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Allen H.S. — Electrons and Waves |
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Michel on radiation 94
Michelson velocity through aether 65—66
Micro-mechanics 309
Microscope, X-ray or gammaray 289—290
Milky Way 193 195
Miller, D.C. velocity through aether 56
Miller, W.A. flame spectra 201
Millikan, R.A. charge of electron 28—29
Millikan, R.A. on atoms of electricity 300
Millikan, R.A. on cosmic rays 192 195—196
Millikan, R.A. on X-rays 123
Millikan, R.A. The Electron 317
Minkowski space and time 58 59 61 67
Models of the atom 106 109 110 114—117 213 274
Molecular Rays 281
Molecules 19 30 226—230 300
Molecules, chemical 30
Molecules, polar 282
Molecules, spectrum of 227
Molecules, wave aspects of 283
Moment, magnetic 279—280
Momentum, and position 289
Momentum, angular 45 211—212 214—215
Momentum, conservation of 250
Momentum, of light 260
Morley velocity through aether 53—56
Morse see “Condon”
Morse, P.M. Quantum Mechanics 319
Moscus atomic theory 1
Moseley, H.G.C. on atomic number 108—109
Moseley, H.G.C. on X-ray spectra 129—131 158-160
Motif 142
Motion, absolute and relative 52
Mott, N.F. particles and waves 242
Mott-Smith, M.C. on force 73
Muller, A. on electron diffraction 144 248—249
Mulliken on band spectra 229
Multiplets 225
Munro, H.A.J. on Lucretius 8
Nagaoka, H. Saturnian system 116
Neon 112
Neon, isotopes of 39
Net plane 142—143 145
Newlands on atomic number 107
Newton dynamics of 213
Newton on corpuscles 12
Newton on corpuscular theory 241
Newton on particles of light 236
Newton on space 49
Newton on the spectrum 197
Newton on time 50
Newton on transmutations 236
Newtonian force 292
Nicholson, J.W. on angular momentum 211 299
Nicholson, J.W. on spectra 211
Niton see “Radon”
Nitrogen, band spectrum 226—227
Non-polar compounds 113
Nuclear or nucleus atom 109 116
Nucleus of atom 30 179 182—184
Number quantum, equatorial 276
Number quantum, magnetic 276 280
Number quantum, principal 216 221 225 275
Number quantum, spin 279—280
Number quantum, subordinate 275 279
Number rational 5 7
Number rotational 229
Number transcendental 5 7
Number, atomic 107 109 111 117 129 131 159 183
Number, incommensurable 4
Number, irrational 5 7
Number, quantum, azimuthal 221 225 275 279
Numerals 2
Nunn, T. Percy, Relativity 317
Octaves, law of 107
Onnes, Kamerlingh on superconductivity 284
Optics, geometrical 254 308—309
Optics, physical 254
Orbits in an atom 214—218 222 262 275 279—280 303
Oscillator, harmonic 263
Ostwald, Wilhelm on atomic theory 14
Otis on cosmic rays 192
Packing, closest 156
Paneth see “Hevesy”
Particles and waves 236—252
Paschen on radiation 94
Paschen on Zeeman effect 234
Paschen spectral series of 218—219 304
Pauli exclusion principle 276
Pauli quantum mechanics 223
Pauling on atomic models 275
Periodic system 277
Periodic table 160
Perrin, Jean, Atoms 317
Perrin, Jean, on atoms 1
Perrin, Jean, on cathode rays 23
phase velocity 240
Philosophy 291—293
Phosphorescence 19 165 167
Photo-electricity 96—104 132—123 297
Photo-electrons 101
Photo-electrons, energy of 103—104
photography 104 165 168—169 176
Photography, by X-rays 120 124—126
Photon 46 250
Piaggio, H.T.H. on relativity 75
Pitchblende 165—166
Planck, Max, formula of 91—95
Planck, Max, on experience 274
Planck, Max, on philosophy and the quantum theory 291—293
Planck, Max, quantum, constant 87 94 104 133
Planck, Max, quantum, theory 43—46 84—95 210 295
Plate of valve 33—34
Pluecker cathode rays 19
Poincare on quantum theory 95
Point-event 59
Polar compounds 113
Polarisation of X-rays 126
Polonium 166 171 181
Position and momentum 289
Potassium chloride 150—152
Potential, ionisation 219
Powder method 147—148
Preston, Thomas, on explanation 273
Preston, Thomas, on spectral series 207
Prevost on radiation 84
principal quantum number 275 279
Proto-elements 223
Proton, wave properties 241
Protons 30 117 302
Prout hypothesis of 15—16 106 301
Pulsations 237—239
q-numbers 310
Quantisation, spatial 275
Quantum 43—47
Quantum, mechanics 223 306
Quantum, number 215 221 225 262—263 275—276 279—280
Quantum, number, in bands 229
Quantum, number, rotational 228
Quantum, of action 45
Quantum, of energy 45 87 298—299
Quantum, of light 46 96—104 250
Quantum, postulates 304
Quantum, theory 84—95 295
Quantum, theory, applications 273
Quantum, theory, of radioactive change 184—186
Quantum, X-ray 133 134—135 138
Quartz, crystal oscillator 35
Radiation, cavity 85
| Radiation, experiments on 93—95
Radiation, from hot solid 44
Radiation, full 85
