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Kopka H., Daly P.W. — A Guide to LaTeX |
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Picture, box, unframed 155 156
Picture, box, with text 155
Picture, circle 159
Picture, circle, filled 159
Picture, circle, open 159
Picture, commands 153—164
Picture, coordinate system 151
Picture, curves 163
Picture, elements 153
Picture, elements, arrow 159
Picture, elements, box 155—157
Picture, elements, circle 159
Picture, elements, half circle 161
Picture, elements, line 158
Picture, elements, oval 160
Picture, elements, positioning 154
Picture, elements, quarter circles 161
Picture, elements, repeated 154
Picture, elements, text 154
Picture, floating see "Float"
Picture, framed text 162
Picture, half circles 161
Picture, length unit 151 152
Picture, limited command set 153
Picture, line 158
Picture, line thickness 153 164
Picture, line, allowed slopes 157 158
Picture, line, min.length 158
Picture, line, sloping 157
Picture, line, vertical 157
Picture, multiline text 154
Picture, multiline text, ref.point 154
Picture, oval 160
Picture, oval, examples 160 161
Picture, positioning 151
Picture, positioning commands 153
Picture, quarter circles 161
Picture, saving 164
Picture, shifting 165
Picture, vertical text 161
Picture, x-axis 151
Picture, y-axis 151
Plain bibliography style 312
Plain format 56 223 246
Plain page style 31 251 298 309 344
Plain TeX 3 223 246 265
Plain TEX, invalid commands 558
plain.fmt 223 246
plus 19 34 76 77
Pmatrix environment (AMS) 415 473
PNG images 396
Poetry 64
Pointers 125
Polish 370
Polish, Users Group 403
Popineau, Fabrice 398
Portable Document Format see "PDF"
Portuguese 370
PostScript 14 60 166 232 236 243 353 374
PostScript, Encapsulated 173
PostScript, fonts 374 452—458
PostScript, fonts, installing 454
PostScript, under NFSS 243 359 374
pound sign 21 23 523
Preamble 11 218
preload.cfg 399
preload.ltx 399
Preprocessor 376
Presentation material see "Slides"
Previewer 5
Printer driver 2 14 166 240 246 249 345 374 401 436
Printer resolution 446
Proc class 240
Processing messages 247 271
Programming LATEX 327—343
Programming LATEX, compatibility mode 340
Programming LATEX, deferred coding 335
Programming LATEX, durability 331
Programming LATEX, error messages 337
Programming LATEX, examples custom headline 345—348
Programming LATEX, examples customized letter 305—310
Programming LATEX, examples full page 343—345
Programming LATEX, examples sectioning 348—351
Programming LATEX, file checking 332—333
Programming LATEX, guidelines 330
Programming LATEX, loading files 333
Programming LATEX, options 334—335
Programming LATEX, portability 329
Programming LATEX, robust commands 336
Programming LATEX, warnings 337
Proof environment (AMS) 431
Protected space 20 45 142
Protocol see "Processing messages"
Psnfss, PostScript support 243 374—375
Pt (point) 19
Quotation environment 64 78 473
Quotation marks 20 46
Quotation marks, French 365 367 452
Quotation marks, German 365
Quote environment 17 64 77 205 473
r.tex 270
Rahtz, Sebastian 167 172 396 561
Raichle, Bernd 364
Raising text see "Text"
Raising, in formulas see "Formula"
Reckdahl, Keith 562
Reference, cross see "Cross-reference"
References, list of see "Bibliography"
Relation operator 147
Relational symbols 124
report class 25 29 39 40 72 110 128 183 191 195 199 227 240 351 426
Reqno option 420 421 429
Robust commands 23 336
Robust commands in 331
Rokicki, Tomas 172 374 562
Roman page numbering 32 42 44
Romanian 370
Roots 120 417
Rotate environment (graphics) 172
Rotating graphics and text 169
rotating package 172
Rowley, Chris 4
Rubber lengths 19 20 33 47 50 76 84 147 183 192 193 216 348
Rule box 84
rules, horizontal 90
Rules, vertical 90
Russian 370 432
Russian-speaking TEX Users 403
s.tex 270 387
Saarela, J. 561
Samarin, A. 561
sample.tex 240
sample2e.tex 240
Samuel, Arthur L. 562
scaling graphics and text 169
Schenk, Christian 398
Schoepf, Rainer 4 233 405
Schrod, J. 364
Schwarz, Norbert 448 562
Scientific Workplace 398
Scottish 370
Secnumdepth counter 41 43 350
Section counter 41 189 192 426
Sectioning *-form 39 40
Sectioning commands 39
Sectioning commands, redefining 348
Sectioning, hierarchy 39
