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McGrath K., Stubbs P., Carter E. — Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office for Mere Mortals: A VBA Developer's Guide to Microsoft Office Development Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office
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Íàçâàíèå: Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office for Mere Mortals: A VBA Developer's Guide to Microsoft Office Development Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office
Àâòîðû: McGrath K., Stubbs P., Carter E.
Àííîòàöèÿ: VSTO for Mere Mortals is for VBA developers who are interested in migrating their skills to the next generation of Office development. Readers will benefit from a straightforward, practical introduction to writing managed code applications for Word 2003, Excel 2003, and Outlook 2003. Readers will also learn how to create add-ins for the most popular applications for Office 2003 and the 2007 Microsoft Office system using VSTO 2005 SE.
The expert authors provide a wealth of code samples that show off popular features of VSTO, such as smart tags and the actions pane. Sample code also shows you how to customize the new UI features of the 2007 Microsoft Office system, including the ribbon, custom task pane, and Outlook forms region.
VBA developers will walk away with
* A greater understanding of managed code and the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE)
* Multiple demonstrations on how to create document-level customizations for Word 2003 and Excel 2003, using view controls, data binding, and the actions pane
* A comprehensive overview of add-in development for Outlook 2003
* Useful information on securing and deploying solutions created with VSTO and VSTO 2005 SE
* A thorough explanation on how to migrate VBA solutions to Visual Basic 2005 and VSTO
* Numerous details on customizing the ribbon, custom task pane, and Outlook form regions by developing VSTO 2005 SE add-ins for the 2007 Microsoft Office system
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007
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Exception handling, error messages for UI customizations 592—593
Exception handling, exceptions thrown 64
Exception handling, InvalidCastException error 470
Exception handling, On Error statements 150 152
Exception handling, Try Catch statements 112—113
Exception handling, Visual Basic 2005 versus VBA 150—152
Exceptions, Debug menu 63 64
execute method 494
Exit Try keywords 113
Explorer object, Outlook 477
Explorer object, Outlook, events/event handlers 482
Expressions see “Regular expressions”
Expressions property, regular expressions 427
Expressions property, regular expressions, adding collections 427 444
Expressions property, regular expressions, overriding smart tag recognizers 447
Expressions property, regular expressions, recognizing phrases 436—440
extended objects 7
Extended objects, Object Browser 46—47
Extended objects, unique names 92
FaceID property 355
Fields see “Private member variables”
File class 118
FileList collection 384—385
FileSystemWatcher controls 371
Filters, breakpoints 69
finally blocks 113 150—151
Find method 494
FindForm methods 155
Fixed-length strings 145
FlowLayoutPanel controls 371
Focus methods 156
FolderBrowseDialog controls 371 382—385
FollowHyperlink events/event handlers 337 339—340
Font controls 163
FontDialog controls 371
for loops 137
ForeColor property 164—165
Form regions 638—641
Form regions, controls 646—649
Form regions, registering manifests 642—643
Form regions, Startup class 643—646
Frame control members 157—158
FromOADate methods, Date data type 141
Full trust permissions, assemblies 125
Full trust permissions, CAS (code access security) 62—63
Functions 119 144
GACs (global assembly caches) 109
GACs (global assembly caches), primary Interop assemblies 121 122
Gallery controls, ribbon 606—608
Garbage collection 114
Garbage collection, Using/End Using statements 137—138
GC class, garbage collection 114
GC.Collect() methods 114
General Windows Forms controls 366
Generic classes 103—104 118 “Partial
GetCustomUI method 590
GetDate methods 142
GetFocus event 156
GetImage method 600—602
GetMember method 494
Global assembly caches see “GACs”
Global methods and properties 105
Globals class 182 539
Goto statements 275
GroupBox controls 11 371 402—404
GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) 124—125
Handle property 155
Handles clause 168
handling exceptions see “Exception handling”
Heap 115
Height property 155 166
Help Favorites, Help menu 82
Help menu, Contents 82—83 84
Help menu, Dynamic Help 87
Help menu, Help Favorites 82
Help menu, How Do I 85—86
Help menu, Index 83—84
Help menu, Index Results 82\
