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Phillips N.Ch. — Equivariant K-Theory and Freeness of Group Actions on C*-Algebras |
Предметный указатель |
-algebra 158—159 162—164 219 248 277 278
see "Action of "
see "Action of "
see "Action of "
(difference map in K-theory) 128
(binomial coefficient) 258
(direct sum of matrices) 28
(maximal tensor product) 159
(minimal tensor product) 104
(unitization) 22
(fixed point algebra) 58
(eigenspace for action) 137
(rotation algebra) 263
(twisted product) 64
(projective space) 156
(reduced group C*-algebra) see "
(reduced crossed product) see "
(reduced crossed product) 209
(continuous functions vanishing at ) 22
-algebra 157—159 162—164 219 248 277 278
(continuous A-valued functions vanishing at ) 17
(bounded continuous functions) 277
(compactly supported continuous functions) see "
(compactly supported continuous A -valued functions) 17
(mapping cone) 61
(map associated to a p.q.h.) 73
(equivariant extensions) 125
(Whitney sum) 13
(tensor product of bundles) 13
(tensor product of module and algebra) 17
(fiber of vector bundle) 13
(map of one point compactifications) 14
(free group) 210
(twisted product) 64
(stabilizer subgroup) 7
(set of vector bundle maps) 22
(set of maps of vector bundles of modules) 22 23
(set of module maps) 23
(sheaf cohomology) 114
(Sobolev space) 111
(= ) 200
(equivariant homology theory) 184
(Hilbert space over B) 117
(induction map in K-theory) 168
(induction map in KK-theory) 174
(induction of modules) 187
(from ideal Decomposition Lemma) 183
(induction map in KK-theory) 171
(map in KK-theory) 171—177 321—323
(from ideal Decomposition Lemma) 183
(compact module morphisms) 117
(equivariant KK-theory) 116
(equivariant KK-theory) 116
(equivariant KK-theory) 116
(equivariant KK-theory) 78
(equivariant K-theory) 1
(equivariant K-theory) 13 14
(equivariant K-theory) 15
-visibility 261
(equivariant K-theory) 51
(equivariant K-theory) 17 22
(equivariant K-theory) 51
(adjointable module homomorphisms) 117
(twisted -algebra) see "
(twisted -algebra) 18
(G-multiplier algebra) 69
( complex matrices) 39
(localization of module) 6
(category related to Tensor Product Theorem) 221
(category related to equivariant localized Kuenneth formula) 215
(category related to equivariant located Kuenneth formula) 221
(category related to Tensor Product Theorem) 229
(Cuntz algebra) 241
(finitely generated projective -modules) 23
(direct sum of idempotents) 28
(localization) 6
(set of G-invariant idempotents) 28
(map associated to a p.q.h.) 73
(restriction map in K-theory) 168
(restriction map in KK-theory) 171
(restriction of modules) 167
(positive part of R(G)) 58
(localization of ring) 6
see "Circle group"
(circle group) 19
(circle) 6
(second suspension) 116
(localization of module) 6
(localization of ring) 6
(semigroup of idempotents) 28
(G-invariant unitaries in ) 58
(identity component of ) 58
(G-vector bundles) 23
(one point compactification) 14
see "Crossed product by "
(class of q.h. or p.q.h. in KK-theory) 78
(product of classes of (pre-)quasihomomorphisms) 90
(class of homomorphism in KK-theory) 80
(action on unitization) 22
(restriction of action to invariant subset) 136
(operator on differential forms) 112
(product in KK-theory) 104
(map in KK-theory) 60
(sections of vector bundle) 23
(Connes Spectrum) 249
( sections of vector bundle) 111
(sections vanishing at infinity) 146
(prequasihomomorphism) 73
(quasihomomorphism) 75
(map in KK-theory) 80
(exterior power) 110
156 325—326
(direct limit) 33
(pairing in K-theory) 191
