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Allen H.S. — Electrons and Waves |
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Emanation of radium 167 175 178 181 see
Emission of spectra 220
Energy, and temperature 91
Energy, electronic 228
Energy, equipartition of 87 91
Energy, in aether 88—89
Energy, in the spectrum 85
Energy, in wave mechanics 261—263
Energy, kinetic 133 215
Energy, levels of 220 280 303 310
Energy, of alpha rays 176
Energy, of electron 139
Energy, of photo-electrons 103—104
Energy, of radioactive change 179
Energy, of spin 228
Energy, potential 215
Energy, quanta 87 92
Energy, quantum of 45 133 298—299
Energy, rotational 228
Energy, vibrational 228
Entartung 287
Epicurus atomic theory 1 8 11
Equipartition of energy 87 91
Equivalence hypothesis 69
Equivalent, mechanical, of heat 90
Estermann and Stern diffraction of molecules 283
Event 59
Evershed on hydrogen spectrum 205
Exchanges, theory of 84
Excitation 220
Exclusion principle 276
Experience 292
Explanation, scientific 212 273
Extrapolation 293
Factor, splitting 280
Faraday, Michael on atomic theory 14 17 18
Faraday, Michael on atomicity of electricity 300—301
Faraday, Michael on chemical affinity 105
Faraday, Michael on magnetism and light 230
Faraday, Michael on radiant matter 21
Fermat principle of 255—257
Fermi statistics of 278 287
Field scalar 268
Films, diffraction due to 243—249
Fine structure 225
Fitzgerald Contraction 56 57 63
Flame spectra 199 200 201
Fleming, J.A., oscillation valve 33
Fluorescence 119 120
Fluorescent radiation 129
Fluorescent radiation, X-rays 128
force 72—73
Foucault on absorption spectra 202
Foucault on velocity of light 241
Fowler, A. photographs of spectra 207—208
Fowler, R.H. on explanation 212—213
Fraser, R.G.J. Molecular Rays 319
Fraser, R.G.J. on molecular rays 281 282
Fraunhofer, J. lines of 202 204
Fraunhofer, J. on D-line 225
Fraunhofer, J. on spectra 198
Freedom, degrees of 87 91 309
frequency 129—131 205 209 210
Frequency, "threshold" 103 132
Frequency, and energy 45 91 298
Frequency, condition of Bohr 210—211 304
Frequency, of vibration 45
Frequency, Rydberg 159
Fresnel undulatory theory 296
Friedrich diffraction of X-rays 144
Gamma rays 169—170
Gamow, G. on artificial disintegration 191
Gamow, G. on atomic nuclei 185
Gauss on curvature 74 75
Gay-Lussac on volumes of gases 300
Geiger electron counter of 193—194
Geiger on alpha rays 171
Geiger on scattering 182
Geissler air pump 20
Geitel see “Elster and Geital”
Geodesic 72
Germer on electron scattering 243
Gibbs, Willard on mathemetics 294
Gifford, J.W., X-ray photograph 125
Glitscher on fine structure 222
Gockel on cosmic rays 192
Goldstein canal rays 36
Goldstein cathode rays 20—21
Goold, J. vibrating plates 238—239
Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck spinning electron 279—280
Goudsmit on atomic models 275
Goudsmit on electron spin 225
Grating, diffraction 198 242—243
Gravitation 62
Gregory, J.C., Atomism 317
Gregory, J.C., on atomic theory 11
Gregory, R.A. scale of five 2
Grid of triode 34
Group velocity 240 308
H, Planck's constant 45 47 87 94 104 210 258 261 299
Haas, A. on particles and waves 236
Haas, A. on quantum chemistry 277—278
Haas, A. on wave mechanics 269
Haas, A. Quantum Theory 319
Haber on space lattices 285—286
Hale, G.E. on sunspots 235
Hallwachs, W. photo-electric effect 98
Hamilton, W. on Least Action 256—260
Hamilton, W. on mechanics 308
Hamilton, W. on optics 308
Heisenberg, W. on atomic models 274
Heisenberg, W. on quantum mechanics 306
Heisenberg, W. on quantum theory 253
Heisenberg, W. Quantum Theory 319
Heisenberg, W. uncertainty principle 270—271 289
Helium 111 173
Helium, and alpha rays 175—176
Helium, diffraction of atoms 283
Helium, discovery of 174
Helium, ionised 224
Helium, reflection of atoms 249—250
Helium, spectrum of 207—208 222
Helmholtz on band spectra 227
Hero on reflection of light 255—256
Herschel bright line spectra 198
Hertz, H., cathode rays 24
Hertz, H., photo-electricity 97
Hess on cosmic rays 192
Heurlinger on band spectra 229—230
Hevesy and Paneth Radioactivity 318
Hexagonal packing 156
Hittorf, on cathode rays 20
Hittorf, vacuum tube 118—189
Hooke, Robert, on elastic'ty 12
Hooke, Robert, on molecular theory 12
Houston on electrons in metals 288
Huggins on spectra 202
Hull, A.W., on X-ray diffraction 244 249
Hull, A.W., powder method of 148
Hund on band spectra 229
Hunt X-ray spectrum 133
Huygens undulatory theory 296
Hydrogen, atom of 15 262 264 270 275 303
Hydrogen, atom of, diffraction of 283
Hydrogen, particles 186—187 see
Hydrogen, reflection of atoms 249
Hydrogen, spectrum of 204 213 222
Ice, crystals of 141
Iceland spar 157
