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Kempthorne O. — Design and Analysis of Experiments, Introduction to Experimental Design, Vol. 1 |
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Protocol, observation 2
Pythagoras 12
Quadratic form 128
Quality control, off-line 477
Quenouille, M. H. 366
Raghavarao, D. 331 403
Ramsey 26
Random numbers 154
Random variable(s) 22 — 24
Random variable(s), Bernoulli 155
Random variable(s), design 68 154 158 280 379 537
Random variable(s), Gaussian 22
Random variable(s), normal 129
Random variable(s), normal, multivariate 129
Randomization 26 34 45 55 61 106 137 140 147 278 376
Randomization, analysis 68 — 69 180
Randomization, distribution 26
Randomization, independent 534 538
Randomization, procedures 27 68 111 156 180 377 380 533 548
Randomization, process 154 157 164 171 280 315 533 537
Randomization, process, repetitions of 158
Randomization, restricted 280 291
Randomization, test 26 69 150 172 180 285 385
Randomization, test, approximation to the 69 173 193 217 248 286 317 538
Randomization, theory 134 177 287 303 382
Randomization, unrestricted 291
Range of validity 60
Rao, C. R. 127
Ratkowsky, D. A. 407
Region, experimental (ER) 498 503
Region, operational (OR) 498
Regression, analysis 220 497 502
Regression, coefficient 221 304 466 505 528
Regression, line 302
Regression, polynomial 262
Regression, second-order linear 504
Reid, T. C. 33
Relation see Relationship
Relationship, defining 455 — 456
Relationship, functional 498
Relationship, identity 455 475 479
Reparameterization 81
Repetition(s) 139
Repetition(s), fractional 451 — 453
Repetition(s), population of 137 — 138
Replication(s) 45 61
Replication(s), number of 180 184 186 193
Replication(s), number of, effective 451
Replication(s), number of, unequal 179 — 180
Residual see Error
Response surface 497 — 500
Response surface, design 497 — 499
Response surface, first-order 503
Response surface, methodology (RSM) 497 — 499 519 523
Response surface, second-order 509
Response(s), conceptual 157 — 158 161 281 315 379 537
Response(s), curve 497 514
Response(s), observed 315 379
Response(s), optimum 499 503
Response(s), predicted 501
Richards, W. 176
Rightmost bracket 107 111
Ringland, J. T. 228
Robinson, J. 248 305 549
Rogers, W. J. 20
Rojas, B. A. 387
Rom, D. 225
Rosa, A. 331
Rosen, C. J. 38
Rosenbaum, P. R. 240
Rotatability 506
Roux, C. Z. 303
Rowell, J. G. 575
Roy, R. K. 477
Royston, P. 575
Runes, D. D. 17
Russell, B. 7 12
Sartre 9
SAS 69
SAS Institute, Inc., xviii 69 86 98 154 180 185 201 343 451 459 578
SAS, PROC FACTEX 451 459 486
SAS, PROC GLM 201 230 264 269 343 348 353 404 407 430 443 446 481 523 562 580
SAS, PROC MIXED 201 343 348 353 483 523 562 568 578
SAS, PROC PLAN 154 180 278 315 377 481
SAS, PROC RSREG 523 — 524
Satterthwaite, F. E. 326 542 561
Savage, L. J. 26
Scheffe, H. 184 228 260 303 305 388 519
Scheffler, I. 24
Science(s), descriptive 9
Science(s), exact 12
Science(s), general 14
Science(s), history 5
Science(s), physical 14
Science(s), process of 1
Science(s), type of 9
Scientific objective 58
Scope of validity 277
Scott, A. J. 229
Searle, S. F. 245
Sensitivity of experiment 45
Shah, B. V. 59 519
Shah, R. K. 342
Sheffield, L. T. 20
Shrikhande, S. S. 396
Simplex, coordinate system 519
Simplex, design 504
Simplex, k-dimensional 504 519
Singer, J. M. 134
Skelly, J. M. 41
Slope(s), common 253
Slope(s), equality of 269
Smith, C. A. B. 399
Smith, H. F. 240 256
Snedecor, G. W. 229
Snee, R. D. 312
Socrates 6 12
Space, column 91
Space, error 129
Space, estimation 129
Space, row 76
Spedding, J. 3 7
Speed, F. M. 100 245
Spendley, W. 519
Srivastava, J. 60 387
Stablein, D. M. 497
Stanek, E. J., Ill 134
Statistical Analysis System see SAS
Statistical software see SAS
Statistical triangle 46
Stebbing, L. S. 21
Steinfeld. D. 33
Stevens, W. L. 397
Stewart, M. J. 308
Stoline, M. R. 225
Street, A. R 374
Street, D. J. 374
Structure(s), alias 454 — 455 473
Structure(s), blocking 45
Structure(s), blocking, nested 353 428 440
Structure(s), classificatory 100 106
Structure(s), classificatory, balanced 100 — 101
Structure(s), correlation 577
Structure(s), correlation, estimated 588
Structure(s), covariance 127 160 164 168 545 575 578
Structure(s), covariance, compound symmetry 577 — 580
Structure(s), covariance, first-order autoregressive 578 — 580
| Structure(s), covariance, spatial power 579
Structure(s), covariance, unstructured 579 — 580