(pairing in K-theory) 192
(pairing in localized K-theory) 196
(pairing in localized K-theory) 200
(direct sum) see " " " " "
(tensor product) see " " " " " " A$"/>" "
(equivariant KK-theory) 121
(= ) 58
(operators on differential forms) 112
(direct sum of q.h. and p.q.h.) 78
(prequasihomomorphism) 73
(quasihomomorphism) 75
(map in KK-theory) 104
(map in K-theory) 21
(dual group, action) see " " "
(dual group) 50
(dual action) 50
see " " "
(strong spectrum) 249
(complex conjugate space) 39
(element of C*(G,A, ) gotten from ) 238
(strong Connes spectrum) 249
( -norm) 18
(Hilbert module norm) 42
(supremum norm) 43
(ab)(g) (twisted convolution) 17
(G,A, )-module 16 see
(G,C(X))-algebra 159—162 279
| * (adjoint) see "a*(g)" "
* (subscript or superscript for induced map) see "f*(E)" "f*([E])" " " " "
* (unspecified index in (co-)homology theory) see " " " " "
*-homomorphism 15
*-strong operator topology 71—72 118
+ (superscript for compactification or unitization) see " " " " "
a*(g) (adjoint in algebra) 18
action 13 15
Action of 137—138 155 282 302 309
Action of 181
Action of 235
Action of 209—211 213—215 219 281
Action of 133 156 165 190 228 263—265 274 275 280—283 265 301—302 309
Action of R 201 209—211 213—214 219 227—228
Action of Z 190 201 209—214 219 227—228 263—265 283—284 290
Action of Z/2Z 4 5 134—136 143 224 251 271—274 286 299 300 302—305
Action of Z/3Z 261—263
Action of Z/4Z 5 299 302—305 309
Action of Z/6Z 299—300
Action of Z/nZ 4 5 140 143 167 177—181 189 200—209 213—222 227 229 232 264—265 271 274 275 279—282 285 288 299 302 305 307—308
Action of Z/pZ (p prime) 189 229 258 270 273 299
Action on a Banach algebra 15
Action on a C*-algebra 15
Action on a crossed product C*-algebra 209—215 see
Action on a projective module 16
Action on a space 13 see
Action on a tensor product see "Tensor product"
Action on a vector bundle 13
Action, AF 287 see
Action, commuting 209—215 219 227—228
Action, exterior equivalent 44—40 53 55 134 135 139 141 198—199 206 212 219 227—228 296
Action, free 1—5 7—9 131—135 138—139 142—143 146 151 156—157 161—167 189 221—222 227 234 236 242—244 247—248 270 272 275 278—283 285 289—290 299 309
Action, hereditarily K-saturated 270—274 281 285 299
Action, hereditarily K-saturated up to 2-torsion 272
Action, hereditarily saturated 236—237 246—251 270—275 278 281—285 299—301
Action, inner 44
Action, K-free 136 see
Action, K-saturated 270—274 285
Action, KK-free 151 see
Action, locally representable 5 286 292—299 305 309 327—328
Action, outer 298 305
Action, product type 286 292—294 298—302 305 309
Action, restriction to subgroup of 3—5 137—138 143 162 177—182 272 288 300 302 305 307—309
Action, saturated 236—237 240—251 270 273—274 282
Action, totally K-free 138 see
Action, totally K-free up to torsion 178—179
Action, totally KK-free 152
Action, with discrete K-theory 132 153 157 163 262 270 290 293 306—309
Action, with discrete KK-theory 151—154 181 182 233 306—308 328
Action, with locally discrete K-theory 131—138 141 157 178 185 211 224 232 235 271 286—296 299 328
ad(u) (a u*au) 137
Additivity of KK-theory 325 326 see
AF action 267 286—320
AF action, discrete K-theory and 307 308 328
AF action, K-freeness of 5 206—294 298—305 309
AF action, KK-freeness of 5 286 307 308 328
AF action, locally discrete K-theory and 286—296 299 328
AF action, total K-freeness of 5 286 288—289 291 294—295 299 302 307 308—309 312
AF algebra 5 68 130 178 181 227—228 252 263 266 268—270 284 286—328 see
AF algebra, equivariant KK-theory of 68 308 328
AF algebra, K-visibility of 252
