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Chipot M., Quittner P. — Stationary Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 1 |
Предметный указатель |
admissible 622
boundary-admissible Radon 683
-condition 683 683
641 692 694 695
the Laplace–Beltrami 641
-convergence 304 306 316
605 616 621
605 616
693 694
, k) admissible 622
( , 0) admissibility 625
( , 0) admissible 623
( , 0) boundary-admissible 683
( , k) boundary-admissible 683
(g, ) -admissibility 623
(n, ) assumption 617 621
(n, )-weak-singularity 621
(n, 0)-weak-singularity assumption 626 645
3-G 641
3-G inequality 676
a priori bounds 26 33 34 44 67
Abrikosov’s mixed states 493 494
Absorbing nonlinearity 614
Absorption principle 595
Acerbi, E. 272 293
Adams, D.R. 510 587 597 627 628 671 672 677 700 709 709
Admissible “variation” 238
Aftalion, A. 47 68
Akhiezer, N.I. 242 293
Algebraic multiplicity 9 10 52 54 59 60
Allaire, G. 81 154
Allegretto, W. 402 406 487
Amann, H. 5 12 15 23 28 32 49 50 68 68 68 182 219 228 228 228 228 709
Ambrosetti, A. 32 50 65 68 68 68 174–177 219 228 228 228 228 500 586 587
Ambrosio, L. 212 229
Amick, C.J. 76 78 79 114 115 117 123 124 133 138 142 146 154 154
Anane, A. 391 392 395 435 441 443 470 487 487 487
Ancona, A. 609 709
Andre, N. 301 302 339 340 342–348 352 355 356 359 363 373 380 382 382 382 382
Angenent, S.B. 348 382
Anti-maximum principle 407 409
Arbitrary Reynolds number 114
Arcoya, D. 409 459 487
Armitage, D.H. 709 [5]
Artino, R.A. 52 54 58 68
Atkinson, K. 289 293
Aubin, T. 495 510 578 579 582 587
Augmented functional 262
Auxiliary Stokes fields 83
Aviles, P. 679 709
Avudainayagam, A. 81 154 154
Babenko, K.I. 113 154
Bad discs 356 380
Bahri, A. 493 586 587 587 587
Bakelman, I.J. 276 278 293
Balder, E.J. 256 293
Baldo, S. 315 382
Ball, J.M. 242 245 247 257 287 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 293 294
Bandle, C. 45 68 543 586 587 709 709
Baraket, S. 500 586 587
Baras, P. 596 597 632 635 639 662 666 677 709 709
Bartolucci, D. 493 497 499 523 527 543 559 570 586 587 587 587 588 588
Bebernes, J. 493 588
Beckner, W. 510 588
Benilan, Ph. 596 616 617 645 709 709
Benjamin, T.B. 15 68
Berestycki, H. 211 212 229 229 229
Berger, M.S. 340 382 697 709
Berker, R. 81 92 154
Bers, L. 218 229
Besov space 685 690 711
Bessel capacities 626 669 671
Bessel kernel 626 672
Bessel potential 627
Bethuel, F. 163 229 300–302 321 323–325 327 336–338 343 354 355 382 382 382 382 382 499 588
Bhattacharya, T. 213 218 229
Bi-harmonic equation 241 291
Bidaut-Veron, M.F. 609 616 675 709 709
Bieberbach, L. 219 229 709
Bifurcation from infinity 391
Birindelli, I. 409 487
Blake, J.R. 77 89 92 154 154
Blow-up analysis 498 499 557 577
Blow-up behavior 500 557
Blow-up point 497 513–516 521–525 532 533 538 544 547 555 558 571 573
Blow-up profile 496 559
Blow-up sequence 498 499
Blow-up technique 516
Boccardo, L. 709 [17]
Bogomolnyi, E.B. 493 588
Bohme, R. 50 57 68
Boissonade, J. 187 229
Boundary layer 301 316 339 340 357
Boundary trace 612 700–704 707 708
Boundary-q-admissible 683 684 692
Boundary-q-admissible measure 688
Boundary-weak-singularity assumption 681 682