Help menu, Search 84—85
Helper functions, Bookmark controls 231—232
Helper methods 297—300 406 412—413
HelpProvider controls 371
Hidden code files 40—41
Hidden code files, partial classes 71—102
Hidden code files, separating auto-generated from self-written code 71—72
Host controls 7 8—10
Host controls, accessing from underlying Interop object, Excel 303—305
Host controls, accessing from underlying Interop object, Word 229—232
Host controls, accessing Interop objects from controls, Excel 305—306
Host controls, accessing Interop objects from controls, Word 232—233
Host controls, adding at design time, Excel 286—296
Host controls, adding at design time, Word 220—226
Host controls, adding at run time, Excel 297—300
Host controls, adding at run time, Word 226—229
Host controls, binding data to controls, Excel 308—319
Host controls, binding data to controls, Word 233—239
Host controls, control persistence, Excel 301—303
Host controls, control persistence, Word 228—229
Host controls, deleting, Excel 296
Host controls, Excel 285 286
Host controls, Excel, Controls collection 8—9
Host controls, Toolbox list 51
Host controls, Word 218—220
Host items 7 8—10
Host items, containers 218—219
How Do I, Help menu 85—86
HScrollBar controls 155 162 372
HWnd property 155
IDataAdapter interface 118
IDbConnection interface 118
IDTExtensibility and IDTExtensibility2 interfaces, COM (Component Object Model) 14 16 460—462
IL (intermediate language) 109
IL (Intermediate Language), Just-In-Time compiler 112
IL (Intermediate Language), viewing with ILDASM tool 113
ILDASM tool 113
Image property 156
ImageControl controls 155 162
ImageList controls 372
Immediate window, Debug menu 81
Implements keyword 105
Import and Export Settings Wizard 28—29
Imports statement 120 564—565
Index Results, Help menu 84
Index, Help menu 83—84
InfoPath, ribbon 586
InfoPath, templates 4 21—22
InfoPath, toolkit 18
Inheritance, base and derived classes 107—108
inheritance, polymorphism 108
InitializeWithWindowsUser methods 132
Inline Shape objects 402
InnerObject methods 229
Inspector property 495
inspectors 478
Inspectors, CommandBars/CommandBarButtons 657—664
Inspectors, events/event handlers 482
Install Wizard 525
Instantiation of classes 92—93
Integer data type 115 141 142
Integer data type, converting to String 143—144
Integrated Development Environment see “Visual Studio IDE”
Intellisense 53—54
IntelliSense, code snippets 59—60 135—136
IntelliSense, Complete Word feature 56—57
IntelliSense, displaying available methods and properties 142
IntelliSense, edit and continue 61
IntelliSense, Error List Options window 57—58
IntelliSense, IntelliSense XML files 55
IntelliSense, List Members list 54—55
IntelliSense, Outlook 473—474
IntelliSense, parameter info 55
IntelliSense, Quick Info tool 54
IntelliSense, ribbon controls 602—603
IntelliSense, smart tag panels 58
IntelliSense, tool tips 55
IntelliSense, variables, specified or unspecified 147—148
IntelliSense, Windows Forms controls helper methods 412
intermediate language see “IL”
Interop assemblies, PIA (primary Interop assemblies) 121—123
Interop assemblies, stored code 120
Interop bookmarks versus VSTO, bookmarks 228—229 266—268
Interop objects, accessing from controls 305—306
Interop objects, accessing, controls from underlying objects 303—305
Interop objects, adding 297—300
Interop objects, wrapping native objects 219
InvalidCastException error 470
IRibbonExtensibility 590
ISmartDocument interface 13 269
ISmartTagAction interface 417
ISmartTagRecognizer interface 417
IsNot operators 139
IStartup Interface 461—462
Item property 149
Items collection, Outlook 479—481
ItemSend events/event handlers 481 482
JournalItem property 480
Just My Code debugging 71
Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, debugging code 64
Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, IL (Intermediate Language) 112
label controls 155 157 159 187 372
late binding 141 543
Late binding, variables 148
Leave event 156
Libraries, .NET Framework Class Library, building applications 108—109
Libraries, .NET Framework Class Library, class inheritance 108
Libraries, .NET Framework Class Library, objects 92
LinkLabel controls 372 382—384
List objects 92
List Properties/Methods (VBE) 54
ListBox controls 119 155 157 159—160 372
ListObject controls 9 286
ListObject controls, adding, data-bound controls 312—313
ListObject controls, addingat design time 288—290
ListObject controls, addingat run time 297—299
ListObject controls, BindingSource controls 315
ListObject controls, disconnecting data sources 317—318
ListObject controls, events/event handlers 324—331
ListObject controls, events/event handlers, order of events 347
ListStyle property 159
