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Kempthorne O. — Design and Analysis of Experiments, Introduction to Experimental Design, Vol. 1 |
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Addelman, S. 109 480
Additivity, in the broad sense 161 164 218 286 300 329 385 425
Additivity, in the strict sense 158 161 164 171 218 280 286 300 377
Additivity, transformation to 388
Additivity, unit-treatment 40 197 329 377 425 537
Afsarinejad, K. 401 — 402 573
Aikins, D. 33
Aitken equation 125 — 127
Aitken theorem 125 — 127
Alcorn, J. S. 308
Algina, J. 574
Alias matrix 516
Alias structure 454 — 455 473
Alldredge, J. R. 407
Altman, D. G. 574
Amaranthus, M. P. 33
Analysis of covariance 118 121 239 242 258 292 295 389
Analysis of covariance, algebra of 121
Analysis of covariance, model 118
Analysis of covariance, table 248 — 249 294
Analysis of covariance, technique 295
Analysis of covariance, with subsampling 258
Analysis of variance (Anova) 36 42- 68 79 92 95 99 112 115 130 151 165 177
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), auxiliary 122 242
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), between-and-within subjects design 566
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), BIBD 361 — 364
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), CRD 167
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), CRD, with orthogonal contrasts 217 233
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), CRD, with orthogonal polynom¬ials 224 235
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), CRD, with repeated measures 581
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), CRD, with subsampling 194
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), CRD, with unequal numbers 182
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), cross-over design 410
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), first-order design 501 — 502 525
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Gr co-Latin square 397
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), GRBD 317 — 318 324 357
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), IBD 330
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), LSD 383 405
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), LSD, replicated 391 — 393 408
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), orthogonal 93 — 94
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), preliminary 433
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), RCBD 282 — 284 344
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), RCBD, under nonadditivity 304
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), RCBD, with crossed blocking factors 311
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), RCBD, with nested blocking factors 309 — 310 354
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), RCBD, with subsampling 289 310 349 354
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), second order design 505
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(BIBD, RCBD) 555
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(CRD, BIBD) 551
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(CRD, LSD) 548
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(CRD, RCBD) 545
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(CRD, RCBD), with repeated measures 589
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(GRBD, BIBD) 553
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(GRBD, IBD) 554
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(GRBD, RCBD) 552
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(LSD, RCBD) 549
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(RCBD, GRBD) 556
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), SPD(RCBD, RCBD) 536
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), split-block design 558
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), split-plot design 536 563
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), split-split-plot design 561
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), table 245 — 246 259 301 430 438 448 467
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), two-way classification 105
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), uniformity trial 291 544
Analysis, approximate 295
Analysis, cluster 229
Analysis, mixed model 578
Analysis, nonparametric 68
Analysis, of data 29
Analysis, of experiments 20 — 22 26
analysis, regression 220 497; analysis
Analysis, statistical 30 36 43 55
Analysis, trend 575
Anaximander 12
Anaximenes 12
Anderson, V. L. 479
Androne, A. S. 32
Aphorism 3 7
Aphorism, existential 9
Aquinas 13 17
Aristotle 9 12 17
Arnold, J. C. 292 389
Arrangement(s), random 340
Arrangement(s), systematic 341
Associates, first 336
Associates, second 336
Association scheme 336
Avicenna 13
Bacon 4 — 7 13 19
Balaam, L. N. 399 403
Balakrishnan, N. 175
balance 102
Balancedness 59
Bancroft, T. A. 256 313
Bartlett, M. S. 198
Basis, inductive 420
Basis, inferential 64
Bayes, approach 123
Bayes, empirical 139
Bayes, hierarchical 123
Bechhofer, R. E. 333 335
Behnken, D. W. 509 511
Belief(s) 141 144
Belief(s), calculus 26
Belief(s), rational 25
Belsley, D. A. 258
bernoulli 25
Bernoulli, random variable 155
Bernoulli, trial 25
Bertrand 25
Beyer, W. H. 221
Bias 514 — 515
Bias, squared 515
Birch, J. B. 257
Blaisdell, E. A., Jr. 403
Block(s), design see Design
Block(s), effect see Effect block
Block(s), incomplete 328 446
Block(s), size 329
Blocking 61
Blocking, effectiveness of 288
Blocking, factors see Factor(s)
Blocking, in two directions 390
Blocking, orthogonal 390 507 511
