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Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids |
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Precipitation in alloys 198
Preferred orientation 124—125
Primitive cell 11
Primitive space lattice 34
Principal plane 125 402
Principal stress 125
probability density 205
Proper rotation axes 15—17
PtS, bonding model 370
Pyrex 429 430
Pyrite 3
Pyroelectric effect 388
Pyrosilicates 426
Pyroxene chains 426
Quantum efficiency 351
Quantum free-electron theory 237—241
Quantum mechanics, elements 202—214
Quantum numbers 75 207—208 210
Quartz, birefringence 404
Radcliffe, J.M. 377
Radiation law, Planck's 75
Radii, atomic 79—80
Radii, covalent 437
Radii, crystal 80
Radii, effective 78
Radii, metallic 438
Radii, nth orbit 76
Radii, tables, covalent 440
Radii, tables, crystal 438
Radii, tables, ionic 439—440
Radii, tables, metallic 441
Radii, univalent 80
Radius ratio 81 83
Radius-ratio limits 82
Ramsdell's notation 363
Ramsdell, L.S. 364
Rank of equipoints 43
Raynor, G.V. 285 297 309
Read, W.T., Jr. 118 135 139
Reciprocal space 249
Recombination centers 329 346
Reconstructive transformation 182
recovery process 161
Recrystallization 161—162
Rectangular lattice 31
Rectifying contact 342
Reflection of an object 9
Reflection plane 18
Refraction of light 398—400
Refractive indices 401
Refractory carbides 303
Remnant polarization 390
Repetition of an object 9
Repetition of an object by rotation 15—17
Repetition of an object by translation 9—11
Repulsive energy 275
Repulsive forces 225
Residual resistance 259
resistivity 257
Resonance frequency, piezoelectric 386
Resonance postulate 217 224
Resonance, cyclotron 414
Resonance, electron paramagnetic 414
Resonance, ferromagnetic 417
Resonance, nuclear magnetic 413
Resonance, paramagnetic 412—413
Retrogression 201
Reverse bias 341 346
Rhines, Frederick N. 200
Rhombohedral lattice 34—38
Rhombohedral subsystem 36
Rhombus lattice 32
Rice, O.K. 93
Right-handed form 8
Roberts, B.W. 164
Romeijn, F.C. 377
Rontgen, W.K. 48
Rotation axes 15—22
Rotation axes, improper 18—20
Rotation axes, proper 15—17
Rotation axes, screw 20—22
Rotation axes, screw, pitch 21
Rotation, hindered 385
Rotational transformation 182
Rotoinversion axes 18—20
Rotoreflection axes 18—20
Rundle, R.E. 303
Ruskin, John 7
Rutherford, Sir Ernest 74
Rutile 85
S - N rule 218
Scattering factor 52
Scattering, directions 49
Scattering, in-phase 50—51
Scattering, X-ray 48—53
Schmid's law 133
Schmid, E. 133
Schoenflies notation 39
Schoenflies symbols, table 442—445
Schoenflies, Arthur M. 6 39
Schottky defects 95 99—101 392
Schroedinger equation 205 223 238
Schroedinger theory 203—206
Schroedinger, E. 204
Scott, G.G. 269
Scratch test 122
Screening effect 80
Screw axes 20—22
Screw dislocation 105
Seebeck effect 340
Seitz, Frederick 118 227 276
Selenium, structure 358
Self-diffusion 393 396
Semiconducting bond 360
Semiconductors, breakdown in 397
Semiconductors, conductivity 321—338
Semiconductors, electron-defect 373
Semiconductors, electron-excess 372
Semiconductors, extrinsic 318—321
Semiconductors, intrinsic 313—318
Semiconductors, lifetime 329—332
Semiconductors, mobility 325—329
semiconductors, N-type 324
semiconductors, P-type 324
Semiconductors, properties 310—353
Semiconductors, structures 353—377
Shear fracture 138
shear modulus 126
Shear plane 159
Shear strain 126
Shear stress 125
Shear, critical resolved 133
Sheet texture 124
Shockley, W. 118 350
Shoemaker, D.P. 301
Short-range order 174 179—180
Si, conductivity 325
Si, energy gap 356
Si, structure 355
Si, transmissivity of infrared 332
SIC 362—365
SiC, polytypes, table 363
Side-centered lattices 34—38
Sigma phases 299—301
Silicate glasses 430—431
Silicates 83 424—428
Silicates, birefringence 404
Silicates, classification 428
Silicon see "Si"
Size effect, atomic 289
| Slater, John C. 200 225 233 234 267 277
Slip plane 108
Slip striae 130
