Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Granas A., Dugundji J. — Fixed Point Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Projection 589
Projective topology 592
Proper subtriad 497
Proper subtriad, wedge 322
Pseudo-identity map 210
Pseudomanifold 220
Pull-back 534 618
Q-critical level 407
Q-type number 407
Quasi-bounded map 125 132
Quasi-component 319
Quasi-concave function 38
Quasi-convex function 38
Quasi-homeomorphic spaces 109
Quasi-linear differential equation 347
Quasi-norm 132
Quotient graded group 612
Quotient graded group, group 609 1 293 592 599
R-domination 280
R-homotopy 367
R-map 367
r-skeleton 198
Rabinowitz Nussbanm theorem 342
Rabinowitz theorem 271
Radial projection 239
Ray 350
Real vector spare 599
Realization of abstract complex 203 477
Reduced homology group 388
Reduced homology group, homology sequence 217
refinement 59
Refining function 411
Reflexive space 605
Regular class 175
Regular class, covering 297
Regular class, point 367 551
Regular class, space 591
Regular class, value 251 363 367 551
Regular class, zero 554
Regularly shrinkable set 360
Relative bijection 294
Relative bijection, dimension 559
Relative bijection, homeornorphism 408
Relative bijection, Lefschetz theorem 459
Relative bijection, Mayer — Vietoris homomorphism 497
Relative bijection, Morse index 574
Relatively compact set 593
Representation of map 361
Representative 614 616
Repulsive fixed point 453
Restriction 589
retract 3 591
Retraction 3 107 591
Riesz — Schauder theorem 606
Right homotopy inverse 360
Ronche theorem 267 350
Rot he map 367
Rotation 238
Ryll — Nardzewski theorem 196
S Hartman theorem 80
S-simplex 86
S-space 137
Sadovskii theorem 133
Sard theorem 551
Scalar field 599
Scalar field, multiplication 599
Schauder approximation theorem 117
Schauder approximation theorem, domain invariance theorem 130
Schauder approximation theorem, estimates 365
Schauder approximation theorem, fixed point theorem 119
Schauder approximation theorem, invertibility theorem 58
Schauder approximation theorem, projection 116 131 354
Schauder approximation theorem, theorem 603
Schauder approximation theorem, theorem, generalized 165 194 291
Schauder Tyrhonoff theorem 148 177 195
Schauder Tyrhonoff theorem, theorem, generalized 186 475
Schnirelmann theorem 296
Schwarz genus 248
Second dual 604
Selecting family 177
Selection 599
Semiflow 233 457
Seminorm 602
Semiparallelogram law 80
Separable space 590
Separating family 589
Separating family, points 21
Sequentially compact space 594
Set contraction 133
Set-valued contractive map 36
Set-valued contractive map, involution 545
Set-valued contractive map, map 37 598
Shadowing property 22
Short exact sequence 609
Shrinkable nbd 470
Shrinking orbit 20
Shub Sullivan theorem 457
simplex 85 475 476
Simplicial approximation 202
Simplicial approximation, complex 197 221
Simplicial approximation, decomposition 197
Simplicial approximation, map 202 215 476
Simplicial approximation, subdivision 214
Simplicial approximation, vertex map 88
Singular cohomology group 411
Singular cohomology group, complex 374
Singular cohomology group, homology functor 374
Singular cohomology group, homology group 373 377
Singular cohomology group, n-chain 372
Singular cohomology group, n-chain functor 373
Singular cohomology group, n-simplex 372
Singular cohomology group, point 272 339
Singular cohomology group, set 339
Singularity 103 241
Smale — Sard theorem 368
Smooth map 551
Smooth map, partition of unity 551
Space 1
Special compact field 358
Special compact field, map 251
Special compact field, neighborhood 340
Special compact field, pair of polyhedra 250
Spectrum of CW-complexes 528
Sperner labeling 101
Sperner Lemma 101 107
Split exact sequence 609
Square roots in Banach algebras 21
Stability of attractors 22
Stability of attractors of open embeddings 60
Stable attractor 426
Stable attractor, cohomotopy 528
Stable attractor, fixed point 329
Stampacchia theorem 49 66
Standard approximating system 501
Standard approximating system form of simplex 87
Standard approximating system, Euclidean n-simplex 372
Standard approximating system, map 205 221 480
Standard approximating system, realization 203 477
