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McGrath K., Stubbs P., Carter E. — Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office for Mere Mortals: A VBA Developer's Guide to Microsoft Office Development Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office
McGrath K., Stubbs P., Carter E. — Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office for Mere Mortals: A VBA Developer's Guide to Microsoft Office Development Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office

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Íàçâàíèå: Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office for Mere Mortals: A VBA Developer's Guide to Microsoft Office Development Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office

Àâòîðû: McGrath K., Stubbs P., Carter E.


VSTO for Mere Mortals is for VBA developers who are interested in migrating their skills to the next generation of Office development. Readers will benefit from a straightforward, practical introduction to writing managed code applications for Word 2003, Excel 2003, and Outlook 2003. Readers will also learn how to create add-ins for the most popular applications for Office 2003 and the 2007 Microsoft Office system using VSTO 2005 SE.

The expert authors provide a wealth of code samples that show off popular features of VSTO, such as smart tags and the actions pane. Sample code also shows you how to customize the new UI features of the 2007 Microsoft Office system, including the ribbon, custom task pane, and Outlook forms region.

VBA developers will walk away with

* A greater understanding of managed code and the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE)
* Multiple demonstrations on how to create document-level customizations for Word 2003 and Excel 2003, using view controls, data binding, and the actions pane
* A comprehensive overview of add-in development for Outlook 2003
* Useful information on securing and deploying solutions created with VSTO and VSTO 2005 SE
* A thorough explanation on how to migrate VBA solutions to Visual Basic 2005 and VSTO
* Numerous details on customizing the ribbon, custom task pane, and Outlook form regions by developing VSTO 2005 SE add-ins for the 2007 Microsoft Office system