Bounded variation 303
Bourgain, J. 338 382
Boutet de Monvel-Berthier, A. 318 382
Brachistochrone 239
Brascamp, H.J. 213 229
Brennen, C. 77 154
Brezis, H. 16 33 50 68 68 68 68 68 68 163 208 229 229 300–302 318 321 323–325 327 330 336–339 343 346 354 355 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 493 497–499 505 512 513 515 524 530 533 538 539 543 588 588 588 588 596 605 616 617 638 645 673 679 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 710 710
Brouwer degree 318 367
Brouwer, L.E.J. 3 4 68
Brouwer’s fixed point theorem 6 7 16
Browder, F.E. 483 487
Brown, B.M. 409 487
Buffoni, B. 58 68
Busca, J. 216 217 229
BV space 303 304
Cabre, X. 212 229 586 588 673 709
Caffarelli, L.A. 211–214 229 229 229 229 493 503 588 588 679 710
Caglioti, E. 493 586 588 588
Calderon, A.P. 710 [25]
Callahan, T.K. 188 229
Cantrell, R.S. 182 229
Capacitary measure 672
Capacity 627–629 631–635 637 640 683 691 699 700
Caratheodory function 237 284
Caratheodory integrand 258
Casten, R.G. 162 192 229
Castets, V. 187 229
Castro, A. 162 229
Center of mass 580 582
Cerami, G. 50 68
Cesari, L. 242 248 294
Chae, D. 493 500 588 588 588 588 588 588
Chan, H. 493 500 588
Chandrasekhar, S. 159 229 588
Chang, A. 493 494 510 511 588 588 588
Chang, I.-D. 81 154
Chang, K.C. 219 229 494 588
Chanillo, S. 493 494 500 588 588 589
Chen, C.C. 493 494 498–500 515 530 559 570 586 587 589 589 589 589
Chen, G. 219 221 222 226 228 229 229 229 229 230 230
Chen, W.X. 34 68 211 229 493 494 496 503 510 582 589 589 589 589 589
Chen, X. 493 589
Chen, X.X. 553 589
Chen, X.Y. 642 643 645 694 710
Cheng, K.-S. 217 229
Chern — Simons theory 493
Chern — Simons vortex 494
Chipot, M. 261 294 500 589
Choi, Y.S. 219 230
Choquet, G. 627 710
Chou, K.S. 496 503 589
| Chow, S.N. 51 68
Christov, C. 81 154
Ciarlet, P.G. 268 269 272 289 294 294
Cignoli, R. 616 710
Cildress, S. 493 589
Circular-well potential 302 358
Clarke, F.H. 294 [20]
Class of variations 246
Clement, Ph. 407 409 487 487
Coddington, E.A. 199 230
Coercive 708
Coercive nonlinearity 707 708
Coercivity 239 242
Coffman, C.V. 208 230
Cohen, D.S. 32 69
Compact map 7 51 52
Compact perturbation 7 8 53
Complex plane 500
Comte, M. 338 382
Concentration 497
Concentration phenomena 495 496 498 499 500 502 529
Concentrations of solutions 163 177
Concentration–compactness 496 497 512 523 577 579
Condition (H) 601 602 605 606 609 611 613 614 616 617 622 632 644 667 680 681 683
Conditionally q-removable 696 699 700
Conformal geometry 493 574
Conservation laws 293
Continuous compact map 7
Continuum 35 54
Convexity 239 242 249
Coron, M. 586 587 587
Cosner, C. 182 229
Cossio, J. 162 229
Costa, D. 219 230
Cottlar, M. 616 710
Courant, R. 242 275 294
Crandall, M. 616 709
Crandall, M.G. 48 50 58 68 68 68 68 219 228 493 589
Critical point 239 293 576
Cuesta, M. 397 409 487 487 487
D-solution 75 78 122 128 130–132
D-solutions, asymptotic structure 133
Dacorogna, B. 242 250 253 271 278 284 294 294 294 294
Dal Maso, G. 632 710
Damascelli, L. 215 230
Dancer, E.N. 477 487
Dautray, R. 613 676 710
De Coster, C. 32 69 475 478 487
de Figueiredo, D.G. 33 69 409 487
De Kepper, P. 187 229
de la Pradelle, A. 629 710
