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Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids |
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Imperfections, line 96 103—112
Imperfections, plane 96
Imperfections, point 95 99—103
Imperfections, types 97
Impingement of nucleii 199
Improper rotation axes 15 18—20
In-phase scattering 50
Index polygon 142
Index vectors 142
Indicatrix 416
Indices of a plane 13
Indices, hexagonal 14
Indices, Miller 13
Indium, structure 287
Insulators, properties, electrical 380—398
Insulators, properties, magnetic 407—414
Insulators, properties, optical 398—407
Insulators, structures 418—432
Interatomic distances, calculation 47
Intermediate phases 193 294—301
Intermetallic compounds 359—365
Internal-energy calculation 169—170
International Tables for X-ray Crystallography 46 445
Interplanar spacing 51
Interstitial atoms 64 95
Interstitial borides 303—304
Interstitial carbides 301—305
Interstitial hydrides 303—304
Interstitial nitrides 301—303
Interstitial phases 301—308
Interstitial solid solution 91
Inverse piezoelectric effect 386
Inversion center 19
Ion-dipole bond 218
ionic bond 216—218
Ionic conductivity 392—397
Ionic diffusion 393—396
Ionic polarizability 381
Ionic radii 437
Ionic radii, tables 439—440
Ionization potential 77
Ionization potential, use 80
Iron see "Fe"
Isogonal 37—38
Isometric (cubic) system 30
Isomorphism 90 91
Isostructural compounds 90
Isotypes 77n
Isotypic compounds 90
Jog 110
Jones, H. 277 296
Joule heat 337
Junctions, alloy 344
Junctions, diffusion 344
Junctions, metal-metal 339—340
Junctions, metal-semiconductor 340—344
Junctions, p-n 335 344—347
Junctions, properties 338—347
k space 249—250
Kagome nets 301
Kasper, J.S. 301 309
Kerr, Paul F. 415
Kinks 110
Kirkendall effect 396
Kittell, Charles 277 350 415
Knipping, P. 48
Kossel — Stranski theory 144—148
Kroeger, F.A. 118
Kronig — Penney model 245
Kronig, R. de L. 245
Lande, A. 79 226
Landschoff, R. 227
Langevin's equation 261
Langevin, P. 262
Large-angle boundaries 112—113
Larmor precession 413
Lattice array 10 32
Lattices, Bravais 38
Lattices, definition 10
Lattices, momentum 242
Lattices, plane 10 31—34
Lattices, reciprocal 249
Lattices, representation 11—12
Lattices, space 34—37
Laves phases 298—299
Laves polyhedron 298
Laves, Fritz 298
Lead azide, transformation 183
Lead sulfide 90
Left-handed form 8
Lenz's law 261
Lever rule 187
Leverenz, Humboldt W. 415
Lewis — Kossel theory 219
Lewis, Gilbert N. 218
Lifetime, bulk 330
Lifetime, carrier 330
Lifetime, effective 333
Lifetime, minority carrier 329—332
Lifetime, surface 330
Lineage boundary 96
Lineages 148—150
Lineages in CdS 150
Liquids 4
Liquidus line 187
Local field 385
Localized states 319 329
London, F. 223
Long-range order 174—179
Lorentz field 384
Lorentz force 383 414
Lorentz — Lorenz equation 399
Lorentz, H.A. 219 236 383
Losev, O.V. 362
Luminescence 337—338
MacKenzie, J.K. 139
Madelung constant 226
Madelung constant, calculation 235
Madelung, F. 226
Magnetic properties of insulators 407—411
Magnetic properties of metals 261—270
Magnetic resonance 411—414
magnetic susceptibility 261 407
Magnetic units 436
Magnetization, easy direction 268
Magnetization, hard direction 268
Majority carriers 324
Mallard, E. 154
Manganese, structures 286
Marcasite 3
Martensite, structure 306
Martius, Ursula M. 164 277
Matthiessen's rule 259
Mayer, J.E. 200 226
Mean free path 257
Mean free time 326
Mechanical properties 120—139
Mehl, Robert F. 199
Menter, J.W. 104
Mercury, structure 287
Metallic bond 216 219 221
Metallic orbital 229
Metallic radii 438
Metallic radii, table 441
Metalloid 279
Metals, bonding 219—221
Metals, conductivity 254—261
Metals, free-electron theory 236