Radiation, penetrating 191—192
Radiation, Planck's law of 88 92
Radiation, Rayleigh's law of 88 92
Radiation, theory of 84—95 297—299
Radiation, Wien's law of 92
Radioactivity 164—191
Radium 166 168 171 175 178
Radon (niton) 86 173 175 178 181
Ramsay, W., discovery of inert gases 174
Ramsay, W., helium and radon 175
Rayleigh's law of radiation 88
Rayleigh, Lord, discovery of argon 174
Rayleigh, Lord, on group velocity 240
Rayleigh, Lord, on rotation of molecules 227
Rayleigh, Lord, on theory of radiation 86—89 298
Rays, atomic 35
Rays, Beequerel 165
Rays, canal 36
Rays, cathode 19—25
Rays, cosmic 191
Rays, molecular 281
Rays, positive 35 37
Realitv 292
Recoil of electron 135
Reflection, of atoms 249—250
Reflection, of electrons 242—243 246—247
Reflection, of X-rays 120 145—146
Refraction, of X-rays 120 163
Regener, on alpha rays 171
Regener, on cosmic rays 193 195
Reiche, Fritz, Quantum Theory 318
Relativity, and philosophy 295
Relativity, and spectra 221
Relativity, confirmation of 222
Relativity, general theory 67—83
Relativity, mechanical 57
Relativity, restricted theory of 48 295
Research, scientific 293
Rest mass 250—251
Rice, James, Relativity 317
Richardson, O.W., on cosmic ravs 192
Richardson, O.W., on thermionics 31
Riecke on metallic conduction 284
Riemann on geometry 75—77 80—82
Rings, X-ray 160—162
Ritz, combination principle of 209
Ritz, formula of 217
Rock salt, crystal of 141 150 157
Roentgen radiation 143
Roscoe, H. E. spectrum analysis 203
Rotation, bands 228
Rotation, photograph 147—148
Rougier, L. on discontinuity 96
Rougier, L. Philosophy and the New Physics 319
Royds helium from alpha particles 175
Rubens on radiation 94
Rubidium 201
Runge on spectral series 207
Ruppe, Ј. on electron diffraction 247
Russell, Bertrand on relativity 48 295
Rutherford, Lord, on alpha rays 171—173 175
Rutherford, Lord, on artificial disintegration 187—191 301
Rutherford, Lord, on cosmic ravs 191
Rutherford, Lord, on hydrogen particles 186
Rutherford, Lord, on radioactivity 164
Rutherford, Lord, on the atomic nucleus 179 182
Rutherford, Lord, on the electron counter 193
Rutherford, Lord, on the electron theory 27
Rutherford, Lord, on the hydrogen atom 213
Rutherford, Lord, on the nitrogen atom 16
Rutherford, Lord, on the nucleus atom 109 116 302
Rutherford, Lord, on the proton 30
Rutherford, Lord, on transformation 178
Rutherford, Lord, Radioactivity 318
Rutherford-Bohr model of atom 302
Rydberg, atomic numbers 111
Rydberg, constant of 205 223—224
Rydberg, formula of 206
Rydberg, frequency 159
Rydberg, spectral series 207
Sadler see “Barkla and Sadler”
Sapphires, artificial 153—154
Scattering of alpha rays 182
Scattering of alpha rays, electrons 243
Scattering of alpha rays, X-rays 126
Scherrer, on the powder method 147
Scherrer, on X-ray diffraction 244 249
Schichtlinie 147
Schottky on conductivity 286
Schroedinger, E. wave mechanics 239 253—272 308—311
Schuster, Arthur, on air pumps 19—20
Schuster, Arthur, on cathode rays 24—25
Schuster, Arthur, on radioactivity 164
Schwarzschild on band spectra 229
Scintillations 168 171
Selection principle 229
Selective effect 102
Sensations 292
Separation-interval 61
Sequence, of lines 226
Sequence, spectral 206
Series, Balmer's 204
Series, diffuse 206 209
Series, fundamental 209
Series, principal 207 209
Series, sharp 206 209
Series, spectral 203—221
Shearer X-ray tube 122
Shells of electrons see “Levels”
Siegbahn X-ray spectroscopv 158—159 162
Silver, atoms of 281
Simultaneity 62
Soddy, F., on helium and alpha rays 175
Soddy, F., on isotopes 15
Soddy, F., on radium 181
Soddy, F., on transformation 178
Sodium, chloride 141
Sodium, D lines 225
Sodium, spectrum of 198—200 202—203 224
Sodium, threshold frequency 132
Sodium, Zeeman effect for 230—231
Sommerfeld, A., Atomic Structure 319
Sommerfeld, A., on elliptic orbits 304
Sommerfeld, A., on fine structure 222—223
Sommerfeld, A., on numbers 229
Sommerfeld, A., on photo-electric activity 103
Sommerfeld, A., on quantisation in space 275 281
Sommerfeld, A., on quantum condition 212
Sommerfeld, A., on spectra 197 221
Sommerfeld, A., on statistics 287
Sommerfeld, A., on wave mechanics 269—270
Sommerfeld, A., Wave Mechanics 319
Space, absolute 49
Space, charge 32
Space, configuration 309 312
Space, Euclidean 61
Space, group 153
Space, homaloidal 61
Space, lattice 142—143 152
Space, time 59
Spark, spectrum of 201 223
Spatial quantisation 281.
Specific, charge 27 41 173 232
Specific, heat 287
Spectra 197—235
Spectra, arc 223
Spectra, band 226
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