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Shiryaev A.N. — Probability
Shiryaev A.N. — Probability

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Название: Probability

Автор: Shiryaev A.N.


This book contains a systematic treatment of probability from the ground up, starting with intuitive ideas and gradually developing more sophisticated subjects, such as random walks, martingales, Markov chains, ergodic theory, weak convergence of probability measures, stationary stochastic processes, and the Kalman-Bucy filter. Many examples are discussed in detail, and there are a large number of exercises. The book is accessible to advanced undergraduates and can be used as a text for self-study. This new edition contains substantial revisions and updated references. The reader will find a deeper study of topics such as the distance between probability measures, metrization of weak convergence, and contiguity of probability measures. Proofs for a number of some important results which were merely stated in the first edition have been added. The author included new material on the probability of large deviations, and on the central limit theorem for sums of dependent random variables.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 644

Добавлена в каталог: 11.04.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Mean value      37
Mean value vector      301
Mean-square      42
Mean-square, ergodic theorem      438
Measurable function      170
Measurable random variable      80
Measurable set      154
Measurable spaces      133
Measurable spaces $(C, \mathscr{B}(C)$      150
Measurable spaces $(D, \mathscr{B}(D)$      150
Measurable spaces $(R, \mathscr{B}(R)$      151
Measurable spaces $(R^n, \mathscr{B}(R^n)$      159
Measurable spaces $(R^T, \mathscr{B}(R^T)$      166
Measurable spaces $(R^\infty, \mathscr{B}(R^\infty)$      162
Measurable spaces $(\prod\Omega_l,\prod\mathscr{F}(t))$      150
Measurable transformation      404
Measure      133
Measure counting      233
Measure discrete      155
Measure elementary      424
Measure, $\sigma$-additive      133
Measure, $\sigma$-finite      133
Measure, absolutely continuous      155 524
Measure, complete      154
Measure, consistent      567
Measure, countably additive      133
Measure, extending a      152 249 427
Measure, finite      132
Measure, finitely additive      132
Measure, Gaussian      268
Measure, Lebesgue      154
Measure, Lebesgue — Stieltjes      158
Measure, orthogonal      366 425 524
Measure, probability      134
Measure, restriction of      165
Measure, signed      196
Measure, singular      158 366 524
Measure, stochastic      423
Measure, Wiener      169
Measure-preserving transformations      404ff.
Median      44
Method of characteristic functions      321ff.
Method of moments      4 321
Metrically transitive      407
Minkowski inequality      194
Mises, R.von      4
Mixed model      421
Mixed moment      289
Mixing      409
Moivre      see De Moivre
moment      182
Moment and semi-invariant      290
Moment, absolute      182
Moment, method      4
Moment, mixed      289
Moment, problem      294ff.
Monotone Convergence Theorem      186
Monotonic class      140
Monte Carlo method      225 394
moving averages      418 421
Multinomial distribution      20 21
Multiplication formula      26
Mutual variation      483
Needle (Buffon)      224
Negative binomial      155
Noise      418 435
Nonclassical hypotheses      328 337
nondeterministic      447
Nonlinear estimator      453
Nonnegative definite      235
Nonrecurrent state      574
Norm      260
Normal correlation      303 307
Normal density      66 161
Normal distribution function      62 66 156 161
Normal number      394
Normally distributed      299
Null state      574
Occurrence of event      136
Optimal estimator      71 237 303 454 461 463 469
Optional stopping      601
Ordered sample      6
Orthogonal decomposition      265
Orthogonal increments      428
Orthogonal matrix      235 265
Orthogonal random variables      263
Orthogonal stochastic measures      423 425
Orthogonal system      263
Orthogonalization      266
Orthonormal      263 267 271
Oscillations of submartingales      503
Oscillations of water level      420
Ottaviani’s inequality      507
Outcome      5 136
P-almost surely, almost everywhere      185
Pairwise independence      29
Parallelogram property      274
Parseval’s equation      268
Partially observed sequences      460ff.
Parzen’s estimator      445
Pascal, B.      2
Path      48 85 95
Pauli exclusion principle      10
Period of Markov chain      571
Periodogram      443
Permutation      7 382
Perpendicular      265
Phase space      112 565
Physically realizable      434 451
Poincare recurrence principle      406
Poisson distribution      64 155
Poisson law of large numbers      599
Poisson limit theorem      64 327
Poisson — Charlier      269
Poisson — Charlier polynomials      269
Poisson, D.      3
Polya’s theorems, characteristic functions      287
Polya’s theorems, random walk      595
Polynomials, Bernstein      54
Polynomials, Hermite      268
Positive semi-definite      287
Positive state      574
Pratt’s lemma      211 599
Predictable quadratic variation characteristic      483
Predictable sequence      446 474
Preservation of martingale property      484
Principle of appropriate sets      141
Probabilistic model      5 14 131
Probabilistic model in the extended sense      133
probability      2 134
probability distribution      33 170 178
Probability distribution, discrete      155
Probability distribution, lognormal      240
Probability distribution, stationary      569