Metals, properties 236—277
Metals, properties, magnetic 261—270
| Metals, structure 279—308
Metasilicates 426
Microscope, two-wavelength 2
Microstructure 121
Miers, H.A. 143
Miller indices 13
Minimal symmetry 30
Minority carriers 324
Mirror plane 18
Mirror-reflection line 31
Mitchell, Richard S. 365—377
MnS, structure 369
Mobility of charge carriers 325—329
Mobility, definition 260
Moduli of elasticity 126—127
Mohs scale 122 139
Molar polarizability 400
Molecular field 264 408
Molecular orbitals, method 225
Momentum lattice 240
Momentum space 242
Monoclinic system 30
Monotectic reaction 201
Morphology 23
Mosaic boundary 96
Mosaic crystal 94
Mott, N.F. 277
Multiple cell 11
Multiple slip 131
Muscovite, birefringence 404
N-type semiconductor 324
NaCl, defects 100
NaCl, growth 147
NaCl, slip system 131
NaCl, structure 87 361
Neel temperature 409—410
Neel, L. 411
Network formers 429
Network modifiers 429
Neutron diffraction 49
Newton, Sir Isaac 202
Nickel arsenide structure 368
NiO 90
NiO, conductivity 373
Nitrides, interstitial 301—303
Nitrides, transition metal 302
NMR 413
Nonreciprocity rule 290
Normal strain 126
Normal stress 125
Nucleation in solid 161
Nucleation, heterogeneous 196—199
Nucleation, homogeneous 196—197
Nucleus, atomic 4
Nucleus, effective charge 80
Nucleus, structure 74
Octahedral layer 70—72 298
Octahedral void, coordination 66
Octahedral void, coordination in body-centered cube 68
Octahedral void, definition 65
Ohm's law 123
Ohmic contact 343
Optic axis 400
Optical absorption in semiconductors 332—335
Optical properties of insulators 398—407
Orbitals 206 209
Order-disorder transitions 174—180 290—294
Ordinary ray 402
Orientation relationship 198
Orowan, E. 94
Orthorhombic system 30
Orthosilicates 426
Overlapping zones 251—252
Oxides 370—377 421—429
Oxyhalides 419
p-n junction 335 344—347
p-type semiconductors 324
Paraelectric effect 391
Parallelogram lattice 31
Paramagnetic susceptibility 262 407
Paramagnetism 262—264
Partial dislocations 107 117
Pattern theory 8
Pattern, representation 8
Pauli exclusion principle 208—210 241
Pauli, Wolfgang 210
Pauling's rules 83—86
Pauling, Linus 62 72 80 93 225 229 234 235 281 284 297 303 432 438
PbS 90
PbS, energy gap 367
PbS, structure 367
PbSe, energy gap 367
PbSe, structure 367
PbTe, energy gap 367
PbTe, structure 367
Pearlite 200 308
Pearlite: austenite interface 199
Peierls, R.E. 156
Peltier coefficient 339
Peltier effect 339
PEM effect 335
Penetration test 122
Penney, W.G. 245
Periodic potential, electrons in 244
Periodic table 210—214
periodicity 5 8—15
Peritectic 190
Peritectoid 201
Permanent deformation 122
Permanent dipole moments 381
Permittivity of dielectric 380
Permittivity of empty space 380
Perovskite structure 421
Perovskite-type compounds 421—423
Phase problem in crystallography 55
Phase rule 184—186
Phillips, F.C. 41
Phonon 24
Phonon interactions 98
Phosphorescence 337
Photoconductivity 333—335
Photoelectromagnetic effect 335
photoluminescence 338
Photovoltaic cell 335
Photovoltaic effect 335—338
Physical constants, table 435
Piezoelectric constant 387
Piezoelectricity 385—387
Pincherle, L. 377
Pinsker, Z.G. 49
Pitch of screw axes 21
Planck's constant 75 435
Planck's radiation law 75
Plane groups 30—34
Plane lattices 10 31—34
Plastic deformation 122 129—138
Point groups 23—30
Poisson's ratio 128
Polanyi, M. 94
Polarization 379
Polarization catastrophy 391
Polarization density 381
Polarization, electronic 381
Polarization, remnant 390
Polarization, spontaneous 390
Poly synthetic twin 164
Polygonization 111
Polygonization boundary 116
Polyhedral representation 70—72
Polyhedron, atomic 227
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