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McGrath K., Stubbs P., Carter E. — Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office for Mere Mortals: A VBA Developer's Guide to Microsoft Office Development Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office
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Íàçâàíèå: Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office for Mere Mortals: A VBA Developer's Guide to Microsoft Office Development Using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office
Àâòîðû: McGrath K., Stubbs P., Carter E.
Àííîòàöèÿ: VSTO for Mere Mortals is for VBA developers who are interested in migrating their skills to the next generation of Office development. Readers will benefit from a straightforward, practical introduction to writing managed code applications for Word 2003, Excel 2003, and Outlook 2003. Readers will also learn how to create add-ins for the most popular applications for Office 2003 and the 2007 Microsoft Office system using VSTO 2005 SE.
The expert authors provide a wealth of code samples that show off popular features of VSTO, such as smart tags and the actions pane. Sample code also shows you how to customize the new UI features of the 2007 Microsoft Office system, including the ribbon, custom task pane, and Outlook forms region.
VBA developers will walk away with
* A greater understanding of managed code and the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE)
* Multiple demonstrations on how to create document-level customizations for Word 2003 and Excel 2003, using view controls, data binding, and the actions pane
* A comprehensive overview of add-in development for Outlook 2003
* Useful information on securing and deploying solutions created with VSTO and VSTO 2005 SE
* A thorough explanation on how to migrate VBA solutions to Visual Basic 2005 and VSTO
* Numerous details on customizing the ribbon, custom task pane, and Outlook form regions by developing VSTO 2005 SE add-ins for the 2007 Microsoft Office system
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2007
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 689
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007
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MouseDown events/event handlers, chartsheets 341
MouseMove events/event handlers, Chart controls 333
MouseMove events/event handlers, chartsheets 341
MousePointer property 155
MouseUp events/event handlers, Chart controls 334 335—336
MouseUp events/event handlers, chartsheets 341
Move methods 156 167
MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) 84
msi files 525
MUI (Multilingual User Interface) pack 307
MultiLine property 382
Multilingual User Interface (MUI) pack 307
MultiPage controls 153 155 161
My Computer Zone 111
My objects 131—135
MyProject node 48
Name property 288
NamedRange controls 9 10 286
NamedRange controls, adding at design time 287—290
NamedRange controls, adding at run time 300—301
NamedRange controls, adding, data-bound controls 311—313
NamedRange controls, BindingSource controls 315
NamedRange controls, control persistence 301—303
NamedRange controls, deleting 296
NamedRange controls, disconnecting data sources 317—318
NamedRange controls, events/event handlers 320—324
NamedRange controls, events/event handlers, order of events 347
NameSpace object 476—477
Namespace property 496
Namespaces 109—111
Namespaces, aliases 117
Namespaces, aliases, primary Interop assemblies 121—122
namespaces, hierarchical 116
Namespaces, List Members list 54
Namespaces, versus Outlook NameSpace object 121—476
New events/event handlers, documents 263—264
New events/event handlers, workbooks 343
New keyword, class instances 93 97
New keyword, initializing array members 147
New Project dialog box, Templates pane 18 30—31
NewMail events/event handlers 481 482
NewMailEx events/event handlers 481 482
NewSheet events/event handlers 343
NoteItem property 480
NotifyIcon controls 373
NullReferenceException 151—152
numeric data types 115—116
NumericUpDown controls 155 162 373
Object Browser 46—47
Object Browser, Description pane 48
Object Browser, Member pane 47—48
Object Browser, namespaces 48
Object Browser, Objects pane 47
Object Browser, Search menu 47
Object data type 142 274
Object pane 47
Object-Oriented Programming 91 106
Objects, .NET Framework class library 92
objects, assigning to variables 149
Objects, CLS (Common Language Specification) 114—115
Objects, events/event handlers 91
Objects, fully qualifying 116—117 120
Objects, instantiation 92
objects, methods 91 142
objects, namespaces 109—111
objects, properties 91 142
Objects, strings as objects 142—144
Objects, System namespace 118