ListView controls 372
Load events/event handlers 243—244
Local/local deployment model 509
Local/remote deployment model 509—510
Locals window, Debug menu 67
Location of controls, Visual Basic 2005 versus VBA 165—166
Location property 167
logical operators 85
long data type 115 141 142
LostFocus event 156
Macro recording, converting VBA macros to Visual Basic 279—281
Macro recording, converting VBA macros to Visual Basic in VSTO 209—213
Macro recording, converting VBA macros to VSTO add-ins 467—470
Macro recording, Office object model 278
MailItem property 480 495
MailMerge events/event handlers 263
Managed code 89 120
Managed code, benefits 90—91
Managed code, primary Interop assemblies 120—123
Managed code, single assemblies (DLL files) 124—125
Managed code, versus unmanaged code 120
Manifests, add-ins 582
Manifests, application 510—512 518
Manifests, application, assemblies 124
Manifests, deployment 510—512 518
Manifests, form regions 642—643
Manifests, UpdateManifest action project 526
MAPIFolder object 478
MAPILogonComplete events/event handlers 482
MaskedTextBox controls 373
masks 355—356
Math class 118
Me keyword 208
MeetingItem property 495
Member pane 47—48
Members of assemblies 113
Members of classes 91 93
Members, ActiveX versus Windows Forms controls 156—162
Memory management, garbage collection 114
Memory management, heap 115
Memory management, stack 115
Menus and Toolbars Windows Forms controls 366—367
Menus/menu items, context menus 246—247
Menus/menu items, creating 361—365
Menus/menu items, Menus and Toolbars Windows Forms controls 366—367
Menus/menu items, Outlook 482—486
Menus/menu items, ribbon controls 608—609
Menus/menu items, Visual Studio IDE 32—35
MenuStrip controls 373
MessageQueue controls 373
metadata tags 113
Methods, global 105—106
Methods, IntelliSense 55
methods, objects 91
Methods, overloading 97 146
Methods, passing parameters 145—146
Methods, public and private 98—99
Methods, restricted 493 494
Methods, Visual Basic 2005 versus VBA 145—146
Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) 84
Microsoft Document Explorer, Help menu, Contents 82—83 84
Microsoft Document Explorer, Help menu, Dynamic Help 87
Microsoft Document Explorer, Help menu, Help Favorites 82
Microsoft Document Explorer, Help menu, How Do I 85—86
Microsoft Document Explorer, Help menu, Index 83—84
Microsoft Document Explorer, Help menu, Index Results 82
Microsoft Document Explorer, Help menu, Search 84—85
Microsoft Office 2003 Setup Advanced Customization of Applications 121—123
Microsoft Office 2003 Setup Advanced Customization of Applications, Maintenance Mode Options 121 123
Microsoft Office System 2003 Professional SP1 506
Microsoft PSS VSTO 2005 Client Troubleshooter 507—509 511—513
Microsoft Visual Basic Developer Center 651
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel namespace 48
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel namespace, native workbooks, worksheets, and chartsheets 285
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll PIA 121 122 274
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook namespace 48
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll PIA 121 122
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word namespace 48 219
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll PIA 121 122 208
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel namespace 48
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel namespace, host items and controls 285
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel namespace, IntelliSense tool tips 55
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Action 423—424 426—427
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Action, smart tags 423—424 426—427
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ExcelLocale1033 307
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ListObject 304
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.SmartTag 422 423
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Outlook namespace 48
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word namespace 48
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word namespace, IntelliSense tool tips 55
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word namespace, Toolbox controls 51
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word namespace, VSTO objects or controls 219
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Action 426—427
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.SmartTag 422 423
migration tools 130
Modifiers property 239
Modules, VBA project items 44
MonthCalendar controls 191 254—255 373
MouseClick events/event handlers 187—188
MouseDown events/event handlers, Chart controls 333 335