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Grimmett G., Stirzaker D. — Probability and Random Processes |
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Предметный указатель |
Independent, mean and variance of normal sample 119 122 211
Independent, normal r.v.s 101
Independent, p.g.f. 154
Independent, pairwise 13 14 155
Independent, set 88
Independent, triplewise 155
Indicator r.v. 29 56
Indicator r.v., linear combinations of 43 48
Indicator r.v., matching 56
Indicator r.v., moments 52
Indicator r.v., structure fn 58
Inequality, 319
Inequality, Bernstein 32
Inequality, Bonferroni 25
Inequality, Boole 22
Inequality, Cauchy - Schwarz 65 102
Inequality, Chebyshov 319
Inequality, Doob 539
Inequality, Doob - Kolmogorov 338 342 497
Inequality, downcrossings 486
Inequality, Dubins 485
Inequality, FKG 85
Inequality, H jek - R nyi - Chow 508
Inequality, H lder 143 319
Inequality, Hoeffding 476
Inequality, Jensen 181 349
Inequality, Kolmogorov 342 358 498 508
Inequality, Kounias 25
Inequality, Lyapunov 143
Inequality, Markov 311 318
Inequality, maximal 489 490 496
Inequality, Minkowski 143 319
Inequality, triangle 306 343
Inequality, upcrossings 482 486
Infinitely divisible distn 207 208
Inspection paradox 421 437
Instantaneous, mean and variance 519
Instantaneous, state 266
Insurance 470 510
Integral, abstract 178
Integral, It 538 542
Integral, Lebesgue - Stieltjes 180
Integral, Monte Carlo 42 141
Integral, Riemann 538
Integral, Stochastic 388 411 538
Integral, Stratonovich 538
Integral, surface i. 555
Integral, transforms 566
Intensity, of birth pr. 250
Intensity, of Poisson pr. 282
Intensity, traffic i. 369 441
Interarrival time 248 368 374 412
Invariant, -field 399 405
Invariant, event 398
Inverse distn 35
Inverse square distn 47 54
Inverse transform technique 122
Inversion theorem, c.f. 189
Inversion Theorem, Fourier 189 383
Inversion theorem, Lagrange 166
Invisible customers 463
Irreducible chain and set 224 232
Irreducible chain and set of Markov pr. 260 298
Ising model 292
Isometric isomorphism 391 540
It , formula 538 545
It , integral 538 542
It , process 542 544
It , product rule 546
It , simple formula 545
Iterated logarithm 332
Jackson network 463
Jacobian 108
Jaguar 17 42 74 86
jargon 3
Jensen's inequality 181 349
Joint, c.f. 183 209
Joint, density 40 98
Joint, distn 39 63 98
Joint, mass fn 39 63
Joint, moments 209
Joint, transformed r.v.s 108 112
Jordan form 241
Jump chain 261
Jump chain imbedded 265 274 445
Key renewal theorem 418
Keynes, J. M. 75
Killing 531
Kirchhoff's laws 559
Knapsack problem 481
Kolmogorov - Doob inequality 338 342 497
Kolmogorov - Fisher eqn 522
Kolmogorov, consistency conditions 371 405
Kolmogorov, criterion 239
Kolmogorov, eqns 267
Kolmogorov, inequality 342 358 498 508
Kolmogorov, zero-one law 322 400
Korolyuk - Khinchin theorem 365
Kounias's inequality 25
Krickeberg decomposition 510
Kronecker, delta fn 221 564
Kronecker, lemma 342
kurtosis 145
Labouchere system 510
Lack of anticipation 265
Lack-of-memory property, of exponential distn 140
Lack-of-memory property, of geometric distn 84
Lack-of-memory property, of holding time 259
ladders 458 459 461
Lagrange's formula 166
Lancaster's theorem 144
Langevin eqn 516
Laplace - de Moivre thm 96 195
Laplace - Stieltjes transform 416 567
Laplace, convolution 567
Laplace, L. eqn 554 556 557
Laplace, method of steepest descent 192
Laplace, transform 181 442 566
Large deviations 32 202 477
Last exits 223
Lattice, cubic 514 560
Lattice, distn 185
Lattice, square 279 560
Law, arc sine 80 81 83 86 170 529 563
Law, convergence in 193 309
Law, De Morgan 4
Law, of anomalous numbers 66
Law, of iterated logarithm 332
Law, of large numbers 193 326
Law, of unconscious statistician 50 64 83 93 99
Law, strong 326 329
Law, weak 193 326
Law, zero-one 321 322 324 400 484
Lazy, landlord 424
Lazy, pupil 39
Leads in tied down r.w. 169
Lebesgue - Stieltjes integral 180
Lebesgue measure 281 300 315
Left-continuous r.w. 165
Legendre polynomial 558
Level sets of Wiener pr. 562
Levy, characterization 502
Levy, dichotomy 267
Levy, martingale 347 484
Levy, metric 44 308 318
Life, current 366 421 423
Life, excess 255 366 421 423
Life, total 366 421
Light bulbs 365 412 426
Likelihood ratio 358 504
| Limit, binomial 84
Limit, binomial-Poisson 61 130 210
Limit, branching 174
Limit, central limit theorem 194
Limit, diffusion 515
Limit, ergodic 393 394
Limit, events 7 23
Limit, extreme-value 145
Limit, gamma 192
Limit, geometric-exponential 95 210
Limit, immigration-death 270
Limit, l. distns 35 308
Limit, lim inf 23 565
Limit, lim sup 23 565
Limit, local central l. thm 195
Limit, Markov chain 232
Limit, martingale 481
Limit, Poisson 85 87 129
Limit, r.v. 43 179
Limit, r.w. 483
Limit, renewal 160 412
Lindley's eqn 455
Linear fn of normal r.v. 117 118
Lipschitz continuity 507
