Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kopka H., Daly P.W. — A Guide to LaTeX |
Предметный указатель |
Bibliographic database, field, list of 316 318
Bibliographic database, field, names 319 320
Bibliographic database, field, optional 314 316
Bibliographic database, field, required 314 316
Bibliographic database, field, special formats 319
Bibliographic database, field, titles 320 321
Bibliographic database, structure 313
Bibliographic database, template 313 322
Bibliography 70 226
Bibliography, abbrv 313
Bibliography, alpha 312
Bibliography, apalike 323
Bibliography, author-year style 323—325
Bibliography, BibTEX 72 226 311—323
Bibliography, customizing 325—326
Bibliography, entry 71 226
Bibliography, open style 27
Bibliography, plain 312
Bibliography, reference in text 71 226 312
Bibliography, style 312
Bibliography, unsrt 312
BibTeX 72 226 245 311—313
BibTEX, versions 313
BibTEX, writing styles for 323
Biemesderfer, C. 561
Binary operator symbols 124
Binomial coefficient 135 413
BLANK 11 20
Blank at beginning of line 20 47
Blank line for new paragraph 20
Blank, after command 16 20 24 194
Blank, forced 20
Blank, multiple 11 20
Blank, protected 20 45
Blank, rubber 47
Blank, suppression of 20
Blue Sky Research 398 457
bm package 142 200 386
Bmatrix environment (AMS) 415 469
body 11 34
Bold face in formulas 141 386
Book class 25 29 39 40 42 52 72 110 128 183 191 195 199 227 240 351 426
book.sty 328
bookman package 375
Bookman, PostScript font 375 454
Bottom margin 34
bottomnumber 182 480
Botway, L. 561
box 84—93
Box, calling 86
Box, framed 84
Box, lowering 86
Box, LR 84 86
Box, nested 91
Box, paragraph 84
Box, parbox 87
Box, positioning, horizontal 85
Box, positioning, vertical 87 88 91
Box, raising 86
Box, rule 84 90
Box, saving 86
Box, style parameters 92
Box, TEX primitive 84
Box, vertical 87
Bp (big point) 19 168 171
Braams, Johannes 369 375
Bracket symbol see "Symbols"
Breton 370
British spelling 203
btxdoc.tex 323
btxhak.tex 323
Calc package 386
Calligraphic letters 123 434
Carlisle, David 167 172 201
Carriage return 11 20
Carriage return as a blank 20
Cases environment (AMS) 426 469
Catalan 238 370
cc (cicero) 19
CD environment (AMS) 431
Center environment 63 65 78 96 153 186 469
Centered text 63
Centering and indenting 63—65
Centertags option 421 428
CervanTEX, Spanish-speaking TEX Users 403
Chapter counter 41 189 192
Chapter opening page 27
character spacing see "Spacing"
Character specification 62
Character specification, decimal 62
Character specification, hexadecimal 62
Character specification, octal 62
Chemical formulas 141
Chen, Pehong 229
Chicago package 323
Citing literature see "Bibliography"
Class, document 6
classes.dtx 376
Clock option (slides) 252
Cm (centimeter) 19
Codepages, IBM 238
Color layers see "Slides"
color package 166 176 249 250 330 374
color.cfg 177
colored slides see "Slides"
Colors 176—179
Column breaking 52
Column separation symbol 95 137
Column separation two-column pages 28
Command characters, printing of 21
Command, *-form 16
Command, distinguishing from text 11
Command, followed by blank 16 194
Command, fragile 23
Command, invisible 213
Command, levels 329 330
Command, multi-character 15
Command, name 15
Command, robust 23
Command, single character 15
Command, syntax 16
Command, two-character 15
Command, user-defined 193—201
Command, user-defined, as abbreviation 209
Command, user-defined, examples, equation numbering 199
Command, user-defined, examples, footnotes 198
Command, user-defined, examples, framing text 198
Command, user-defined, examples, TEX as LATEX 197
Command, user-defined, followed by blank 194
Command, user-defined, for math and text 194
Command, user-defined, general comments 209
Command, user-defined, nested 212
Command, user-defined, order of 211
Command, user-defined, scope of 210
Command, user-defined, scope of global 210
Command, user-defined, scope of local 210
Command, user-defined, storing 209
Command, user-defined, unwanted spacing 213
Command, user-defined, with arguments 196 197
Command, user-defined, with arguments, calling 196
Command, user-defined, with arguments, transferred 211
Command, user-defined, with optional argument 197
Command, user-defined, without arguments 194 195
Command, user-defined, without arguments, calling 194
comment 115
Comment environment (verbatim) 109 116 388
Comment, character 116
Compatibility with version 2.09 6 8 10 340
Compatibility with version 2.09, @compatibility switch 340
Compatibility with version 2.09, article.sty 289 340