Bonferroni inequality 225
Bonferroni procedure 225 228
Bonferroni t-statistic 225 — 226
Borel 25
Borkowski, J. J. 511
Bose, R. C. 335 396
Bowman, K. 0. 184 190 196 292
Box, G. E. P. 200 455 497 499 504 507 509 517
Boyle 13
Bradley, R. A. 341 — 342
Buehler, R. J. 519
Burman, J. P. 464
Burton, R. D. 306
Calinski, T. 229 — 230
Campbell, M. J. 575
Carlson, S. R. 307
Carmella, S. G. 38
Carmer, S. G. 225
Carter, W. H., Jr. 497
CASS Principal Investigators 20
Causality 16 — 19
Causation see Causality
Cause see Causality
Central limit theorem 148
Classification, Aristotelian 5
Classification, models 74 — 75
| Classification, one-way 102 — 103 109
Classification, two-fold nested 109 112 193
Classification, two-way 95 103 109 112 329
Clatworthy, W. H. 335 — 336 509
Cochran, W. G. 239 253 331 395 400 542
Coggin, C. J. 20
Coleman, D. E. 30
Collinearity 263
Comparison(s) see also Contrast(s)
Comparison(s), a priori 213
Comparison(s), multiple 224 251 269 286
Comparison(s), orthogonal 214 — 215 218
Comparison(s), pairwise 224
Comparison(s), post-hoc 225
Comparison(s), preplanned 213 219 250
Comparison(s), split-plot treatment 543 — 544
Comparison(s), treatment 59 165 250 332 377
Comparison(s), treatment, estimated 218
Comparison(s), whole-plot treatment 543 — 544 549
Comparison(s), with a control 227
Component(s), covariance 133 578
Component(s), design 56
Component(s), error 56
Component(s), treatment 56
Component(s), variance 133 578
Comprehensiveness 420
Computer packages see SAS
Confidence interval(s) 27 542
Confidence interval(s), estimation 37
Confidence interval(s), simultaneous 226 — 228
Confounding, complete 449
Confounding, partial 449 452
Confounding, system of 447 457 472 475 507 511 552
Connectedness 59 329
Connor, W.J. 479
Conover, W. J. 258
Contrast(s) see also Comparison(s)
Contrast(s), among treatment effects 160
Contrast(s), cubic 223
Contrast(s), defining 455 — 456
Contrast(s), orthogonal 214 — 215 424
Contrast(s), orthogonal, complete set of 214
Contrast(s), quadratic 223
Contrast(s), single-d.f. 441 — 442
Contrast(s), standardized 215
Contrast(s), treatment 214 282 380
Control, historical 139 148
Control, local 45 278
Control, statistical 24
Coons, I. 295 389
Coordinate paper 520
Coordinate system 519
Coordinate, Copernicus 13
Cornell, J. A. 499 504 507 517 521
Correlation, epistemic 11 — 12
Corsten, L. C. A. 229 — 230 306
Cotterill, P. P. 306
Covariate(s) 76 240 292
Covariate(s), affected by treatments 256
Covariate(s), multiple 259 263
Cox, D. R. 35 151 200 252 260 292 341
Cox, G. M. 331 395 400 542
Craske, M. G. 33
Crowder, M. 573
Daniel, C. 441
Darwin 3 9
Data analysis 5 11 15 100 122
Data collection 34 38
Data snooping 227
Data structure 100; see also Structure data
Data, longitudinal 573
Data, observational 137
De Palluel, C. 374
Dean, C. A. 306
Deduction 6 — 7
Degrees of freedom (d.f.) 79 166 183
Degrees of freedom (d.f.), denominator 195
Degrees of freedom (d.f.), loss of 290
Democritus 12
Denes, J. 376
Descartes 9 12
Design see also Experiment(s)
Design, all-bias 517
Design, all-variance 517
Design, axial 506 — 508 520
Design, balanced 401
Design, balanced incomplete block (BIBD) 63 330 359 304 549 552
Design, balanced residual effect 401
Design, balanced treatment incomplete block (BTIBD) 63 333
Design, between-and-within subjects 545 — 548
Design, binary 330 342
Design, Box — Behnken 65 506
Design, carry-over 397
Design, central composite (CCD) 506 — 508 512 524 527
Design, change-over 397 400
Design, complete block 341
Design, completely randomized (CRD) 34 62 106 151 218 529
Design, completely randomized (CRD), with subsampling 191
Design, completely randomized (CRD), with unequal numbers 179 219
Design, connected 339
Design, construction of 23
Design, counterbalanced 397 545
Design, cross-over 63 397 573
Design, diagram-balanced 545
Design, disconnected 339
Design, economical 511
Design, effects see Effects
Design, equireplicate 330 343
Design, equivalent estimation 512
Design, error-control 33 — 41 45 53 61 153 277 298 328 377 390 421 475 497 573 580
Design, error-reduction 277 419 446
Design, extended block 63 337 554
Design, factorial see Factorial(s)
Design, first-order 506 — 507 513 525
Design, generalized randomized block (GRBD) 63 106 312 323 353 554
Design, Gr co — Latin square 63 — 64 395
Design, incomplete block (IBD) 34 65 113 295 328 421 446 457 509 549 552
Design, Kronecker product 477
Design, Latin rectangle 62 393
Design, Latin square (LSD) 34 45 62 149 374 377 387;
Design, Latin square (LSD), extended 395
Design, Latin square (LSD), incomplete 63 — 64 394
Design, Latin square (LSD), mutually orthogonal 63 395
Design, Latin square (LSD), replicated 63 390 548
Design, Latin square (LSD), type 62 — 63 373
Design, lattice 63 — 65
Design, mixture 519
Design, model 260
Design, moments 506 515
Design, nonorthogonal 332 422
Design, observation 333 — 334 573
Design, of experiments 1 16 20 26 29
Design, optimal 517
Design, orthogonal 421 425 504 539
Design, pairwise balanced 338
Design, parameter 477
Design, partially balanced incomplete block (PBIBD) 63 335 552
Design, proper 330 342
Design, randomized block 34 62 277
Design, randomized block, replicated 62 — 63
Design, randomized complete block (RCBD) 34 63 151 278 428 543
Design, randomized complete block (RCBD), with subsampling 288
Design, repeated measures 65 397 545 573 577
Design, resolution III 455 475
Design, resolution IV 457 475
Design, resolution V 457 475 505
Design, resolvable 511
Design, response surface 65 497; Response
Design, row-column 34 374
Design, sampling 33 — 37 61
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