Indeterminacy 289—291
| Inert gases 107 111—113
Inertia 64
Inertia, of energy 65
insulators 283
Integers in science 1—5 15 299 310
Interferometer 53—55 see
interval 59—62 72—75
Invar 60
Invariant 73
Ionisation 136—139 146—147 167 191 193—194 219 223
Ions 18 25
Ions, from hot bodies 31
Ions, in crystals 152
Ions, in solution 152
Iron, spectrum of 207—208
Isotopes 15—16 39 41—43 181 301
j, quantum number 280
Jack, D. spectrum of water vapour 229- 230
Jackson, H. X-ray tube 122
James, R. W. crystal analysis 154
James, R. W. X-ray Crystallography 318
Janssen spectral lines 174
Jeans, J.H., on aether 83
Jeans, J.H., on cosmic rays 196
Jeans, J.H., on measurement 4
Jeans, J.H., on quantum theory 95
Jeans, J.H., on radiation 88 93
Jeans, J.H., on radioactivity 194
Jeans, J.H., on relativity 78
Jeans, J.H., Quantum Theory 318
Jeffery, G.B., Relativity 317
Jeffreys, H. on experience 292—293
Johansson gauges 60
Johnson diffraction of atoms 283
Johnson, R. G. Spectra 319
Jordan, on determinism 312
Jordan, on matrix mechanics 253
K group, level, or shell 130—132 161 277—278
k, Boltzmann's constant 88 90 94
k, quantum number 221 225 275 279
K-radiation 128 129—132 158 160—162
Karman on crystal lattice 151
Kaufmann variation of mass with speed 65
Kaye, G.W.C. on X-ray photography 125—126
Kaye, G.W.C. on X-ray tubes 122
Kaye, G.W.C. on X-rays 129
Kaye, G.W.C. X-rays 318
Kayser on spectral series 207
Keesom on metallic state 285
Kelvin on absorption 202
Kelvin on atoms 178 182
Kelvin on electrions 114
Kelvin on radiation 43
Kepler laws of 302
Kikuchi on electron diffraction 248
Kinetic energy of particle 65 see
Kirchhoff on absorption 202
Kirchhoff spectrum analysis 201
Knipping on diffraction of X-rays 144
Kolhoerster on cosmic rays 192 194
Kossel on frequencies of X-rays 162
Krypton 112
Kunsman on electron scattering 243
Kurlbaum on radiation 94
L group, level or shell 130—132 277—278
L-radiation 128 129—132 161
Lamy on thallium 201
Lande splitting factor 280
Langmuir atomic model 110—113
Laplace on causality 305
Larmor, J. theory of radiation 231—234
Latent heat 286
Lavoisier laws of chemistry 13
Laws of optics 254—255
Layer lines 147
Lebedeff on electron diffraction 248—249
Lenard, on dynamids 110
Lenard, on penetrating rays 24
Lenard, on value of e/m 99
Lenard, vacuum tube of 119
Leonard, W. E. on Lucretius 10 11
Leucippus atomic theory 1
Levels, atomic 130 132
Levels, energy 220 229 262—264 280 303
Leverrier on planet Mercury 78
Levi-Civita unified field theory 81—82
Lewis and Adams on temperature 90
Lewis atomic model 110—113
Life of radioactive atom 181
Light, de Broglie's theory of 250- 1
Light, quantum 46 96—104 250 296—297
Light, theories of 12 24 46 96—97 296
Light, velocity of 57—58 61—62 63 241
Limitations, in measurement 289 306—307
Limitations, of knowledge 291
Lindemann on metallic state 285—286
Lithium, spectrum of 207—208
Lockyer, Norman and discovery of helium 174
Lockyer, Norman on enhanced lines 223
Lockyer, Norman on proto-elements 223
Lodge, Oliver, Atoms and Rays 318
Lodge, Oliver, on electrons 17—18
Lodge, Oliver, on the Zeeman effect 232—233
Lorentz, H. A. contraction 56 57
Lorentz, H. A. formula of 222
Lorentz, H. A. on metallic conduction 284
Lorentz, H. A. on theory of radiation 231—234
Lorentz, H. A. on variation of mass with speed 65
Lorentz, H. A. transformation 58 62 63
Loring, F. H. Atomic Theories 318
Lucretius atomic theory 1 5 8—11
Lummer and Pringsheim experiments on radiation 93
Lummer and Wien " black body" 93
Lyman series of 217—219 303
M group, level or shell 132 162 277—278
m, quantum number 276 280
M-radiation 161
MacBride, E.W. relativity 51
Macro-mechanics 309
magnetic quantum number 276 280
Magnetism 10 276 279—280 282
Magneton of Bohr 279 282
Marrison, W.A. quartz-crystal clock 35
Marsden on hydrogen particles 186
Mass, a relative quantity 65
Mass, of atom 302
Mass, of quantum 250
Mass, spectrograph 16 39—43 301
Mass, variation of, with speed 64 221
Material waves 241—243
Mathematics 3 294
Mathematics, and experience 273—274
Matrix mechanics 306
Maxwell, James Clerk, electromagnetic theory 260 262 304
Maxwell, James Clerk, equations of 76
Maxwell, James Clerk, molecule of electricity 18—19
Maxwell, James Clerk, theory of light 97 214 296
Maxwell, James Clerk, velocity through aether 53
Mayer atomic model 115
McLennan on cosmic rays 191
Measurements, physical 4 289
Mechanics, of the atom 114
Mechanics, quantum 223
Mechanism in nature 315
Membrane, vibrations of 239
Mendeleeff periodic law 106
Mercury, motion of perihelion 67 78
Metal, crystal of 142 154
Metal, theory of a 283
Meyer, Lothar periodic law 106
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