Little's theorem 435
Local balance 239
Local central limit thm 195
Locked counter 423 437
Log-convex 47
Log-likelihood 358
Log-normal distn 97 211
Logarithm iterated 332
Logarithmic distn 47 161
Long run average waiting time 435
Los Alamos 43
Lottery 24
Lucky customer 460
Lyapunov's inequality 143
M nages 23
machine 470
Magnets 60
Malthusian parameter 430
Mapping theorem 284
Marginal, bivariate normal 100
Marginal, density 99
Marginal, discontinuous 102
Marginal, distn 39 99
Marginal, mass fn 63
Marginal, of multinomial 66
Marginal, order statistics 142
Marilyn vos Savant 11
Markov - Kakutani theorem 242
Markov chain 214
Markov chain in continuous time 256
Markov chain in continuous time, backward eqns 259 267
Markov chain in continuous time, Chapman-Kolmogorov eqns 256
Markov chain in continuous time, classification 260 263
Markov chain in continuous time, ergodic thm 261 358
Markov chain in continuous time, explosion 262
Markov chain in continuous time, first passage 433
Markov chain in continuous time, forward eqns 259 267
Markov chain in continuous time, generator 258
Markov chain in continuous time, holding time 259 261 433
Markov chain in continuous time, homogeneous 256
Markov chain in continuous time, irreducible 260 298
Markov chain in continuous time, jump chain 261 265 274
Markov chain in continuous time, Kolmogorov eqns 267
Markov chain in continuous time, martingale 501 543
Markov chain in continuous time, mean recurrence time 265 433
Markov chain in continuous time, minimal 262
Markov chain in continuous time, non-homogeneous 274 300
Markov chain in continuous time, renewal pr. 366 416
Markov chain in continuous time, reversible 299 469
Markov chain in continuous time, sampled 264
Markov chain in continuous time, skeleton 261
Markov chain in continuous time, stationary distn 260
Markov chain in continuous time, transition matrix 256
Markov chain in continuous time, two-state 260 264 267 384
Markov chain in continuous time, visits 265 433
Markov chain in discrete time 214
Markov chain in discrete time, Chapman-Kolmogorov eqn 215
Markov chain in discrete time, classification of 220 222
Markov chain in discrete time, coupled 233
Markov chain in discrete time, decomposition of 224
Markov chain in discrete time, ergodic thm 235 358 402 429
Markov chain in discrete time, finite 225
Markov chain in discrete time, first passage of 220 226
Markov chain in discrete time, generating fns 221
Markov chain in discrete time, homogeneous 214
Markov chain in discrete time, imbedded 219 265 274 299 446 452
Markov chain in discrete time, limit thm for 232
Markov chain in discrete time, M.'s other chain 218
Markov chain in discrete time, martingale 335 341 473 480 486 492
Markov chain in discrete time, mean first passage 226
Markov chain in discrete time, mean recurrence time 222
Markov chain in discrete time, renewal 297 421
Markov chain in discrete time, reversed M.c. 237
Markov chain in discrete time, reversible 238
Markov chain in discrete time, stationary distn for 227
Markov chain in discrete time, transition matrix 214
Markov chain in discrete time, two-state 239 298 364
Markov chain in discrete time, visits by 223 226 297 303
Markov chain Monte Carlo 292
Markov condition 214
Markov inequality 311 318
Markov process, Gaussian 406 408
Markov process, stationary 227 260 407 408
Markov property 214 256
Markov property of branching pr. 216
Markov property of r.w. 73 216
Markov property, strong 219 253 526
Markov property, weak 253 525
Markov renewal pr. 366 416
Markov time 487; see Stopping time
Markovian queue 280 369 442 468 470
Marriage problem 144
Martingale 333 471 474 543
Martingale, backward 499
Martingale, birth-death pr. 509
Martingale, branching pr. 334 475 508 509
Martingale, closed 484
Martingale, continuous parameter 501 502 512 528 534 543 546 551
Martingale, convergence of 338 481 498 502
Martingale, de Moivre m. 472 483 486 492
Martingale, diffusion pr. 542
Martingale, Doob's m. 347 484
Martingale, epidemic 505
Martingale, excursions of 534
Martingale, exponential m. 525 528
Martingale, gambling 333 338 471 475 496 503 511
Martingale, genetic model 341
Martingale, It integral 543
Martingale, L vy m. 347 484
Martingale, m. differences 476
Martingale, m. representation 543
Martingale, m. transform 503
Martingale, Markov chain 335 341 473 480 486 492
Martingale, optional stopping 488 491 503
Martingale, partial sum of 335
Martingale, reversed m. 499
Martingale, s.r.w. 471 472 475 483 486 490 492 494 496
Martingale, stochastic integral 543
Martingale, submartingale 474
Martingale, supermartingale 474 475 486
Martingale, with respect to filtration 474
Mass function 46
Mass function, conditional 67
Mass function, joint 39 63
Mass function, marginal 63
Mass, centre of 50
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