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Grimmett G., Stirzaker D. — Probability and Random Processes |
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Shift operator 398 410
Shocks 291
Shorting 547 560
Shot noise 289
Simple birth 250 255
Simple birth-death 270 274
Simple birth-death, extinction 272 274 300
Simple birth-death, non-homogeneous 274
Simple birth-death, p.g.f. 271
Simple immigration-death pr. 270
Simple, process 365
Simple, queue 280
Simple, r.v. 179
Simple, r.w. 71 72 74 162 216 471 472 483 486
simplex 302
Simplex, s. algorithm 87
Simpson's paradox 19
Simulation 122; see Sampling
Singular, multivariate normal distn 118
Singular, r.v. 33
Skeleton 261
skewness 145
Skorokhod, map 373
Skorokhod, thm 314
Sleuth 85
Slutsky's theorem 318
Smoothing 409
Snell's inequality 481
Snow 16 21
Space, closed 344
Space, complete 15
Space, Hilbert s. 391 540
Space, probability s. 5 6
Space, product s. 15 399
Space, sample s. 1
Space, state s. 213 214
Space, vector s. 43 66
Span of r.v.s 185 192 417
Sparre Andersen theorem 563
Spectral, decomposition of 2-state Markov chain 385
Spectral, density 382
Spectral, distribution 382
Spectral, process 387
Spectral, representation 387
Spectral, s. thm 363 381 387
Spectrum 363 382
Sphere 24 106 144 291 512 555 557 558 560
Spitzer, F. 127
Spitzer, identity 167
Square lattice 279 560
Squeezing 145
St John's College 146
St Petersburg paradox 55 100
Stable, queue 368 461 461
Stable, state 266
Standard, bivariate normal distn 100
Standard, multinormal distn 118
Standard, normal distn 96
Standard, s. deviation 51
Standard, s. semigroup 257 261 266
Standard, s. Wiener pr. 370 410 517
Stars 290
State, absorbing 223 266
State, aperiodic 222
State, classification of 222
State, closed set 224
State, communicating 223
State, ergodic 222
State, finite s. space, instantaneous 266
State, irreducible set of 224
State, Markov chain 214
State, null 222
State, period(ic) 222
State, persistent 220 263
State, recurrent 220
State, space 213 214
State, stable 266
State, symmetric 223
State, transient 220 263
Stationary distn, of birth-death pr. 269
Stationary distn, of branching pr. 244
Stationary distn, of closed migration pr. 464
Stationary distn, of Markov chain 227
Stationary distn, of Markov pr. 260
Stationary distn, of open migration pr. 466
Stationary distn, of queue length 443 445 447 452 454 462 469
Stationary distn, of r.w. 231 444
Stationary distn, waiting time 445 449 454 455 461
Stationary excess life 422 423
Stationary increments 254 408 422 428
Stationary Markov process, continuous 260
Stationary Markov process, discrete-time 227
Stationary measure 398
Stationary process 361
Stationary process, best predictor 378
Stationary process, ergodic thm 393 394
Stationary process, Gaussian 393 408
Stationary process, Gaussian Markov 407
Stationary process, renewal 428 429
Stationary process, spectral representation thm 387
Stationary process, stationary recurrent events 160
Stationary process, strongly 361
Stationary process, weakly 361
Stein - Chen approximation 130
Stereology 143
Stigler's law 19
Stirling's formula 80 83 190 192 298 357
Stochastic, differential eqn 544
Stochastic, doubly s. 220
Stochastic, s. domination 127
Stochastic, s. integral 388 411 542
Stochastic, s. matrix 215
Stochastic, s. ordering 127 133
Stochastic, s. pr. 213
Stochastic, s. semigroup 256 266
Stock 547
Stopped martingale 488
Stopping, optimal 55 144
Stopping, optional 488 491 502 503
Stopping, s. time 219 253 420 490
Stopping, s. time for martingale 487 501
Stopping, s. time for renewal pr. 418
Stopping, s. time for Wiener pr. 526
Strategy 45 55 144 304 511
Stratonovich integral 538
Strike price 548
Strong Law of Large Numbers 326 329 355 409 499
Strong Markov property 219 253 526
Strong mixing 410
Strongly stationary 361
Strongly stationary, ergodic thm 393
Strontium 250
Structure function 58
Student's t distn 121
Student's t distn, non-central 185
Subadditive function 298
Subcritical branching 245
Submartingale 474
Sum of dependent r.v.s 70 113
Sum of independent r.v.s 70 153
Sum of independent r.v.s, Bernoulli 47 60 85 129 153
Sum of independent r.v.s, binomial 84 153
