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Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids |
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Translation, definition 9
Translation, periodicity 9—11
Traps, electron 329
Traps, hole 329
Triangular lattice 32
Triangular void 65
Triclinic system 30
Trigonal subsystem 36
Triple cell 11
Tunnel effect 240
Turnbull, David 118 164
Twin domains 158
Twin junction 154
Twin lamellae 158
Twin plane 116
Twin structure 154
Twinning 154—161
Twinning in body-centered cubic metals 159
Twinning in face-centered cubic metals 159
Twinning in hexagonal closest packings 160
Twins 138
Two-wavelength microscope 2
Ultramarines 427
Uncertainty principle 206
Uniaxial crystals 400
Unit cell, contents 53—54
Unit cell, definition 11
Unit cell, dimensions 37
Univalent radii 80
Unsaturated covalent bond 216 See
V centers 406
Vacancies 95
Vacuum levels 339
Valence band 232 312
valence electrons 221
Valency bonds 83
Van Bueren, H.G. 117 139
van der Waals bond 216 221—222
Van der Waals forces 226
van der Ziel, Aldert 350 415
Vegard's law 290
Verma, Ajit Ram 164 377
Vicarious elements 90
Vicinal faces 143
Vink, H.J. 118
viscosity 5
Vogel, F. Lincoln 115
Voids in closest packings 64—69
Voids, classification 65
Voids, significance 64
| von Hippel, Arthur R. 415
von Laue, M. 48
Vycor 429
Wahlstrom, Ernest E. 415
Warren, B.E. 433
Wasastjerna, J. 79
Water of crystallization 218
Water of hydration 218
Wave equation 202
Wave function 205
Wave mechanics, principles 202—214
wave number 243
Wavelength, x-ray 50
Weiss field 408
Weiss, P.J. 264 267 269 408
Wells, A.F. 93 234 377 433 440
Weyl, W.A. 200
Widmanstaetten structures 198
Wiedeman — Franz law 275
Wigner — Seitz approximation 227 229
Wigner, E.P. 227
Wooster, W.A. 139
work function 339 340
Work-hardening 137
Wulff, G. 141
Wurtzite 88—89
Wurtzite structure 89 366
Wurtzite-type compounds 365—367
Wyckoff notation 45
X-ray diffraction 48—53
X-ray intensities 53
X-ray scattering 49
Young's modulus 126
Zachariasen's rule 423
Zeeman effect 208 412
Zener breakdown 397
Zener, C. 139 163 266 276 284 294 309 397
Zeolites 427
Zero-point energy 272
Zigzag sequence 364
Zinc 72 See
Zinc blende (sphalerite) 88—89
Zn, structure 287
ZnO 93
ZnO, conductivity 371—372
ZnS 88—89 360 366
Zone axis 15
Zone overlap 251—252
Zone refining 165
Zone theory 243—254 282—286
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