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Kopka H., Daly P.W. — A Guide to LaTeX |
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Formula, framed 140
Formula, function names 126 416
Formula, Greek letters 123
Formula, horizontal spacing 132 143 418
Formula, index 119
Formula, integral 121
Formula, limits for 2 sizes 126
Formula, limits with functions 127
Formula, limits, multiline 409
Formula, limits, positioning 121 126
Formula, lowering in 119
Formula, math style parameters 147
Formula, matrix 131—134 415
Formula, multiline 118 136—139
Formula, multiline, bracket sizing 138 146
Formula, multiline, breaking 136
Formula, multiline, centered 136
Formula, multiline, column separation 136
Formula, multiline, left part 138
Formula, multiline, numbered 137
Formula, multiline, page breaks 427
Formula, multiline, with AMS 419—426
Formula, numbered 118
Formula, overbrace 134
Formula, overlining 134
Formula, raising in 119
Formula, root 120 417
Formula, side-by-side 140
Formula, subnumbered 426
Formula, summation 121
Formula, symbols in see "Symbols"
Formula, text within 131 407
Formula, underbrace 134
Formula, underlining 134
Formula, variables 118
fpTeX 398
Fractions 120
Fractions with AMS 413
fragile commands 23
Fragile commands in 331
Framed formulas 140
Framed table 98
Framed text 84
French 366—370
French package 366—369 373
French-speaking TEX Users 404 see
ftnright package 387
FTP 389 402
Full page package 343 376
Function names 126
Function names, defining 416
Function names, with AMS 416
Galician 238 370
Gather environment (AMS) 419 422 471
Gathered environment (AMS) 425 471
Gaulle, Bernard 366
German 364—366 370
German package 306 364—366
German, spelling reform 54 365
German-speaking TEX Users see "DANTE"
Gftopk 447
gglo.ist 247 383
GhostScript 389 394
Ghostview 174
GIF images 390 391
gind.ist 247 382
Glossary 229
Goossens, M. 561
graphics package 166 168 374
Graphics, collection 243
Graphics, importing files 167
Graphics, rotation 169
Graphics, scaling 169
Graphics.cfg 175
graphicx package 170
Graphpap package 165 241
Greek 370
Greek letters 123
Greek, TEX Friends Group 403
grfguide.tex 167
Guillemets see "Quotation marks" "French"
Gurari, Eitan M. 391
GUST, Polish Users Group 403
GUTenberg, French-speaking TEX Users 366 404
gzip program 176
h.tex 270 387
Haralambous, Y. 561
Hargreaves, K.A. 561
harvard package 323
head 34
Head, right page 32
Heading 31
Heading, left page 32
Heading, setting values 34
Headings page style 31 39 42 251 298 309 344
Headlines, customizing 345—348
helvet package 375
Helvetica, PostScript font 375 454
hhline package 387
HTML 389
html package 390
Hungarian 370
hyperref package 396
Hypertext 389
Hyphen 21
hyphen.cfg 56 373 400
hyphen.cfg, babel 370
hyphen.ltx 400
hyphen.tex 55 374 400
hyphenation 53 55 286
Hyphenation in other languages 448
Hyphenation with accents 285
Hyphenation, exception list 54
hyphenation, manual 53
Hyphenation, multilingual 56 364 373
Hyphenation, on-screen list 56
Hyphenation, other languages 55 401
Hyphenation, overfull \hbox 293
Hyphenation, turning off 54
idx.tex 228 240
ifthen package 201 241 305 330 344
ILATEX see "International LATEX"
Importing graphics files 167—176
Importing graphics files, compressed 176
Importing graphics files, configuring 175
Importing graphics files, problems 173
In (inch) 19
Including one file in another 339
Indentfirst package 50 387
Index of keywords 227—231
Indian Users Group 404
indices 119
INITEX 3 246 364 366 370 373 399
Input coding 237
input text 11
inputenc package 22 237 241
Instr-l.tex 405
Integral sign 121
International LATEX 363 366 367
Intlimits opUon 409 428
Invisible commands 213
Irish 370
Irish, TEX Users 404
ISO math standards 142
ISO-Latin codings 238
Italian 370
Italic correction 46 58 435
Italic correction, suppressing 46
ITALIC, Irish TEX Users 404
Itemize environment 66 67—70 73 78 277 278 471
| Japanese TEX Users Group 404
JPEG Images 396
JTUG, Japanese TEX Users Group 404
justification 45 53 55
Keyboard input 221
Keyboard symbols 118
Knappen, Jorg 448
