 441 475 476 478 479
Subcritical to g 658
Subcritical with respect 649
Super-L-harmonic 613
Suzuki, T. 208 232 493 499 500 576 586 591 591 592 592
Sverak, V. 245 263 271 294 295
Swart, P.J. 293 [10]
Sweers, G. 194 233 409 489
Swinney, H.L. 188 231
Symmetric domains 88
Symmetric Leray solution 141 142 153
Symmetric solutions 115 122 140
Symmetric solutions, existence for arbitrary large Reynolds number 149
Symmetries 159 160 204–207
Symmetry breaking bifurcation 58
Szego, G. 204 233
Takac, P. 15 70 390–392 397 399 402 403 406 407 409 410 414 415 418 422–424 427–430 433 441–443 446 451 454 456–461 464 465 469 470 472 473 477 480 483 485–487 487 487 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 489 489 489 489 489 489 489
Takagi, I. 159 161 165 167 169 170 177–179 200–204 207 222 226 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 232 233
Taliaferro, S.D. 217 233
Tang, M. 188 231 232
Tarantello, G. 493 494 496–500 503 504 510 523 527 530 543 559 570 581 586 587 587 588 588 588 591 591 591 591 591 591 592 592 592 592 592
Tartar, L. 50 68 303 311 359 382
Taubes, C. 493 590 592
Tello, L. 390 391 399 403 489
Temam, R. 242 294
Teramoto, E. 182 233
Toda system 500
Toland, J. 58 68
Tolksdorf, P. 395–397 443 470 489 489
Tonelli, L. 242 244 295
Transversality condition 58
Trembley, A. 163 233
Triebel, H. 423 489 685 690 712
Troianiello, G.M. 420 489
Troutman, J.L. 242 295
Troy, W.C. 215 233
Trudinger, N.S. 17 19 20 22 31 69 247 274 294 308 346 359 369 382 393 418 419 428 488 507–510 575 590 592 595 609 646 710
Tsouli, N. 392 435 487
Turing, A.M. 163 187 233
Turner, R.E.L. 33 68
Two-dimensional weak-singularity assumption 645 646 649
Uhlenbeck, K. 16 70
Ulm, M. 390 391 399 403 410 442 446 451 456 458 483 485–487 488 489
Uniqueness 259
Valadier, M. 256 295
van Baalen, G. 78 111 155
Vanishing Reynolds number 101 111
Variational formulation 580
Variational problem 238
Vazquez, J.L. 397 489 493 588 645 649 659 712 712
Vector problems 242
Vector variational problems 238 244 250 268
Vector, one-dimensional variational problem 238
Vegas, J.M. 193 230
Verbitsky, I.E. 597 673 675 677 711
Veron, L. 597 598 610 617 638 641–643 645 660 681 683 690 692 694–697 700 704–707 709 710 710 710 710 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 711 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712
Very weak solution 602 606 611 613 614
Vinter, R. 293 295
Visualization 218 222
Visualization lower semicontinuity 255
Visualization stability 607
Visualization subsolution 600
Vivier, L. 609 616 709
von Mises, R. 710 [43]
Vortex 354 493
Vortex point 493 497 500
Vorticity 141
Wake structure 96
Walter, W. 219 231
Waltman, P.E. 182 233
Wan, T.Y.H. 496 503 589
Wang, G. 493 494 499 500 510 579 586 589 589 589 589 590 590 592 592 592
Wang, R. 493 592
Wang, S. 493 494 592
Wang, X. 189 211 230 230 233
Warner, F. 494 590 590
Wave equation 240 287
Weak continuity property 266
Weakly L-harmonic 610 611
Wei, J. 161 169 170 172–174 177 181 189 207 208 218 222 230 230 230 230 231 232 232 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 499 500 579 586 590 591 592 592
Weierstrass field theory 292
Weinberger, H.F. 31 70 76 78 114 123 125 126 133 139 150 155 155 216 233
Wente, H.C. 500 592
Weston, V.H. 592 [W2]
Whyburn, G.T. 36 42 70 70
Winet, H. 77 154
Winter, M. 172 181 189 230 233 233 233
Wirtinger inequality 126
Wittwer, P. 78 111 155 155
Wolansky, G. 493 500 589 591 591 592
Wolenski, P.R. 294 [20]
Yanagida, E. 162 165 189 197 199–204 211 214 232 232 232 233 233
Yang, P. 493 494 510 511 588 588 588
Yang, Y. 493 494 501 588 589 592 592 592 592 592
Yarur, C. 675 709
Yosida, K. 429 442 489 685 712
Yotsutani, S. 184 214 232 232
Young measures 242 279 282
Young, L.C. 242 245 295 295
Zabreiko, P.P. 14–16 51 57 58 69
Zheng, H. 293 295
Zhou, J. 219 221 222 226 228 229 229 229 229 230 231 231 231
Ziemer, W. 303 304 383
Zou, H. 215 233
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