Sum of independent r.v.s, c.f. 183
Sum of independent r.v.s, Cauchy 115 206 209 328
Sum of independent r.v.s, chi-squared 122 141
Sum of independent r.v.s, distn of 70
Sum of independent r.v.s, exponential 109 115 141 212 252
Sum of independent r.v.s, gamma 141
Sum of independent r.v.s, geometric 61 70 71
Sum of independent r.v.s, normal 114
| Sum of independent r.v.s, p.g.f. 153
Sum of independent r.v.s, Poisson 84 150 318
Sum of independent r.v.s, random s. 69 71 153 212
Sum of independent r.v.s, renewals 426 437
Sum of independent r.v.s, uniform 71 115
Sum of independent r.v.s, variance 53
Sunspots 364
Supercritical branching pr. 245
Supermartingale 474
Superposed, Poisson pr. 255 283
Superposed, renewal pr. 426 437
Sure thing principle 21
Survival 59 91
Sylvester's problem 139
Symmetric, difference 564
Symmetric, r.v. 49 91 209
Symmetric, r.w. 17 21 72 80 86 170 280 298 492 495
Symmetric, spectral distn 383
Symmetric, state 223
system 503
System, Labouchere 510
T, Student's 121
Tail of distn 30
Tail, -field 322
Tail, equivalent 359
Tail, event 322 324
Tail, fn 323
Tail, integral 93 94
Tail, p.g.f. 155
Tail, sum 84 140
Tandem queue 445
Target distn 293
Taxis 470
Taylor's theorem 181 183 537 545
Telekinesis 44
Telephone, exchange 464 469
Telephone, sales 88
Testimony 18
Thackeray, W. M. 333
Thinning 255
Thinning of renewal pr. 439
Three series theorem 359
Three-dimensional r.w., transience 298 560
Three-dimensional r.w., Wiener pr. limit 515
Three-dimensional Wiener pr. 515 555 557
Tied-down, r.w. 169
Tied-down, Wiener pr. 411 535
Tilted distn 186 203
Time series 364 377
Time-reversed chain 237
Time-reversible chain 238 240 263 293 299 469
Tontine 38
Total life 366 421
Total variation distance 44 128 133 318 356
Tower property 69 143 336
Traffic, gaps 369
Traffic, heavy 462
Traffic, intensity 369 441
Traffic, Poissonian 302 304
Transform, Fenchel - Legendre 201
Transform, Fourier 182 567
Transform, Laplace 181 566
Transform, Laplace - Stieltjes 416 567
Transform, martingale 503
Transient, chain 225
Transient, diffusion pr. 558
Transient, queue 443 444 447 452
Transient, r.w. 163 197 211 298 331 559
Transient, state 220 263
Transient, Wiener pr. 558
Transition, matrix 214
Transition, probabilities 214 256
Transition, semigroup 256
Transitive coins 45
Trapezoidal distn 71
Travelling salesman 478
Trial 1
Trial, Bernoulli 60 95
Trial, clinical 19 20
Trial, de Moivre 62
Triangle inequality 306 343 396
Trinomial distn 40 60
Triplewise independent 155
Trivariate normal distn 119
Trivial -field 323
Truncated 329 348
Truncated Poisson 452
Truncated r.v. 38
Truncated r.w. 240
Tumour 280
Turan's theorem 88
Two-dimensional, r.w. 170 207 240 511 560
Two-dimensional, Wiener pr. 556 562
Two-state, Markov chain 239 298 364
Two-state, Markov pr. 260 267 384
Typecounter 438
U My ka 374
Unbiased 6 119
Uncle, rich 74
Unconscious statistician 50 64 83 93 99
Uncorrelated, normal r.v.s 101
Uncorrelated, r.v.s 53 64 84 115 345
Uniform birth pr. 268
Uniform integrability 350
Uniform stochastic semigroup 266
Uniform, distn 95 111 384
Uniform, maximum 210
Uniform, order statistics 142 144 277 302
Uniform, sampling from 125
Uniform, sum of 71 115
Uniqueness theorem 189
Upcrossings inequality 482 486
Upper class fn 332
Uranium 250
Urn 11 12 24
Urn, P lya u. 358 510
Usual conditions 501
Utility 54
Value function 548 551 554
Variance 51 94
Variance, Bernoulli 52
Variance, binomial 52
Variance, branching pr. 172 207
Variance, complex r.v. 376
Variance, conditional 69
Variance, geometric 61
Variance, hypergeometric 152
Variance, indicator fn 52
Variance, negative binomial 61
Variance, non-linearity of 54
Variance, non-negativity of 51
Variance, normal 96
Variance, normal sample 119
Variance, of sums 53
Variance, Poisson 61
Vector space 43 66
Versions 372
Vice-Chancellor 8 22
Virtual waiting time 454 468
Visits, by Markov chain 223 226 265 297 303 433
Visits, by r.w. 77 80 86 165
Volatility 548
Vos Savant, M. 11
Voter paradox 66
wagers 54
Waiting room 468
Waiting time, distn 61 95
Waiting time, for a gap 369 416
Waiting time, in G/G/l 455 469
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