Objects, System.Collections namespace 118
Office 2003 and 2005 applications, VSTO 2005 SE, add-ins 4—5 7—8 13—14 21—22 576—579
Office 2007 applications, VSTO 2005 SE, add-ins 4—5 7—8
Office 2007 applications, VSTO 2005 SE, support for ribbons 15
Office task pane 177
On Error statements 150 152 275
OnAction event 608
OnConnection methods 461
OnDisconnection methods 463
OnToggleButton event handlers 618—620
Open events/event handlers, documents 264
Open events/event handlers, workbooks 343
OpenActionsPane methods 454
OpenFileDialog controls 373
Operators 139—140 (see also “Logical operators”)
Option Strict On/Off 143—144
OptionButton controls 155 157—158 160
Options dialog box, Debugging tab, Auto List Members 57
Options dialog box, Debugging tab, Break When Exceptions Cross… 63—64
Options dialog box, Debugging tab, Debugging node, General tab, Enable Just My Code (Managed Code) checkbox 72
Options dialog box, Debugging tab, Parameter Information 57
OptionsPagesAdd events/event handlers 482
OrElse operators 140
OriginalDataRestored events/event handlers 324 330
Outlook object model 92 475
Outlook object model, Application object 459 464 475—476
Outlook object model, Application object, events 481—482
Outlook object model, Explorer object 477
Outlook object model, Explorer object, events/event handlers 482
Outlook object model, folders 478—479
Outlook object model, Inspectors 478
Outlook object model, Inspectors, CommandBars/CommandBarButtons 657—664
Outlook object model, Inspectors, events/event handlers 482
Outlook object model, Inspectors, ribbon 586
Outlook object model, Inspectors, ribbonID values 621—622
Outlook object model, Items collection 479—481
Outlook object model, MAPIFolder object 478
Outlook object model, NameSpace object 476—477
Outlook object model, Outlook object model guard warning 492 493
Outlook object model, restricted methods 493 494
Outlook object model, restricted properties 493—496
Outlook, Add-in project templates 13—14 21—22 460 463—466
Outlook, add-in, creating 470—472
Outlook, add-in, debugging 486—491
Outlook, add-in, sconverting VBA macros to VSTO add-ins 467—470
Outlook, add-in, security 492—496
Outlook, add-in, shared versus VSTO add-ins 461—465
Outlook, add-in, shutdown problem 463
Outlook, add-ins 459—461
Outlook, aliases 121 122
Outlook, application-level templates 120
Outlook, application-level templates, default VSTO installation 4
Outlook, COM objects 460—461
Outlook, customizing menus/toolbars 482—486
Outlook, IntelliSense features 473—474
Outlook, namespaces 121 122
Outlook, object model guard warning 492 493
Outlook, primary Interop assemblies 121 122
Outlook, Setup projects 460 463 467
Outlook, Setup projects, deploying solutions 528—529
Outlook, ThisOutlookSession code modules 460
Overloaded methods 97—98 146
Pages collection 161
PageSetupDialog controls 374
Panel controls 374
Parameters, class constructors 97—98
Parameters, passing for methods by value or reference 145—146
Parent property 155
Partial classes 101—103 (see also “Classes; collection classes” “Generic
partial keyword 101—103
PerformanceCounter controls 374
Permissions, code group permissions 500—505 519—523
Permissions, full trust permissions 62—63 125 500 519—521
Permissions, versus role-based security 114
PIAs (primary interop assemblies) 4 120—123
PIAs (primary Interop assemblies), client deployment requirements 506
PIAs (primary Interop assemblies), document events/event handlers 258
Picture property 156
PictureBox controls 155 162 374 382—385
PivotTableCloseConnection events/event handlers 343
PivotTableOpenConnection events/event handlers 343
PivotTableUpdate events/event handlers 337
Placeholders, code snippets 60
Placeholders, generic classes 104
Polymorphism 108
PostItem property 496
PowerPoint, project templates 21—22 576 578
PowerPoint, ribbon 586
Primary Interop assemblies see “PIAs”
PrintDialog controls 374
PrintDocument controls 374
Printing, gallery of choices 607
Printing, Windows Forms controls, Printing category 366—367
Printing, Windows Forms controls, worksheets and controls 401—402
PrintPreviewContol controls 374
PrintPreviewDialog controls 374
Private assemblies 109
Private member variables 93
private methods 98
procedural programming 91
Procedures, code snippets 60
Process controls 374
ProgressBar controls 375
Project Designer 48—50
Project Explorer (VBE) 38
Project items 44
Project menu, Add Reference 117 119
Project menu, Properties 48
Project templates, application-level templates, Add-in project template 13—14
Project templates, available in default VSTO installation 4 18
Project templates, available in VSTO 2005 SE installation 19
Project templates, environment settings 18
Project templates, InfoPath extensions 4
