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Granas A., Dugundji J. — Fixed Point Theory |
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Index for -maps of compact ANRs of critical point 460
Index for -maps of compact ANRs of fixed point class 577
Index for -maps of compact ANRs of Fredholm map 367
Index, pair 575
Induced homomorphism 209 372 504 545
Inductive topology 592
Inessential field 128 358 522
Inessential field, fixed point class 577
Inessential field, map 5 103 121
Infinite polyhedron 475
Injective map 589
Inner product 606
Integrably bounded function 183
Interior 590
Intersection of set-valued maps 598
Intersection property 65 78
Intersection property, theorem 132 176
Invariance of dimension 99 275
Invariance of dimension of domain 11 82 135 140 275 547
Invariance of dimension of domain, generalized 360
Invariant direction 125 322
Invariant direction, mean 47 50
Invariant direction, measure 48
Invariant direction, set 426
Invariant direction, subspace 160
Invariant direction, subspace problem 193
Inverse acyclic map 531
Inverse acyclic map of morphism 370 617
Inverse acyclic map of set-valued map 37 598
Inverse acyclic map, function theorem 59
Inverse acyclic map, limit group 615
Inverse acyclic map, system of groups 615
Involution 553
Inward directed vector 460
Inward directed vector in the sense of Fan, map 170
Inward directed vector, map 149
Isometric embedding 594
Isometric embedding, spaces 594
Isometry 594
Isomorphic groups 609
Isomorphism 601 609
Isomorphism in category 370 617
Isotone map 25
Iterate 10
Iterated function system 22
J-deformation 407
Jiang subgroup 577
K-Map 166
k-set contraction 336
Kakutani field 366
Kakutani field, map 166 195
Kakutani field, theorem 45 49 174
Kellogg theorem 126 139 194
Kernel 600 609
Kernel, generalized 327
KKM-map 37 96
Klee theorem 63
Knaster Kuratowski — Mazurkiewicz map 37
Knaster Kuratowski — Mazurkiewicz, theorem 98 101
Knaster — Tarski theorem 25 35
Kneser conjecture 192
Kneser — Fan theorem 47
Krasnosel’skii theorem 273 325 330
Krasnosel’skn — Rabinowitz theorem 344
Krein — Milman theorem 172 603
Krein — Rutman theorem 190
Krein — Smulian Theorem 604
Krein-Krasnosel’skii — Milman theorem 153
Kronecker characteristic 357
Kryloff - Bogoliouboff theorem 50
Kuenneth formula 397
Kuratowski Dugundji theorem 436
Kuratowski lemma 483
Kuratowski lemma, measure of noncompactness 133 335
Kuratowski lemma, theorem 283 597
Kuratowski Mazurkiewicz separation theorem 319
Kuratowski Steinhaus theorem 152
Kuratowski — Zorn Lemma 590
L-essential map 136
L-homotopic maps 136
Laplace operator 115
Lax Milgram- Vishik theorem 66
Lebesgue lemma 90
Lebesgue lemma, number 90
Lebesgue lemma, theorem 90
Lefschetz formula 460
Lefschetz formula, fraction 537
Lefschetz formula, map 421 484 542 549
Lefschetz formula, number 227 531 542 548 549
Lefschetz formula, number, generalized 418 421 537
Lefschetz formula, pair 486
Lefschetz formula, power series 435
Lefschetz formula, space 422 474
Lefschetz formula, theorem 573
Lefschetz formula, zeta function 440
Left adjoint functor 402
Left adjoint functor, homotopy inverse 360
Left adjoint functor, inverse 610 617
Left adjoint functor, translate 48
Left-amenable group 48
Length of manifold 521
Leray Alexandroff invariance theorem 513
Leray composition theorem 271
Leray composition theorem, endomorphism 418
Leray composition theorem, functor 438
Leray composition theorem, theorem, generalized 360
Leray composition theorem, trace 416
Leray Schauder alternative 4 124 541
Leray Schauder alternative, category 491
Leray Schauder alternative, continuation principle 320
Leray Schauder alternative, degree 349 366
Leray Schauder alternative, fixed point index 311
Leray Schauder alternative, formula 328
Leray Schauder alternative, index 355 356
Leray Schauder alternative, principle 6 123 135 300
Leray Schauder alternative, principle, generalized 189 292
Leray Schauder alternative, space 299
Leray Schauder alternative, theorem 348
Lifting 581
Limit, generalized 47 50
Line segment 599
Linear functional 600
Linear functional, operator 600
Linear functional, span 600
Linear functional, subspace 599
Linear functional, topological space 601
Linear functional, variety 600
Linearly independent vectors 600
Lipschitz constant 9
Lipschitzian map 9 108
Local bifurcation theorem 340
Locally compact map 427
Locally compact map, compact space 593
Locally compact map, convex space 141 602