Knuth, Donald E. 2 3 55 71 117 149 398 436 442 445 447 561
Kopka, Helmut 562
Label for bibhography see "Bibliography entry"
Label for lists see "List labels"
lablst.tex 225 240
Lamport, Leslie 3 4 71 74 201 209 229 232 322 328 375 379 562
Landscape environment (graphics) 172
Landscape option 26
language.dat (babel) 371 373
Languages, accents and special letters 21
Languages, adapting to others 363
Languages, babel 370
LATEX counters, additional 189
LATEX counters, chapter 41 189 192
LATEX counters, enumn 69 189
LATEX counters, equation 189 426
LATEX counters, errorcontextlines 264
LATEX counters, figure 189
LATEX counters, footnote 110 189 198
LATEX counters, MaxMatrixCols (AMS) 415
LATEX counters, mpfootnote 112 189
LATEX counters, page 33 189 191 198 203
LATEX counters, paragraph 41 189
LATEX counters, part 41 189
LATEX counters, secnumdepth 41 43 350
LATEX counters, section 41 189 192 426
LATEX counters, subparagraph 41 189
LATEX counters, subsection 41 189
LATEX counters, subsubsection 41 189
LATEX counters, table 189
LATEX counters, tocdepth 43
LATEX error messages see "Error messages"
LATEX extensions, AMS-LATEX 405—434
LATEX extensions, babel 369
LATEX extensions, colors 176
LATEX extensions, doc.sty 379
LATEX extensions, DocStrip 375
LATEX extensions, EC fonts 400 448—452
LATEX extensions, french.sty 366
LATEX extensions, german.sty 364
LATEX extensions, importing graphics 167
LATEX extensions, International 363
LATEX extensions, PostScript fonts 374
LATEX extensions, rotation 169
LATEX extensions, scaling 169
LATEX extensions, tools packages 386 400
Latex format 223 246 399 400
LATEX on a PC 401
LATEX, , comparison with 2.09 5—8
LATEX, , compatibility with 2.09 see "Compatibility"
LATEX, , installing 399—400
LATEX, , native mode 340
LATEX, calling the program 13
LATEX, files 11 244—248
LATEX, fonts 57—63
LATEX, Local Guide 12 14 62 312 322
LATEX, logo 16
LATEX, mode 12
LATEX, sources 401—402
LATEX, version 2.09 4
LATEX, version 3 4
latex.fmt 223 246 400
latex.ltx 247 376 399 402
latex.tex 379
latex209.def 245
LATEX2HTML translator 389
Latexsym package 124 242 280 434 442
LATEXР— Project 4
Layout package 387
Left margin 35
Left margin, two-sided 35
Legalpaper option 26
Length 18 192
Length, 0 value 19
Length, fixed 18
Length, rubber see "Rubber lengths"
Length, setting see "\setlength"
Length, units of 18
Length, user-defined 192
Length, zero 19
Leqno option 27 118 129 420 421 429
letter 297—310
letter class 25 240 297 351
Letter environment 298 302 471
Letter paper option 26
Letter, closing 299
Letter, commands forbidden 297
Letter, commands local 302
Letter, commands standard 297—302
Letter, distribution list 299
Letter, enclosures 299
Letter, house style 302—310
Letter, letterhead, company 302—310
Letter, postscript 299
Letter, recipient name and address 298
Letter, reference entry 302
Letter, return name and address 297
Letter, salutation 299
Letter, standard 297—302
Letter, stickers 302
Letter, subject entry 302
letter.cls 297 305
Letterhead 298 302
Letters, calligraphic 123
Letters, Greek 123
lfonts.tex 232
lhyphen.tex 55
ligatures 22 436
Ligatures, breaking of 46
Ligatures, Cyrillic 433
Line breaking with centered text 63
Line breaking with extra space 48
Line breaking with left justification 64
Line breaking with right justification 64
Line breaking, discouraged 49
Line breaking, encouraged 49
Line breaking, forced 48
Line breaking, forced with justification 49
Line breaking, suppressed 45 49
line width 35
Line, black see "Rules"
List environment 73 76—79 213 229 277 278 472
List labels 66
List labels in lists 73
List labels, changing style 69
List markers see "List labels"
List of references see "Bibliography"
listings 66—70
LISTS 73—79
Lists, format diagram 75
Lists, nested 67 68 78
lists, numbered 73
Lists, standard label 73
Lists, style parameters 74
Lists, trivial 78
Lists, user's environment 77
Literal text, printing 108 242
Lithuanian TEX Users 404
Local Guide 12 14 62 312 322
Longtable environment 106
longtable package 106 387
Lowering text see "Text"
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