Structure(s), data 100
Structure(s), data, balanced 107 — 108 111
Structure(s), data, classificatory 99 118
Structure(s), data, unbalanced 112
Structure(s), diagram(s) 110 — 111
Structure(s), error 56
Structure(s), factor balanced 112
Structure(s), factorial 42 64 106 419 440 543 552;
Structure(s), factorial, asymmetrical 64
Structure(s), factorial, symmetrical 64
Structure(s), Latin square 380
Structure(s), variance-covariance 127
studies see also Experiment(s)
Studies, experimental 104 — 106 138 149
Studies, intervention 106 137 149
Studies, observational 104 — 106 134 137 149
Studies, preliminary 185 191
Studies, simulation 177 286;
Stufken, J. 342
Sub-subsampling 67 — 68
Subject matter knowledge 328 422
Subsample, size of 195
Subsampling 34 40 67 191 288 353
Sum(s) of squares 37 426
Sum(s) of squares, partial 98 550
Sum(s) of squares, sequential 98
Sum(s) of squares, Type I 98 330
Sum(s) of squares, Type III 98
Swanson, M. R. 225
Syllogism 5 — 6
Syllogism, basic 5 — 6
Symmetry, compound 577 — 580
Synergism 43
Taguchi, G. 463 — 464 477
Tamhane, A. C. 225 — 226 228 252 333 335
Tang, P. C. 184
Taylor series expansion 421
Test(s), Bonferroni 225
Test(s), criterion 151 172
Test(s), Duncans multiple range 226 251
Test(s), F- 151 174 177 217 285 502 538
Test(s), F-, power of 182
Test(s), F-max 323
Test(s), Fishers protected LSD 225
Test(s), lack-of-fit 223 502
Test(s), of hypotheses 7 37 57 131 171
Test(s), preliminary 313 323
Test(s), randomization 69 177 285; test
Test(s), randomized triangular 140
Test(s), significance 7 37 148 165 542
Test(s), size of 183
Test(s), statistical 137
Test(s), studentized range 226
Test(s), t-like 257
Test(s), treatment 226 — 227
Test(s), Tukey’s 303 — 305 388
tetrahedron 504
Thales of Miletus 12
Theorem, Aitken 125 — 127
Theorem, central limit 148
Theorem, Gauss — Markov 125 — 126
Theory, axiom 13
Theory, development of 4 10
Theory, falsifiable 14
Theory, Gauss — Markov normal linear model (GMNLM) 174 — 176
Theory, Mathematical 11
Theory, normal 285 — 286
Theory, randomization 176 — 177 285 theory
Theory, Scientific 8
Theory, statistical 11
Theory, types of 11
Throckmorton, T. N. 109
Time series 17
Tobias, R. D. 225
Transformation(s) 196 — 199 312
Transformation(s), power 200
Transformation(s), sets 376 — 377 384
Transformation(s), to additivity 388
Treatment(s), combinations 420
Treatment(s), control 227
Treatment(s), design see Design treatment
Treatment(s), factorial 64
Treatment(s), mean, adjusted 244
Treatment(s), qualitative 52 213 497
Treatment(s), quantitative 52 219 497
Treatment(s), split-plot 539 — 540 543 560
Treatment(s), split-plot, effect 539
Treatment(s), split-split-plot 560 561
Treatment(s), test 227
Treatment(s), whole-plot 539 — 540 543 560
Treatment(s), whole-plot, effect 539 — 540
Trend 340
Trend, analysis 575
Trend, linear 223 341
Trend, overall 577
Trial, agronomic 278
Trial, Bernoulli 25
Trial, binomial 24
Trial, randomized clinical 32 35
Trial, uniformity 290 — 291 543
Triangle, equilateral 504
Tukey, J. W. 200 224 226 302 305 387 440
Tycho Brahe 13
Unbiasedness 59
Unit(s), error 160
Unit(s), experimental (EU) 20 34 38 68 138 153 533
Unit(s), observational (OU) 34 38 68
Unit(s), sampling 68
van Belle, G. 20 313 319
van Eijnsbergen, A. C. 306
Variability see Variation
Variable(s), classificatory 118
Variable(s), coded 514
Variable(s), concomitant 15 76 118
Variable(s), explanatory 35 — 38 74 151
Variable(s), function of 71
Variable(s), mathematical 11 — 12 22
Variable(s), process 523
Variable(s), random see Random variable(s) Variable(s) regressor
Variable(s), response 35 — 36 52
Variance(s) 514
Variance(s), average 251 — 252 336
Variance(s), estimator 248 562
Variance(s), experimental error 317 557
Variance(s), experimental error, component 163 193 288
Variance(s), nonconstancy of 197
Variance(s), observational error 317
Variance(s), observational error, component 163 193 288
Variance(s), prediction 506
Variation 26
Variation, induced 277
Variation, random 38 239
Variation, sources of see Analysis of variance Variation table
Variation, systematic 45 62 239
Venn, J. 25
Vining, G. G. 498 512
Voss, D. T. 134
Wagenaar, W. A. 402 547
Walters, D. E. 575
Wampler, J. L. 497
Wang, Y. C. 387
Ward, G. C 303
Watson, G. S. 127
Webb, D. F. 511
Welch, B.L. 177 286 384
Welsch, R. E. 258
Westfall, P. H. 225
White, R. F. 109
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