Locally compact map, equiconnected space 302
Locally compact map, finite polyhedron 475
Lomonosov theorem 160
Lower bound 25
Lustornik Schnirelmann category 105 524
Lustornik Srhnirelnianu Borsuk theorem 91 93
M-spocial ANR 297
Map of triads 495
Marcinkievvicz Sobolev space 585
Markoff Kakutani theorem 43 49 84
Matching property 104
Maximal element 589
Maximal element, monotone set-valued operator 68 79 84
Mayer Vietoris cohomology sequence 196
Mayer Vietoris cohomology sequence, homomorphism 408 496 561
| Mayer Vietoris cohomology sequence, theorem 389
Mazur theorem 174 603
Mazur — Schauder theorem 78
Mazur — Smulian theorem 605
Mazur- Orlicz theorem 49 72 84
Mean 47 583
Mean, value theorem 604
mesh 101 198
Metric 594
Metric, interval 33
Metric, space 594
Metrically convex space 33
Metrizable space 594
Michael theorem 484 599
Minimal closed -invariant subset 172
Minimax inequalities 144
Minimizer 30
Minimizing sequence 30
Minkowski functional 602
Minty Browder theorem 67
Miranda theorem 79 100
Misiurewicz Przytycki theorem 490
Mod p theorem 231 460
Model object 379
Moments problem 73 84
Monic homomorphism 609
Monic homomorphism, operator 601
Monomorphism 601 609
Monotone map 61 66 75 78 82
Monotone map, set-valued operator 68 79
Morphism 370 616
Morse equality 461
Morse equality, function 460
Morse equality, functional 574
Morse equality, index 574
Morse equality, inequalities 407
Morse equality, polynomial 460
Multiplicativity 308 364
Multiplicity of fixed point 441
N-acyclic functor-chain 404
N-boundary 612
n-chain 612
n-cycle 215 612
n-dimensional vector space 600
N-locally connected space 301 436
n-simplex 214
n-skeleton 475
Nadler theorem 28
Nash equilibrium 150
Nash equilibrium, equilibrium theorem 151 191
Nash equilibrium, theorem, generalized 178
Natural chain map 379
Natural chain map, equivalence 371 619
Natural chain map, transformation 371 619
NBD 591
Negative simplex 88
Negligible set 62
Neighborhood 591
Neighborhood, extensor space 303 465 471 483
Neighborhood, finite covering 595
Nerve 204 221 479
NES(compact metric) space 540
Net 593
Neutral simplex 88
Nielsen number 488 577
Niemytzki operator 114
Nikodym theorem 75
Nilpotent endomorphism 414
Noncontracting family 172
Nondegenerate critical point 460
Nonexpansive map 9 51 75
Nonlinear alternative 4 14 34 54 74 123 133 135 138 169 177
Nonlinear alternative, alternative for coincidences 136
Nonlinear alternative, Poisson equation 345
Nontrivial solution 339
Nontrivial solution, subspace 160
Normal extension 443
Normal extension, fixed point 442
Normal extension, homotopy 556
Normal extension, map 556
Normal extension, simplex 443
Normal extension, space 591
Normal extension, structure 77
Normalization axiom 247 270 308 357 361 521
Normed linear space 602
Nullhomotopic map 92
Numerical-valued index 247
Nussbaum theorem 325
Object 370 616
Odd map 136 268 352
Open covering 593
Open covering, embedding 591
Open covering, half-space 170
Open covering, map 591
Open covering, set 590
Open covering, simplex 86
Operator 581
Opposite category 370 616
Orbit 10 22 44 426
Order 345
Ordered simplex 205
Ordinary cohomology theory 410
Ordinary cohomology theory, homology theory 386 387
Ordinary cohomology theory, level 407
Orientable c-structure 368
Orientation of Banach manifold 368
Orientation of Banach manifold of normed linear space 507
Oriented degree 368
Oriented degree, simplex 205
Orlicz — Sobolev space 585
Orthogonal set 606
Orthonormal set 606
Outward directed vector 460
Outward directed vector in the sense of Fan, map 170
Outward directed vector, map 149
Ower semieontinuous sot-valued map 599
P-saturated set 293
pair 4 120
Pair of polyhedra 250
Palais - Smale condition 574
Paracompact space 595
Parallelogram law 606
Partial order 589
Partially extendable map 484
Partially extendable map, ordered set 589
Partition of unity 597
Peano theorem 155
Period 229
Periodic point 229
Periodic point, problem 181 184
Periodic point, transformation 152
Periodicity index 432
Perron — Frobenius theorem 193
Perturbed Galerkin equation 158
Perturbed Galerkin equation, Galerkin method 158
Phragmen Brouwer theorem 530
PL-generic map 252
Poincare Hopf theorem 402
Poincare polynomial 406
Poincare — Birkhoff theorem 578
Poincare — Brouwer Theorem 238
Point-compact set-valued map 598
Polyhedral domain 251
Polyhedron 197 250
Polytope 214 476
Positive simplex 88
Preorder 589
Preordered set 589
Presentation 379
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