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Frazer R.A., Duncan W.J., Collar A.R. — Elementary Matrices
Frazer R.A., Duncan W.J., Collar A.R. — Elementary Matrices

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Название: Elementary Matrices

Авторы: Frazer R.A., Duncan W.J., Collar A.R.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1952

Количество страниц: 416

Добавлена в каталог: 11.04.2008

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Предметный указатель
Spiral diagrams, for graphical discussion of friction problems      356—357 374
Square matrix, definition of      3
Stability, of an aeroplane      285
Stability, of an aeroplane wing      266
Stability, of equilibrium of a conservative system      264
Stability, of steadv frictional oscillations      350—353 360—361 362 382
Stability, test functions and determinants for      154—155 291 388 389
Standard one-point boundary problem, defined      189
Standard one-point boundary problem, special solution for      195—200 203—206 207
Starting instant      335
Steady motion, aeroplane disturbed from      284—287
Steady motion, conservative system with ignorable coordinates disturbed from      282—283
Steady motion, disturbance from      280
Steady motion, of an aeroplane      268
Steady oscillations, conditions for, when only one coordinate is frictionally constrained      345—350
Steady oscillations, graphical treatment of conditions for      387—389
Steady oscillations, of aerofoil with solid friction      382 387—397
Steady oscillations, of aeroplane tails with solid friction      360—372 375
Steady oscillations, semi-period equation for      346 348—350 364 370 393
Steady oscillations, stability of      350—353 360 361 362 382
Steady oscillations, treatment of conditions for, based on inertias      389—392
Stiffness, aerodynamical      264 284 385
Stiffness, centrifugal      278 279
Stiffness, coefficient      264 338
Stiffness, cross      284
Stiffness, direct      284
Stiffness, direct elastic      281
Stiffness, elastic      264
Stiffness, elastic cross      281
Stiffness, line      388 389
Stiffness, matrix      264 284 288 308
Stiffness, point      388
Stopping instant      335
Strain, homogeneous      258
Strain, pure      259
String, oscillations of a stretched      188
Structural problems, linear algebraic equations in      132
Sturm's functions      152—153
Sturm, J.C.F.      96 152 153
Subdominant latent roots, calculation of      143—144 151
Submatrices, bilinear and quadratic forms expressed by      29—30 272
Submatrices, defined      13—15
Submatrices, of simple classical type      94
Submatrices, reciprocation by method of      112—118
Subproduets, use of, in calculation of continued products      11
Subsidence      290
Substitution, linear      26—27 64
Summation, of infinite series of matrices      41 81
Summation, of matrices      4
Superdiagonal elements      93
Sylvester's expansion, coefficients in, calculated by iterative methods      138—141 310
Sylvester's expansion, confluent form of      83—87 134
Sylvester's expansion, constructed      78—79
Sylvester's expansion, dominant latent roots calculated by      80 133—138
Sylvester's expansion, fractional powers of a matrix obtained by      81
Sylvester's expansion, infinite series of matrices summed by      81
Sylvester's expansion, properties of coefficients in      79 82
Sylvester's law of degeneracy      23 24
Sylvester, J.J.      23 24 78
Symmetrical matrix, adjoint of      34
Symmetrical matrix, defined      3
Symmetrical matrix, latent roots of      155
Symmetrical matrix, modal matrix of      77 259 265
Symmetrical matrix, reciprocal of      26
Symmetrical, determinants      34
Symmetrical, matrices, products of      26 33
Tail flutter, critical speed for      359 363
Tail flutter, damping and frequency diagrams relating to      359 361
Tail flutter, influence of solid friction on      360 362
Tail flutter, wind tunnel experiments on      332 333 361
Tail oscillations, friction theory applied to      359—381
Tail oscillations, steady      360—372 375 376 380
Tait, P.G.      3
Taylor's theorem for matrices      44—45
Temple, G.      32
Tensor      36
Terminal, equations      342
Terminal, instant      335
Test, conic      387—389
Test, determinants and functions for stability      154—155. 291 388 389
Torsional oscillations, of aeroplane fuselage      see “Tail oscillations”
Torsional oscillations, of multi-cylinder engine      318—318
Torsional oscillations, of uniform cantilever      314—316
Total stiffness matrix      284
Transformation, collineatory      66 69 93 94 206
Transformation, Congruent      29 31
Transformation, linear      26—27 64
Transformation, matrix of a linear      27
Transformation, of generalised coordinates      282
Transformation, orthogonal matrix of      247 251
Transformation, Smith's, for an operational row      50
Transposition of matrices      3 25
Transverse oscillations, of a stretched string      188
Transverse oscillations, of an annular membrane      230—231 243—245 320—322
Triangular matrix, denned      97
Triangular matrix, reciprocal of      103—106
Triangular matrix, reduced to diagonal iSrm      102—103
Triangular matrix, reduction of non-singular matrix to      97—102
Triangular systems, of linear ordinary differential equations      160—162
Triple pendulum, oscillations of      310—314
Turnbxjll, H.W.      2 46
Twist of an aeroplane wing, static      325—327
Two-point boundary problem, defined      186
Two-point boundary problem, direct solution of      201
Two-point boundary problem, notation for      200—201
Two-point boundary problem, power series solution of      211
Unbounded oscillations      333 334
Unit matrix      3 13 35
Up-stroke      335
Upper bounds, for an integrated matrix      52 55
Upper bounds, for powers of a matrix      41 43 145—147
Vector function, linear      258
Vector, components of, referred to moving axes      247—248 251 256
Vector, of first kind, or row matrix      2
Vector, of second kind, or column matrix      2
Vibrations      see “Oscillations”
Virtual work      262—264 270 277
von Scrleppe, B.      34
Wedderburn, J.H.M.      7
Whittaker, E.T.      31
Williams, D.H.      17
Wind tunnel experiments, on pitching oscillations of aerofoil      382 396—398
Wind tunnel experiments, on tail flutter      332 333 361
Wing, critical speed for flatter of      302 307
Wing, forced oeofflaticms of      305—307
Wing, free oscillations of      206 328—331
Wing, semi-rigid      266 305
Wing, stability of      266
Wing, static twist of      326—327
Work, virtual      262—264 270 277
Yaw, angular displacements in      268 332 333
1 2 3 4
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