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Allen H.S. — Electrons and Waves |
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Abraham formula .of 222
Absorption, bands 227
Absorption, of light 221
Absorption, spectra 202
Absorption, Zeeman effect in 234
Acceleration 68—69
action 43 45 299
Action, least 256—259.
Adams (and Lewis) on temperature 90
Aether 52—56
Aether, and relativity 82—83
Aether, energy in 88—89
Affinity, chemical 105 113
Affinity, electron 103
Alchemy 13
Allen. H.S., Photo-electricity 318
Allen. H.S., The Quantum 318
Alpha rays 169 171—177 179—180
Aluminium, crystal structure 155
Amplifier 35
Analysis of crystals 140—157
Anaxagoras continuity 8
Andrade, E.N. da G., Structure of the Atom 318
Angstroem, on spectra 201
Angstroem, unit of 202
Angstrom, the 202
Annihilation of matter 194
Anode 33 34
Anticathode 122
Applications of quantum theory 273—293
Arc, spectrum of 223
Argon 112 174
Arrhenius, on Democritus 8
Arrhenius, on ionic theory 25
Aston, F.W., isotopes 39 41
Aston, F.W., mass-spectrograph 16 39—41 301
atom 1 4 8 12
Atom, chemical 14 300 302
Atom, ionised 224
Atom, levels of 130 132
Atom, model of 274 302
Atom, of hydrogen 213
Atom, structure of 105—117
Atomic number 107 109 111 117 129 131
Atomic weights 15—16
Atoms, arrangement of, in a crystal 145 149
Atoms, masses of 15—16 39—43 302
Avogadro constant of 163
Avogadro hypothesis of 300
Azimuthal quantum number 275 279
b, unit of angular momentum 45 211—212 275 279—280 299
Back and Paschen on Zeeman effect 234
Balmer, J.J., formula of 205—206
Balmer, J.J., series of 204—205 213 217—219 304
Band spectra 226—230 262
Barkla and Sadler fluorescent radiation 129
Barkla, C.G., on X-rays 126—128
Barkla, C.G., X-radiation 158
Becquerel, H. discovery of radioactivity 165
Bergmann on spectral series 209
Bergwitz on cosmic rays 192
Beta rays 169—170 179—180
Biggs, H.F., on statistical methods 305
Biggs, H.F., on wave mechanics 307
Biggs, H.F., Wave Mechanics 319
Bird, J.M., continuum 7
Birge, R.T., on band spectra 229
Bjerrum on band spectra 227
Black-body 44
Blackett, P.M.S., on atomic collisions 185—186
Blackett, P.M.S., on disintegration of nucleus 190
Bohr magneton 282
Bohr, Niels, atomic model of 117 302
Bohr, Niels, frequency relation of 162
Bohr, Niels, on band spectra 227 229
Bohr, Niels, on complementary relations 290
Bohr, Niels, on concepts 311
Bohr, Niels, on microscopic phenomena 313
Bohr, Niels, on stationary states 264—265
Bohr, Niels, on wave and particle 270—271
Bohr, Niels, theory of line spectra 209—223 303
Boltzmann constant of 88 90 94
Borel, Emile, on gravitation 67
Borel, Emile, Space and Time 317
Borelius on metallic state 286
Born and Jordan, on matrix mechanics 253
Born and Jordan, on statistical methods 311
Born, Max, on aether 83
Born, Max, on crystal lattice 151
Born, Max, on relativity 222
Born, Max, on statistical methods 311 313
Born, Max, on the wave function 269
Boscovich on atomic theory 12
Bothe on cosmic rays 194
Bowen on cosmic rays 192
Boyle, law of 12
Boyle, Robert, on corpuscles 12
Boyle, Robert, on elements 13
Brackett spectral series of 218—219
Bragg, W. L. formula of 145—146 162
Bragg, W. L. on X-ray analysis 113 140 145—146 150
Bragg, W.H. and W.L. Crystal Structure 318
Bragg, W.H. and W.L. on X-ray spectroscopy 157
Bragg, W.H., Crystal Analysis 318
Bragg, W.H., on crystal analysis 140 145—146
Bragg, W.H., on rival hypotheses 296
Bragg, W.H., on X-ray analysis 113
Brewster on absorption spectra 199
Bright-emitter 33
Brillouin, L., Wave Mechanics 319
Brownian movement 14
Bulb, thermionic 33
Bunsen burner 200 226
Bunsen, gas lamp 200 226
Bunsen, spectrum analysis 201
c, velocity of light 45 61—62 63 241
Caesium 201
Caloric 90
Cameron on cosmic rays 192
Cannizzaro on atomic weights 107
Carbon, band spectrum 226
Cartan, Elie, twisted space 77
Cartesian, co-ordinates 49—50
Cartesian, oval 255—256
Cathode 33 34 119 122
Cathode, perforated 36
Cathode, rays 19—25 119 121—122 242
Causality 305
Cell, photo-electric 98—99
Chadwick, J., on artificial disintegration 191
Chadwick, J., Radioactivity 318
Chance in physics 312
Characteristic values 261
Characteristic values, X-rays 128 158
Charge, of alpha particle 171—172
Charge, of electron 25—29 47 163
Charge, specific 27 41 173 232
Chemistry, laws of 13—16 106—107 110—113 300
Chladni vibrations of plates 237
Chlorine, isotopes of 41
Clark, C.H.D., Atomic Theory 317
Clock, quartz-crystal 35
Cloud chamber of C. T. R. Wilson 29 136—139 177 186 189
Collimator 199—200
Collision, atomic 185
Collision, of light quantum and electron 135
Colloids 154
Compounds, chemical 113
Compton recoil 290
Compton, A.H. on collisions 250
| Compton, A.H. quantum effect of 134—136 138
Compton, A.H. X-rays 318
concepts 3 5 50
Concepts, antagonistic 314
Condon and Morse on quantum mechanics 253 269
Condon, E.U., Quantum Mechanics 319
Conduction, metallic 284
Conductivity, electrical 166 283—288
Conductivity, thermal 284—287
Conductors 283—288
Constant, series 223—224
Continuity 5—7 8
Continuum, mathematical 6 7 11
Contraction, Fitzgerald-Lorentz 56 57 63
Coolidge X-ray tube 122
Corpuscles 11 12 27 see
Corpuscular, entities 291
Corpuscular, theory 46 296
Cosmic ray 139 191—196
Counter, electron 193
Counting alpha particles 171—172
Crookes, William, on cathode rays 21 25 242
Crookes, William, on high vacua 20
Crookes, William, on radiant matter 21 25
Crookes, William, on thallium 201.'