Project templates, Templates pane 18
Properties 91
Properties window 44—46
Properties window, Visual Studio IDE 32
Properties, code snippets 60
properties, creating 93—94
Properties, custom document properties 559—560
Properties, default properties, Visual Basic 2005 versus VBA 148—149
Properties, global 105—106
Properties, IntelliSense 55
Properties, private member variables 93
Properties, restricted 493—496
Properties, values 91 93—94
Property statement 93
PropertyGrid controls 375
Proxies, transparent 64—65
public methods 98—99
Publish Wizard 513—518
Publish Wizard, updating/rolling back versions 523—525
Quick Access toolbar 610—612 613
Quick Info tool 54
QuickWatch window, Debug menu 80
QuitEvent events/event handlers 482
RAD (rapid application development) solutions 207
RadioButton controls 155 160 371 375 402—404
rand function 300
Range objects, accessing, VBA versus VSTO 208—209
Range objects, combining with Bookmark object 265—268
Rapid application development (RAD) solutions 207
read-only properties 94
readonly keyword 94
Rebuild command, Build menu 62—63
RecheckSmartTags methods 454—455
Recipient(s) property 496
Recognize methods 447 454
reference types 115—116 145—146
Reflection, common language runtime 113
Regular expressions, adding to smart tag Expressions property 422 427
Regular expressions, overriding recognizers 446—451
Regular expressions, recognizing patterns of text 440—446
Regular expressions, recognizing phrases 436—440
Release application version 62
Reminder events/event handlers 482
Remote/remote deployment model 510
RemoteItem property 480
Remove methods 178
ReportItem property 481
ReportViewer controls 375
RequestService method 588
Resize events/event handlers, Chart controls 334 336
Resize events/event handlers, chartsheets 341
respond method 494
RGB function 165
ribbon 577 585—592
Ribbon in Outlook Inspectors 613—622
Ribbon, built-in ribbon 596—602
Ribbon, controls 602—610
Ribbon, controls, IDs 594—597
Ribbon, VSTO 2005 SE support 15
Ribbon, XML files 586—596
RichTextBox controls 375
Role-based security, versus CAS (code access security) 114
Run Sub/User Form (VBE) 62
Run To Cursor debugging 71
Runtime Storage Controls 124
Runtime Storage Controls, data caching 239—240 319 555 558 560
Runtime Storage Controls, GUIDs (globally unique identifiers) 124—125
SaveAs method 494
SaveFileDialog controls 375
Scope, Visual Basic 2005 versus VBA 147—148
ScrollBar controls 155 157—158 162
Search, Help menu 84—85
Security, .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool 501
Security, .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool, deploying solutions 519—523
Security, .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool, levels of security 502
Security, .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool, VSTO Projects node, Properties page 502—505
Security, .NET Framework policies 492
Security, application domains 111
Security, CAS (code access security) 14
Security, CAS (code access security), code group permissions 500—505 519—523
Security, CAS (code access security), full trust permissions 62—63 500 519—521
Security, CAS (code access security), versus role-based security 114
Security, Outlook add-ins 492—496
Select events/event handlers 256
Selected events/event handlers, Bookmark controls 249—250
Selected events/event handlers, ListObject controls 324
Selected events/event handlers, NamedRange controls 321 323 411—412
Selected events/event handlers, XMLMappedRange controls 332
SelectedIndexChanged events/event handlers 324 331
SelectedItem property 161
SelectedRange variable 276
SelectedText property 156
SelectEvent events/event handlers, Chart controls 334
SelectEvent events/event handlers, chartsheets 342
Selection property 276
SelectionChange events/event handlers, actions panes 184—185
SelectionChange events/event handlers, Bookmark controls 250—251
SelectionChange events/event handlers, documents 264
SelectionChange events/event handlers, ListObject controls 324 331
SelectionChange events/event handlers, NamedRange controls 321 323
SelectionChange events/event handlers, worksheets 337 340 359—360
SelectionChange events/event handlers, XMLMappedRange controls 332
SelectionLength property 156
SelectionStart property 156
SelLength property 156
SelStart property 156
SelText property 156
Send method 494
SendToBack methods 156
Sentence objects 96
SerializeDataInstance method 567
SerialPort controls 376
SeriesChange events/event handlers, Chart controls 334
SeriesChange events/event handlers, chartsheets 342
ServerDocument class 125 555—560
ServerDocument class, reading/writing data caches 564—570
ServiceController controls 376
Set keyword 149
SetBounds methods 156 167