Slip system 131
Small-angle boundaries 113—116
Small-angle boundaries in Ge 115
Smekal, A. 95
Smith, Cyril S. 113
Smoluchowski, R. 200
Smyth, Charles P. 415
Snell's law 399
Snowflakes 1—2
Sodium chloride see "Halite structure" "NaCl"
Sodium, energy bands 233
Solid solutions 90—91 186—193
Solid solutions, interstitial 91
Solid solutions, omission 91
Solid solutions, substitutional 90 186—193
Solidus line 187
Sommerfeld, A. 241
Space groups 37—40
Space lattices 10 34—38
Space-charge region 343
Space-group determination 54 73
Space-group symbols, definition 40
Space-group symbols, table 442—445
Special positions 45
Specific heat, Debye 273—274
Specific heat, Einstein 271—272 274
Specific heat, electronic 271
Specific heat, theories 270—274
Spectrographic designations 210
Spectroscopic splitting factor 412
Spenke, Eberhard 350
Sphalerite 88—89
Sphalerite structure 88 89 360
Sphalerite-type compounds 359—361
Spin-lattice interaction 413
Spin-spin interactions 412
Spin-structure interaction 413n
Spinel structure 375
Spontaneous polarization 390
Sproull, Robert L. 276 350
Square lattice 82
Stacking faults 96 116—117
standing waves 203
Stannite 92
Stanworth, J.E. 432
Steel 304—309
Stirling's formula 99
Strain, normal 126
Strain, shear 126
Stranski, I.N. 144 147
Stress, fracture 138
Stress, normal 125
Stress, principal 125
Stress, shear 125
Structure factor 53
Structure of insulators 418—432
Structure of metals 279—309
Structure of semiconductors 353—377
Structure-insensitive properties 120
Structure-sensitive properties 120
Subgroups 40—41
Substitutional solid solutions 289—290
Substitutional structures 92
Substitutional transformation 182
Subtranslation 34
Sulfides 365—370
Sulfur, structure 358
Superconductivity 257n
Supercooled melt 148
Superexchange interaction 411
Supergroups 40—41
Superlattice 177 292
Superlattice reflections 178
Surface states 352
Surface tension 113
Susceptibility, antiferromagnetic 409—410
Susceptibility, atomic 261
Susceptibility, electric 381
Susceptibility, ferromagnetic 408
Susceptibility, magnetic 261
Susceptibility, paramagnetic 262 407
Symmetry 5
Symmetry center 19
Symmetry groups 23—41
Symmetry groups, plane 30—34
Symmetry groups, point 23—30
Symmetry groups, space 37—40
Symmetry line 9
Symmetry, diagnostic 30n
Symmetry, minimal 30
Symmetry, rotational 16
Symmetry, translation 9—11
Systematic absences 73
Systems, crystal 30
Taylor — Orowan dislocation 104
Taylor, G.I. 94
Tensor 123
Ternary alloys 297—298
Tetragonal system 30
Tetrahedral layers 70—72
Tetrahedral void in body-centered cube 69
Tetrahedral void, coordination 66
Tetrahedral void, definition 65
Texture 124—125
Thallium, structure 287
Thermal properties 270—276
Thermocouple 340
Thermodynamics, elements 166—172
Thermoelectric emf 340
Thermoluminescence 338
Third power law 274
Thomson, J.J. 74 204n
Throw of an axis 16
Tie line 187
Tin, gray, energy gap 356
Tin, gray, structure 355
Tin, white, structure 288
Titanates 376
Torsion modulus 126
Total reflection 399
Transformation kinetics 194—195
Transformation rates 194—195
Transformation twins 160—161
Transformations in crystals 166—200
Transformations, complex structures 180—183
Transformations, equilibrium 172—183
Transformations, first-order 172—174
Transformations, high-low 182
Transformations, lambda 173
Transformations, lead azide 183
Transformations, order-disorder 174—180
Transformations, rotational 182
Transformations, second-order 172—174
Transformations, substitutional 182
Transformations, types 181
Transistors, junction 348—350
Transistors, point-contact 347
Transistors, type A 347
Transit time 334
Transition metals, conductivity 256
Transition metals, structure 283
Transition metals, structure, electronic 213
Transition region 345
Transition-metal carbides 303
Transition-metal hydrides 303
Translation gliding 134
Translation, conjugate 11
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