AF algebra, order on K-theory of 252 294 297 298 305
AF automorphism 290—291
AF G-algebra 287 286—328
Akemann, c.a. 120 122
Algebra, - 158—159 162—164 219 248 277 278
Algebra, - 157—159 162—164 219 248 277 278
Algebra, (G,C(X))- 159—162 279
Algebra, AF G- 287 see
Algebra, C(X)- 76 159—162 278 279
Algebra, G- 15
Algebra, G-Banach 15—22 28—34 38 69
Amenable group 211 215
Approximate identity of projections, in crossed product 19
Approximate identity, quasicentral 81 84 87—89 93
Approximately inner automorphism 305
Artin's theorem 177 180
Arveson Spectrum 137—138 246 249 301
Atiyah, M.F. 1 6 7 8 9 10 24 26 56 58 68 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 141 152 156 179 196 216 296 326
Augmentation ideal 14
Aut(A) (automorphism group) 15
Automorphism, AF 290—291
Automorphism, approximately inner 305
Automorphism, inner 45
Automorphism, outer 236
Automorphism, universally weakly inner 283—284
Baire category theorem 8
Baire space 208 275—277
Banach *-algebraic bundle 240 244
Banach algebra 3 12 15—22 28—34 36—38 41 55 58 69
Baum, P. 2
Bimodule 236—241
Bimodule, Morita equivalence 236—240
Binomial coefficient 180 258 260
Blackadar, B. 33 34 305 306 313
Bott periodicity for K-theory 52 58
Bott periodicity for KK-theory 109—115
Bott periodicity, relation between maps for K- and KK-theory 129
Bratteli, O. 228 252 269 286 288 301 312
Brauer's theorem 180
Bredon, G.E. 7 10 147 151 163
Brown, L.G. 62 63 66 68 267
Bundle of C*-algebras 76 146 157
Bundle, Banach *-algebraic 240 244
Bundle, vector 2 6—8 12—15 23—27 110—115 129 156—157 189
Busby, R.C. 44
C(X) (continuous functions) 23
C(X)-algebra 76 159—162 278 279
C(X)-module 157 158
C(X)-module, locally convex 158
C(X,A) (continuous A-valued functions) 17
C*(G) (group C*-algebra) 49
C*(G,A) (crossed product) see "C*(G src='/math_tex/c745b9b57c145ec5577b82542b2df54682.gif'
C*(G,A, ) (crossed product) 18
C*-algebra valued inner product 42—43 117 238—241
C*-dynamical system 5
CA (cone) 54
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 43
Change of group homomorphism 167 see "Restriction"
Choi, M.-D. 140
Circle group 19 30 133 156 165 190 212 216 228 263—265 274 275 280—283 285 289 301—303 309 312
Circle group, action of 133 156 165 190 228 263—265 274 275 280—283 285 301—302 309
Cocycle, one- 44 46 139 198 311
Cocycle, two- 155
Cohomology of sheaves 114
Cohomology theory, for C*-algebras 69 156 325
Cohomology theory, for spaces 1 55
Commuting actions 209—215 219 227—228
Compact operator on Hilbert module 117
Compactification, free 164—166
Compactification, one point 14
Complex conjugate representation 39 71 109 155 323—324
Complex projective space 110 156
Composition series 141—142 147 150 157 205 208 227 244 247 266 268 275 277—279
Conditional expectation 250
Conditional expectation, generalized 42
Cone over a C*-algebra 54 57 61 217—218
Cone, mapping 61 217—218
Conjugate representation 39 71 109 155 323—324
Connected group 2 59 71 113 189 262 284 309 314
Connecting homomorphism 48 53—55 57 60—61 191 196 204
Connes Isomorphism Theorem (Connes' Thom Isomorphism Theorem), in equivariant K-theory 190 209 210 214
Connes spectrum 4 131 137—138 236 249 250 263—264 282 301 305
Connes spectrum, strong 4—5 212 227 236—237 249—250 257—263 283 286 305
Connes, A. 2 190 209 210
Continuity of K-theory 34—36 53
Continuity of KK-theory 158 325
Continuous field of C*-algebras 164 208 281
Continuous field of C*-algebras, locally trivial 208
Continuous trace algebra 208 285
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