Probability distribution, table      155 156
Probability measure      134 154 524
Probability measure, absolutely continuous      524
Probability measure, complete      154
Probability of error      361
Probability of first arrival or return      574
Probability of mean duration      90
Probability of ruin      83
Probability of ruin in insurance      558
Probability of success      70
Probability space      14 138
Probability space, canonical      247
Probability space, complete      154
Probability space, universal      252
Probability transition      566
Probability, a posteriori, a priori      27
Probability, classical      15
Probability, conditional      23 76 214
Probability, finitely additive      132
Probability, measure      131 151
Probability, multiplication      26
Probability, total      25 77 79
Problems on arrangements      8
Problems on coincidence      15
Problems on ruin      88
Process with independent increments      306
Process, branching      115
Process, Brownian motion      306
Process, construction of      245ff.
Process, Gauss — Markov      307
Process, Gaussian      306
Process, Markov      248
Process, stochastic      4 177
Process, Wiener      306 307
Prohorov, Yu.V.      vii 64 318
Projection      265 273
Pseudoinverse      307
Pseudotransform      462
Purely nondeterministic      447
Pythagorean property      274
Quadratic characteristic      483
Quadratic covariation      483
Quadratic variation      483
Queueing theory      114
Rademacher system      271
Radon — Nikodym derivative      196
Radon — Nikodym theorem      196 599
Random elements      176ff.
Random function      177
Random process      177 306
Random process with orthogonal increments      428
Random sequences      4 Chap.V 404
Random sequences, existence of      246 249
Random sequences, orthogonal      447
Random variables      32ff. 166 234ff.
Random variables, absolutely continuous      171
Random variables, almost invariant      407
Random variables, complex      177
Random variables, continuous      171
Random variables, degenerate      298
Random variables, discrete      171
Random variables, E-valued      177
Random variables, exponential      156 244 245
Random variables, extended      173
Random variables, Gaussian      234 243 298
Random variables, invariant      407
Random variables, normally distributed      234
Random variables, simple      170
Random variables, uncorrelated      234
Random vectors      35 177
Random vectors, Gaussian      299 301
Random walk      18 83 381
Random walk in two and three dimensions      592
Random walk with curvilinear boundary      536
Random walk, simple      587
Random walk, symmetric      94 381
Rao — Cramer inequality      72
Rapidity of convergence      373 376 400 402
Realization of a process      178
Recurrent state      574 593
Reflecting barrier      592
Reflection principle      94 96
Regression      238
Regular conditional distribution      227
Regular conditional probability      226
Regular stationary sequence      447
Relatively compact      317
Reliability      74
Restriction of a measure      165
Reversed martingale      105 403 484
Reversed sequence      130
Riemann integral      204
Riemann — Stieltjes integral      204
Ruin      84 87 489
Sample points, space      5
Sampling with replacement      6
Sampling without replacement      7 21 23
Savage, L.J.      389
Scalar product      263
Schwarz inequality      38 see Cauchy
Semi-definite      287
Semi-invariant      290
Semi-norm      260
Semicontinuous      313
Separable      267
Sequences almost periodic      417
Sequences of independent random variables      379
Sequences partially observed      460
Sequences, moving average      418
Sequences, predictable      446 474
Sequences, random      176 404
Sequences, regular      447
Sequences, singular      447
Sequences, stationary (strict sense)      404
Sequences, stationary (wide sense)      416
Sequences, stochastic      474 483
Sequential compactness      318
Series of random variables      384
Sets of convergence      515
Shifting operators      568
Sigma algebra      133 138
Sigma algebra generated by $\xi$      174
Sigma algebra tail, terminal      380
Sigma algebra, asymptotic      380
Signal, detection of      462
Significance level      74
Simple moments      291
Simple random variable      32
Simple random walk      587
Simple semi-invariants      291
Singular measure      158
Singular sequence      447
Singularity of distributions      524
Skorohod, A.V.      150
Slowly varying      537
Spectral characteristic      434
Spectral density      418
Spectral density, rational      437 456
Spectral function      422
Spectral measure      422
Spectral representation of covariance function      415
Spectral representation of sequences      429
Spectral window      444
Spectrum      418
Square-integrable martingale      482 493 518 538
Stable      344
Standard deviation      41 234
State space      112
States, classification of      234 569 573
Stationary distribution      120 569 580
Stationary Markov chain      110
Stationary sequence      Chap.V 404 Chap.VI 415
Statistical estimation, regularity      440
Statistically independent      28
Statistics      4 50
Stieltjes, T.J.      183 204
Stirling’s formula      20 22
Stochastic exponential      504
Stochastic integral      423 426
Stochastic matrix      113 587
Stochastic measure      403 424
Stochastic measure with orthogonal values      425 426
Stochastic measure, extension of      427
Stochastic measure, orthogonal      425
Stochastic process      4 177
Stochastic sequence      474 564
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