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.NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool      501
.NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool, deploying solutions      519—523
.NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool, levels of security      502
.NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool, VSTO Projects node, Properties page      502—505
.NET Framework Class Library, building applications      108—109
.NET Framework Class Library, class inheritance      108
.NET Framework Class Library, fully qualifying classes      116—117 120
.NET Framework Class Library, namespaces      118
.NET Framework Class Library, namespaces, hierarchical      116
.NET Framework Class Library, objects      92
.NET Framework, application domains      111
.NET Framework, assemblies      109 120
.NET Framework, CAS (code access security)      14
.NET Framework, CAS (code access security), full trust permissions      62—63
.NET Framework, CAS (code access security), versus role-based security      114
.NET Framework, code snippets      135—136
.NET Framework, common language runtime      111
.NET Framework, common language runtime, Common Language Runtime Exception      64
.NET Framework, common language runtime, compilation      112
.NET Framework, common language runtime, exception handling      112—113
.NET Framework, common language runtime, garbage collection      114
.NET Framework, common language runtime, reflection      113
.NET Framework, controls      see “Windows Forms controls”
.NET Framework, deployment requirements      506
.NET Framework, generic classes      103—104
.NET Framework, managed code      89—91
.NET Framework, mapping data types      142
.NET Framework, namespaces      109—111
.NET Framework, objects      see “Host controls”
.NET Framework, partial classes      101—103
.NET Framework, security policies      492
.NET Reflector      113
.OST files      486
.snippet file extension      136
AcceptButton property      161
Action object, Click and BeforeCaptionShow events      434—435
Actions pane controls      183—184
Actions pane controls, adding data      201—202
Actions pane controls, adding text      202—203
Actions pane controls, adding values      203—204
Actions pane controls, adding with dragging or menu      180—181
Actions pane controls, adding with smart tags      426
Actions pane controls, multiple controls      190 198—199
Actions pane controls, showing/hiding      199—200
Actions pane controls, stacking order      190—194
Actions panes, accessing documents from panes      186—190 (see also “Custom task pane” “Document “Task
Actions panes, accessing panes from documents      184—186 (see also “Custom task pane” “Document “Task
Actions panes, containers      177 (see also “Custom task pane” “Document “Task
Actions panes, document-centric      182 (see also “Custom task pane” “Document “Task “Document “Task
Actions panes, positioning      178—179 (see also “Custom task pane” “Document “Task
Actions panes, showing/hiding      179—180 (see also “Custom task pane” “Document “Task
Actions panes, solutions, creating      182—183 (see also “Custom task pane” “Document “Task
Actions panes, solutions, designing      180—181 (see also “Custom task pane” “Document “Task
Actions panes, using ActionsPane object      176 (see also “Custom task pane” “Document “Task
Actions property      426—429
ActionsPane objects      174—179
ActionsPane objects, controls      388—390
Activate events/event handlers, Chart controls      333
Activate events/event handlers, Outlook      482
ActivateEvent events/event handlers, chartsheets      341 342
ActivateEvent events/event handlers, documents      259
ActivateEvent events/event handlers, workbooks      342
ActivateEvent events/event handlers, worksheets      336 337—339
ActiveDocument object      208
ActiveX controls versus Windows Forms controls      152—156
ActiveX controls versus Windows Forms controls, functionality changes      162—170
ActiveX controls versus Windows Forms controls, members      156—162
Add methods      169
Add-in interface      582
Add-in interface, Active and Disabled Application Add-ins      584
Add-in project templates      13—14 21—22 460 463—466
Add-in project templates, VSTO 2005 SE      21—22
AddBookmark methods      226—228
AddChart methods      298—299
AddControl helper methods      406 413
AddCustomization methods      125
AddinInstall and AddinUninstall events/events      342
AddinLoader.dll      462—463 492—493 581
AddListObject methods      298—299
AddNamedRange methods      298—299
AddressEntry properties      494
AddressEntry/Entries properties      494
AddTextBox helper methods      406
ADO.NET classes, System.Data namespace      118
ADO.NET classes, TableAdapter object      316
AdvancedSearchComplete events/event handlers      482
AdvancedSearchStopped events/event handlers      482
AfterInsert events/event handlers, XMLNode and XMLNodes controls      252
AfterXmlExport events/event handlers      342
Aliases, data types      140
Aliases, determined by primary Interop assemblies      121—122
Aliases, namespaces      110—111 117
AndAlso operators      139
Appearance property      160
Application domains      14 64 111 462
Application manifests, assemblies      124
Application manifests, deployment      510—512 518
Application objects      276
Application objects, accessing through ThisAddin class      579
Application objects, Outlook      459 464 475—476
Application objects, Outlook, events      481—482
Application-level solutions, add-ins      17 578
Application-level solutions, templates in default VSTO installation      4
AppointmentItem property      480 494
Arguments, properties      148—149
ArrayList class      118
Arrays, reference types      115—116
Arrays, variables      147—148
arrays, zero-based      145
Assemblies      4 109
Assemblies, full trust permissions      125
Assemblies, referencing      117 119 120
Assemblies, reflection      113
Assemblies, single assemblies (DLL files), document properties      124—125
Assemblies, single assemblies (DLL files), manifests      124
Assemblies, stored code      120
Assemblies, VSTO assembly association      124—125
AssemblyInfo.vb file      66—67
AssemblyLocation property      124—125 559—560
AssemblyName property      124—125 559—560
Asynchronous files      118
Attributes      113
Auto-completion of keywords/enumerations      28—56
Auto-generated code      71—72 102
Autos window, Debug menu      80—81
BackColor property      159
BackgroundWorker controls      368
BackStyle property      159
Base classes, inheritance      107—108
Base classes, overriding methods      108
Base classes, System namespace      118
BeforeAddDataBoundRow events/event handlers      324 327
BeforeCaptionShow event      434—435
BeforeClose events/event handlers, documents      259—260
BeforeClose events/event handlers, workbooks      342 345
BeforeDelete events/event handlers      253
BeforeDoubleClick events/event handlers, Bookmark controls      240—246
BeforeDoubleClick events/event handlers, Chart controls      333
BeforeDoubleClick events/event handlers, chartsheets      341
BeforeDoubleClick events/event handlers, documents      260
BeforeDoubleClick events/event handlers, ListObject controls      324 328
BeforeDoubleClick events/event handlers, NamedRange controls      321 322—323
BeforeDoubleClick events/event handlers, worksheets      336
BeforeDoubleClick events/event handlers, XMLMappedRange controls      332
BeforeMinimize events/event handlers      482
BeforeMove events/event handlers      482
BeforePrint events/event handlers, documents      260—261
BeforePrint events/event handlers, workbooks      343 345
BeforeRightClick events/event handlers, Bookmark controls      246—248
BeforeRightClick events/event handlers, Chart controls      333