Crookes, William, spinthariscope of 168
Crookes, William, vacuum, tubes 118
Crowther, J.A., Ions and Electrons 317. 2
Crystallography 140—145
Crystals 140—157
Crystals, Iceland spar 157
Crystals, ionic 152
Crystals, metallic 154—157
Crystals, rock salt 157
cube 149
Cubic, packing 156
Cubic, system 149—150
Curie on radioactivity 165—166
Current, electric 31
Current, saturation 32
Current, thermionic 32
Curvature 74—76
Curvature, of light ray 70
Cyanogen band 226—227
D lines of spectrum 198
Daguerre on photography 165
Dalton, J.P., on relativity 51
Dalton, John, atomic theory 13—15 299
Darwin, C.G., New Conceptions of Matter 319
Darwin, C.G., on energy levels 264
Darwin, C.G., on quantum mechanics 223
Davidson, J.M. on Roentgen's discovery 119
Davisson, on electron scattering 243
Davisson, on reflection of electrons 243 249 308
Davy, Humphry, on atomic theory 14
De Broglie, L., on stationary states 264
De Broglie, L., theory of 236—252 254
De Broglie, L., Wave Mechanics 319
De Broglie, L., wave mechanics of 283 307 310 312—313
De Broglie, M., X-ray spectra 158
De Broglie, M., X-rays 318
De Chancourtois on atomic number 107
de Forest, Lee triode 34
de Sitter, W. on Einstein's theory 67
de Sitter, W. on reality 48
Debye and Scherrer powder method of 147
Debye, on heat motion 288
Debye, on polar molecules 282
Debye, on quantisation in space 275 281.
Debye, on X-ray diffraction 244 249
Decimals 2
Deflection of light 67—68
Degeneration of a gas 287
Democritusus, atomic theory 1 3 5 8
Descartes, co-ordinates 49—50
Descartes, corpuscular mechanism 11
Descartes, oval of 255
Deslandres, H. on band spectra 226—227
Determinism 312
Diamond, diffraction pattern 144
Diffraction, electrons 242—243
Diffraction, light 198
Diffraction, molecules 283
Diffraction, of atoms 283
Diffraction, X-rays 143—149
Dingle, H. on interval 73
Diode 33
Dirac, P.A.M., on quantum algebra 254 310
Dirac, P.A.M., on quantum mechanics 223 272
Dirac, P.A.M., on spinning electron 279
Dirac, P.A.M., statistics of 278
Discontinuity 5—8
Disintegration, artificial 187—188
Disintegration, radioactive 184—186
dispersion 240
Doublet, Zeeman 233—234
Drude on metallic conduction 284
Duane frequencies of X-rays 162.
Duane X-ray spectrum 133
Dull-emitter 33
Dunoyer on molecular rays 281
Duplexity 279
Dushman on electron emission 288
Dynamics, classical or Newtonian 52 87 213 305
Dynamics, of Hamilton 257—259
Dynamids of Lenard 110
e, electron charge 29 47 163
Eclipse, solar 79 205
Eddington, A.S., aflfine field theory 81—82
Eddington, A.S., Michelson's experiment 55
Eddington, A.S., Nature of the Physical World 319
Eddington, A.S., on indeterminacy 290
Eddington, A.S., on particles and waves 236 314
Eddington, A.S., on scientific explanation 273
Eddington, A.S., on wave mechanics 254 271
Eddington, A.S., on wavicles 314
Eddington, A.S., relation between h and e 47
Eddington, A.S., Space and Time 317
Edison, T.A. thermionic current 32
Einstein, A. on general relativity 67—83
Einstein, A. on light quanta 45 46 210 236 250 296
Einstein, A. on mass and energy 194
Einstein, A. on relativity 56 222 295
Einstein, A. photo-electric equation 103—104 132—133
Eisenhut and Eaupp on electron diffraction 248—249
Electric moment 282
Electrions 114
Electrode 33 34
Electrolysis 18—19 300
Electrometer, quadrant 166—167
Electron 30 99 300
Electron, charge of 25—29 47 163
Electron, counter 193
Electron, mass of 29
Electron, spinning 225 276 279
Electron, wave properties 241
Electrons, emission of 288
Electrons, free 283
Electrons, in crystals 149
Electrons, tracks of 136—139
Electroscope 99—100 166 193
Elements 13 105—117 300—301
Elements, chemical 105—117
Elements, periodic law 106
Elements, proto 223
Elements, structure of 156
Ellis, C.D., Radioactivity 318
Elster and Geitel on ionisation 191
Elster and Geitel photo-electric, cell 98
Elster and Geitel photo-electric, current 99
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