de Thelin, F. 390 391 403 406 407 409 414 487 488 488 488 488 488
Degenerate metric 358 359
Deimling, K. 4 5 16 36 69 483 487
del Pino, M. 334 356 382 390 391 403 422 451 489 489
Demoulini, S. 289 294
Deng, Y. 219 229 230
Derivative at infinity 12
Dhersin, J.L. 710 [31]
Diaz, J.I. 390 399 401 403 487
DiBenedetto, E. 395 443 470 488
Diffusion system 203 240 262
Ding, W.-Y. 177 208 214 230 493 494 499 510 586 589 589 589 589 589
Ding, Z. 219 230
Dirac measure 493 500 501
Direct method 242
Dirichlet boundary condition 579
Dirichlet problem 506 508 513
Discretization (or semidiscretization) in time 288
Doelman, A. 189 230
Doob, J. 613 710
Double-well potential 299 300 310 315
Drabek, P. 391 392 409 410 422 433 437 438 440–442 446 451 456 458 469 470 478 480 483–487 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 489
Drag 111
Du, Y. 708 710
Dugundji, J. 8 14 69
Dugundji’s theorem 8 14 37
Dulos, E. 187 229
Dunne, G. 493 589 589
Dynkin, E.B. 597 609 683 696 705 706 710 710 710 710 710 710 710
Eberly, D. 493 588
Eikonal-type equation 359
Ekeland, I. 242 293 294 294 294
Elastic energy 240
Electroweak theory 493
Elgueta, M. 390 403 489
Elliptic estimates 507
Elliptic regularity 508 517 578 579
Energy equality 110 140 141
Englert, B.-G. 221 229
Epstein, I.R. 187 231 231
Esposito, P. 500 589
Euler characteristic 499 586
Euler–Lagrange equation 237
Evans, L.C. 272 294 303 360 382 382
Example of nonuniqueness 107
Exponential nonlinearity 493 510
Exponential order of growth 645 646 648 659
Fabbri, J. 710 [41]
Faxen, H. 74 154
Federer, H. 309 382
Felmer, P.L. 334 356 382
Feyel, D. 629 710
Field theories 292
Fife, P.C. 177 230
Finite perimeter 304
Finite Reynolds number 111
Finn, R. 75 77 78 81 106 117 135 154 154 154 154
First eigenvalue 396–398 417 427 430 435 441
Flat two-torus 494 586 587
Fleckinger, J. 390 391 403 406 407 409 414 427–430 433 469 487 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488
Flucher, M. 499 589 589 589
Fomin, S.V. 242 294
Fonseca, I. 303 311 359 382
Fontana, L. 494 510 589
Fraenkel, G. 697 709
Fraenkel, L.E. 340 382
Franchi, B. 215 230
Frank, P. 710 [43]
Fredholm alternative 10 57 58 386 390 391 409 427 433 440 447 460 482
Fredholm map 499 586
Fredholm — Riesz — Schauder theory 9
Friedman, A. 213 214 229 261 294
Fu, C.C. 493 500 588
Fucik, S. 390–392 417 422 453 488 488 488 489
Fujita method 117
Fujita, H. 75 78 117 154
Fusco, N. 272 293
Galdi, G.P. 75–80 82 83 85 86 89 94–97 100–102 106 111 114–120 123 132–135 137 147 148 150 151 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 154 155 155
Galerkin approximation 117
Galerkin method 75
Gallouet, T. 709 [17] 710 710
Gamez, J.L. 409 459 487 488
Garcia-Prada, O. 494 589
Gardiner, S.J. 709 [5]
Gardner, R.A. 189 230
Gariepy, R.F. 272 294 303 382
Garroni, A. 499 589 589
Gas combustion 493
Gauge field theories 493
Gauss curvature 494
Gazzola, F. 48 69
Geetha, J. 81 154
Gelfand, I.M. 242 294 493 590
Generalized nullspace 9 58
Generalized range 9 58
Generalized variational principle 285
Geometric multiplicity 9
Georgescu, V. 318 382
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