Sectioning, numbering 39
Sectioning, numbering, depth of 40
Sectioning, numbering, secnumdepth 41
| Sectioning, numbering, suppression of 39
Sectioning, title 39
Sectioning, title, short form 42
Selective file processing 218
Selective file processing, controlling 220 221
Series, font attribute 60 234
Servers see "Network servers"
Shape, font attribute 60 234
Shortvrb package 109 242 380
Showidx package 229 242
showkeys package 388
Sideways environment (graphics) 172
Simonic, Aleksander 398
Size, font attribute 60 234
Slide environment (slides) 250 473
slides 248—255
slides class 241 248—255
Slides, color layers 249
Slides, leading page 250
Slides, notes 251
Slides, overlays 250—251
Slides, page styles 251
Slides, selective processing 252
Slides, special environments 250—251
Slides, timing notes 252
Slitex see "Slides"
Sloppypar environment 54 55 206 293 294 474
Slovakian 370
Slovenian 370
Slovenian, TEX User Group 404
Small environment 108 469
small.tex 240
small2e.tex 240
Smallmatrix environment (AMS) 416
Snow, W. 562
Sojka, Petr 562
Somedefs package 388
Sorbian 370
Space see "Blank"
Spacing, between paragraphs 49
Spacing, character 46
Spacing, character, reducing 46
Spacing, character, restoring 46
Spacing, horizontal 47
Spacing, line changing 33
Spacing, line end of paragraph 34
Spacing, line local change 49
Spacing, line standard 59
Spacing, manual adjustment 45
Spacing, paragraph 11 19 33
Spacing, unwanted 213
spacing, vertical 48—50
Spacing, vertical rubber 50
Spacing, word 45
Spacing, word after period 45
Spacing, word after punctuation 45
Spacing, word, badness 293
Spacing, \frenchspacing 45
Spanish 370
Spanish-speaking TEX Users 403
special characters 21
Special letters in other languages 21
Spelling, American or British 203
Spivak, Michael 405
Splain format 248
Split environment (AMS) 419 421 425 474
Square root sign 120
Strut 91 101 103
Style (LATEX 2.09) 5 327
style options 30
Style parameter float 181
Style parameter footnote 115
Style parameter frame box 92
Style parameter lists 74
Style parameter marginal note 115
Style parameter math 147
Style parameter table 96
Subarray environment (AMS) 410 474
Subequations environment (AMS) 426 474
Subparagraph counter 41 189
Subscript 119
Subsection counter 41 189
Subsubsection counter 41 189
Sumlimits option 428
Summation sign 121
Superscript 119
Sutor, Robert 561
Swedish 370
switch.def (babel) 370
Symbols above one another 135 410
Symbols alternative commands 238
Symbols arrows 125 411 431
Symbols binary operators 124
Symbols brackets 129
Symbols brackets, automatic size 129
Symbols brackets, invisible 130
Symbols brackets, manual sizing 146
Symbols brackets, multiline equations 138 146 425
Symbols direct input 237
Symbols integral 121 409
Symbols keyboard 118
Symbols letters, calligraphic 123 434
Symbols letters, Greek 123
Symbols limits 126 409
Symbols miscellaneous 125
Symbols negation 124
Symbols pointers 125
Symbols relational 124
Symbols summation 121
Symbols two sizes 126
Syntonly package 242
T1 encoding 449 450 452
t1enc package 242
t1enc.def 245 433 450
tab stop 80
tabbing 80—84
Tabbing accents in 82
Tabbing additional commands 82
Tabbing backwards 81
Tabbing end of line 80
tabbing environment 80 82 83 273 277 278 286 474
Tabbing left margin 81
Tabbing left margin, setting 81
Tabbing nesting 83
Tabbing page breaking 83
Tabbing sample line 81
Tabbing setting stops 80
Tabbing storing 82
table 93—108
Table counter 189
table environment 44 107 108 179 183 191 224 275 276 288 474
Table examples 96—104
Table examples, @-expression 108
Table examples, changing fonts 100
Table examples, column alignment 99
Table examples, column format 97
Table examples, column repetition 132
Table examples, empty box 103
Table examples, floating 108
Table examples, framed 98
Table examples, horizontal line 98 100
Table examples, math arrays 131—134
Table examples, merging columns 99
Table examples, paragraph column 102
Table examples, paragraph column, line breaking 102
Table examples, row termination 97
Table examples, setting widths 108
Table examples, text between columns 99
Table examples, unframed 97
Table examples, vertical line 97 100 104
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