| Compatibility with version 2.09, bezier.sty 164 241
Compatibility with version 2.09, font size commands 59
Compatibility with version 2.09, font style commands 62
Compatibility with version 2.09, forbidden commands 275
Compatibility with version 2.09, latex209.def 245
Compatibility with version 2.09, latexsym. 242
Compatibility with version 2.09, \@options 328 334
Compatibility with version 2.09, \bezier 163
Compatibility with version 2.09, \bf 62
Compatibility with version 2.09, \documentstyle 12 25
Compatibility with version 2.09, \footheight 557
Compatibility with version 2.09, \it 62
Compatibility with version 2.09, \rm 62
Compatibility with version 2.09, \sc 62
Compatibility with version 2.09, \sf 62
Compatibility with version 2.09, \sl 62
Compatibility with version 2.09, \tt 62
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network see "CTAN"
Compressed graphics files 176
Computer Modem fonts 6 60 235 395 432 436—445 447
Computer Modem fonts, PostScript version 457
Conditional text 201
config.ps 457
Configuration file, local 167 245 338 370 384 399
Configuring LATEX 399
Constant see "Formula"
Continued fraction 144 148 414
Continuing dots 121 412
Copyright sign 21 452
Counter value 191
Counter value, multiple printing 191
Counter value, printing 191
Counter, user-defined 190
Counter, user-defined, auto, reset 190
Counter, user-defined, changing 190
Counter, user-defined, creation 190
Counter, user-defined, incrementing 190
Counter, user-defined, setting 190
Courier, PostScript font 375 454
Croatian 370
Cross-reference 224 225
Cross-reference, external document 225
Cross-reference, to bibliography 71 226
Cross-reference, to counters 191 224
Cross-reference, to equations 129 137 224 427
Cross-reference, to figures 187 224
Cross-reference, to fists 224
Cross-reference, to pages 224
Cross-reference, to sections 40 224
Cross-reference, to tables 187 224
Cross-reference, to text 224
Cross-reference, to theorems 224
Cross-reference, variable 225
CSTUG, Czech and Slovak Users 403
CTAN file servers 167 325 401
cyracc.def 433
Cyrillic fonts 360 432 445
Cyrillic fonts, support 243
Cyrillic fonts, transliteration 433
Cyrillic, support packages 243
CyrTUG, Russian-speaking TEX Users 403
Czech 370
Czech and Slovak TEX Users 403
Dagger 21
Daly, Patrick W. 323 325
Danish 370
DANTE, German-speaking TEX Users 363 364
Dash as hyphen 21
Dash as minus sign 21
Database see "Bibliographic database"
dbltopnumber 182 485
DC fonts see "EC fonts"
dcolumn package 105 386
dd (didot) 19
DEC Multinational coding 238
declaration 18
Declaration, local 18
Declaration, scope of 18
Decommenting files 375
Delarray package 105 387
Description environment 66 67 73 78 213 229 277 278 469
Design size 450
Determinant 131—134
Diacritic marks see "Accents"
Displayed formula 117
Displayed text, centered 63
Displayed text, indented 64
Displayed text, left or right justified 64
Displayed text, nested 65
Displaymath environment 118 469
Doc package 241 246 332 379—386
doc.dtx 380
docstrip 245 325 375—379 400
docstrip.dtx 379
docstrip.tex 240 377
Document class 6 25
Document class, options 118
Document environment 12 470
Document, major subdivisions 36—41
Documentation of software 379—386
Dollar sign 21 23
Dot-matrix printer 14
double dagger 21
Downes, Michael 405
Draft option 27
Drakos, Nikos 389
Driver, printer 2 14 166 240 246 249 345 374 401 436
Duchier, Denys 375
Dutch 370
Dutch-speaking TEX Users 404
Dvipdf, graphics option 167
Dvips, graphics option 167
Dvips, printer driver 177 178 374 389 457 458
Dvipsone, graphics option 167
Dviwin, graphics option 167
Dviwindo, graphics option 167
e.tex 270 387
EC fonts 242 448—452
EC fonts with NFSS 360
EC fonts, calling 450
EC fonts, character assignments 449
EC fonts, METAFONT files 450
EC fonts, special character commands 452
ecstdedt.tex 450
Editor program 1
Eijkhout, Victor 342 561
Electronic publishing 388 394
Ellipsis 121
em 19
Em dash 21
Empty page style 31 252 298 344
Emtex, graphics option 167
En dash 21
Encapsulated PostScript 168 173
Encoding see "Font"
Encoding commands in NFSS 360
Encoding scheme, 8a 456
Encoding scheme, 8r 455
Encoding scheme, OML 439 443
Encoding scheme, OMS 439 443
Encoding scheme, OMX 439 444
Encoding scheme, OT1 438 440
Encoding scheme, OT2 433 445
Encoding scheme, StandaidEncoding 456
Encoding scheme, T1 449 450 452
Encoding scheme, TeXBaselEncoding 455
Encoding scheme, TS1 451
Encoding, font attribute 233
English 370
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