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Phillips N.Ch. — Equivariant K-Theory and Freeness of Group Actions on C*-Algebras |
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Representation, complex conjugate 39 71 109 155 323—324
Representation, covariant 16 17 43 51—52 135 283
Representation, induced 175 see
Representation, integrated form 17 38—39 43 51—52 135 198 238 241 283
Representation, irreducible of C*-algebra 280 283
Representation, irreducible of group 19 41 47 65
Representation, multiplicity of 60 71 133 299
Representation, normal 283
Representation, projective unitary 48 138 140 154 232 280 289
Representation, regular, of 209
Representation, regular, of group 39 60 65 70 133 164 172 213 258 259 261 264 283 292—298 302 306 316
Representation, ring 13—14
Representation, universal 70 109 111 114 160 172
Res (= ) 168
Resolution, free 202
Resolution, projective 2l5 2l7 220
Restriction map in K-theory 8 167 168—170 177—180 231 294—290
Restriction map in KK-theory 167 171—173 176—177 181 182 320—323
Restriction map in representation rings 10 64 144 146 149 168—170 177—180 182 200 229—231 259 305 321 327
Restriction of action to subgroup 3—5 137—138 143 162 167 177—182 185 272 282 288 294 299—309
Restriction of action to subgroup and K-freeness 137—138 167 282 294 302—305
Restriction of action to subgroup and KK-freeness 4 167 185 233 307
Restriction of action to subgroup and locally discrete K-theory 178 182 294
Restriction of action to subgroup and total K-freeness 138 167
Rieffel, M.A. 2 23 42 43 66 117 236 237 239 240 243 244 263
Rosenberg, J. 3 12 68 189 208 242 285 305 325
Rossmann, W. 286 292 294 297 298 305
Rotation algebra, irrational 263—265
Rubinsztein, R.L. 179
S(B) (semigroup of idempotents) 36
SA (suspension) 51
Saturated action 236—237 240—251 270 273—274 282
Saturated action, hereditarily 236—237 246—251 270—275 278 281—285 299—301
Saturated Banach *-algebraic bundle 240 244
Schochet, C. 4 61 67 68 144 156 184 189 190 196 197 200 201 203 205 208 209 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 267 268 270 305 325
Second dual of C*-algebra 70 283
Segal, G.B. 1 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 17 64 132 139 144 149 167 179
Separated point 149
Separated sets 254—257
Serre, J.-P. 167 177 180 292
Sheaf cohomology 114
Sheaf of C*-algebras 157 see
Similarity 31—32 34 37—38 42
Simple C*-algebra 4 137—138 140 244 251 258 261—266 268 272 279 282 284 291 295 2918—301 313
Simple C*-algebra, G- 141 252 261 270 310 313 324 326
Singer, I.M. 12 113 115
Skandalis, G. 69 121 125
Sobolev chain (discrete) 111
Sobolev space 111—112 114
Sp( ) (Arveson spectrum) 246
Spatial isomorphism 71—72 109
Spectrum, Arveson 137—138 246 249 301
Spectrum, Connes 4 131 137—138 236 249 250 263—264 282 301 305
Spectrum, strong 246 249—250
Spectrum, strong, Connes 4—5 212 227 236—237 249—250 257—263 283 286 305
Split prequasihomomorphism 99—100 102—103
Stability of equivariant K-theory 46 53—54
Stability of equivariant KK-theory 109
Stability of K-freeness 140
Stability of K-theory (ordinary) 48 66
Stability of KK-freeness 155
Stability of total K-freeness 140 180 288—289
Stabilization theorem 117 119 121 122
Stable C*-algebra 208
Stable isomorphism 66 201 267 270
Stably finite 252—253 261 264 266 270
Stammbach, U. 202 220
State 42—43
Steenrod, N. 144
Stormer, E. 137
Strict topology 44—45 117—120 122 158
Strictly positive element 325
Strong Connes spectrum 4—5 212 227 236—237 249—250 257—263 283 286 305
Strong Morita equivalence 4 66 236—239 243—244 285 298
Strong operator topology 16 24 46 207 280
Strong spectrum 246 249—250
Subquotient 142 147 251—261 266 270 273—274 279—282
Subquotient, G-invariant 251 254 256—261 274 279—283
Support (of a prime ideal in R(G)) 10 139 149—151 163 179 189 200 213 215—221 229 231 232 281
Suspension of C*-algebra 51
Suspension of space 7
Swan's Theorem 12 15 22—23 111
Swan, K.W. 23 24 26
SX (suspension) 15
Symbol (of a pseudodifferential operator) 112 116
System of imprimitivity 66 183
System, multiplicative 6 152 272 293
Takai duality 60 164 213 258 264 283 316
Takesaki, M. 104 140 159 191 234 284
Taylor, J.L. 3 12 57 58 59 61 110 117
Tensor product of C*-algebras, action on 70
Tensor product of C*-algebras, algebraic 197
Tensor product of C*-algebras, equivariant K-theory of 4 67 189—190 200 215 218—221 229—233 235
Tensor product of C*-algebras, K-freeness of actions on 140 143 144—145 229 234—235
Tensor product of C*-algebras, K-theory of 144 189 201—202 209 267—268
Tensor product of C*-algebras, K-visibility of 267—270
Tensor product of C*-algebras, KK-freeness of actions on 154—155 233