Standard approximating system, retraction 3 53
| Star 198 476
Star-shaped set 77
Start of triad 498
Stationarily homotopic maps 282
Stone theorem 595
Strict minimizer 30
Strictly differentiable map 36
Strictly differentiable map, monotone map 75
Strictly differentiable map, separated sets 170
Strong deformation retract 289
Strong deformation retract, excision 386 410 492 495
Strong deformation retract, normalization 335 463
Strong deformation retract, topology 478
Strongly acyclic set-valued map 550
Strongly acyclic set-valued map, indefinite Morse functional 574
Strongly acyclic set-valued map, KKM-map 38 96
Strongly acyclic set-valued map, Lefschetz map 422
Strongly acyclic set-valued map, monotone map 61 75
Structure 391
Structure, category 391
Subbase 590
Subcategory 493
Subdifferential 36
Subdivision 100
Subgroup 608
Subgroup of graded group 612
Sublinear functional 70 602
Subnet 593
Subpolyhedron 198 475
Subpolytope 476
Subtriad 497
Successive approximations 23
Successor 614
Sufficiently many linear functionals 42
Superrefiexive space 78
Support functional 36
Support functional of map 597
Support functional of simplicial decomposition 197
Support functional of singular chain 372
Support functional of singular simplex 372
Support functional point 36
Supporting drops theorem 29
Supremum 25
Surjective map 140 589
Surjective map, set-valued map 37 598
Suspension 218 293
Sweeping 132
Symbol of differential operator 581
Symmetric set 136
Symmetric set, triangulation 88
T-admissible homotopy 553
T-admissible homotopy, map 553
T-equivariant degree 557
T-invariant set 553
t-slice 318 339
Tangent vector 36
Tarski — Kantorovitch theorem 26
Tensor product 611
Thread 616
Tietze Urysohn theorem 592
Topological entropy 490
Topological entropy, invariance of simplicial homology 392
Topological entropy, KKM-principle 97 190
Topological entropy, space 590
Topological entropy, transversality 4 135
Topological entropy, transversality for coincidences 136
Topological entropy, transversality theorem 122
Topologically complete space 594
topology 221 590
Topology, generated by family 592
Torsion product 612
Totally bounded space 595
Totally bounded space, ordered set 590
Trace 223 225
Triangulated space 214 476
Triangulation 87 214 476
Triple 406
Trivial solution 273 338 339
Tube lemma 281
Two-point boundary value problem 156
Tychonoff cube 4
Tychonoff cube, product 592
Tychonoff cube, theorem 147 593 597
Type number 407
Unicoherent simplicial complex 220
Uniformly convex norm 64
Uniformly convex norm, convex space 76
Uniformly convex norm, elliptic operator 346
union 598
Unit n-ball 87
Unit n-ball, n-sphere 87
Universal coefficients theorem 395
Universal coefficients theorem, family 402
Universal coefficients theorem, map 102 108
Universal coefficients theorem, transformation 614
Upper bound 25 590
Upper bound, demicontinuous set-valued map 190
Upper bound, semicontinuous function 27 591
Upper bound, semicontinuous set-valued map 166 542 599
Urysohn integral operator 113
Urysohn integral operator, lemma 592
Urysohn integral operator, theorem 597
V-small simplex 382
Value of set-valued map 37 598
Vanishing mean oscillation 583
Variational inequalities 66
Vector field 103 241 246
Vector field, space 599
Vertex 198
Vertex, scheme 203 477
Vertical boundary 256 318
Vertical boundary, map 587
Vietoris cohomology group 412
Vietoris cohomology group, complex 411
Vietoris cohomology group, fraction 547
Vietoris cohomology group, homology 459
Vietoris cohomology group, homology group 412
Vietoris cohomology group, map 534
Vietoris cohomology group, mapping theorem 535
VMO 583
Volterra integral equation 55
von Neumann theorem 40
Von Neumann — Sion minimax principle 143
Walras excess demand theorem, generalized 179
Weak topology 592 603
Weak-star topology 605
Weaker topology 590
Weakly almost periodic function 196
Weakly almost periodic function, nilpotent endomorphism 414
wedge 322 600
Weierstrass — Stone theorem 21
Well ordered set 590
Well posed problem 347
Whitehead — Barratt lemma 610
Wiener map 586
Wiener map, measure 586
Wiener map, space, abstract 586
Zermelo theorem 590
Zero homotopy class 522
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