BeforeRightClick events/event handlers, chartsheets      341
BeforeRightClick events/event handlers, documents      261
BeforeRightClick events/event handlers, ListObject controls      324 328—329
BeforeRightClick events/event handlers, NamedRange controls      321
BeforeRightClick events/event handlers, worksheets      336
BeforeRightClick events/event handlers, XMLMappedRange controls      332
BeforeSave events/event handlers, documents      261
BeforeSave events/event handlers, workbooks      343
BeforeSize events/event handlers      482
BeforeXmlExport and BeforeXmlImport events/event, handlers      343
Binding      see “Data binding”
BindingContent property      297
BindingContext objects      253—254
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, Bookmark controls      248—249
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, Chart controls      333
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, chartsheets      341
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, documents      262
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, ListObject controls      324
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, NamedRange controls      321
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, Outlook      482
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, workbooks      343
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, worksheets      337
BindingContextChanged events/event handlers, XMLMappedRange controls      332
BindingNavigator controls      368
BindingSource controls      315 317 369
Bookmark controls      9 219
Bookmark controls, adding at design time      220—223
Bookmark controls, adding at run time      226—228
Bookmark controls, control persistence      228—229
Bookmark controls, events/event handlers      240—251
Bookmark controls, helper functions      231—232
Bookmark controls, view controls      543—544
Bookmark objects, combining with Range objects      265—268
Bookmark objects, overlapping bookmarks      268—269
Bookmark objects, VSTO versus Interop bookmarks      266—268
BOOLEAN data type      115—116 118
Bootstrapper component, Setup project solutions      525
Bootstrapper component, VSTO 2005 SE addition      582
BorderAround methods      276
BorderStyle property      382
Break mode, available windows      67—68
Break mode, stepping through code      70
breakpoints      68—69 71
BringToFront methods      156
Build menu, Build Solution      61—62
Build menu, Clean Solution      62—63
Build menu, Rebuild      62—63
Build process, Error List Options window      62
Build process, project file output      61—62
Build process, Release or Debug application versions      62
Button controls      119 155 161 369
Button controls, adding graphics      355—361
Button controls, creating      352—355
Button controls, ribbon      604
Button controls, state      357
Byte data type      115
ByVal keyword      146
C++, moving to Visual C#      129—130
C++, unmanaged code      89
CachedDataHostItem class      565
CachedDataItem class      565—567
CacheInDocument property      239 319
Calculate events/event handlers, Chart controls      333
Calculate events/event handlers, chartsheets      341
Calculate events/event handlers, worksheets      337
Call Stack window, Debug menu      67—68
CancelButton property      161
Caption property      148 155 159 427 435
CAS (code access security)      14
CAS (code access security), code group permissions      500—505 519—523
CAS (code access security), full trust permissions      62—63 500 519—521
CAS (code access security), versus role-based security      114
CASPOL security      519 522 526—527
CATCH blocks      112—113 150—152
Change events/event handlers, chartsheets      341
Change events/event handlers, ListObject controls      324 329
Change events/event handlers, NamedRange controls      321
Change events/event handlers, worksheets      337
Change events/event handlers, XMLMappedRange controls      332
ChangeView methods      623
CHAR data type      115—116
Character recognition with regular expressions      444—446
Chart controls      9 286
Chart controls, adding at design time      291—292
Chart controls, adding at run time      300—301
Chart controls, events/event handlers      333—336
Chart controls, events/event handlers, order of events      347
Chart Wizard      291 399
Chartsheet host items/chartsheets      285
Chartsheet host items/chartsheets, adding      306
Chartsheet host items/chartsheets, events/event handlers      341—342
Chartsheet host items/chartsheets, events/event handlers, order of events      347
checkbox controls      155 160 369
CheckBox controls, members      157—158
CheckBox controls, ribbon      604—605
CheckedListBox controls      369
CheckSpelling method      218
class constructors      97—98
class modules      44
Classes, assemblies      109 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
classes, encapsulation      106—107 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
classes, events      91 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, events, adding      100—101 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, fully qualifying      116—117 120 “Generic “Partial
Classes, implementing interfaces      105 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
classes, inheritance      107—108 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
classes, instantiation      92—93 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
classes, members      91 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, members, private variables      93 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
classes, methods      91 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, methods, global      105 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, methods, public and private      98—99 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
classes, namespaces      110 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
classes, properties      91 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, properties, creating      93—94 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, properties, global      105 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, reference types      115—116 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, System.Collections namespace      118 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Classes, Visual Studio project items      44 (see also “Collection classes” “Generic “Partial
Clean Solution command, Build menu      62—63
Clear/ClearData methods      571—572
Click event/events/event handlers      434—435
Click event/events/event handlers, CommandButton versus Button      244—245
ClickOnce manifests      511
Close methods      138
CloseEvent events/event handlers      262
CLS (Common Language Specification)      114—115
CLS (Common Language Specification), data types      140
Code      see “Managed code” “Unmanaged
Code access security      see “CAS”
Code Access Security Policy tool      500
Code Editor, Complete Word feature      56—57
Code Editor, Insert Snippet      135—136
Code Editor, View Designer      23
code files      see “Auto-generated code” “Default “Hidden
Code modules, global methods and properties      105—106
Code Snippet Editor      651
code snippets      59—60 135—136
Code Snippets Manager      653—655
Code snippets, creating      651—653
Code snippets, importing      653—654
code snippets, inserting      654—655
code-behind files      16
Codezone Community list box, Search, Help menu      84
Collection classes, generic      104
Collection classes, System.Collections namespace      118
Collection classes, zero-based      145
CollectionBase class      118
ColorDialog controls      369
Colors for controls, Visual Basic 2005, versus VBA      163—165
1 2 3 4 5 6
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