Tensor product of C*-algebras, maximal 159 234
Tensor product of C*-algebras, minimal 104 191
Tensor product of C*-algebras, total K-freeness of actions on 4 140 143 144—146 148 164 180 190 230 232 288—289 291
| Tensor product of graded modules 191
Tensor product of Hilbert spaces, action on 70
Tensor product of vector bundles 13
Tensor product of vector bundles, action on 13
Tensor product of vector bundles, external 129 189
Tensor product theorem 230 232 234 291
Tietze extension theorem 162
Tomiyama, J. 120 122 140
Topologically cyclic group 10
Tor 202 218 220 231 267 268
Tor (derived functor of ) 202
Total K-freeness 3—5 131 138—148 151 156—157 162—165 167 179—181 185—186 189—190 211—213 229—234 236 251 263—265 275 278 282 285 286 288—289 291 294—295 299 302 306—309 312—313 326
Total K-freeness and -algebras 131 162—164
Total K-freeness and actions with (totally) K-free restrictions 4 143 167 179 181 288
Total K-freeness and AF actions 5 286 288—289 291 302 307 308—309 312 see
Total K-freeness and bundles of C*-algebras 146
Total K-freeness and commutative algebras 138
Total K-freeness and composition series 141—142
Total K-freeness and crossed products by 213
Total K-freeness and crossed products by R 213
Total K-freeness and crossed products by Z 212
Total K-freeness and direct limits 141
Total K-freeness and extensions 138
Total K-freeness and exterior equivalent actions 139 141 212
Total K-freeness and free action on the primitive ideal space 3 5 151 278 282 299
Total K-freeness and hereditary saturation 236 263
Total K-freeness and hereditary subalgebras 141 142
Total K-freeness and ideals 138
Total K-freeness and K-freeness 137—138 234 302—305
Total K-freeness and KK-freeness 157
Total K-freeness and locally representable actions 294—295
Total K-freeness and product type actions 299
Total K-freeness and quotients 138
Total K-freeness and restrictions of actions to subgroups 136 167
Total K-freeness and stably isomorphic algebras 140 180 288—289
Total K-freeness and strong Connes spectrum 236 263
Total K-freeness and tensor products 4 140 143 144—146 148 164 180 190 230 232 233 288—289 291
Total K-freeness and twisted products 146—148
Total K-freeness and type I algebras 5 275 278 282 285
Total K-freeness up to torsion 178—179
Totally disconnected space 309
Totally positive element of 251—252 256—257 259—260 266—269 294
Trace 264
Twisted product of algebras 64
Twisted product of algebras, characterization of (for discrete groups) 66
Twisted product of algebras, equivariant K-theory of 64—66
Twisted product of algebras, equivariant KK-theory of 320—323
Twisted product of algebras, induction in KK-theory and 171—174
Twisted product of algebras, K-freeness of 146
Twisted product of algebras, locally discrete K-theory and 146
Twisted product of algebras, spaces and 64
Twisted product of algebras, system of imprimitivity and 66 163
Twisted product of algebras, total K-freeness of 146—148
Twisted product of algebras, transitivity of 171
Twisted product of spaces 64
Two-cocycle 155
Type I algebra 5 134 201 206—200 215 219 227—228 232—233 252 268—271 274—285 299 300 302
Type I algebra and K-freeness 5 275 281
Type I algebra and KK-freeness 278—279
Type I algebra and locally discrete K-theory 134—136
Type I algebra and total K-freeness 5 275 278 282 285
UHF algebra 286 292—294 297—302 305 309
Uniform boundedness principle 25 38
Unitary equivalence 31
Unitization 22
Unitization, free 131 164
Universal coefficient theorem 68 308
Universal enveloping von Neumann algebra 70 283
Universal representation 70 109 111 114 160 172
Universally weakly inner automorphism 283—284
Unperforated ordered group 297
Valuation ring (discrete) 216
Vector bundle 2 6—8 12—15 23—27 110—115 129 156—157 189
Vector bundle, G- 6—7 13—15 23 26—27 129 189
Vector bundle, holomorphic 114
Vick, J.W. 156
Virtual dimension 14
Voiculescu, D. 190 209 210
Wasserman, A.J. 293
Weakly K-visible C*-algebra 273 see
Whitney sum 13
X/G (orbit space) 2
Z see "Action of Z" "Crossed
Z/2Z see "Action of Z/2Z" "Crossed
Z/2Z-graded group 191
Z/3Z see "Action of Z/3Z" "Crossed
Z/4Z see "Action of Z/4Z" "Crossed
Z/6Z see "Action of Z/6Z"
Z/nZ see "Action of Z/nZ" "Crossed
Z/pZ (p prime) see "Action of Z/pZ (p prime)" "Crossed
Zero quasihomomorphism 79
Z[G] (group ring) 50
[ ] (equivalence class) see "[E]" "[g "[p]" "[V]" " "
[E] (class of vector bundle in K-theory) 13
[E] (isomorphism class of vector bundle) 13
[g,x] (element of ) 64
[p] (class of idempotent in K-theory) 28
[V] (class of representation space in R(G)) 14
| (divides) see "d|n"
| (restriction) see " "
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